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Jasnah Kholin

De La Coppermind
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Jasnah Kholin
Jasnah Shuravf.jpg
Casa Kholin
Padres Gavilar, Navani
Hermanos Elhokar
Parientes Dalinar, Adolin, Renarin, Gavinor
Ancestros Padre de Dalinar, Sadees
Nacido en 1139[1][2]
Capacidades Nominador de lo Otro, Portador de esquirlada
Vinculado con Marfil
Títulos Reina de Alezkar
Oficio Historiadora
Grupo Caballero Radiante (Nominadora de lo Otro)
Residencia Urithiru
Nacionalidad de Alezkar
Mundo natal Roshar
Universo Cosmere
Parece que esta página necesita actualizarse con nueva información de El ritmo de la guerra!
¡Ten cuidado! Es posible que en su estado, no contenga toda la información adicional todavía.

Se me antoja que la religión, en su esencia, busca tomar hechos naturales y adjudicarles causas sobrenaturales. Yo, sin embargo, busco tomar hechos sobrenaturales y encontrar los significados naturales tras ellos. Quizá esa sea la línea divisoria definitiva entre la ciencia y la religión. Caras opuestas de un naipe.

—Jasnah en por qué investiga los Portadores del Vacío[3]

Jasnah Kholin es la reina de Alezkar en Roshar.[4] Es una potenciadora y Nominadora de lo Otro, con acceso a la potencias de Transformación y Transportación, a veces llamada "Nominación".[5][NdT 1] Es hermana del difunto rey Elhokar, hija del difunto rey Gavilar y de Navani, sobrina del alto príncipe Dalinar, tía del heredero real Gavinor, y prima de Adolin y Renarin. Es ampliamente conocida como una brillante erudita y por su denuncia del vorinismo.[1] Es miembro de los Veristitalianos, una orden de historiadores dedicada a reconstruir relatos imparciales y reales del pasado para comprender mejor el presente.[6] Está formando a Shallan Davar como su pupila.[7]

Apariencia y personalidad

Jasnah vistiendo su armadura esquirlada


Jasnah es una mujer reservada y escultural. Es muy alabada por su belleza, siempre elegante y vestida de forma inmaculada. Es alta y esbelta, con el pecho voluminoso. Tiene la piel bronceada y un cabello negro intenso que, cuando no está atado, le llega hasta la mitad de la espalda, aunque suele recogerlo en intrincadas trenzas.[8] Tiene un rostro cuadrado y ojos violetas pálidos con pliegue epicántico.[9]


Los dos sois una pareja de clavos en la misma puerta. Recios, duros y molestos de arrancar.

Jasnah es, por lo general, una persona severa y seria, aunque de vez en cuando muestra un irónico sentido del humor,[10] y permite el trato familiar entre sus allegados.[11] A veces actúa de forma brusca, y puede ser excepcionalmente grosera cuando alguien se pone en su contra.[12] Es decidida, segura de sí misma y, a menudo, testaruda.[7] Tiene una mente brillante y muestra sabiduría y cuidado en sus estudios.[1] Le apasionan los estudios y quiere que los demás también compartan su pasión. [10] A menudo anima a su pupila, Shallan, a encontrar respuestas por sí misma, en lugar de dárselas. Considera que la historia es el subarte literario más importante. Tiene prejuicios contra las artes visuales, llegando a calificarlas de frivolidades, aunque el hecho de tener a Shallan bajo su tutela puede haber cambiado sus opiniones al respecto. [9] Puede ser extremadamente dura y despiadada, como demostró cuando mató a cuatro rateros que les atacaron a ella y a Shallan. Alberga un profundo odio hacia los hombres como ellos, posiblemente por algo que le han hecho en el pasado.[2]

También se ha demostrado que tiene algún tipo de aversión a la oscuridad, o al menos a las sombras, como se vio cuando se inquietó al mirar una sombra.[13] Jasnah parece haberse enfrentado a algún tipo de trauma de niña; Dalinar menciona su "locura" en la conversación con Gavilar y tiene recuerdos de haber sido encerrada en una habitación oscura cuando era niña, lo que le enseñó que incluso las personas a las que quería podían hacerle daño.[14] Nadie más parece recordarlo en la actualidad, pero a Jasnah le aterroriza que le vuelva a ocurrir.[15]

Jasnah es atea. Esto le ha causado una cantidad significativa de problemas y la ha llevado a ser condenada al ostracismo un poco, pero nunca ha comprometido sus creencias por el bien de las apariencias.[6] Aunque confía en su falta de fe en los devotarios, como la verdadera erudita que es, también mantiene siempre la mente abierta a la posibilidad de estar equivocada. Se contenta con mantener sus creencias para sí misma, y no se preocupa especialmente por convertir a nadie más.[10]

Jasnah es asexual pero está dispuesta a intimar con una persona que le interese.[16]

Atributos y habilidades


Jasnah tiene un vínculo Nahel con el tintaspren Marfil que le da la capacidad de potenciar.[17] Tiene acceso a las potencias de Transformación y Transportación.[3] Como todos los potenciadores, tiene una velocidad, fuerza y curación sobrehumanas cuando tiene luz tormentosa. Ha demostrado su capacidad de moldear almas en múltiples ocasiones, así como el poder de entrar y salir de Shadesmar (el Reino Cognitivo). Es una Caballera Radiante de la Orden de los Nominadores de lo Otro.


La potencia de transformación permite a Jasnah moldear almas. Jasnah puede utilizarlo de varias maneras con gran precisión, desde quemar letras en una página, [12] hasta transformar rocas en humo, [9] e incluso purificar la sangre de Shallan con un veneno llamado polvo de agotadera.[18] También utilizó el moldeado de almas como un arma muy mortífera cuando ella y Shallan fueron atacadas por cuatro maleantes en Kharbranth y ella moldeó a sus asaltantes en fuego, cristal y humo.[2] Se demostró aún más dramáticamente cuando luchó contra las fuerzas de Odium en la Batalla de la Explanada Thayleña.[19] Ha expresado que no es muy capaz de moldear productos orgánicos y, de hecho, fue incapaz de hacerlo en la mermelada de fresa que Kabsal llevó a la habitación del hospital de Shallan.[20] Se cree que su fracaso se debió en parte al hecho de que nunca había probado las fresas.[3]

También ha demostrado la capacidad de moldear a varios objetivos a distancia. En este proceso, se pueden ver rayos de luz tormentosa viajando hacia el objetivo deseado. Cuando Jasnah utilizó esta habilidad para transformar a dos hombres en humo, hizo que el cuarzo ahumado que utilizó se hiciera añicos, lo que indica que este método puede utilizar más luz tormentosa que el moldeado normal.[2] Esta capacidad puede ser una versión especializada del moldeado de almas o una capacidad distinta resultante de una combinación de las potencias de Transformación y Transportación.

Inicialmente Jasnah finge usar un falso moldeador para disimular sus habilidades de Potenciación ante el público.[21]


Jasnah puede transportarse dentro y fuera del Reino Cognitivo, junto con al menos su ropa y pequeños objetos físicos. Ir hasta el Reino Cognitivo parece requerir un mayor grado de cooperación por parte de Marfil y el regreso al Reino Físico parece requerir algo más de lo que requiere ir al Cognitivo.[22] No está claro si puede transportar a otras personas u objetos a Shadesmar, aunque recuperó a Shallan de Shadesmar después de que su pupila entrara sin suficiente luz tormentosa disponible para regresar.[21]

Jasnah puede identificar a los fusionados basándose en la vista.[23]


Esta página o sección usa información basada en teorías y especulaciones
Se recomienda leer con cuidado y teniendo en cuenta que la información no es necesariamente canon

Como Caballera Radiante que tiene acceso a dos potencias, también tiene una resonancia.[24] Cuando se encuentra con Hoid después de regresar del Reino Cognitivo, inmediatamente empieza a caminar hacia la ciudad más cercana, lo que hace pensar a Hoid que tiene "un buen sentido de la orientación". [5] Algunos sospechan que esto indica que la resonancia de los Nominadores de lo Otro es una especie de GPS interno que, al menos, les permite determinar su ubicación exacta y la dirección hacia el asentamiento más cercano. Brandon no lo ha confirmado ni desmentido claramente.[25]


Jasnah es una de las principales eruditas de su tiempo, y es ampliamente conocida por su brillantez. A pesar de su corta edad, muchos creen que habría obtenido el título de maestra erudita si no fuera por su denuncia de la religión vorin.[1] Su especialidad es la historia. Como veristaliana, trata de crear un relato objetivo e imparcial de los acontecimientos pasados que considera tergiversados, con el fin de comprender mejor el presente.[26]

Mientras investiga, Jasnah prefiere recopilar varios pasajes relacionados con su tema de diversas fuentes en un único cuaderno anotado y citado. Una vez que llena el cuaderno, evalúa cada elemento para comprobar su fiabilidad y utilidad, y luego los copia en cuadernos diferentes y más específicos.[27]

Teoría parshendi-Portadores del Vacío

Jasnah fue una de las primeras en predecir que los parshendi eran los Portadores del Vacío y que la Desolación estaba por llegar,[28] junto con organizaciones como los Sangre Espectral y el Diagrama. Hasta que se demostró,[29] la teoría se basaba en gran medida en textos metafóricos y cuentos populares, ambos con miles de años de antigüedad y traducidos a través de muchos proto-lenguas.[30]{[31]{{epigraph ref|sa1|38} Su prueba más importante fueron las referencias a la sombra, la ceniza y la llama en sus fuentes, que ella creía que se referían al color rojo y negro de la piel de los parshendi, así como la aparición repentina de Portadores del Vacío, que ella pensaba que era similar a la forma en que los parshendi asesinaron a su padre, el rey Gavilar, aparentemente de la nada.[3]


Vida temprana (1139—1167)

Jasnah Kholin nació en 1139 de Gavilar y Navani Kholin. Su hermano, Elhokar, nació ocho años después en 1147.[32] Se convirtió en princesa de Alezkar cuando Gavilar unió a los altos príncipes y se convirtió en rey en 1163. Entre los doce y los trece años, Jasnah sufrió un caso de locura.[15] Cuando Jasnah reflexiona sobre este periodo de tiempo, recuerda una habitación oscura y los gritos desgarrados de su voz. Según ella, fue entonces cuando se enteró de que las personas a las que amaba podían seguir haciéndole daño.[14]

Jasnah transcribió el relato de Gavilar sobre su primer encuentro con los parshendi en 1166. [2] No sabía qué pensar de los cambios en Gavilar en esa época, [33] pero se sintió conectada a su padre por primera vez.[26] Estaba muy interesada en estudiar a los parshendi y las Llanuras Quebradas. Sospechaba que las ruinas de las Llanuras eran extremadamente importantes, y que los eruditos habían estado buscándolas durante mucho tiempo.[13]

Antes de que Jasnah se hiciera famosa como hereje del vorinismo, su padre quería que se casara con Amaram. Convencido de que su plan de convertirse en una famosa atea fracasaría, Gavilar desaprobó de corazón su denuncia del vorinismo, y deseó que volviera a la iglesia y se casara con Amaram. Gavilar estaba seguro de que éste era el único futuro seguro para su hija.[13] Jasnah rechazó los esponsales mucho antes de que su padre muriera, pero Gavilar seguía intentando convencerla de que aceptara la oferta de matrimonio la noche en que fue asesinado, y Amaram siguió persiguiéndola durante años después del hecho. Jasnah continuó rechazando sus avances cada vez que sus caminos se cruzaban, y él estuvo resentido con ella durante años.[34]

Jasnah y Dalinar en el funeral de Gavilar

La investigación (1167—1173)

Traición de los parshendi

En 1167, Jasnah asistió a la fiesta celebrada en el palacio de Kholinar tras la firma del tratado con los parshendi. Mientras caminaba hacia una reunión con una asesina llamada Liss con la intención de matar a la esposa de Elhokar Aesudan, notó que su sombra apuntaba hacia la luz. Pasó junto al alto príncipe Sadeas y un sirviente shin con ropa blanca, y posteriormente se encontró con su padre en una tranquila conferencia con Meridas Amaram. Una vez que Amaram se marchó, Jasnah le preguntó a Gavilar qué le había ordenado a Amaram, pero Gavilar desvió la pregunta y se marchó apresuradamente, lo que la llevó a preguntarse si conocía sus planes con respecto a Aesudan. Al seguir caminando, la sombra de Jasnah volvió a actuar de forma extraña, y esta vez se convirtió en un " hombre, de figura negra como la noche, aunque tenía cierto brillo, como si estuviera hecha de aceite." [13]. Llevaba una espada desenvainada. Presa del pánico, Jasnah entró en Shadesmar por primera vez. Allí, la figura sombría envainó su espada, y Jasnah cayó en el mar de cuentas de cristal. Antes de ahogarse, Jasnah consiguió encontrar la cuenta de cristal que correspondía al palacio y, utilizándola como guía, se obligó a subir a la superficie, situándose sobre una plataforma de cuentas de cristal. Desde allí, formó el pasillo en el que había estado antes de abandonar el Reino Físico, y cuando la figura misteriosa subió a su plataforma con la espada desenvainada, ella formó una estatua de Talenelat'Elin. Se enfrentó a la figura, que saludó e hizo una reverencia y se marchó. Cuando Jasnah regresó al Reino Físico, todas las esferas que cubrían las paredes del pasillo estaban opacas.[13]

Jasnah se reunió con Liss pero decidió no asesinar a Aesudan, en su lugar le ordenó que la vigilara. Jasnah preguntó a Liss por el sirviente que quería mostrarle, pero Liss le respondió que había vendido a su sirviente shin a un esclavizador hacía semanas por ser demasiado buen esclavo. Al oír que el sirviente era shin, Jasnah recordó al de ropas blancas y decidió investigarlo.[13]

Jasnah dudó en volver a la fiesta después de oír que la música del comedor se detenía bruscamente. Se encontró con Nale y posiblemente con Kalak, dos "embajadores del oeste" que habían sido invitados por el rey.[13][35] Jasnah escuchó gritos repentinos y corrió hacia ellos, temiendo por la seguridad de su familia. Los sonidos conducían a los aposentos de su padre, y el camino estaba plagado de cadáveres con los ojos quemados y las paredes marcadas por cortes de hoja esquirlada. Finalmente llegó a un balcón y vio a su padre con su armadura esquirlada, le llamó y le hizo dudar. El balcón se rompió debajo de Gavilar, y Jasnah vio al sirviente, el que había visto antes, caer con su padre. El shin cambió de alguna manera de dirección en el aire y cayó sobre la pared, ignorando por completo la gravedad. Mientras lloraba para sí misma, Jasnah fue abordada por tres parshendi, Klade, Gangnah y Varnali. Asumieron la responsabilidad del asesinato y le dijeron a Jasnah que lamentaban su pérdida, pero le explicaron que había que impedir que Gavilar hiciera algo peligroso. Gavilar, como miembro de los Hijos de Honor, estaba intentando traer de vuelta a los dioses parshendi con la esperanza de que los Caballeros Radiantes volvieran, restableciendo el dominio de la iglesia vorin.[36][37] Sadeas entró a trompicones, vio lo sucedido y corrió hacia el cadáver de Gavilar, donde encontró la nota de Szeth a Dalinar escrita con la sangre de Gavilar, diciéndole que encontrara las palabras más importantes que un hombre pudiera decir.[13] Más adelante, Jasnah descubrió que se trataba de una cita directa de El camino de los reyes de Nohadon.[33]

Horas después, descubrieron que la admisión y la rendición de esos tres del Consejo de los Cinco encubría la huida del resto de los parshendi. Dalinar envió varias expediciones fallidas tras los fugados. Tras negarse a divulgar información, los tres parshendi fueron ahorcados. Jasnah interrogó en vano a Liss y a los guardias del rey sobre el Asesino de Blanco, y durante la siguiente media década recurriría a libros antiguos en busca de sus respuestas.[13]


After the death of her father, she started drawing parallels between the Parshendi and the Voidbringers.[28] Eventually, she discovered her Surgebinding abilities, and started carrying a fake Soulcaster fabrial to disguise she was a Surgebinder.[3] At some point, she made her way to the warcamps in the Shattered Plains, but eventually her studies took her elsewhere.[38] She left a copy of her notes at an information center in Tashikk for safekeeping.[14]

In 1172, she received a letter from Shallan Davar, asking for wardship. She replied to Shallan to meet her in Dumadari in two weeks' time, though she didn't really expect her to make it. She spent the next six months traveling from town to town, leaving notes for Shallan when she left so the young woman could follow her. She eventually reached Kharbranth in 1173.[1]

Discovering a Potential Knight Radiant

A New Ward

Jasnah soulcasting street thugs

She found out King Taravangian's granddaughter was trapped in one of the palace rooms after a highstorm caused a boulder to fall down from the walls, blocking the way in. Taravangian asked for Jasnah's help, to free his granddaughter by Soulcasting the stone. Jasnah accepted to help, in return for free admittance to the Palanaeum. Shallan Davar, a prospective ward, caught up with her at this point and Jasnah evaluated Shallan's knowledge. Once they reached the boulder that had trapped the king's granddaughter, Jasnah Soulcast the stone into smoke, causing the newly formed smoke to explode because of the difference in density of rock and smoke. After this, she informed Shallan that she wasn't good enough to become her ward. Jasnah left Shallan behind and went to the Palanaeum.[9] After she collected the books she wanted, she returned to the alcove she'd reserved, and found Shallan there. She was angry to be defied, and told Shallan, not in a kind way, to leave her alone. Shallan, in her embarrassment and disappointment, forgot the spheres she had used for illumination inside the alcove. Jasnah asked her to return and apologized to her for her rudeness. She found out that Shallan was self-taught and found it remarkable, promising if she filled the gaps in her knowledge, she would accept her as her ward. A few hours later, the servants informed her that Shallan was back and that she had her own alcove, intent on studying while in Kharbranth and applying for wardship again. Jasnah decided that if she could not get rid of Shallan, she might as well make use of her and accepted her as her ward.[7]

She spent the next two months studying and teaching Shallan, in particular having her study the events around the death of King Gavilar, to some frustration from Shallan.[10] During this time, she talked with her uncle, Dalinar, over spanreed about her studies, though she didn't mention specifics because they weren't speaking in person. Dalinar asked her to come back to the Shattered Plains, saying her presence was sorely missed, to which Jasnah replied she would eventually be back. Jasnah asked Dalinar to describe the events of the expedition where he and Gavilar first discovered the Parshendi. She also had Shallan draw a copy of a picture that was said to be a Voidbringer for him and Adolin. Dalinar and Adolin told her that the picture was of a chasmfiend, made slightly more menacing than it really was. Jasnah replied that she didn't think that the figure in the picture really belonged to a Voidbringer and that the artist simply chose to draw the most intimidating she could think of.[6] Taravangian joined her and Shallan for lunch one day, where he and Jasnah talked about religion and Jasnah's lack of belief in one. Taravangian asked her about the Soulcaster, but Jasnah refused to answer. He also asked Shallan to make a drawing of him. Shallan happily accepted, but later crumpled it and refused to show it to them, claiming she made a mistake. Jasnah remarked that Shallan never made mistakes while drawing.[10]

A few days later, she found Shallan and the Ardent Kabsal in their alcove while he was showing Shallan the cymatic patterns for the four cities of Kholinar, Vedenar, Thaylen and Akinah as a proof of the Almighty's existence. Jasnah didn't show surprise by his demonstration, and asked if he could show the cymatic pattern for Urithiru as well, to which Kabsal answered Urithiru was a fable. She was rude to him, even insulting him and ardentia in general. Once Kabsal left, she told Shallan that he wasn't really interested in her, and was only getting close to Shallan, in order to turn her against Jasnah, and get her to steal Jasnah's Soulcaster.[12]

After one of their talks about King Gavilar and the Parshendi, Jasnah remarked that Shallan looked anxious and decided to shift her training from history to philosophy, which she claimed was a more hands-on field of study. She took Shallan, in the middle of the night, to a roadway that she knew to be hunted by footpads, showing her wealth. Soon, four men came and attacked the two women and Jasnah, using Soulcasting, killed the men and left the corpse of one as crystal in the middle of the roadway. Shallan was horrified to see her kill the men, especially with the Soulcaster which Shallan considered holy. Jasnah told Shallan to research and consider the morality of the killing.[2] When Shallan reported her findings to her two weeks later. Jasnah disagreed with her, but she acknowledged that Shallan had put rational thought behind her opinion. She claimed the lesson was instructive and gave Shallan the rest of the day off. Shortly after Shallan rejoined Jasnah, saying that what she wanted to do with her free time was study.[27]

Jasnah first shared parts of her work with Shallan after a conversation about Gavilar and the Parshendi had turned to one about Urithiru and the Voidbringers. Of course, Shallan was not included in all elements of the research until her tentative reconciliation with Jasnah after the attempted theft of the Soulcaster.[3] Shallan suggested that Urithiru was in the Shattered Plains. Jasnah, however, was convinced it was located in the center of the Silver Kingdoms.

Shallan left for several hours, allegedly retrieving Tifandor's biography of Gavilar. She returned with Kabsal, insistent on drawing his portrait. Jasnah, annoyed by the distraction, left the alcove. Jasnah later saw Shallan emerge agitated about another drawing error, headed toward her quarters. Jasnah, concerned for her ward, followed her. When she found Shallan on the ground, bleeding from a cut on her wrist, she assumed it was a suicide attempt and immediately called for help. Shallan was taken to one of Taravangian's hospitals.[26]

The Theft of the Soulcaster

Jasnah Kholin and her Soulcaster

Jasnah spent the next two days outside Shallan's hospital room. Once she was allowed inside the room, she apologized to Shallan, although she didn't prove to be very proficient at apologizing which Shallan attributed to Jasnah's ineptitude at making mistakes. Becoming serious again, Jasnah claimed she may have done the world a disservice and stolen from it one of the great scholars of the rising generation by overworking Shallan. She gave her an empty book, and called it The Book of Endless Pages, and cautioned her to seek out the Devotary of Sincerity of whom the book was the guide. Kabsal joined them, and, as was typical in their interactions, Jasnah was cool and rude to him. He let it slip that Shallan was returning to her home and Jasnah, while initially surprised, agreed that it was the best for her. Kabsal revealed the strawberry jam and the bread she brought for Shallan. After being insisted by Shallan, Jasnah decided to eat some of it as well, but as her habit while accepting food from someone, she Soulcast the jam and the bread to purify them of any poisons. She was unsuccessful with the jam and the result was a rotten mush that was uneatable. Kabsal ate the jam anyway and tried to get Shallan to eat as well, though when she refused he tried to run out but collapsed before reaching the door. The same happened with Shallan a few seconds later. When Jasnah told her that she had to Soulcast her blood to get the poison out, Shallan revealed Jasnah's fake Soulcaster fabrial, apparently having stolen it. Jasnah healed her and Shallan fell unconscious.[20]

Furious and hurt at the apparent betrayal from her ward, Jasnah confronted Shallan when she woke up. She initially thought that Shallan had stolen her Soulcaster for one of the devotaries, but Shallan informed her that she had intended to use it for her own purposes; that her father was dead and House Davar was bankrupt, and that she had become Jasnah's ward to steal the Soulcaster in the first place. Jasnah told Shallan that she would be leaving for home the next day on a ship she'd arranged and that Kabsal was dead. She also told her that he had been using Shallan to assassinate her the whole time because the bread he'd been bringing Shallan was poisoned with backbreaker powder and the jam contained the antidote. She left the room, leaving Shallan behind in tears.[18]

Despite Jasnah's instructions, Shallan came to her alcove and guessed that the Soulcaster Jasnah wore was a fake and she could Soulcast without a fabrial. Jasnah initially tried to deny this, but was shocked to see Shallan reveal a depiction of Shadesmar. Shallan told Jasnah that she'd stolen the Soulcaster fabrial on the night when Jasnah killed the four footpads and that she could Surgebind as well. When Jasnah didn't believe her, Shallan entered Shadesmar with a dim sphere to prove her claim. Jasnah followed her and brought her back, admonishing her for trying to enter Shadesmar with only a dim sphere. Shallan asked Jasnah to teach her and said that she wanted to be a part of Jasnah's studies. Jasnah was reluctant at first, but eventually accepted with the promise that she would never lie to Jasnah or steal from anyone ever again.[21] She went on to tell Shallan about Surgebinding, the Knights Radiant, and her theory about the Parshendi and the Voidbringers. When Shallan told Jasnah of the cryptics following her, Jasnah explained that both of them were of the two different orders with the ability to Soulcast. After reading Jasnah's notes regarding the Voidbringers,[3] Shallan came to the same conclusion as her mentor: the Parshendi were Voidbringers. Jasnah was pleased to have convinced at least one person. She then told Shallan that, having exhausted all that Kharbranth had to offer, they would leave for the Shattered Plains the next day. She warned Shallan that there were others after this information, mentioning the Ghostbloods specifically; she showed Shallan their symbol, found on Kabsal's body. Shallan was horrified to recognize it and told Jasnah that her father might have been a member.[28] Jasnah hired Captain Tozbek and the Wind's Pleasure to take her and Shallan to the Shattered Plains, and the two women departed Kharbranth.[39]

Shipwreck and Apparent Death (1173)

Talking with Shallan aboard the Wind's Pleasure

During their days sailing, Shallan occasionally asked Jasnah about the Ghostbloods, but Jasnah claimed to know very little of them beyond the fact that they wanted her research and were willing to kill for it. While on the ship, Jasnah began making arrangements to help Shallan's family: she contacted Navani via spanreed to ask whether Shallan's Soulcaster could be fixed; in the same conversation, arranged a tentative causal betrothal -- an unofficial agreement, unwitnessed by ardents -- between Adolin and Shallan; and arranged for a relatively small amount of money to be sent to the Davar family. It was on the ship that she explained the nature of Shadesmar and the spren to Shallan at length, showing a good understanding of the Realmatic Theory. She claimed that the meeting was not an accident, that the spren had guided Shallan to her, and that the old ways were returning because spren sensed an impending danger and were trying to preserve themselves. Jasnah also explained about the perception of power.

Jasnah was murdered by mercenaries associated with Tyn who were trying to get into the Ghostbloods.[40][41] Though she was stabbed through the heart, she was able to escape to Shadesmar using the Surge of Transportation, then heal herself with Stormlight.[42][22] Jasnah reappeared in the Physical Realm after the summoning of the Everstorm, having learned about the original Knights Radiant in her time away. Jasnah met Wit on her way and threatened him with a Shardblade, presumably her spren Ivory.[5]

Return to the Physical Realm (1173—)

After her travel through the Cognitive Realm, Jasnah returned to Urithiru to resume her fight against the Voidbringers. She observed many of Dalinar's visions, searching for hints about locations and time periods in which they took place to try to glean more information about pre-Aharietiam Roshar and the ancient Knights Radiant.[22] She was unable to identify distinguishing landmarks, either because the landscape had changed over time or because they were in uncharted territory, but she did identify Jezerezeh, king of the Heralds, in the vision of Aharietiam.[43]

After Dalinar released the vision proclaiming Honor's death, he was labeled as a pariah and an outcast by ardents, colleagues, and former friends -- groups that were not necessarily mutually exclusive -- and eventually excommunicated from the Vorin church. Identifying a shared struggle between herself and her uncle, Jasnah offered sympathy and counsel on being an outcast in Alethi society.[44]

As Jasnah returned, her taking part in meetings with Roshar's world leaders inspired conflict between her and Shallan, who now resented being treated like a ward. Their first clash occurred shortly after Jasnah asked Shallan to take notes in a meeting. Jasnah later confronted Shallan about her rebellious attitude and lack of responsibility, chastising her for skipping meetings or arriving late, though she lessened the blow by expressing admiration for Shallan's accomplishments while Jasnah was stuck in the Cognitive Realm. Shallan proposed terminating her wardship, but Jasnah refused.[8] In another meeting, Shallan rebuked Janala after she insulted Renarin; After scolding Shallan once again, Jasnah confided that she didn't often take wards because she was bad at instructing them and keeping them in check. Shortly after, Shallan, resentful at returning to a more lowly position, decided to journey with Kaladin, Adolin, and Elhokar to Kholinar just to get away from Jasnah and her orders.[45]

During their overlapping time in Urithiru, Jasnah observed Shallan's slow mental deterioration, which Ivory had warned her about.[14][46]

Stopping the Voidbringers

In Urithiru, Jasnah contacted two colleagues of hers, both Veristitalians, who studied under the same master as she. She had lost her spanreeds when the Wind's Pleasure sank, and had to contact them through an intermediary in one of Tashikk's famous information centers, using a scribe she'd personally interviewed and bribed to maintain confidentiality. Ethid, an Azish Scion, told Jasnah about the sightings of Nalan in Azir. Their other colleague, Jochi, a male Thaylen baker who used a pen name to publish his writings on philosophy, did not believe them at first. Ethid wrote of Lift's antics during the selection of the new Prime, as well as their suspicions that the lawkeeper who tried to kill Lift was Nalan, and that Lift was an Edgedancer.[46] They also discussed the strange behavior of the Thaylen Parshmen, who stole ships and set out to sea. This data, combined with Kaladin's very different interactions with the Alethi Parshmen[47] and Dalinar's learning about the behavior of the Azish Parshmen,[48] lead Jasnah to wonder about the different Parshendi social constructs. During the conversation, Jasnah saw Renarin conversing with his spren and asked Ethid about descriptions of Truthwatcher spren. She took notice of her cousin's strange behavior and decided to investigate his Nahel bond and the proper spren for the Truthwatchers.[46]

Jasnah knew that the humans were the true Voidbringers before anyone else, having learned the fact from Wit when she found him after returning to the physical realm.[14] Nevertheless, she took an anti-pacifist stance in strategy meetings after Kaladin suggested negotiating with the Parshendi, arguing that the Voidbringers were ruthless creatures who needed to be stopped rather than oppressed citizens who deserved the same rights as humans.[8] Jasnah also advocated to find the Heralds and kill them, thus restoring the Oathpact and returning the Fused to Damnation. Her plan was shot down by Dalinar and Kaladin. In addition, Jasnah suggested that humans try to regain control over the Shin Oathgate second -- as opposed to the one in Azir or Thaylenah, which her uncle had been trying to do -- so that they could cross all of Roshar in one bound. The plan did not work in execution, as the Shin were unresponsive to Dalinar's entreaties, possibly because they didn't want it to be discovered that the Honorblades were kept there.[49]

Battle of Thaylen Field (1174)

Jasnah fighting Thrill berserkers

At the beginning of the Battle of Thaylen Field, Jasnah made a plan to protect her uncle and evacuate Thaylen city. She seemed to have known it was coming beforehand, having worn flexible garb in preparation.[50] She tracked down Renarin and discovered that he had bonded with a corrupted spren, a feat previously believed to be impossible. Jasnah felt she had to kill her cousin, but found she could not do so, remembering how they bonded when they were younger over being outcasts in the Alethi court.[19] Renarin, having seen his death in his visions, realized from this that he could be wrong, leading he and Jasnah to reason that his father could prevail against Odium.[51][19] Jasnah ran with Renarin to save Dalinar, but they didn't get there before Dalinar prevailed against Odium and opened Honor's Perpendicularity. Jasnah took part in the battle and showcased her skills as an Elsecaller. While fighting, Jasnah found it incredibly easy to Soulcast, as the Cognitive and Physical realms were much closer together as a result of Dalinar opening Honor's Perpendicularity, reportedly feeling as if she existed half in the cognitive realm and half in the physical realm.[52][53]

When Shallan began to run low on Stormlight, Jasnah alerted Navani and Queen Fen to send troops to aid her and clear out the Fused from inside the city. She also came to extract Shallan when she ran out completely before she could be captured by the Parshendi.[53] Jasnah checked on her again after the battle, and Shallan finally decided to continue with her wardship until Jasnah deemed her a fit scholar.[54]

Battle Aftermath

United, new beginnings sing: "Defying truth, love, Truth defy!"" Sing beginnings, new unity.

Ketek written by Jasnah for Shallan's wedding

Following the battle, House Kholin had to decide who would succeed Elhokar as the Alethi monarch. Gavinor, Elhokar's heir, was too young to rule and the next people in line to the throne, Dalinar and Adolin, both did not want to take the throne. At Shallan's suggestion, Jasnah was then crowned Queen of Alethkar.[4]

Jasnah wrote a ketek for Shallan on her wedding day to celebrate the occasion.[55]

The Expedition of the Wandersail

After the events of the Battle of Thaylen Field, Jasnah, as Queen of Alethkar, along with Dalinar, sent communications to various neutral nations in hopes of recruiting new allies for the coalition of nations. One such letter was sent to the Ral-na, King of the Reshi Isles, inviting the Reshi people to Urithiru to discuss an alliance. As the war waged on Jasnah and Dalinar suspected the enemy would launch a ground based invasion on Jah Keved by sailing an invasion force east, through the Reshi Isles.[56]

Jasnah had direct involvement in monitoring the expedition of the Wandersail to Akinah. Ardent Rushu was in communication with Jasnah via spanreed to report sightings of unusual spren and reported a cluster of luckspren following the Wandersail after Cord sighted them.[57] After a santhid corpse was found by the crew of the Wandersail, and was subsequently exposed as a fake, Jasnah was contacted by Vstim on behalf of Rysn to ask about the legends of the Aimians. Jasnah recalled two theories on the nature of the santhid that disintegrated into a pile of cremlings; the first being reports of Aimians being able to take off their arms and legs and reattach them; the second being an old story about creatures who were living heaps of cremlings. In the stories these creatures would hide and grow in the attics of buildings before devouring the occupants below. Jasnah originally overlooked these stories but due to the current events on Roshar at the time, cautioned Rysn against these types of creatures.[58] When Rysn postulated that the santhid could have been the work of a Fused Lightweaver, Jasnah chided herself for her own lapse in judgement, citing the newness of Lightweaving magic as the reason for overlooking it as a possibility. Jasnah drew the conclusion that if an enemy Lightweaver were attempting to stop the expedition, then the Voidbringers would be taking considerable lengths to prevent them from reaching Akinah, and the secrets there must be more important than first believed.[58]

In Emul

Wearing her Shardplate on the battlefield

No. I want to know the real feeling of war, or as close to is as I can allow myself, in Plate with Blade.

—Jasnah to Ivory[59]

Jasnah went with Dalinar on the military expedition into Emul, where she wanted to prove herself to be a good military leader and tactician. Highprince Ruthar challenged her position, saying it was a disgrace to have a woman leading and making military decisions. Jasnah directed Wit to insult him until Ruthar snapped and demanded a trial by combat. Acting according to Jasnah’s prearranged plan, Wit elected Jasnah as his champion to fight for him, letting her use his sword. Ruthar scoffed and said that fighting a woman would be demeaning, but Jasnah lunged forward and stabbed him through the throat. Jasnah had Renarin heal him, then pronounced that all Ruthar’s lands and titles are forfeit, and are now passed to his son, Relis. After the duel, Jasnah passed a new law, forbidding trial by sword in Alethkar.[60]

During a large infantry confrontation at Drunmu Basin, Jasnah decided to join the battle to experience what being at war felt like. She pretended to be a regular Shardbearer, using her Plate and Blade but not using her Elsecaller powers at first. She had initial success until a Fused, one of the Magnified Ones, attacked her. It proved too skilled and powerful, and she gave in and used her powers to help her defeat it. She fought in the battle for hours, not wanting to rest lest more soldiers die as a result. She talked with Wit both during the battle and after, and learned that a Sleepless had been spying on them, disguised as Wit’s pen.[59]

During the military expedition in Emul, Jasnah and Wit worked on creating a document that outlined terms for the Contest of Champions.[61] With Jasnah’s help, the coalition eventually completed their conquest of Emul, securing their victory there. At Dalinar’s request, Jasnah took on the task of writing the undertext of his book, Oathbringer.[62]



She found the way he spoke fascinating. After all this time - and all her worries - here was one who was her intellectual equal. Perhaps her superior.


Sometime after Jasnah’s return from Shadesmar, she and Hoid grow close. Jasnah likes him because he is never bothered by her frequent questions, even if he dodges them sometimes. Jasnah cares more for mental stimulation than the physical, which makes interacting with Hoid invigorating to her.[61]


Jasnah was a main character in The Way of Kings Prime, Brandon's 2002 draft of The Way of Kings,[63] and her arc was the most complete out of all the threads.[64] Her plot line centered around her struggle against societal norms and her fight against outside pressures to marry.[65] In the 2010 version of The Way of Kings, this was relegated to her backstory so that Shallan could take center stage.[66][67] Jasnah's personality was left mostly unchanged between the two versions, and her name was one among a couple that was also -- in fact, Jasnah's name, along with Dalinar's, was central to Brandon's creation of the Alethi tongue.[68]



  • Jasnah is the only member of a Vorin royal house who was a professed heretic before the events of the Stormlight Archive.[1]
  • Twelve young women asked Jasnah for a wardship during the year 1173 alone.[9] She eventually accepted the last one, Shallan.
  • Jasnah doesn't get along well with Highprince Sadeas's cousin, Lalai.[6]
  • Jasnah has never met Shallan's stepmother, Malise Gevelmar, even though she revealed that she knew Malise had married Shallan's father when she met Shallan in Kharbranth.[69]
  • In The Way of Kings Prime, Jasnah was a viewpoint character with as many chapters as the other characters. Brandon decided too many viewpoints was too distracting and cut Jasnah's parts in the final version.[70]
  • Brandon read a lot of atheist message boards and talked with atheists he knew while developing Jasnah.[71]
  • Brandon thinks having Sazed and Jasnah together could lead to some great discussions of philosophy.[72]
  • Dalinar's words with Jasnah suggest that she has had other ward(s) in her past, besides Shallan.[6]
  • Brandon has released an uncanonical scene directly following Jasnah transferring to Shadesmar after she is stabbed aboard the Winds Pleasure, which can be read on on Tor's website.
  • Jasnah is a Slytherin.[73]
  • Jasnah is asexual and heteroromantic, but has a neutral opinion of physical intimacy.[16]

See Also

Notas del traductor

  1. En los libros en inglés se suele utilizar el nombre de la Orden de Caballeros Radiantes para hablar del uso de las potencias a las que tienen acceso.


Elhokar Kholin
Monarch of Alethkar
1174 to present
  1. a b c d e f El camino de los reyes capítulo 3#
  2. a b c d e f El camino de los reyes capítulo 36#
  3. a b c d e f g El camino de los reyes capítulo 72#
  4. a b Juramentada capítulo 122#
  5. a b c Palabras radiantes epílogo#
  6. a b c d e f El camino de los reyes capítulo 28#
  7. a b c El camino de los reyes capítulo 8#
  8. a b c Juramentada capítulo 39#
  9. a b c d e El camino de los reyes capítulo 5#
  10. a b c d e El camino de los reyes capítulo 29#
  11. Juramentada capítulo 15#
  12. a b c El camino de los reyes capítulo 33#
  13. a b c d e f g h i Palabras radiantes prólogo#
  14. a b c d e Juramentada capítulo 47#
  15. a b Juramentada capítulo 49#
  16. a b Rhythm of War Annotations
    Arcanum - 2020-11-02#
  17. Palabras radiantes capítulo 3#
  18. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 50#
  19. a b c Juramentada capítulo 118#
  20. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 48#
  21. a b c El camino de los reyes capítulo 70#
  22. a b c Juramentada capítulo 33#
  23. Esquirla del Amanecer (novella) capítulo 10#
  24. Firefight Seattle UBooks signing
    Arcanum - 2015-01-06#
  25. Words of Radiance Chicago signing
    Arcanum - 2014-03-22#
  26. a b c El camino de los reyes capítulo 45#
  27. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 42#
  28. a b c El camino de los reyes capítulo 74#
  29. Palabras radiantes capítulo 81#
  30. El camino de los reyes capítulo 32 Epígrafe#
  31. El camino de los reyes capítulo 35 Epígrafe#
  32. El camino de los reyes capítulo 12#
  33. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 15#
  34. Palabras radiantes capítulo 37#
  35. De los otros Heraldos masculinos, Jezrien ya estaba presente como el mendigo Ahu, Talenel seguía atrapado en Braize, e Ishar es el Dios-Sacerdote Tezim.
  36. Juramentada prólogo#
  37. Palabras radiantes capítulo 88#
  38. El camino de los reyes capítulo 18#
  39. Palabras radiantes capítulo 1#
  40. Palabras radiantes capítulo 34#
  41. Palabras radiantes capítulo 42#
  42. Palabras radiantes capítulo 7#
  43. Juramentada capítulo 42#
  44. Juramentada capítulo 38#
  45. Juramentada capítulo 44#
  46. a b c Juramentada capítulo 53#
  47. Juramentada capítulo 31#
  48. Juramentada capítulo 65#
  49. Juramentada capítulo 106#
  50. Juramentada capítulo 115#
  51. Juramentada capítulo 116#
  52. Juramentada capítulo 119#
  53. a b Juramentada capítulo 120#
  54. Juramentada capítulo 121#
  55. Juramentada nota final#
  56. Esquirla del Amanecer (novella) capítulo 3#
  57. Esquirla del Amanecer (novella) capítulo 7#
  58. a b Esquirla del Amanecer (novella) capítulo 9#
  59. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 64#
  60. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 50#
  61. a b c El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 99#
  62. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 101#
  63. The Way of Kings Annotations
    Arcanum - 2017-11-03#
  64. /r/fantasy AMA 2013
    Arcanum - 2013-04-17#
  65. TWG Posts
    Arcanum - 2003-12-05#
  66. General Reddit 2016
    Arcanum - 2016-08-20#
  67. The Way of Kings Annotations
    Arcanum - 2017-10-20#
  68. Ad Astra 2017
    Arcanum - 2017-05-05#
  69. 17th Shard Forum Q&A
    Arcanum - 2012-09-26#
  70. Pat's Fantasy Hotlist Interview
    Arcanum - 2010-09-13#
  71. 17th Shard Forum Q&A
    Arcanum - 2012-09-26#
  72. /r/fantasy AMA 2013
    Arcanum - 2013-04-15#
  73. Skyward Denver signing
    Arcanum - 2018-11-15#
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