Resumen:El ritmo de la guerra

De La Coppermind
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This page contains a chapter by chapter summary of Rhythm of War. We hope this summary will make it easier to find specific areas of the book, as well as providing a quick plot refresher for anyone who doesn't want to take the time to reread the entire book.

Prologue: To Pretend

Navani Chapters.svg
Plot Summary
Seven years ago

Navani is occupied with logistics for Gavilar's feast. While managing preparations, she interacts with Aesudan, who is speaking with Rushur Kris, a master artifabrian. She passes through the feast but leaves quickly after seeing Dalinar. Looking for the king, she finds herself outside her study and overhears voices. Her husband is speaking to two men - a Makabaki and a Vorin man, supposedly ambassadors from the West. On the table between them, she sees strange spheres, which she assumes are meant for fabrials. Gavilar notices her and excuses himself. Navani presses him for answers about the spheres and questions him about missing appointments and responsibilities related to the feast. He, in turn, berates her for rumors of unfaithfulness that have been spreading around the court. They fight about Jasnah's refusal to court Amaram, which becomes a fight about Gavilar's legacy as king. He insults his wife's notion that she is a scholar and says she chose him over Dalinar for power, then leaves. Furious, Navani burns a glyphward which reads, Death. Gift. Death.

After the feast, Navani hears of the assassination. She does not believe that her husband is dead until she personally sees his body. She is stunned, hoping her glyphward did not lead to this outcome. She also feels pity, seeing her husband, who thought he was eternal, dead before her. Remembering the strange spheres from his meeting, she checks his pockets. Finding nothing, she conceals her actions. Navani composes herself and begins the process of picking up the pieces among the chaos of Gavilar's death.

Part 1: Burdens

Chapter 1: Calluses

Stormlight Decal Swords.svg

First, you must get a spren to approach.

The type of gemstone is relevant; some spren are naturally more intrigued by certain gemstones. In addition, it is essential to calm the spren with something it knows and loves. A good fire for a flamespren, for example, is a must.

Plot Summary

In occupied Hearthstone, Lirin provides medical treatment to Herdazian and Alethi refugees. Since the coming of the Everstorm over a year ago, Herdaz had been fighting Odium's armies, only to fall two months ago. Lirin treats a traumatized Alethi man - Noril, who is missing an arm. The surgeon directs him to a tent for refugees on suicide watch. Abiajan, the singer citylady, oversees his work, ensuring that each refugee is checked for signs of the plague. Laral, while delivering water, tells Lirin that the man he is watching for, Dieno enne Calah - a Herdazian general known as "the Mink", is near. Lirin intends to connect the man to Kaladin, who will extract him from behind enemy lines. After inspecting the general and his men, Lirin claims that one of them needs surgery in order to get him away from the watchful Parshendi. Roshone provides a distraction with drunken antics. They are nearly at the surgery room when Abiajan interrupts them and demands that Lirin attend her. A visiting Fused has arrived. She is searching for a man, a spy, bearing slave brands on his forehead. A soldier removes the hood of a refugee in line revealing Kaladin.

Chapter 2: Severed Cords

Kaladin's Chapters.svg

Next, let the spren inspect your trap. The gemstone must not be fully infused, but also cannot be fully dun. Experiments have concluded that seventy percent of maximum Stormlight capacity works best.

If you have done your work correctly, the spren will become fascinated by its soon-to-be prison. It will dance around the stone, peek at it, float around it.

Plot Summary


Kaladin, having been spotted, challenges the Fused to single combat with a gesture of his sword. The Fused waves at others to attack, so Kaladin draws him away by lashing himself upward. The Fused is not like others Kaladin has previously fought, he is able to leave his physical body, appear as a line of light, and manifest himself a new body made out of Voidlight. The enormous opponent appears experienced at fighting Surgebinders, severing Kaladin's spine and throat repeatedly. He fights with an unusual style - grappling and wrestling. Kaladin realizes that he can teleport three times before needing to rest or recharge. Kal and Syl challenge him after he discards his third body, but the Fused refuses to engage, leaving them with a threat. Kaladin is exhausted because of the fight and many sleepless nights. He admits to Syl that her suggested approach to Hearthstone would have been more effective.

Syl speaks with Kal about his ongoing difficulty sleeping. Kaladin muses on his feeling of disconnect from others, while Syl attempts to cheer him up with impressions of Teft and jokes about toes. They approach Hearthstone again and threaten the singer guards - telling them to retreat until sunset. They engage in a fight, and one singer is killed. The rest retreat. Kaladin reunites with his mother, father, and brother. He goes to meet the Mink but does not find him; the man slipped away, leaving behind a cloak stuffed with rags. The Herdazian general's men explain that he frequently sneaks off. Kal lets them know that he is evacuating the town. He briefly argues with his father, who is displeased that his son caused a violent disruption, but they are interrupted by the arrival of a gigantic floating platform. Navani's newest creation has come to evacuate the people of Hearthstone.


Veil is posing as Chanasha, a lowborn lighteyed merchant, in the warcamp market on the Shattered Plains. She negotiates a deal with a shoe merchant and loudly and publicly denounces Dalinar Kholin as king. Shallan, with Veil and Radiant, are attempting to be kidnapped and initiated into the Sons of Honor, but have long been unsuccessful. Adolin's troops are covertly following her for protection. After her business with the merchant, she stops at a winehouse to reconcile her fictional accounts and orders a drink. As she relaxes, Veil encourages her to remember everything from her past. Shallan protests and soon finds her mind becoming unfocused - the wine was drugged and her ruse has proven successful. She is finally being kidnapped.

Chapter 3: The Fourth Bridge

Navani Chapters.svg

The final step in capturing spren is the most tricky, as you must remove the Stormlight from the gemstone. The specific techniques employed by each artifabrian guild are closely guarded secrets, entrusted only to their most senior members.

The easiest method would be to use a larkin—a type of cremling that feasts on Stormlight. That would be wonderful and convenient if the creatures weren’t now almost entirely extinct. The wars in Aimia were in part over these seemingly innocent little creatures.

Plot Summary

Navani leans out over the edge of the flying platform to observe the terrain and flora of Alethkar, watching as it is about to land in Hearthstone. The cartographer, Velat, chides Navani for this behavior, but Dalinar says she can do what she wants on her ship. Navani thinks through the design, engineering, organization, and fabrial technology that has allowed them to fly hundreds of miles on this mission. This work has sustained her while mourning Elhokar and she wishes she could share it with him, even if she thinks her contribution is merely guiding people smarter than her. The flying platform has been named the Fourth Bridge in honor of Kaladin's old team and the bridge they used has been embedded in the center of the deck as a symbol. There is a full complement of scientists and engineers on the platform, including the Windrunner scribe, Ka, and the ardents, Falilar and Rushu.

As the Fourth Bridge sets down, a dozen graceful Edgedancers and Lift disembark and head to the town to usher the people to the transport and heal the wounded. The Windrunners are darting through the sky on watch. Navani discusses the benefits and drawbacks of this new military resource with the Thaylen prince consort, Admiral Kmakl, who has joined them for this first test. Navani then heads over to Dalinar as Kaladin and Lirin approach from the town. Dalinar discusses the logistics of the evacuation with a nonplussed Lirin, who then strides away. Kaladin updates Dalinar on the presence of the Fused and requests Stormlight. Dalinar opens Honor's Perpendicularity to renew Kaladin's Stormlight while Navani writes down her observations. Kaladin pays respect to his old bridge before flying off. Dalinar and Navani discuss her notes. Navani is studying Dalinar's bond with the Stormfather, hoping it will offer some clue about the Sibling and the operation of Urithiru's tower fabrial.

Navani and Dalinar are surprised by the sudden appearance of Dieno enne Calah, the Mink. The Mink is wary of Dalinar, the Blackthorn, but is ready to join with him if they will use the flying platform to rescue Herdazian troops. Dalinar quickly agrees, without consulting Navani, which irks her. At this point, the refugees begin to arrive at the "Fourth Bridge", herded by the Edgedancers. Before Navani can start enacting her evacuation plan, the Windrunner, Lyn, lands on the deck and warns of three full flights of incoming Fused. Navani prepares to test the precautions she put in place for this eventuality.

Chapter 4: Architects of the Future

Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg

To draw Stormlight out of a gemstone, I use the Arnist Method. Several large empty gemstones are brought close to the infused one while the spren is inspecting it. Stormlight is slowly absorbed from a small gemstone by a very large gemstone of the same type—and several together can draw the Light out quickly. The method’s limitation is, of course, the fact that you need not merely acquire one gemstone for your fabrial, but several larger ones to withdraw the Stormlight.

Other methods must exist, as proven by the extremely large gemstone fabrials created by the Vriztl Guild out of Thaylenah. If Her Majesty would please repeat my request to the guild, this secret is of vital importance to the war effort.

Plot Summary

Radiant wakes up being carried over someone's back with a sack on her head. Her captors take the sack off, revealing that she has been carried down into the chasms. Veil takes over as the cultists attempt to initiate "Chanasha" into the Sons of Honor. Veil is disappointed that Ialai didn't show up personally. After Veil questions the cultists, they use a fake fabrial to try and detect Lightweavings. It doesn't detect Shallan's Lightweaving, as the fabrial is fake, and Veil swears a false oath to follow the cult. Veil then tries to ask for an audience with Ialai, but in the process learns that the Sons have a spy close to Dalinar. Shallan then takes over, stating that she isn't who the Sons think she is.

Chapter 5: Broken Spears

Kaladin's Chapters.svg

If the Stormlight in a gemstone is withdrawn quickly enough, a nearby spren can be sucked into the gemstone. This is caused by a similar effect to a pressure differential, created by the sudden withdrawal of Stormlight, though the science of the two phenomena are not identical.

You will be left with a captured spren, to be manipulated as you see fit.

Chapter 6: A Loose Thread

Kaladin's Chapters.svg

With a captured spren, you may begin designing a proper fabrial. It is a closely guarded secret of artifabrians that spren, when trapped, respond to different types of metals in different ways. A wire housing for the fabrial, called a “cage,” is essential to controlling the device.

Plot Summary






Navani is coordinating the evacuation of the Hearthstone refugees onto the Fourth Bridge. Ardent Falilar gives her an update on the progress, noting that fifteen people refuse to leave. Meanwhile, Renarin is entertaining the children with Lightweaving, while it differs from standard Truthwatchers powers, Navani is surprised it isn't even more bizarre as his spren is corrupted. Navani gives tasks to Falilar to keep him busy and then reflects on what procedural changes they should make for evacuations during a battle. Rushu is the only person still in the command station and Navani pulls her away from watching a solitary Windrunner to observe Dalinar opening Honor's Perpendicularity. Rock and Cord are protecting Dalinar as he does this. Navani is able to see into Shadesmar, but Rushu just feels a powerful "thump". Navani thinks understanding what Dalinar does will help to discover how Urithiru works, which will lead to advancing all the other technologies they are working on. Rushu is still distracted by the solitary Windrunner. When Navani finally looks, she notices that he actually has a black uniform with no shoulder patch. This isn't a Windrunner, it's Moash.



Chapter 7: The Rarest Vintage

Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg

The two metals of primary significance are zinc and brass, which allow you to control expression strength. Zinc wires touching the gemstone will cause the spren inside to more strongly manifest, while brass will cause the spren to withdraw and its power to dim.

Remember that a gemstone must be properly infused following the spren’s capture. Drilled holes in the gemstone are ideal for proper use of the cage wires, so long as you don’t crack the structure and risk releasing the spren.

Plot Summary


Veil talks with Ialai, trying to get her admit her crimes or other knowledge. Ialai reveals she has access to Kholin's inner circle and talks about Sons of Honor and believes the Ghostbloods killed Thanadal and Vamah, with Restares being the next on the list. She is sure she will be killed and tells Shallan to search for the rarest vintage in her room before others do. Adolin rushes in with soldiers and Lightweaver squires. Shallan's personas debate and decide not to kill Ialai but she was poisoned to death with blackbane.


Using Godeke as hostage, the Pursuer forces Kaladin to fight indoors and activates a fabrial that disables his lashings and Shardblade. Kaladin manages to defeat the inexperienced singer soldiers. He anticipated the move of the Pursuer and also killed him. Lift comes to get Godeke out and captured the fabrial for Navani to analyze.


Shallan contemplates but discarded the idea that she herself poisoned Ialai. She then suspects that Ghostbloods has a spy among her squires, who finished off Ialai when Shallan decided not to. Shallan goes on to search Ialai's room herself.

Chapter 8: Surrender

Kaladin's Chapters.svg

A bronze cage can create a warning fabrial, alerting one to objects or entities nearby. Heliodors are being used for this currently, and there is some good reasoning for this—but other gemstones should be viable.

Plot Summary


Kaladin goes toward the manor's cellar, and passes a wall of flames. Arriving, he finds Jeber and another man manacled to a wall. He discovers they have been killed with a Shardblade. He finds Moash at a corner of the room, holding a knife to Roshone's neck. Moash slits Roshone's throat, killing him. Kaladin summons his Sylspear, but Moash surrenders.


Shallan thinks about the balance she has reached. She tastes the wines in the room, finding one that tastes different. She takes it to Adolin and he says it's Shin wine. With Pattern's help, she finds carvings on the walls, maps of the Epoch Kingdoms. Behind a stone with a carving of Shin Kak Nish, she finds a notebook.


Kaladin talks with Moash. Moash says he killed Roshone for revenge. He says the people Kaladin loves will continue to die, and that the only way out is to kill himself. Suddenly, a strong light appears. An illusion of Moash steps toward the light, confident, loved, and Radiant. The real Moash screams, asking for his pain to be taken away, and runs away. The light fades, and Renarin grabs Kaladin, telling him the ship is ready to leave.

Chapter 9: Contradictions

Navani Chapters.svg

A pewter cage will cause the spren of your fabrial to express its attribute in force—a flamespren, for example, will create heat. We call these augmenters. They tend to use Stormlight more quickly than other fabrials.

Plot Summary


Kaladin returns to the Fourth Bridge, and is handed a cup of broth by an ardent. The Windrunners are congratulating Laran, who has sworn the Third Ideal, but Kaladin doesn't join them. Syl talks to him about his depression, and helping him. Teft comes and tells Kaladin to congratulate Laran, and they talk about Moash. Kaladin takes off, going to transport Dalinar and Navani to the Shattered Plains.


Navani is in a wooden sphere, being Lashed toward the Shattered Plains. While stuck in this cramped chamber, she is contemplating the nature of contradictions and studying the Fused's Radiant suppression fabrial. She finds that the fabrial's four garnet design matches a sketch of the Urithiru gemstone pillar. Navani compares her technological fabrials that require trapped spren and clever applications to Soulcasters, that have no technological explanation and manifest as small unresponsive, though seemingly intelligent, spren in Shadesmar.

Anxious to arrive, she is amusing herself thinking of Dalinar's style of travel, when she notices a blinking red light on the wall and finds a spanreed ruby attached to the bottom of her table. She attaches it to a reed pen and sets it to writing as soon as her vehicle lands. The unknown messenger warns that her imprisonment of spren is causing more pain than any living person and that she must stop creating these new fabrials.


Shallan and Adolin are in a carriage going toward the Shattered Plains' Oathgate. Shallan thinks about the truths she's suppressing, and about how people would leave her if they knew what she had done. Veil tells Adolin that Ialai was assassinated, and they discuss about whether it would have been right to kill the highprincess. Shallan shows Adolin the notebook, including a list of words containing "Nalathis", "Scadarial", and "Tal Dain", and at the end the name Thaidakar. Shallan think she will have to break with the Ghostbloods.

Chapter 10: A Single Casualty

Kaladin's Chapters.svg

A tin cage will cause the fabrial to diminish nearby attributes. A painrial, for example, can numb pain. Note that advanced designs of cages can use both steel and iron as well, changing the fabrial’s polarity depending on which metals are pushed to touch the gemstone.

Plot Summary

Syl tells Kaladin, in his way to the Shattered Plains, that Yunfah wants to speak to him. She flies off, and returns with Yunfah. He tells Kaladin he is still choosing his Radiant. Kaladin suggests Rlain, but the spren refuses, angry. Kaladin orders Yunfah to try and bond Rlain for ten days before he picks anybody else.

Kaladin arrives at Narak, and he talks to Dalinar about the one-on-one engagements with the Fused, explaining how they reduce casualties. Dalinar says he'll relieve Kaladin of duty, because Kaladin can't fuction anymore after seeing so many battles and deaths. Kaladin thinks about not being able to speak the Fourth Ideal. Dalinar tells him he'll be still helping with the war effort, by teaching and supporting other soldiers. Kaladin says he'll need time to decide what he wants, and Dalinar tells him to report to him in ten days.

Chapter 11: Passion and Courage

Venli Chapters.svg

An iron cage will create an attractor—a fabrial that draws specific elements to itself. A properly created smoke fabrial, for example, can gather the smoke of a fire and hold it close.

New discoveries lead us to believe it is possible to create a repeller fabrial, but we don’t yet know the metal to use to achieve this feat.

Plot summary

Venli organized Leshwi's servant to serve her on the spire. Timbre encouraged her to go towards the Second Ideal. Venli introduced Shumin as a new servant and she is accepted after facing the heights. Dul leads in Yokska, a human woman tailor, to design for Leshwi. Leshwi sends her to teach artform singers instead, stating she is already being doubted as being too soft to humans. Venli then discusses about running away from Fused with Shumin, Dul and Mazish. Shumin, who has newly joined, express an over eagerness. Venli reveals her ability to peek into Shadesmar, but pretended it as a Regal ability, to Timbre's disapproval. They scramble and pretend nothing is happening when Leshwi come to gather them and tell them something is going to change the war.

Chapter 12: A Way to Help

Kaladin's Chapters.svg

One of my pleas is for artifabrians to stop shrouding fabrial techniques with so much mystery. Many decoy metals are used in cages, and wires are often plated to look like a different metal, with the express intent of confusing those who might try to learn the process through personal study. This might enrich the artifabrian, but it impoverishes us all.

Plot summary

Arriving at Urithiru, Kaladin feels depressed despite people wanting to cheer him up. He still tries to maintain the strong façade, but collapses and thinks about Moash as soon as he enters his chambers. Syl fetches Adolin and he arrives to pull Kaladin out for a drink. They go to Jez's Duty winehouse, where Adolin has frequented and blended in well. Kaladin chats with Veil and Radiant about the assassination of Ialai and Shallan's personas. They talk about finding a new relationship for Kaladin, who is reluctant. Kaladin talked with Adolin about his battle shock and Shallan's mental stability. Rock tells Kaladin about his departure to his homeland to face the trials for lifting the bow.

Chapter 13: Another Hunt

Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg

Advanced fabrials are created using several different techniques. Conjoined fabrials require a careful division of the gemstone—and the spren inside. If performed correctly, the two halves will continue to behave as a single gemstone.

Note that rubies and flamespren are traditional for this purpose— as they have proven the easiest to divide, and the quickest in response times. Other types of spren do not split as evenly, as easily, or at all.

Chapter 14: Voice

Venli Chapters.svg

All gemstones leak Stormlight at a slow rate—but so long as the crystal structure remains mostly intact, the spren cannot escape. Managing this leakage is important, as many fabrials also lose Stormlight through operation. All of this is tied up in the intricacies of the art. As is understanding one last vital kind of spren: logicspren.

Chapter 15: The Light and the Music

Kaladin's Chapters.svg

Logicspren react curiously to imprisonment. Unlike other spren, they do not manifest some attribute—you cannot use them to make heat, or to warn of nearby danger, or conjoin gemstones. For years, artifabrians considered them useless—indeed, experimenting with them was uncommon, since logicspren are rare and difficult to capture.

A breakthrough has come in discovering that logicspren will vary the light they radiate based on certain stimuli. For example, if you make the Light leak from the gemstone at a controlled rate, the spren will alternate dimming and brightening in a regular pattern. This has led to fabrial clocks. When the gemstone is tapped with certain metals, the light will also change states from bright to dim. This is leading to some very interesting and complex mechanisms.

Chapter 16: An Unknown Song

Navani Chapters.svg

My final point of the evening is a discussion of Fused weapons. The Fused use a variety of fabrial devices to fight Radiants. It is obvious from how quickly they’ve fabricated and employed these countermeasures that they have used these in the past.

Plot Summary

Navani is visiting Szeth in his cell sixteen days after the test of the "Fourth Bridge". She compares the sphere that Gavilar gave Szeth as he was dying to a sphere of Voidlight stolen from a singer. While both glow an impossible purple-on-black that Rushu describes as hyperviolet, the air warps around the sphere Szeth had provided, evoking a wrongness. Navani is befuddled as to where Gavilar could have gotten it let alone all the other spheres she saw that night. Since the test, Navani has been working on practical issues in the tower and has not heard again from the spanreed messenger. Navani turns her attention to Szeth and his strange blade, she wants to sink the Blade in the ocean like they'd done to the gemstone imprisoning the Thrill and execute Szeth, but Dalinar wants him alive and thinks the Blade is safest in his possession. Szeth has been granted his simple requests of white clothes, a shaving razor, a blanket, a bath a day and lots of light. Szeth says he has found a better way by swearing to Dalinar, but this doesn't relieve Navani's fears. Navani asks Szeth about the night of Gavilar's assassination again. Szeth recounts how Gavliar trusted him with the sphere as he was not sent from the men Gavilar feared had sent him, then after writing down Gavilar's last words, Szeth hid the sphere. Szeth had retrieved the sphere a month ago, only after Navani explicitly asked if Gavilar had given him anything. Navani would like to study the Blade, but being around Szeth makes her sick. Szeth is pleased that when he asks Navani if she hates him, she says yes.

An hour later, Navani is up on Urithru's Cloudwalk. She marvels at the design of the tower and the views, now being enjoyed by many diverse people. Navani meets up with Gavinor and his nursemaid and gives him a big hug. Gavinor has been improving since his trauma in Kholinar, but is still very solemn. He tells Navani about riding horses with Adolin and asks to have sword training with Dalinar. Navani laments that Elhokar is missing out on all of this. Leaving Gavinor with his nursemaid, she goes to the research station. The head scientist, Brother Benneh, tells her about the atmospheric conditions around the tower which adapt to the storms. Navani spots Dalinar walking with Taravangian and notices the tension between them that has been there since it was discovered Taravangian was using Szeth as an assasssin. Dalinar's image is also suffering since he released his memoir that detailed the atrocities he committed in the Kholin unification war. Navani moves on to talk with the engineers constructing a set of telescopes, Talnah and Nem. She asks them to inspect the strange sphere and they note that it is a practically flawless gem that will hold Voidlight for years. The engineers also note the wrongness of the light and ask to study it further. Navani is hesitant, but agrees as long as they keep it secret. Navani heads to the meeting chamber and reviews notes she took of Rlain's observation of the strange sphere. He said it felt painful and that it has a song he has never heard. Adolin and Shallan arrive for the meeting, escorting the Mink and discussing his escapology techniques. Dalinar arrives and squabbles with Shallan over Adolin. The Mink implies that his wife and son died in a war caused by Dalinar. The Mink asks where the maps are and Dalinar and Shallan summon the Stormlight map.

Chapter 17: A Proposal

Navani Chapters.svg

The simplest Fused weapon against us isn’t truly a fabrial, but instead a metal that is extremely light and can withstand the blows of a Shardblade. This metal resists being Soulcast as well; it interferes with a great number of Radiant powers.

Fortunately, the Fused seem unable to create it in great quantities—for they equip only themselves, and not their average soldiers, with these wonders.


Chapter 18: Surgeon

Kaladin's Chapters.svg

The Fused have a second metal I find fascinating—a metal that conducts Stormlight. The implications for this in the creation of fabrials are astounding. The Fused use this metal in conjunction with a rudimentary fabrial—a simple gemstone, but without a spren trapped inside.

How they pull Stormlight out of a Radiant and into this sphere remains baffling. My scholars think they must be employing an Investiture differential. If a gemstone is full of Stormlight—or, I assume, Voidlight—and that Light is removed quickly, it creates a pressure differential (or a kind of vacuum) in the gemstone. This remains merely a theory.

Chapter 19: Garnets

Navani Chapters.svg

The world becomes an increasingly dangerous place, and so I come to the crux of my argument. We cannot afford to keep secrets from one another any longer. The Thaylen artifabrians have private techniques relating to how they remove Stormlight from gems and create fabrials around extremely large stones.

I beg the coalition and the good people of Thaylenah to acknowledge our collective need. I have taken the first step by opening my research to all scholars. I pray you will see the wisdom in doing the same.


Interlude I-1: Sylphrena

Sylphrena Chapters.svg
Plot Summary

Syl is flying through the halls of Urithiru while Kaladin is still asleep. She comes across Cord, who is cooking and who gives Syl an offering. Syl takes note of Cord’s Shardplate, then gets distracted. She reflects on how she constantly has to force herself to not get distracted. Syl moves on to Kaladin’s quarters and thinks about how badly she wants to help him cope with his depression, something she struggled to understand. Soon a highstorm approaches and she asks the Stormfather if he can make her feel like Kaladin does. The Stormfather denies her this wish, insisting that she put Kaladin’s needs above her own.

After the storm has passed, she goes to Dalinar and makes the same request of him, asking him to strengthen the bond between her and Kaladin. Dalinar asks Syl what she knows of the powers of a Bondsmith, and she explains that they can Connect things and indeed that it was this power of Connection that created both the Oathpact and the Nahel bonds between human and spren. Dalinar too denies Syl’s request, but reassures her that she can help Kaladin even so.

Interlude I-2: Sja-anat

Sja-anat Chapters.svg
Plot Summary

Sja-anat moves through the Kholinar palace, living on the edge between the Physical and Cognitive Realm. She thinks about how she is only able to keep a few chosen secrets from Odium. As she feels Odium approaching, she meets with two touched windspren (ones the humans would call "corrupted") and sends them away. This is intended to serve as a distraction for Odium: She also sends a touched radiant spren to Urithiru, to observe Mraize and then either bond with him or whomever else the spren chooses.

Shortly after, Odium arrives and questions Sja-anat on the spren she sent away. She keeps up a pretense of working for Odium, even though both know that she wants more freedom. Ultimately, Odium commands her to ignore Urithiru and instead observe Taravangian.

Interlude I-3: Into the Fire

Taravangian Chapters - Intelligence.svg
Plot Summary

Taravangian has gathered his friends to tell them farewell in his chambers at Urithiru. Later that day, he would leave for Emul with Dalinar and Jasnah, while the rest of the Diagram would go back to Kharbranth. In Emul, Taravangian intends to have his armies betray the coalition, doing his part of the agreement with Odium. Jah Keved too will turn against the coalition at that time. He announces to his group that the Diagram has served its purpose and now has to be disbanded. Kharbranth is to distance itself from Taravangian's actions, so that the city may be able to stay out of the war. After his friends have left the room, Taravangian reassures himself that saving a single city was really all he could’ve done, and throws his copy of the Diagram into the fire.

Part 2: Our Calling

Chapter 20: The Unseen Court

Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg

Dear Wanderer,

I did receive your latest communication. Please forgive formality on my part, as we have not met in person. I feel new to this role, despite my years holding it. You will admit to my relative youth, I think.


Chapter 21: The Seething Knot

Adolin Chapters.svg

I have been fascinated to discover how much you’ve accomplished on Scadrial without me noticing your presence. How is it that you hide from Shards so well?

Chapter 22: No Use Talking

Adolin Chapters.svg

I have reached out to the others as you requested, and have received a variety of responses.


Chapter 23: Binding Wounds

Kaladin's Chapters.svg

Much as you indicate, there is a division among the other Shards I would not have anticipated.

Chapter 24: Full of Awe

Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg

Endowment at least responded to my overtures, though I have not been able to locate Invention again following our initial contact.

Chapter 25: Devotary of Mercy

Kaladin's Chapters.svg

Whimsy was not terribly useful, and Mercy worries me. I do think that Valor is reasonable, and suggest you approach her again. It has been too long, in her estimation, since your last conversation.

Plot Summary

Kaladin and Teft go looking for Noril, the missing refugee. The ardent at the first Devotary they go to tell them that Noril had tried to kill himself, so they had sent him to the Devotary of Mercy. Following her directions, Kaladin and Teft find the Devotary on the fourth floor. The ardent there refuses to divulge patient information until Teft summons Phendorana and proves that they are of sufficient rank to authorize the request. After looking up the room number, the ardent leads them to Noril. On the way, Kaladin and Teft are both disillusioned by seeing the way that all the patients are locked up in the dark. They convince Noril to come out to a balcony to talk, and when Kaladin and Teft prove that they understand how he feels, Noril begins to open up to them. Kuno, shocked to see Noril speaking, discusses with Kaladin the standard of care for those with mental illness. He admits that they need to do better but sees no way to change the established system; Kaladin asks that Noril be released into his care and warns Kuno that he will be back for the others.

Chapter 26: A Little Espionage

Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg

The deaths of both Devotion and Dominion trouble me greatly, as I had not realized this immense power we held was something that could be broken in such a way. On my world, the power always gathered and sought a new Vessel.

Chapter 27: Banners

Navani Chapters.svg

That said, the most worrying thing I discovered in this was the wound upon the Spiritual Realm where Ambition, Mercy, and Odium clashed—and Ambition was destroyed. The effects on the planet Threnody have been … disturbing.

Chapter 28: Heresies

Navani Chapters.svg

Other Shards I cannot identify, and are hidden to me. I fear that their influence encroaches upon my world, yet I am locked into a strange inability because of the opposed powers I hold.

Plot Summary

Falilar, Isabi, and the other scholars set up the spanreed, attaching it to a scale so they can measure the amount of decay when the fabrial is activated. Navani converses with the other party regarding the suffering to spren that her fabrial experiments cause while the others take measurements. Falilar, discovering that the writer is close enough to be inside the tower, requests that they move to a second location so they can begin to triangulate their location. Agreeing, Navani and Kalami meet the others on the plateau in front of the tower and reinitiate the conversation. The phantom writer reveals themself to be a spren, but Navani discounts Kalami's suggestion that it is another of the Unmade. The spren severs the connection, and Navani devises a plan to force them to show their hand. On her way back inside, she kicks the spanreed over the edge in such a way that makes it seem like an accident. Though she directs Falilar to search for it, she privately intends to make sure that it is unusable.

Chapter 29: A Cage Without Bars

Adolin Chapters.svg

I have begun searching for a pathway out of this conundrum by seeking the ideal person to act on my behalf. Someone who embodies both Preservation and Ruin. A … sword, you might say, who can both protect and kill.

Chapter 30: The Betrayal

Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg

But this does not get to the core of your letter. I have encouraged those who would speak to me to heed your warnings, but all seem content to ignore Odium for the time being. In their opinion, he is no threat as long as he remains confined in the Rosharan system.

Chapter 31: Daughter of Traitors

Venli Chapters.svg

I do not share their attitude. If you can, as you suppose, maintain Odium’s prison for now, it would give us necessary time to plan. This is a threat beyond the capacity of one Shard to face.

Chapter 32: Of Three Minds

Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg

Unfortunately, as proven by my own situation, the combination of Shards is not always a path to greater power.

Chapter 33: Understanding

Kaladin's Chapters.svg

We must assume that Odium has realized this, and is seeking a singular, terrible goal: the destruction—and somehow Splintering or otherwise making impotent—of all Shards other than him.

Chapter 34: A Flame Never Extinguished

Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg

To combine powers would change and distort who Odium is. So instead of absorbing others, he destroys them. Since we are all essentially infinite, he needs no more power. Destroying and Splintering the other Shards would leave Odium as the sole god, unchanged and uncorrupted by other influences.

Chapter 35: The Strength of a Soldier

Adolin Chapters.svg

You say that the power itself must be treated as separate in our minds from the Vessel who controls it.

Chapter 36: The Price of Honor

Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg

I find this difficult to do on an intrinsic level, as although I am neither Ruin nor Preservation, they make up me.

Chapter 37: Silence From the Dead

Navani Chapters.svg

Regardless, I will try to do as you suggest. However, you seem more afraid of the Vessel. I warn you that this is a flaw in your understanding.

Chapter 38: Rhythm of the Terrors

Venli Chapters.svg

You have not felt what I have. You have not known what I have. You rejected that chance—and wisely, I think.

Chapter 39: Invasion

Kaladin's Chapters.svg

However, though you think not as a mortal, you are their kin. The power of Odium’s Shard is more dangerous than the mind behind it. Particularly since any Investiture seems to gain a will of its own when not controlled.

Chapter 40: In for All

Navani Chapters.svg

My instincts say that the power of Odium is not being controlled well. The Vessel will be adapted to the power’s will. And after this long, if Odium is still seeking to destroy, then it is because of the power.

Chapter 41: The Most Dangerous

Venli Chapters.svg

Of course, I admit this is a small quibble. A difference of semantics more than anything.

Chapter 42: Armor and Teeth

Navani Chapters.svg

In truth, it would be a combination of a Vessel’s craftiness and the power’s Intent that we should fear most.

Chapter 43: Men and Monsters

Kaladin's Chapters.svg

Regardless, please make yourself known to me when you travel my lands. It is distressing that you think you need to move in the shadows.


Interlude I-4: Vyre

Moash Chapters.svg

Interlude I-5: Lift

Lift Chapters.svg
Plot summary

Lift "steals" a basket of food from where Gift left it out and sneaks away to eat it. After seeing the Horneater symbol for love written on top of the jar of jam, she has to admit to Wyndle that Gift had left the basket out on purpose. Lift crawls back to her nest, lamenting her recent growth that makes it harder to crawl around. She admits to Wyndle that her gift was from Cultivation and not the Nightwatcher. Wyndle then notices the invasion of Urithiru, and Lift's Abrasion stops working as she crawls out of a ventilation shaft. Lift witnesses the battle between Mraize's and Gereh's Aviar. She saves Gereh's Aviar with her Progression, which is still working despite the suppression on the tower. the Aviar then guides her to Gereh's corpse. Mraize finds her and she runs away with the Aviar.

Interlude I-6: A Boon and a Curse

Taravangian Chapters - Emotion.svg

Part 3: Songs of Home

Chapter 44: Tinder Waiting for the Spark

Kaladin's Chapters.svg

I find this format most comfortable, as it is how I’ve collaborated in the past. I have never done it in this way, and with this kind of partner.

Chapter 45: A Bold Heart, a Keen and Crafty Mind

Eshonai and Venli Flashback Chapters.svg
Plot Summary
Nine years ago

Chapter 46: The Weight of the Tower

Kaladin's Chapters.svg

I approach this project with an equal mixture of trepidation and hope. And I know not which should rule.

Chapter 47: A Cage Forged of Spirits

Kholin Crest.svg

I approach this project with inspiration renewed; the answers are all that should matter.

Chapter 48: Scent of Death, Scent of Life

Eshonai and Venli Flashback Chapters.svg
Plot Summary
Nine years ago

Chapter 49: Soul of Discovery

Navani Chapters.svg

In my fevered state, I worry I’m unable to focus on what is important.

Plot Summary

Chapter 50: Queen

Kholin Crest.svg

When in such a state, detachment is enviable. I have learned that my greatest discoveries come when I abandon lesser connections.

Chapter 51: To Sing Hopeless Songs

Venli Chapters.svg

This song—this tone, this rhythm—sounds so familiar, in ways I cannot explain or express.

Chapter 52: A Path Toward Saving

Eshonai and Venli Flashback Chapters.svg

Chapter 53: Compassion

Venli Chapters.svg

I am led to wonder, from experiences such as this, if we have been wrong. We call humans alien to Roshar, yet they have lived here for thousands of years now. Perhaps it is time to acknowledge there are no aliens or interlopers. Only cousins.

Chapter 54: The Future Become Dust

Kholin Crest.svg

It would have been so easy if Voidlight and Stormlight destroyed one another. Such a simple answer.

Plot Summary

Dalinar watches Gavinor play with his toy sword and they talk about his parents. The conversation turns dark and Gavinor becomes distracted. Dalinar gives him over to his nursemaid and moves on. Earlier in the day Dalinar had spoken with Relis Ruthar and the Azish to smooth over what Jasnah had done with Relis's father. As he walks to the Windrunners' campfire Dalinar thinks about Jasnah's intent to disband the monarchy and how strange it seems to him.

When he arrives at the campfire a Windrunner squire hands him a bowl of the stew and Dalinar realizes that they think he had come to approve of this tradition. Renarin moves to sit next to his father and they discuss whether or not it is a good idea for Dalinar to see the vision since it was possible that Odium had influenced it. Dalinar convinces Renarin that it was worth the risk, and the two of them leave the campfire to discuss this newest vision.

Renarin resummons his vision and tells Dalinar that the vision shows Dalinar, in Shardplate pierced by an arrow, facing away from Odium. He tells him that he thinks it means that Odium will delay indefinitely and never agree to an actual contest of champions with Dalinar since there was nothing for him to lose by waiting. Renarin also tells Dalinar that both he and Odium only see possible outcomes and explains how their powers interfere with each other.

At Glys's prompting Renarin asks Dalinar what he thinks about more Radiants bonding corrupted spren. Dalinar says that he will have to think about it since he is not sure if can trust the Unmade. Glys asks Renarin who he thinks would be a good match for another spren and Renarin recommends Rlain.

Chapter 55: Kinship with the Open Sky

Kaladin's Chapters.svg

We must not let our desires for a specific result cloud our perceptions.

Chapter 56: Nodes

Venli Chapters.svg

But how can we not, in searching, wish for a specific result? What scientist goes into a project without a hope for what they will find?

Chapter 57: Child of Odium

Eshonai and Venli Flashback Chapters.svg

Chapter 58: Spanreeds

Kaladin's Chapters.svg

I find this experience so odd. I work with a scholar from the ancient days, before modern scientific theory was developed. I keep forgetting all the thousands of years of tradition you completely missed.

Chapter 59: The Lattice of a Growing Crystal

Kaladin's Chapters.svg

This point regarding the Rhythm of War’s emotional influence will be of particular interest to El.

Chapter 60: Essai

Venli Chapters.svg

Who is this person? You used no title, so I assume they are not a Fused. Who, then, is El?

Chapter 61: Oil and Water

Navani Chapters.svg

In other circumstances, I would be fascinated by this sand to the point of abandoning all other rational pursuits. What is it? Where did it come from?

Chapter 62: Keeper of Forms

Eshonai and Venli Flashback Chapters.svg

Chapter 63: Practice

Kaladin's Chapters.svg

I am told that it is not the sand itself, but something that grows upon it, that exhibits the strange properties. One can make more, with proper materials and a seed of the original.

Chapter 64: Personal Reminder

Shallan's Chapters.svg

The sand originated offworld. It is only one of such amazing wonders that come from other lands—I have recently obtained a chain from the lands of the dead, said to be able to anchor a person through Cognitive anomalies. I fail to see what use it could be to me, as I am unable to leave the Rosharan system. But it is a priceless object nonetheless.

Plot Summary

Jasnah fights on battlefield in Shardplate.[expandir]

Chapter 65: Hypothesis

Navani Chapters.svg

As we dig further into this project, I am left questioning the very nature of God. How can a God exist in all things, yet have a substance that can be destroyed?

Chapter 66: Bearer of Agonies

Kholin Crest.svg

I am not convinced any of the gods can be destroyed, so perhaps I misspoke. They can change state however, like a spren—or like the various Lights. This is what we seek.

Chapter 67: Song of Stones

Venli Chapters.svg

Do not mourn for what has happened. This notebook was a dream we shared, which is itself a beautiful thing. Proof of the truth of my intent, even if the project was ultimately doomed.

Chapter 68: One Family

Eshonai and Venli Flashback Chapters.svg

Chapter 69: Pure Tones of Roshar

Navani Chapters.svg

I leave you now to your own company.

Chapter 70: Well

Kaladin's Chapters.svg

Opposites. Opposites of sounds. Sound has no opposite. It’s merely overlapped vibration, the same sound, but sound has meaning. This sound does, at least. These sounds. The voices of gods.

Chapter 71: Rider of Storms

Kaladin's Chapters.svg

Voice of Lights. Voice for Lights. If I speak for the Lights, then I must express their desires. If Light is Investiture, and all Investiture is deity, and deity has Intent, then Light must have Intent.

Chapter 72: Outmatched

Navani Chapters.svg

Intent matters. Intent is king. You cannot do what I attempt by accident. You must mean it. This seems a much greater law than we’ve ever before understood.


Interlude I-7: Szeth

Szeth's Chapters.svg
Plot Summary

Szeth watches Dalinar play with Gavinor, attempting to slouch so as to appear as a normal guard. He reminisces on his past and converses with Nightblood about it. Szeth's highspren shows itself to him, and Szeth moves away from Nightblood to speak to it. It tells him he must begin to progress in his Ideals, both by moving towards his crusade and beginning to rely on his own interpretation of justice rather than Dalinar's. Then he listens to a messenger read off a list of things Taravangian requested, and gets very angry upon hearing a request for a stone matching the description of his Oathstone. Thinking Taravangian plans to kill Dalinar, Szeth decides he needs to stop him.

Interlude I-8: Chiri-Chiri

Chiri-Chiri Chapters.svg
Plot summary

Chiri-Chiri listens to Vstim and Rysn having a conversation while musing on how much she has grown. Chiri-Chiri thinks the humans have wet and flappy mouths and strains to make out words, managing to overhear a short exchange about Dawnshards. Chiri-Chiri then senses an ancient rhythm signifying danger. Once Vstim leaves, Chiri-Chiri decides to attempt to communicate this danger to Rysn by talking. She only manages to form the words "Rysn eat food," but this surprises Rysn greatly, as she did not know Chiri-Chiri was capable of talking.

Interlude I-9: The Sword

Taravangian Chapters - Emotion.svg
Plot Summary

Taravangian wakes up on a dumb day and moves around his prison. He reads instructions he left himself about what to say to Szeth, including "Don't talk to Dalinar," and copies them into a notebook. He eats stale bread before realizing fresh food has been left for him. Renarin visits and tries to convince Taravagian to work with them. Taravangian doesn't answer, overcome by emotion, and Renarin leaves. His next visitor is Szeth, who wants to know why Taravangian asked for an Oathstone. Taravangian tells Szeth several things: Odium fears Nightblood, Szeth's father is dead, and Szeth must give Nightblood to Dalinar. Szeth refuses to do it and leaves, thinking it's only more manipulation.

Part 4: A Knowledge

Chapter 73: Which Master to Follow

Eshonai and Venli Flashback Chapters.svg

Chapter 74: A Symbol

Venli Chapters.svg


I used to be good with words. I used to be good at a lot of things.

Chapter 75: The Middle Step

Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg

There was a time when others would approach me for help with a problem. A time when I was decisive. Capable. Even authoritative.

Chapter 76: Harmony

Navani Chapters.svg

Such skills, like my honor itself, are now lost to time. Weathered away, crushed to dust, and scattered to the ends of the cosmere. I am a barren tree of a human being. I am the hollow that once was a mighty peak.


Chapter 77: The Proper Legality

Eshonai and Venli Flashback Chapters.svg
Plot summary
Seven and a half years ago

Chapter 78: The High Judge

Adolin Chapters.svg

So, words. Why words, now? Why do I write?


Chapter 79: Open Wound

Bridge Four Chapters.svg

Jezrien is gone. Despite being all the way out here in Lasting Integrity, I felt him being ripped away. The Oathpact was broken already, but the Connection remained. Each of us can sense the others, to an extent. And with further investigation, I know the truth of what happened to him. It felt like death at first, and I think that is what it ultimately became.


Chapter 80: The Dog and the Dragon

Kaladin's Chapters.svg

The singers first put Jezrien into a gemstone. They think they are clever, discovering they can trap us in those. It only took them seven thousand years.

Chapter 81: Trapped

Eshonai and Venli Flashback Chapters.svg

Chapter 82: Knife

Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg

Oh … Father … Seven thousand years.

Chapter 83: The Games of Men and singers

Venli Chapters.svg

I remember so few of those centuries. I am a blur. A smear on the page. A gaunt stretch of ink, made all the more insubstantial with each passing day.

Chapter 84: Scholar

Navani Chapters.svg

Midius once told me … told me we could use Investiture … to enhance our minds, our memories, so we wouldn’t forget so much.

Chapter 85: Dabbid

Bridge Four Chapters.svg

Why would I want to remember?

Chapter 86: The Song of Mornings

Eshonai and Venli Flashback Chapters.svg

Chapter 87: Trial by Witness

Adolin Chapters.svg

Maybe if I remembered my life, I’d be capable of being confident like I once was. Maybe I’d stop vacillating when even the most simple of decisions is presented to me.

Chapter 88: Falling Star

Eshonai and Venli Flashback Chapters.svg

Chapter 89: Voice of Lights

Navani Chapters.svg

Instead I think, if I were to remember my life in detail, I would become even worse. Paralyzed by my terrible actions. I should not like to remember all those I have failed.

Chapter 90: One Chance

Adolin Chapters.svg

Regardless, I write now. Because I know they are coming for me. They got Jezrien. They’ll inevitably claim me, even here in the honorspren stronghold.

Chapter 91: Worth Saving

Bridge Four Chapters.svg

And so, I’ll die.

Yes, die. If you’re reading this and wondering what went wrong—why my soul evaporated soon after being claimed by the gemstone in your knife—then I name you idiot for playing with powers you only presume to understand.

Plot summary

Teft thinks about when he first woke up feeling like he usually does after binging on firemoss, but when he saw Dabbid and Rlain he had determined to get up and start over again to try to live clean, for their sakes. It was only when they told him what happened that he understood he hadn't given in to his craving. After a couple of days of healing, he is sitting eating soup with Kaladin and Dabbid when Kaladin mentions losing Syl in the fighting. Phendorana appears to the others and reassures Kaladin that their bond is not broken so long as he can still Surgebind.

As Teft thinks about the grim tidings he had awoken to, Phendorana reminds him by a glance not to be down on himself. Rlain and Lift enter next, the latter of whom heals Teft; he has to be healed regularly or he falls unconscious again. Rlain reports on Navani's forced seclusion, and they discuss what needs to be done. Kaladin asks whether or not it would be better to quit fighting, and in answer Teft gives them a detailed account of what happened when he was eight years old and he reported his parents, who were part of the Envisagers, to the citylord. He encourages them just to do what they think is right with the information they have and be content with the fact that they can't predict the future.

After Teft spurs them to attempt to save the Radiants, they all pitch in and discuss how they might accomplish it. Kaladin suggests that they take a couple of days to consider their options, and they hope to be able to contact Navani and ask for her help. Then they start discussing less consequential things, and Teft finds himself smiling because of all of the good things there still are to enjoy. He admits to Phendorana that she had been right to tell Teft he was worth saving.

Chapter 92: A Gift

Venli Chapters.svg

The bond is what keeps us alive. You sever that, and we will slowly decompose into ordinary souls—with no valid Connection to the Physical or Spiritual Realms. Capture one of us with your knives, and you won’t be left with a spren in a jar, foolish ones. You’ll be left with a being that eventually fades away into the Beyond.

Plot summary

Venli is fulfilling her duty as Voice to Raboniel by interpreting between her and the Regals coming to give reports. She relays instructions to the last one to continue searching for Kaladin, then follows Raboniel to her habitual workstation. The two of them discuss the listeners rejecting Odium's rule, and then Venli admits to Raboniel that she is ashamed of being the one directly responsible for her people's downfall. Venli slips up and uses an old rhythm when she speaks of how she used to be so ambitious, then she asks Raboniel why they must fight and whether they will ever be able to have peace themselves.

Raboniel commends Venli's service despite her true loyalty lying with Leshwi and gives her a reward: a writ of authority and a map. On the map, Venli finds a report of a group of Parshendi living on the Shattered Plains. Realizing that this could be the group of listeners who had fled prior to the advent of the everstorm, Venli takes the papers and runs from the room.

Chapter 93: Strong Enough

Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg

I felt it happen to Jezrien. You think you captured him, but our god is Splintered, our Oathpact severed. He faded over the weeks, and is gone now. Beyond your touch at long last.

I should welcome the same. I do not. I fear you.

Plot summary

Shallan, as Formless, rises early the day of Adolin's final judgement. Adolin speaks to her about the mistake often made when judging strength and weakness before she convinces him to stay in bed. Formless plans her entry into Kelek's house but is interrupted by both Veil speaking up from deep within her and by Pattern. She Lightweaves an illusion of Lusintia around herself, but then Pattern makes a final attempt to speak with her and she firmly tells him to stay in the house.

Pattern catches up with Formless on the way to Kelek's house, and he delivers a message from Wit: Shallan deserves to be trusted and loved. Formless turns away from him again and goes on alone. Radiant interrupts her by confessing that she killed Ialai Sadeas just as Formless gets to the house, but she musters her determination to go through with her plan and enters anyway. Just after drawing Mraize's knife, Formless feels Stormlight leaving her and looks around to see Veil. Veil accuses her of really just being Shallan, and she admits the truth but still feels like she wants to take this step and join the Ghostbloods. Veil keeps telling Shallan that she really is strong while Shallan admits to killing her parents. Then Shallan accepts Veil's memories and sees that the Cryptic she had bonded as a child was not Pattern at all, but Testament.

As Radiant whispers encouragement to her, Shallan makes one last struggle with herself, reaching for the door to Kelek's room before finally turning away and creating a Stormlight reproduction of the scene when she killed Testament. At the conclusion of the scene, Veil integrates herself into Shallan and Kelek walks into the room. Shallan admits that she had been sent by the Ghostbloods to kill him and asks him to go easy on Adolin in the trial. As they converse, a group of honorspren burst into the house and accuse them of collusion. Despite their denials, Sekeir orders Kelek sequestered.

Chapter 94: Sacrifice

Adolin Chapters.svg

Nevertheless, I’m writing answers for you here, because something glimmers deep within me. A fragment of a memory of what I once was.

I was there when Ba-Ado-Mishram was captured. I know the truth of the Radiants, the Recreance, and the Nahel spren.

Plot summary

Adolin arrives at the forum for the last day of his trial to find out that Sekeir will be sitting as High Judge in Kelek's place. Sekeir begins by giving a speech condemning Adolin and all humans and then calls for the final witness - Mayalaran. Sekeir claims to be speaking for Maya as he accuses Adolin of enslaving her and humans of being murderous monsters belonging to Odium. As he continues with his accusations Maya grows more and more distressed and Adolin keeps asking him to let her go.

Finally, as the High Judge refuses judgement, claiming that Maya's condemnation is all that's needed to judge Adolin, Maya and Adolin share a moment of connection and Maya speaks. She reveals that the ancient spren were not betrayed by their Knights Radiant, but decided together with them to break their bonds.

Most of the gathered spren disperse, shocked by the news, but Blended approaches to speak with Adolin. She tells him that she suggested to the honorspren elders to use Maya as a witness because she wanted to verify his claim that he and Maya were friends and that the deadeye could speak. She is not convinced that the revelation means that the spren should now bond humans, worrying instead what could have convinced spren to choose death instead of letting the Radiance continue.

Chapter 95: What She Truly Was

Eshonai and Venli Flashback Chapters.svg
Plot summary
Fourteen months ago

During the battle of Narak Venli realizes the danger the Listeners are in because of her actions in giving them access to the stormform. She tries to get Fariday to retreat with her as the humans approach in their direction but then realizes that the Listeners who are chanting a song of summoning are oblivious, consumed by the new form. As she runs away through the storm, Venli is intercepted by a human soldier, who lets her go after she asks him for mercy. Later she notices Eshonai fighting with a human Shardbearer and falling into a chasm. Venli realizes she might be more affected by the form than she initially thought, as she does not feel any concern for her sister.

Panicked, Venli finds a hiding place between the buildings of Narak and later finds her way into one of them. As she hides from the storm and the battle she admits to herself that she is not deserving of any of the recognition she got for discovering new forms and concludes that she is, and has always been, a coward.

Chapter 96: A Thousand Lies

Venli Chapters.svg

I tell you; I write it. You must release the captive Unmade. She will not fade as I will. If you leave her as she is, she will remain imprisoned for eternity.

Plot summary

Rlain finds Venli crying, and she tells him that some of the other listeners might be alive, explaining that there was a group led by Thude who refused to take stormform and instead fled Narak the night the everstorm was summoned. When she confesses that she would have had them killed had Eshonai not let them escape, Timbre prompts her to tell Rlain the whole story. She does so, and Rlain draws away from her in anger.

Venli states her intention to escape with her writ from Raboniel and find her people, but Rlain tries to tell her that they need to save the Radiants first. Venli refuses to help, so Rlain storms off after calling her a traitor. Instead, Venli finds Dul and Mazish and informs them that it is time for the group to gather their stores and leave. She plans to use the stir caused by the attempted rescue of the Radiants to cover their escape.

Chapter 97: Freedom

Navani Chapters.svg

As one who has suffered for so many centuries … as one whom it broke … please find Mishram and release her. Not just for her own good. For the good of all spren.

For I believe that in confining her, we have caused a greater wound to Roshar than any ever realized.


Interlude I-10: Hesina

Kaladin's Chapters.svg
Plot summary

Hesina makes notes on the maps Rlain has smuggled to them in the surgery enclosure in the Radiant infirmary. Lirin comes in and discusses her parents with her until the topic causes Hesina to bring up Kaladin. Lirin stiffly defends his attitude towards his son, and the argument grows intense enough that he makes to leave the enclosure. Hesina stops him and, frustrated, tries to point out to Lirin that Kaladin is probably the person they could most want to be a soldier, since there is going to be fighting regardless. When she points to the help in the room that day, all of whom have shash glyphs painted on their foreheads, and asks him what he sees, he says that he sees fools.

In reply, Hesina leads Lirin over to Noril and initiates a conversation between the two of them. Noril tells Lirin that none of the treatment he has ever received from ardents has helped, but the thought of Kaladin does. Hesina asks Lirin to speak with each of the people in the room, asking why they wear the shash glyph and really seeing them.

Interlude I-11: Adin

Stormlight Decal Swords.svg

Interlude I-12: Vulnerable

Taravangian Chapters - Emotion.svg

Part 5: Knowing a Home of Songs, Called Our Burden

Chapter 98: An Unwholesome Shade

Kholin Crest.svg

I look forward to ruling the humans.

Plot Summary

Dalinar walks through the battlefield on the Emuli front with Szeth and several allied generals. He analyzes the battle, remembering the Rift and thinking about Taravangian's advice to stop fighting Odium. After congratulating other groups of victors, the Mink comes to speak with him. They discuss the enemy's tactics before Dalinar again promises to free Herdaz first after they free Alethkar.

Back in the command tent, Sigzil brings Stargyle, Lyn, and Leyten to see Dalinar. Stargyle makes a Lightweaving that plays back a view of what he saw on their scouting trip to Tukar, showing Ishar and his soldiers. Dalinar states his intention to go visit the Herald, telling the Radiants to make one more scouting trip while Dalinar consults with Jasnah.

Chapter 99: Not Bound

Shallan's Chapters.svg

I had my title and my rhythms stripped from me for daring insist they should not be killed, but should instead be reconditioned. Repurposed.

Plot Summary

Jasnah relaxes in her tent with Wit just after receiving word of the coalition's victory in Emul. She sorts through her notes from interviews with the Heralds, trying to find something to help with the situation at Urithiru, and admits her worry to Wit that Odium can see the future while they can't. Wit replies that they need to make sure Odium can't win even if he is sure not to lose. He presents to her his draft of a contract between Dalinar and Odium, explaining that one of Rayse's weaknesses is that he wants not only to win but to win in a way that shows off his intelligence. Wit states that the contest of champions will be no simple duel, but a matter of the heart of each champion; when asked if she trusts the hearts of those she fights alongside, Jasnah has no answer. She asks Wit who he really is, and he tells her that he is a man who is not bound.

Chapter 100: Watchers at the Rim

Kaladin's Chapters.svg

Humans are weapons. We singers revere Passion, do we not? How can we throw away such an excellent channeling of it?

Plot Summary

Kaladin awakes from his nightmares, disoriented for a bit before remembering that he had tied his own hands to quell his violent reaction from being awoken. The Sibling speaks to him, telling him the enemy had found the final node and were soon going to kill the Radiants before requesting that Kaladin send Rlain down to them. Kaladin wakes Teft, informing him of the situation, and they get dressed in Bridge Four uniforms. Dabbid arrives, and they decide to send him with Rlain down to Navani. After Dabbid leaves, Kaladin tells Teft to run if things go wrong. After pointing out that the Pursuer will be waiting for him, Teft gets Kaladin to promise that he will run too and abandon the tower to the enemy so long as they can escape with as many Radiants as they can.

Chapter 101: Undertext

Kholin Crest.svg

I love their art. The way they depict us is divine, all red shades and black lines. We appear demonic and fearsome; they project all fear and terror upon us.

Plot Summary

Dalinar and Jasnah watch Yanagawn finish his breakfast before sitting at the table for a meeting with him. Jasnah delivers the facts that it would be best to give up Urithiru as a lost cause, pointing out the problems with each strategy that Dalinar proffers. Dalinar and Yanagawn argue in favor of hope, and Dalinar offers to lead a small team there in Shadesmar and open a perpendicularity. He brings up the possibility of recruiting and learning from Ishar, firmly telling them that he is already planning to go himself to Tukar to confront the Herald.

After the meeting, Dalinar promises to let Yanagawn know if they hear anything about Lift and then gives his finished copy of Oathbringer to Jasnah, who asks if she is coming across too strongly while trying to establish herself as a military leader. Despite Jasnah's protests that she will be harsh on a religious text, Dalinar insists that she write an undertext for the book. She accepts, warning Dalinar that her additions will be lengthy and thorough, though respectful.

Chapter 102: Highstorm Coming

Stormlight Decal Swords.svg

To humans, our very visages become symbols. You find echoes of it even in the art from centuries before this Return.

Plot Summary


As Venli and her group of friends wait for an Oathgate transfer to Kholinar, Timbre expresses her disappointment that Venli is abandoning the Radiants. Venli goes to the front of the line to investigate what is taking so long and discovers that Vyre has left, taking the only Blade able to work the Oathgates with him. She convinces everyone that there is a highstorm coming soon, moving them all inside. On the way, Venli determines to smuggle Kaladin and his family out with them; the group agrees that this is a good idea, so she leaves for the atrium.


Navani, having spent all night listening as the singers discovered the tone for anti-Stormlight, numbly considers her failure in handing such a weapon to their enemies. She paints a glyph for divine direction, contemplating her belief in the Almighty. Moash arrives with the intention of killing Navani, but Raboniel negotiates with him until he agrees to get rid of Kaladin first. Leaving with a sack of sand and a dagger designed to kill a spren as well as instructions to break the final node, Moash halts when Navani calls him a traitor and replies to her coldly. When he leaves, Navani's guard brings her a candle to burn her prayers. After they are burnt, she discovers the dagger Raboniel had used to kill her daughter, still charged with a little bit of anti-Voidlight.


Kaladin strides towards the atrium, determined to live up to his reputation one last time and followed by a crowd of expectant humans and singers. He and Syl reunite near the Breakaway, and they go together to fight the Pursuer. The atrium empties as he arrives, leaving a clear line of sight to the Pursuer, who streaks towards him.

Chapter 103: The Legend You Live

Bridge Four Chapters.svg

Watch them struggle. Witness their writhing, their refusal to surrender. Humans cling to the rocks with the vigor of any Rosharan vine.

Plot Summary


Teft and Lift covertly make their way to the Radiant infirmary while Kaladin faces off against the Pursuer. Teft distracts the remaining Regal guard so Lift can sneak into the infirmary, then tackles him into the room and subdues him. As Teft seals the door and Lift moves to wake the Radiants, Moash uncovers himself and cuts through Lift's legs with his Honorblade.


The Pursuer streaks forwards to confront Kaladin, and he grabs the Fused in a hold. As they wrestle on the ground, Kaladin begins undermining the Pursuer's confidence by taunting him. He uses Navani's fabrial to slide himself out of Lezian's grasp and draws his scalpel.


Moash kicks Lift out of the way, then approaches Teft, who draws his knife. Moash feints to give himself room to spread out his sack of black sand before confronting Teft with his Honorblade.

Chapter 104: Full of Hope

Bridge Four Chapters.svg

Humans are a poem. A song.

Plot Summary


Rlain and Dabbid are challenged by some guards as they make their way to Navani and the Sibling. The guards don't believe they are delivering water to the scholars once they realize who Rlain is, so they lead the two to their superior for confirmation that they are allowed access to the basement.


Doing his best to project confidence, Kaladin grapples with Lezian's third body. Wrestling on the ground again, Kaladin loudly proclaims that he does not fear the Pursuer because he knows how to face death; the Pursuer, on the other hand, fears Kaladin precisely because Kaladin does not fear him. By pulling out another knife, he tricks Lezian into forming his fourth body.


Venli makes her way to the front of the crowd in the atrium and watches the contest for a bit before locating Leshwi. As she reaches the Fused, Leshwi points out that Lezian is in his final body and cannot retreat to renew himself because of the pressure of the audience.


Teft leads Moash on a chase through the infirmary until Moash kills one of the unconscious Radiants. To keep him from attacking Lift next, Teft invites Moash to confront him head-on. Moash easily wounds Teft and sends him to the ground, but Teft stops the next killing blow by straining together with Phendorana and manifesting her partially as a spear shaft. Back up on his knees, Teft prepares to grapple with Moash; Moash instead stabs Phendorana with his anti-Stormlight dagger. Teft, unable to move from the pain and horror of Phendorana's death, tells Moash that he knows he is loved as his former friend first picks him up and then stabs him with his Honorblade.

Chapter 105: Children of Passions

Stormlight Decal Swords.svg

For ones so soft, they are somehow strong.

Plot Summary


Kaladin walks towards Lezian and invites him to fight. When Lezian reaches him, Kaladin activates Navani's fabrial and sends him backwards into the window. After waiting for the wounded Fused to extricate himself, Kaladin yells at him to run, and he does. As the crowd chants his name, Kaladin turns towards the infirmary only to see Teft's body drop onto the floor in front of him.


Moash, after having dropped Teft in front of Kaladin, watches the now insensate Kaladin cradle the body and tells everyone to leave him be. He destroys the final node, then gives a bound Lirin into Lezian's hands with instructions to kill the surgeon should Kaladin somehow recover from Teft's loss. Before leaving again to go kill Navani, Moash explains that Kaladin can now only do one of two things: turn to Odium and give up his emotions or kill himself.


Navani hears a commotion when the final node is destroyed, leaving the crystal pillar clear to approach. She takes the dagger charged with anti-Voidlight and sneaks towards Raboniel, activating a painrial hidden among the boxes in the corridor on her way. Raboniel tells Navani she should flee, but Navani claims that she cannot abandon the Sibling. She gives Raboniel the dagger and convinces her to wait with her in Navani's room to see if Moash does indeed defeat Kaladin. Raboniel accepts but promptly walks into the painrial trap.

Chapter 106: A Hundred Discordant Rhythms

Stormlight Decal Swords.svg

For ones so varied, they are somehow intense.

Plot Summary


Kaladin, clinging to Teft's body, considers all the people he has failed to help and feels his emotions grow numb.


Raboniel drops the dagger, and Navani grabs it, steeling herself against the pain. She stabs Raboniel, but when the painrial runs out, she realizes the Fused is still alive. Speaking with the dying Raboniel, Navani realizes the whole point of discovering anti-Lights was to find a way to end the war forever. She is suddenly struck in the torso by a knife and looks down the hall to see Moash.


Venli watches Kaladin grieving and realizes she never felt such deep emotion over her own losses. The Pursuer gives Lirin to Leshwi, who cuts him free and tells Lezian that his legacy is dead. Enraged, Lezian goes to attack Kaladin; Kaladin defends himself viciously, causing Lezian to go through all of his bodies again. They grapple again close to the window, and Kaladin sticks him to the surface with Stormlight. He then Lashes Lezian's head to a spot on the ground, tearing it from his body. Venli fears that Kaladin is coming for her next, but he stalks past her towards the Fused holding Lirin. The Heavenly One panics and flies upwards, pursued by Kaladin. The Pursuer's soldiers move towards the Radiant infirmary.


In a daze, Kaladin chases upwards after the Fused holding Lirin. He follows them to the roof, Syl telling him in his mind that she has forgotten the Words. The panicked Fused pushes Lirin off the tower, and, after climbing to the edge and looking down, Kaladin jumps.

Chapter 107: Uniting

Stormlight Decal Swords.svg

For ones so lost, they are somehow determined.

Plot Summary


Navani stumbles down the hallway, pursued by Moash. Raboniel attacks Moash with the dagger as he walks by, draining his Stormlight. Taking advantage of the distraction, Navani reaches the crystal pillar and speaks to the Sibling; she hears the Rhythm of War in response.


The Stormfather appears beside Dalinar as he flies to Tukar, telling him that Kaladin has jumped from Urithiru into the highstorm.


Syl grips Kaladin's hand as he falls, weeping that she has forgotten the Words. Kaladin, hopeless, whispers that he is not strong enough and lets go of her hand.


Dalinar watches Kaladin fall and asks the Stormfather what they can do. Despite the Stormfather's insistence that they can't help, Dalinar convinces him to give Kaladin more time.


Venli observes as the humans rush to defend the Radiants against Lezian's troops. Leshwi, having sent a soldier to ask for Raboniel's permission to act against them, calls the slaughter unfortunate. At Timbre's urging, Venli draws in Stormlight and reveals to Leshwi her status as a Radiant.


Kaladin, floating in the dark quietness, speaks with the Stormfather and confirms that although he could say the Words of his next Ideal, they would not mean anything because he doesn't truly believe them. Encouraged by the Stormfather and thinking of Syl, Kaladin makes one last effort. Realizing he is just too weak, he gives up.


Dalinar looks for a way to give Kaladin yet more time, demanding that the Stormfather learn to choose to have compassion. He searches, finding a place of warmth in the Spiritual Realm, and makes a Connection to give Kaladin a vision.

Chapter 108: Moments

Kaladin's Chapters.svg

For ones so confused, they are somehow brilliant.

Plot Summary

Kaladin finds himself in a tent on a battlefield from his time in Amaram's army. Varth walks up to speak with Gor, who tells him that their Brightlord's orders are to hold where they are. Varth directs Kaladin and the other messenger boy to grab spears and get out front, and Kaladin recognizes the scene. He sees Tien volunteer to go with them, and Tien explains to Kaladin that although he had been terrified, he needed to be there to help the others feel brave.

The rest of the vision vanishes, leaving Kaladin and Tien, who now looks fully grown, alone. Kaladin weeps over Teft's death, expressing that nothing matters, since everyone eventually dies. Tien shifts his perspective, telling him that that means that the moments they help each other are what truly matter; instead of focusing on failing to keep Teft alive, Kaladin should think about how lucky they were to have what time they did together. Tien affirms that Kaladin is good and strong enough for him and envisions Odium realizing he has failed to beat Kaladin yet again. After Kaladin asks if the vision is real, Tien gives him a carved wooden horse.

The vision completely disappears, and Kaladin locates Syl among pinpricks of light. Grabbing her hand, he reassures her that he has always known the Words of his next Ideal. He states the Words, addressing the Stormfather, and hears a different, familiar voice accepting them as they reenter the storm.

Chapter 109: Emulsifier

Bridge Four Chapters.svg

For ones so tarnished, they are somehow bright.

Plot Summary


Leshwi kneels before Venli, overjoyed that the spren have returned to the singers. She asks after Riah, an old honorspren, but Timbre replies that she doesn't know her. Leshwi decides to join the battle going on around them, and her soldiers join her in fighting against the Pursuer's troops.


The Sibling shows Navani a vision of the fighting going on in the atrium, explaining that they hear the Rhythm of War coming from there. Navani sees Rlain there but, realizing he is too far away to come bond the Sibling, asks the spren to bond her instead. As Moash defeats Raboniel, the Sibling tells her that she is unworthy.


Their guards escort Rlain and Dabbid to the atrium to find a battle raging. It ends quickly in favor of the side with the humans, and the two start a triage. Rlain relinquishes command of the triage to Hesina, then follows a group of men over to Teft's body. Rlain mourns Teft with Dabbid and asks after Lift. Then he notices the singers and the humans arguing, so he channels his best Teft and convinces both sides to trust him. He directs the group to gather the Radiants and make for the Oathgates with the hope of escaping to the Shattered Plains. As they start out, Venli confesses to him that she doesn't have a living Shardblade yet and can't operate the Oathgates.

Chapter 110: Reborn

Kaladin's Chapters.svg


Plot Summary


Kaladin Lashes himself downwards through the storm, his Shardplate forming around him, to reach his father.


Navani remembers Gavilar's words telling her she is not a scholar, and she rejects them as lies. As she pleads with the Sibling to bond her, she begins humming Odium's pure tone and then inverts it to hum the tone of anti-Voidlight, hurting Moash and pushing away the Voidlight in the tower slightly. She tells the Sibling that Honor still lives in men's hearts and begins humming his tone instead; it mixes with the tone of Cultivation that the Sibling is humming, creating the Rhythm of the Tower. The Sibling accepts Navani's bond just as Moash reaches her.


Lirin feels himself be slowed to a stop in the storm and opens his eyes to see Kaladin in his Shardplate. Kaladin explains that they both had been right, for themselves, about how to react to the Fused invasion, and then Lirin berates him for cutting the rescue very close. Kaladin discovers the shash glyph painted on Lirin's forehead, and when Lirin uncovers Kaladin's forehead, he finds the glyph there flaking off.

Chapter 111: Unchained

Stormlight Decal Swords.svg

And so I am not at all dissatisfied with recent events.

Plot Summary


Dalinar returns from his vision with the Stormfather as he, Szeth, and a group of Windrunners are flying to Tukar. The group hovers over Ishar's pavilion as Sigzil descends to speak with the Herald; detecting no trap, they land and face Ishar. Ishar accuses Dalinar of being Odium's champion despite Dalinar speaking to him reasonably about the other Heralds. As Ishar draws his weapon to attack, Szeth recognizes it as the Honorblade his father had previously held.


Rlain waits for those wishing to flee Urithiru to fetch their families while slowly leading the group of rebels through the Breakaway. As a group of Fused and Regals arrive to attack them, he turns to Venli and asks if there are any other Reachers willing to bond singers. Timbre tells Venli that Rlain is spoken for, and Tumi speaks to Rlain, showing him a vision of the future and inviting him to initiate their bond.


The Windrunners do their best to fight Ishar, but the Herald defends himself against the five with ease. When Ishar manages to Connect them to the ground and drain away their Stormlight, Dalinar opens a perpendicularity and tries to reason with him within it. Instead, Ishar begins to transfer the Stormfather's bond with Dalinar to himself. They are saved by Szeth, who cuts the connection between Dalinar and Ishar and collapses the perpendicularity with Nightblood. Ishar tells Szeth how he got his Honorblade back from the Shin, angering him enough that he attacks; when the swords meet, Nightblood chips the Honorblade. Ishar opens a perpendicularity to retreat, but he gains a moment of sanity as Navani bonds the Sibling; he invites Dalinar to come to him in Shinovar and restore his sanity, after which he can help Dalinar. Dalinar and the others watch from the air as Ishar and his forces retreat into Shadesmar.


Navani and the Sibling create Towerlight together, but Navani realizes they must jettison the Voidlight to return the Sibling's strength. They plan together how to do that, Navani delighted and distracted by all the complex fabrials, until they notice Kaladin coming their directin. Navani contacts him and directs him to the Breakaway instead.


The group from the coalition waits to be sure Ishar is not returning before landing again to inspect his tent. As they wait, Dalinar speaks with the Stormfather about Ishar's Bondsmith abilities and with Szeth and Nightblood about Shinovar and the Honorblades.


Afraid but still hoping to impress an honorspren, Adin takes his place in the line of defenders with a spear. Despite Dabbid moving to stand in front of him, Adin still finds himself on the ground with a Regal over him moments later. Kaladin's Shardplate forms itself around Adin in time to save him from the Regal, then moves on to form around first Dabbid and then Leshwi in time to save both of them. As the enemy reforms, the Shardplate attaches to Kaladin. Kaladin instructs the Fused and Regals to flee as the Sibling activates all of its fabrials, lighting up the tower; the Radiants wake and the Voidbinders drop unconscious.


Dalinar, Szeth, and the Windrunners enter Ishar's pavilion and find strange corpses that appear to have been experimented on. When the Stormfather recognizes one of the bodies to be a Cryptic, they realize that all of the corpses are from spren in bodies that should only exist in the Cognitive Realm. They find ledgers detailing Ishar's experiments and decide to leave after grabbing everything that looks useful.


Moash flees the tower as it activates, still feeling shame, pain, and fear since Navani and the Sibling's Towerlight had pushed away his Connection to Odium. He Lashes himself away from the tower but crashes and falls to the snow. Later, some Fused find him and carry him away. As he gets farther from the tower, Odium is able to numb his emotions again and he realizes he is blind.

Chapter 112: Terms

Kholin Crest.svg

Roshar will be united in its service of the greater war.

Plot Summary

Dalinar, Szeth, and the Windrunners return from Tukar just in time to hear news of Urithiru's liberation. After sending a message to Navani and asking to meet with Jasnah and the Prime after the impending highstorm, Dalinar goes to his quarters. As he enters, he walks onto a golden field and realizes that Odium has come to speak with him. As Odium tries to provoke Dalinar into revealing the nature of his relationship with Ishar, Dalinar realizes that Odium is frightened of him and attempts to provoke Odium in turn. Odium looks at the terms Wit has written on Dalinar's behalf and angrily detects the Worldhopper's hand in them. He tells Dalinar that he is incapable of accepting the terms, now that the Everstorm has changed the situation, then explains that his plan has been to use the Rosharans as hardened warriors to fight for him in the cosmere.

Odium expresses interest in making an agreement that day, so he describes his terms: as Dalinar has to give up the idea of Odium restraining the Fused in the event of Dalinar's victory, Odium would give up his designs for Roshar and leave the Rosharan system in the event of his own victory. Dalinar, forewarned by Wit, refuses to make any agreement that will allow Odium to leave the Rosharan system, so they continue to negotiate until they settle on something acceptable, despite Dalinar's horror at the prospect of his failure, to them both: a battle of champions in ten days. Should Dalinar's champion win, Odium will cease all hostilities, return Alethkar and Herdaz to the coalition, and remain bound to the system. Should Odium's champion win, he will still cease hostilities and remain bound to the system, but he will keep what land he has conquered and will gain Dalinar's soul as a Fused.

Chapter 113: Emotion

Taravangian Chapters - Emotion.svg

And I will march proudly at the head of a human legion.

Plot Summary


Navani leaves the pillar and walks back to Raboniel's body in the hallway. She discovers her still alive. Raboniel asks Navani to kill her with another dagger of anti-Voidlight, because her soul has been almost entirely burned away, and any more rebirths would make her insane. Navani does so, with a promise to end the war. She leaves a note on Raboniel's body to keep it from being moved. With the dagger and their notebook, Rhythm of War, Navani leaves to retake Urithiru.


Taravangian wakes up on a dumb day, the dumbest he's ever been. He begins to cry contemplating it. He leaves his bed only when his hunger gets to be too much, and finds a note and two gemstones containing corrupted spren from Renarin in his food basket. The note reads, "I'm sorry." Taravangian begins to eat, but hides in the corner as a highstorm approaches. Szeth breaks into his prison, scaring the guards away. He's there to ask about Taravangian's knowledge of his father and Ishar. As Taravangian pleads, Szeth switches subjects to the murders he committed under Taravangian's orders. Taravangian attempts to run but falls, and Szeth pins him to the wall. Odium approaches. Szeth resolves out loud to kill Taravangian according to his own choice, and pulls out a knife. Odium pulls Taravangian's mind into his realm to interrogate him about his recent failures, and Nightblood is pulled along. Szeth kills Taravangian's body as Taravangian kills Rayse with Nightblood and picks up the power, becoming Odium.

Chapter 114: Broken Gods

Taravangian Chapters - Intelligence.svg

They should not be discarded, but helped to their potential. Their final Passions.

Plot Summary


Rlain, newly bonded to a corrupted mistspren, Tumi, walks with Venli and the listeners she recruited to the Oathgate to the Shattered Plains. Kaladin activates the fabrial and they greet Leshwi and four other Fused who had been transferred earlier. Kaladin offers them asylum if they need it, or if they change their minds. The group of Fused and listeners, aside from Rlain, leave to find the new listeners. Watching them leave, Rlain contemplates the possibility of humans doing again what they did to the Parshendi in the past. He resolves to stay close in order to watch. Rlain and Kaladin leave for Teft's funeral.


Taravangian starts adjusting to the power of Odium. He discovers that Rayse had been weakening for a long time, starting with his battles in the past, then being wounded by Honor, and his failures with Dalinar, Kaladin, and Urithiru. In the Physical realm, Szeth finds Rayse's body in the prison, eaten away by Nightblood, and assumes it to be Taravangian. As Taravangian begins to struggle with his conflicting desires to both save the world and destroy it, he becomes aware of Cultivation approaching.


Teft's body is soulcasted to stone and placed in a room of ancient Radiants given the same treatment after death. All of Bridge Four attends the funeral, drinking and burning prayers to Teft. They go to a tavern afterwards. Kaladin and Syl remain at the statue as the members of Bridge Four drift away and discuss missing Teft and Syl's new feelings. Kaladin hugs the statue and thinks about moving forward and what he would do now.


Taravangian studies future possibilities as he grows more accustomed and capable with the power of Odium. He talks with Cultivation about her gamble in preparing him for this. Having knowledge of the Cosmere at large from Rayse's experiences, Taravangian begins planning to himself to intervene on other worlds, and how to beat Dalinar. He realizes that there are other possibilities Rayse missed. Cultivation offers to teach him to use their powers. Taravangian accepts and resolves to save them all.

Chapter 115: Testament

Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg

Yes, I look forward to ruling the humans.

Plot Summary


Adolin and Shallan, in a room with their three spren, think that Testament looks better since Adolin's talk with her. They use Ala to contact Mraize, and Shallan tells him that, instead of killing Kelek, Veil has reintegrated herself with Shallan. Mraize tries to entice her back to the Ghostbloods with both promises of secrets and threats against her family, but Shallan is adamant and tells him that she will get to Ba-Ado-Mishram before the Ghostbloods can. Before ending the call, she tells Mraize the Ghostbloods had better vacate Urithiru before she returns and gives him messages from herself and from Wit to deliver to Thaidakar when his avatar next visits. Shallan thinks about the other worlds in the cosmere that Kelek had told her about with longing.


Venli and her group from Urithiru find the listeners on the Shattered Plains. Venli approaches alone; when Thude recognizes her, he at first runs away before he sees Venli draw in Stormlight. The other listeners all look at her with suspicion and hostility, but they allow her into the camp to see her mother. She brings a Reacher with her in the hope that the spren and her mother can bond so Jaxlim's mind can begin to heal, promising Thude that there are hundreds more willing to bond singers. Kneeling before her mother, Venli sings the first song Jaxlim had ever taught her; afterwards, she reasons with Thude about their mutual need for allies. A chasmfiend shows itself, and Venli realizes that that was how the group escaped the chasms the night of the everstorm. Jaxlim suddenly recognizes Venli, and Venli hears a female voice in her mind finally accepting her second Ideal.

Chapter 116: Mercy

Stormlight Decal Swords.svg

Nearly as much as I look forward to serving you, newest Odium. Who was so recently one of them. You understand. And you are the one I’ve been waiting to worship.

Plot Summary


Kaladin leaves the gathering after Teft's funeral early to speak with Dalinar. Dalinar tries to say that he had been wrong to relieve Kaladin from command, but Kaladin cuts him off and explains that it does feel like the right thing for him. He asks for permission to continue pursuing the burgeoning field of mental health treatment and receives it. Dalinar tells Kaladin about the contest that is to happen in ten days and asks for him, as a surgeon, to travel to Shinovar and help Ishar so that Ishar can in turn help Dalinar to master his Bondsmith powers. Dalinar returns Wit's flute to Kaladin, explaining that Lift found it in a merchant's bin among other things salvaged from the Shattered Plains.


Lezian wakes, angry, back in a body on Roshar after only one day on Braize. He realizes he is in a room with El and asks for the Voidlight in the sphere that El is holding so he can renew his pursuit of Kaladin. El agrees that the Light is for him, tricking him into walking over. In reality, the sphere is anti-Voidlight that has been set into the hilt of a knife; El stabs Lezian with it and permanently kills him.


Kaladin and Syl go to the Breakaway market to search through the merchant's bin where Lift had discovered his flute. After finding some items belonging to Rock and Sigzil, he finds a carved wooden horse that Tien had given him the day they were recruited into the army. Kaladin recounts to Syl how he had lost the horse in Alethkar when he first became a slave. He pays for the horse, then goes to the tavern to keep his promise to Teft and join in the group therapy session.


Dalinar and Navani are spending time alone at the top of the tower at the end of the day. After expressing that he should have known Navani could save the tower by herself, Dalinar brings up the contest and confesses to Navani that he is second-guessing the terms of his agreement. Navani reassures him before people arrive seeking her out to answer some matter about the tower. Dalinar lingers on the tower top, and the Stormfather admits that Dalinar had been right to show Kaladin mercy. Dalinar encourages him to change, and the Stormfather tells him that he has, in fact, shown mercy in the past.

Chapter 117: One Final Gift

Eshonai and Venli Flashback Chapters.svg
Plot Summary
Fourteen months ago

Eshonai hits the ground of the chasm after her battle with Adolin during the Battle of Narak. After a moment of disorientation, she attempts to climb the chasm wall and manages to get halfway up, but then fails to find proper handholds to continue. Shortly afterwards, the highstorm arrives and the flood rips her off the wall. After being carried in the current and nearly drowning, she manages to pull herself onto a boulder and out of the water.

Realizing that she would die here, Eshonai begins to fight against the influence of Odium and the rhythms of power. The boulder shifts and she falls back into the water, but she summons her Shardblade and rams it into the chasm wall to use as a handhold. While drowning, she hears the pure tones of Honor and Odium and discovers the Rhythm of War. At that moment, Timbre appears to her. She loses her grip and, attuning the Rhythm of War, is carried away. Eshonai continues fighting death until the water slows and she comes to rest at the bottom of the chasm, heavily wounded. She attunes the rhythms of her childhood and closes her eyes to the Rhythm of Victory, only to find herself drifting in the Cognitive Realm.

The Stormfather reveals to her that she had died, but that he accepted her struggle underwater as swearing the First Ideal of the Knights Radiant, and so she would continue to live on as a Cognitive Shadow for a few more minutes. He assures Eshonai that she had not failed in life and then, as a final gift, takes her with him as the highstorm passes over Roshar, so that she could see the world as she had always dreamed. Then the Stormfather wishes Eshonai farewell and she passes into the Beyond.

Epilogue: Dirty Tricks

Stormlight Decal Swords.svg
Plot summary

Wit has left the others and is now at the Pinnacle. He does tricks for an "audience" - a group of spren corrupted by Sja-anat, and explains the importance of subtlety in magic tricks and storytelling. Design contemplates that Wit's tricks with a coin don't work that well on Roshar because coins aren't used to trade there. Wit eventually tells Design to go bother someone else and moves to Elhokar's sitting room.

Soon after, Odium arrives, shows his rage at Wit's contract and threatens him. However, Odium also asks Wit what his choice of champion would be, which surprises Wit. As the latter leaves the room and walks in the hallways, he ponders whether or not Rayse is growing more thoughtful. Realizing that Wit might have doubts about his identity, Odium attacks Wit. Odium's voice is thoughtful and soft, and Wit feels true horror as he realizes his enemy isn't Rayse any longer. Odium then destroys some of Wit's memories, held in his Breaths, which isn't in violation of the contract.

Wit regains consciousness in the hallway, unaware of what happened, and returns to Elhokar's sitting room where the scene happens once again, Odium playing the angry brute more convincingly this time. Wit leaves after saying a different quip than the previous time but has trouble whistling, something preventing him from using perfect pitch. He wonders if something is wrong as the inconsistencies linked to his memory loss piles up. However, he considers that this encounter went exactly as planned.


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