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Sylphrena by stinkypanda.jpg
Capacidades Vínculo Nahel, magia de Corredor del Viento, Astilla de Honor
Vinculado con Kaladin, Relador (previamente)
Títulos Antigua Hija
Especie Honorspren
Mundo natal Roshar
Universo Cosmere

I bind things, Kaladin. I am honorspren. Spirit of oaths. Of promises. And of nobility.

—Sylphrena speaks to Kaladin about her nature[1]

Sylphrena, o Syl, es un honorspren en Roshar que tiene un vínculo Nahel con Kaladin.[1] Una astilla de Honor,[2] fue creada por el Padre Tormenta y es conocida por sus parientes como la Hija Antigua.[3] Estaba vinculada con Relador antes de la Traición.[4]

Syl desafía los deseos tanto del Padre Tormenta como de otros honorspren cuando decide buscar otro humano merecedor de vincularse con ella.[5][6][7] Una vez vinculada con Kaladin, descubre de nuevo lo que es ser la spren de un Caballero Radiante, con el despertar de su mente ligado a esa posición.[8][9][5] Kaladin sufre a veces con los juramentos requeridos por su vínculo, y por un tiempo sus juramentos problemáticos y la confusión en su mente respecto a qué es honorable matan a Syl.[10][11] Sin embargo, Syl le ayuda en esos momentos y explora ansiosamente los poderes de un Corredor del Viento con él para poder usarlos al máximo.[9][12][13] El vínculo con Kaladin se convierte en una parte tan integral de Sylphrena que una gran parte de su motivación es intentar entenderlo y ayudarlo.[14]

Apariencia y personalidad


En el Reino Físico, Syl puede tener una variedad de apariencias, incluyendo un lazo de luz,[15] una ráfaga de hojas,[16] una llama,[17] o una nube pequeña.[18] Sin embargo, prefiere la forma de una mujer joven de un palmo de altura, con una cara angular y fluido pelo que se desvanece en bruma detrás de su cabeza.[19] Usualmente viste un vestido largo y fluyente, de un corte infantil.[20] A menudo le añade diferentes artículos de vestir, como una chaqueta o un paraguas, o lo cambia por un atuendo similar, como un havah con una mano segura.[21][15] No obstante, sin importar su vestimenta, siempre va descalza.[22] En cualquier forma que adopte, su forma entera tiene un color azul blanquecino uniforme, y brilla con una tenue luz azul. Mientras que Kaladin y Lunamor pueden verla siempre, para otros, ella es invisible a no ser que quiera que se la vea.[23] Conforme el vínculo entre Kaladin y Syl se hace más fuerte, Syl es capaz de manifestar su ropa en diferentes tonalidades de azul; aunque pueda cambiar el color de su ropa, no es capaz de cambiar el color de su "piel".[4][24]

Syl también es capaz de manifestarse como una hoja esquirlada que cambia de forma. Ocasionalmente se manifiesta como una espada o escudo, pero sobre todo como una lanza.[25] Estas formas tienen en común una apariencia física brillante, de metal plateado y con glifos grabados en su superficie.[25][26] Como una lanza esquirlada, los glifos están grabados alrededor de la punta de lanza.[25] También es capaz de manifestarse en diferentes longitudes, pero típicamente se manifiesta con un agarre cilíndrico, sin adornos excepto por un remolino helicoidal de un pie de largo justo antes de la punta. La punta de lanza tiene un único borde dentado en la base que conecta con el agarre.[27][28][29][30] Como hoja esquirlada, Syl típicamente es pulcra y bonita, con un glifo Corredor del Viento centrado en la hoja. Las líneas que van del glifo hacia la empuñadura recuerdan a su pelo.[26]

En Shadesmar, Syl es incapaz de cambiar su forma o de volverse invisible.[31] Allí, tiene tamaño humano, con aspecto de una chica guapa con piel azul blanquecina.[32] Lleva un vestido, pero como en su forma en el Reino Físico, va descalza.[22] Dicho esto, aunque sea humanoide, no comparte la biología humana: sus ojos son decorativos más que funcionales, y ve el mundo de la misma forma que los spren sin rasgos humanos, como los crípticos, lo ven.[31]


I know this because I am intelligent and articulate. You should compliment me now.


Syl es generalmente alegre y traviesa, a menudo haciendo y gastando bromas a otros a su alrededor. Es muy irreverente, y puede ser olvidadiza a veces.[26] Es inquebrantablemente optimista, siempre intentando ver lo mejor de la gente, y siempre creyendo que hay algo bueno esperando en el futuro.[33] Tiene una vena orgullosa, aunque a menudo lo hace por las risas, llamándose a sí misma un "pequeño trozo de dios" e intentando engañar a Lunamor para que construya un altar para ella.[5] Es constantemente curiosa sobre el mundo que le rodea, particularmente sobre la gente y cómo son y actúan, a menudo usando su invisibilidad para espiarles a una distancia incómodamente cercana.[34] Tiene muy poco sentido del decoro en este sentido: llega incluso a colarse para observar a gente intimando unos con otros.[26]

Tiene un muy estricto código de ética, detestando el engaño y las mentiras, aunque eventualmente está más dispuesta a ser astuta.[35][36] Syl cree que ser un Corredor del Viento no se trata de encontrar justicia, y que el uso de su poder solo se justifica cuando se protege a otros.[37][38] Puede ser muy asertiva e incluso enfadase cuando percibe a alguien actuando incorrectamente.[38][39] Sin embargo también cree en la dualidad "nosotros contra ellos" en la guerra contra Odium, y se inquieta y confunde cuando las líneas se difuminan.[40] Puede ser un tanto forzosa en sus intentos para hacer lo que ella piensa que es correcto, incluso cuando puede herir las emociones de los otros. Odia a la gente que blande hojas esquirladas muertas.[26]

Syl está particularmente centrada en mantener a Kaladin en un estado mental sano. Siempre intenta instarle para que siga adelante incluso cuando está en su peor momento, y le anima a dejarse ser feliz.[33][25] Cuando está en las profundidades de la depresión, le ayuda e intenta reconfortarle, a menudo actuando como su caja de resonancia cuando no quiere hablar con otros.[22] Sin embargo, mientras que sus esfuerzos son siempre bienintencionados, a veces puede intentar y forzarlo a que actúe como ella quiere, incluso cuando él es perfectamente capaz de estar en desacuerdo.[26] Finalmente ella gira sus esfuerzos hacia su deseo de entender los sentimientos de Kaladin. Tras pedirle a Dalinar que le ayude, la Conexión que resulta devuelve el pasado de Syl y le provoca hundirse en ataques de dolor y la depresión que naturalmente viene con ello.[41] Esta oscuridad es exacerbada por la corrupción en la torre en ese momento, pero persiste después de que su funcionalidad sea restaurada.[42]

Habilidades y atributos

Como una lanza esquirlada

Como otros spren grandes, Syl puede cambiar su forma y elegir a quién se le aparece, haciéndola una espía excelente.[31] Puede flotar o volar a través del aire, igual que caminar de lado, y es particularmente buena encontrando cosas.[43] Puede también usar la Adhesión para pegar unas cosas a otras. Generalmente usa eso para gastar bromas a la gente, aunque también ha usado esta habilidad para ayudar a la gente.[19][44] Es capaz de dar pequeños "pellizcos de energía". También es capaz de, como todos los honorspren, sentir una alta tormenta venidera días antes de que caiga.[45]

Vínculo Nahel

I'm behind what is happening to you. I'm doing it. It's both of us. But without me, nothing would be changing in you. I'm... taking something from you. And giving something in return.

—Syl to Kaladin[9]

Como una honorspren, Syl tiene la capacidad de vincularse con gente, ganando una mayor sensibilidad en el Reino Físico a cambio de otorgarle a su compañero (actualmente Kaladin), habilidades de Corredor del Viento, incluyendo las Potencias de Adhesión y Gravitación.[9] Más allá, una vez su Potenciador ha alcanzado el Tercer Ideal, es capaz de transformarse en una hoja esquirlada viva y cambiante de forma. En esta forma, es capaz de comunicarse con Kaladin telepáticamente.[25]

Sin embargo, hay una desventaja en este vínculo. Cuando Kaladin erra en sus Juramentos y los rompe, Syl comienza a perder sus funciones mentales mayores, hasta el punto de que esencialmente se muere.[46][47] Sin embargo, ella es traída de vuelta cuando Kaladin vuelve al camino del Corredor del Viento y jura el Tercer Juramento.[13]

Syl también protege a Kaladin de la Emoción.[48]


Creación y vida temprana

Sylphrena is both old and young. Old of form, but young of mind.

Sylphrena nació en algún momento antes del Día de la Traición. Fue uno de los primeros honorspren creados por el Padre Tormenta y no por Honor.[3] Aunque era demasiado joven como para formar un vínculo Nahel, lo hizo igualmente cun un hombre llamado Relador.[6][4] Él participó en solo una batalla antes de morir, lo que mandó a Syl a un estado de sueño profundo. Esto llevó a todo el mundo asumiendo que había muerto, pero también la savó de convertirse en una ojomuerto durante la Traición, como sucedió con muchos de sus hermanos.[3]

Más de mil años más tarde, ella fue hallada y despertada. El Padre Tormenta, no queriendo que se le hiciese más daño, le encargó a Notum que la mantuviese a salvo en una de las ciudades honorspren.[3][49] Sin embargo, no estaba contenta con quedarse quieta. En algún momento por el año 1170, se sintió atraída por Kaladin, un soldado en el ejército de Amaram, y la manera en la que trataba a los niños como líder de escuadrón. Contra los deseos de otros honorspren, ella se escapó para vincularse con él. Esto llevó a sus parientes poniendo una recompensa grande para quien la trajese de vuelta a la capital, Integridad Duradera.[7][3]

Formando un vínculo (1168 - 1173)

Conociendo a Kaladin

Syl hablando con Kaladin por primera vez

It seems that if you're worried about hurting people, you shouldn’t be afraid to help the bridgemen. What more could you do to them?

—Encouraging Kaladin[33]

Dejar Shadesmar hizo que Syl perdiese la mayoría de su habilidad cognitiva. Se hizo bastante inconsciente, actuando como sus primos, los vientospren.[19][50] Sin embargo, no olvidó su deseo de acompañar a Kaladin, y le seguía de cerca a lo largo de su paso por el ejército de Amaram, durante su batalla con Helaran Davar, y, después, cuando fue un esclavo. Inicialmente, solo le gastaba bromas, pero con el tiempo su proximidad comenzó a devolverle su mente y su inteligencia.[19][9]

No habló con Kaladin hasta que encontró y se quedó las hojas de ruinaoscura, un veneno fuerte. Kaladin era inicialmente reacio a responder, pensando que se estaba volviendo loco, pero finalmente cedió.[19][51] Desde entonces, le acompañó a todos lados. Durante su primera carrera de los puentes, le urgió a levantarse y moverse, y cuando se estaba hundiendo, batido por las batallas constantes, intentó mantener arriba su espíritu.[52] Eventualmente, sin embargo, ella reconoció que fue incapaz de verle más en ese estado y se marchó.[20]

Recordando cómo Kaladin se sintió cuando encontró la ruinaoscura, y desconociendo su propósito, Syl se marchó para buscar más de la planta. Para cuando volvió, Kaladin estaba al borde del suicidio, y se lo encontró de pie en el borde del Abismo de Honor. Cuando finalmente consiguió, con bastante dificultad, traerle la hoja, Kaladin inicialmente encontró divertido que ella pensase que un veneno le haría sentirse mejor. En la consiguiente conversación, ella consiguó convencerle de que le diera a la vida otro intento.[33]

Puente Cuatro

Manteniendo a Kaladin a salvo de los muertespren

Soon you'll hardly be a spren at all. You’ll be a little translucent philosopher. We’ll have to send you off to a monastery to spend your time in deep, important thoughts.

Kaladin to Syl[53]

Aunque los intentos iniciales de Kaladin para influir sobre el Puente Cuatro no salieron muy bien, Syl continuó apoyándole. Empezó a usarla como espía; inicialmente, para vigilar a Gaz, aunque eventualmente empezó a estar pendiente de los otros hombres del puente también.[8][23] Continuó discutiendo sobre varios temas con Kaladin con la esperanza de entender a los humanos. Fue durante esos momentos que por primera vez advirtió a Dalinar, e inmediatamente creyó que era un hombre honorable, a pesar de que recelase de su compañero.[23]

Poco después, Syl y Kaladin descubrieron que Roca, otro de los hombres del puente, podía verla.[23] Desde ese momento, cuando se le asignaba servicio en los abismos al Puente Cuatro, les ayudaba a él y a Kaladin a encontrar objetos valiosos.[16][18] También continuó espiando a Gaz.[53]

Tras la catástrofe causada por la carga lateral del Puente Cuatro, Syl se quedó con Kaladin cuando fue expuesto a la alta tormenta como castigo y le protegió, primero intentando contener la tormenta, y después peleando con los muertespren atraídos hacia él con una espada.[54][55] Después, comenzó a acordarse un poco de su pasado, y aunque fuesen solo memorias vagas, fueron suficiente para ella para estar contenta escuchando el Primer Ideal de los Caballeros Radiantes y para reaccionar con desprecio a la mención de Odium.[56][57]

Conforme el Puente Cuatro continuó con su servicio en el abismo, Syl eventualmente se reveló a todos ellos, animada por Kaladin mientras continuaba ayudándoles.[58] A la que Kaladin comenzó a notar su Potenciación en ciernes, ella admitió que no era un vientospren ordinario; aunque todavía no recordaba demasiado, ella sabía que su vínculo con Kaladin era responsable de lo que les estaba pasando a ambos.[9] Desde ese momento, animó a Kaladin para que entrenase sus habilidades.[59]

Las cosas llegaron a un punto crítico durante la Batalla de la Torre. Ahí, Syl se manifestó como una figura de tamaño completo y recordó su verdadera naturaleza. Alentó a Kaladin a decir las Palabras Inmortales y le acompañó durante la batalla.[1] Después, instó a Kaladin a confiar más en Dalinar, llevando al Puente Cuatro a convertirse en los guardaespaldas de los Kholin.[60]

Entrenando a un Corredor del Viento

Something dangerous is coming.

—Upon seeing stormspren[5]

El respeto de Syl hacia Dalinar creció después de que intercambiase a Juramentada por la libertad de los hombres del puente, y continuó instando a Kaladin para que confiase más en él.[5] También le contó a Kaladin sobre la posibilidad de que otros Potenciadores existiesen e insistió en que se convirtiese en lo que Dalinar necesitaba, ya que comenzó a ver tormentaspren, sirvientes de Odium.[5] Cuando Amaram llegó, causando que la opinión de Kaladin sobre Dalinar empeorase por asociación, Syl insistió en que hablase con Dalinar sobre su experiencia con Amaram y que fuese franco con él; lo hizo, aunque aparentemente fue en vano.[39]

Fue alrededor de este momento que Kaladin comenzó a reincidir en sus juramentos, causando que Syl se preocupase por él.[37] No obstante, se quedó con él y le avisó de que Szeth venía para asesinar a Dalinar. También reconoció inmediatamente que Szeth no era Potenciador, a pesar de sus habilidades.[61] A pesar de su creciente conocimiento, sin embargo, se sorprendió al descubrir que Kaladin podía sanar heridas de hoja esquirlada.[62]

Aunque el estado mental de Kaladin siguió empeorando, Syl todavía insistía en que Dalinar podía ser de confiaza y que Kaladin debería sincerarse con él, especialmente tras conocer el plan de Moash de asesinar a Elhokar.[63][64] Eventualmente, tras un entrenamiento exitoso en los abismos en el que Kaladin aprendió a volar, y que ella compartiese más información sobre la Potenciación, estaba casi convencido, pero su motivación se evaporó cuando vio que Dalinar había hecho a Amaram la cabeza de los nuevos Caballeros Radiantes.[65][66] Syl consiguió convencerlo de que las cosas serían diferentes durante el duelo cuatro contra uno de Adolin. Desafortunadamente, se equivocaba, y cuando Kaladin pidió desafiar a Amaram como premio, fue arrestado.[67]

Muerte y renacimiento

Kaladin invocando a Syl como una hoja esquirlada

Después de que Kaladin fuese arrestado, Syl estaba decepcionada y de bajón.[67] Pronto, Kaladin comenzó a abandonar sus Juramentos en su mente, causando que ella empezase a perder su sapiencia.[46] Se hizo más infiantil y fácilmente distraída, perdiendo su vínculo con Kaladin hasta el punto en el que no podía absorber luz tormentosa. No obstante, retuvo suficiente consciencia para recordarle que dijese las palabras, y proveerle de un último aliento de luz tormentosa cuando se cayó a los abismos.[68][47] Fue entonces cuando murió, la tensión en su vínculo demasiado grande para continuar.[10]

Kaladin! Stretch forth thy hand!

—Just before becoming a Shardblade[13]

Aún así, la muerte es más un espectro que un estado para un spren. Mientras Kaladin regresaba lentamente a sus Juramentos, con creciente cautela sobre los planes de Moash, su conexión con ella se hizo más fuerte de nuevo.[69] Finalmente, tomó la posición de defender a Elhokar de los asesinos en ciernes. Esto parece ser lo que volvió a despertar a Syl, consiguiendo retornar con él.[70] Reapareciando como un lazo de luz, le animó a decir las palabras, desafiando al Padre Tormenta, y comandándole que extendiese la mano. Esto, junto con Kaladin jurando el Tercer Ideal, le permitió manifestarse como una hoja esquirlada.[13]

Tras asustar a Moash y a Graves, los dos fueron a proteger a Dalinar de Szeth, que estaba atacando en el caos de la Batalla de Narak.[71] En la consiguiente batalla, ella mostró su habilidad de transformarse en muchas diferentes armas, culminando con Kaladin usándola para atravesar la muñeca de Szeth, rompiendo su lazo con la Hoja de Honor. Tras asegurarse de que Kaladin se llevase la Hoja, Syl demandó (y recibió) una sonrisa de su parte.[72]

The True Desolation (1174)

Hearthstone and Kholinar

Syl coming to Hearthstone with Kaladin

The bond isn't about what’s right and wrong, is it, Syl. It’s about what you see as right and wrong.

Kaladin speaking about fighting singers[40]

Immediately after the Battle of Narak, Syl explained to Kaladin that other Shardblades were dead spren, and that Honorblades were something different.[72] A few days later, the two left for Hearthstone, Kaladin's hometown, to make sure that his family was safe.[73] After they confirmed that Lirin and Hesina--along with the newest addition to the family, Oroden--were fine, the journey turned into a hunt for the Parshmen who departed in the Everstorm.[74][26]

During that time, Syl began to worry about Kaladin's happiness, eventually growing to believe that he needed to find himself a romantic partner. Though she lightly teased him about some girls and ardents met on the way, and revealed that she had been spying on people in their intimate moments, her true goal was to get Kaladin together with Shallan, as she believed that the Lightweaver was making him happy.[26]

This fun ended when Syl and Kaladin came across a group of former Parshmen and Kaladin willingly gave himself up to see where the encounter would go.[75] Noticing that there was a voidspren accompanying the group, Syl began to act like a windspren again in order to fool her.[36] This being said, as Yixli wasn't always present with the newly-minted singers, she did have the time to discuss matters with Kaladin. During one such conversation, she admitted that she didn't know why killing singers didn't feel wrong to her when killing humans did.[45]

The two eventually departed in a highstorm after seeing a Fused in Rathalas.[40] Once back in Urithiru, Kaladin focused on training his squires, with Syl accompanying him. At one point, she noticed some of her old honorspren acquaintances, and noted that they were not very fond of her, even though they had also begun searching for bondmates.[76]

After briefly going to Thaylen City to open its Oathgate, she and Kaladin departed for the besieged Kholinar, accompanying Elhokar, Adolin, Shallan and a few squires and guards.[77] Once in the city, Syl was the first to notice the Sja-anat-corrupted spren.[78] While Kaladin was working with the Kholinar Wall Guard, Syl assisted him in various minor ways.[44] During one battle in particular, she managed to point him towards destroying a Fused gemheart, which was the quickest way to kill it.[79]

During the battle for Kholinar Palace, Syl accompanied Kaladin as a weapon. There, he managed to kill the voidspren toying with Gavinor, which left her shaken by the impossibility of the deed.[80] Still, she continued to fight, although despite everyone's best efforts, she, along with Adolin, Kaladin, Shallan, Pattern, and the Wall Guard commander, Azure, ended up dropped into Shadesmar after trying to unlock the Oathgate.[81]

Journey Through Shadesmar

You'd better catch me before I scamper away! Wow! I’m feeling capricious today. I might just vanish again, off to where nobody can find me!

—Talking to the crew of Honor's Path[7]

Once in Shadesmar, Syl took on a humanoid and human-sized form and began acting more like a physical creature.[81] Early on, her focus was on keeping Kaladin functioning in the face of his ongoing mental breakdown caused by the events of the palace battle.[73] Eventually, he felt good enough to ask her if she could carry a message to Dalinar, and she explained that she would lose her mind if she strayed too far from him into the Physical Realm.[22]

Trying to comfort Kaladin

During the journey south, towards a ship that could take them to Cultivation's Perpendicularity, Syl shared some of the story of her past with Kaladin.[6] After they got aboard the Reachers' ship, she also mentioned that honorspren like her were not well-liked among other sapient spren, though she played it off by trying to get Kaladin and Shallan together.[82] It wasn't until the group began exploring the city of Celebrant that she finally revealed that there was a bounty on her head placed by her kin.[7]

Nonetheless, the group was able to use this to their advantage. As they had to escape the Fused scouring the city, Syl noticed an honorspren ship called Honor's Path that was captained by her old minder, Notum. By calling the crew's attention to herself, she was able to convince them to take the group aboard and depart, although this also meant that she was taken prisoner.[7]

During the journey, Kaladin attempted to have Syl released; he was getting closer to the Fourth Ideal, which briefly allowed her to speak directly into his mind despite not being in Shardblade form. Seeing Kaladin's progress as a Radiant and hearing about a Stormfather Bondsmith, Notum agreed to let them go.[3] The entire group save for Azure departed at the shores of Longbrow's Straits, a sliver of land in Shadesmar, and Kaladin flew them to Thaylen City.[49]

Syl didn't participate directly in the fight for the Thaylenah Oathgate, although she did participate in Shallan's illusory distraction.[83] When things turned bad, she pulled Kaladin out of the sea of beads and encouraged him to say the Fourth Ideal.[84] When he couldn't, she embraced and comforted him--just in time to see Honor's Perpendicularity open.[85][86]

Crossing the Perpendicularity, Syl returned to her semi-corporeal form and accompanied Kaladin as a weapon in the Battle of Thaylen Field.[87] After the battle, the two discussed once more the righteousness of fighting singers, who were only trying to regain their home; Kaladin decided that he would still fight for humanity's survival and reassured Syl that he would not kill her, or any other sapient spren, ever again.[88] Eventually, the two went to rescue Skar and Drehy, two of Kaladin's squires who had managed to get Gavinor out of Kholinar.[89]

Invasion of Urithiru (1175)

Evacuation of Hearthstone

Grumble grumble. Get in line, men. Storming rain, ruining otherwise terrible weather. Also, I'm banning toes.

—Syl making Kaladin laugh[90]

Around a year later, the coalition of monarchs agreed on a plan to rescue the Herdazian general Dieno enne Calah as well as the residents of and refugees in Hearthstone. Syl and Kaladin approached the town on foot, ahead of the arrival of the Fourth Bridge. When they were discovered while waiting in the line of refugees, a fight with Lezian ensued. As they had never fought a Fused with powers like his, they only very narrowly escaped. Syl, concerned for Kaladin, commented on how tired he looked immediately after the fight; Kaladin, however, didn't want to talk about how he was feeling despite Syl badgering him about getting more sleep. After getting back to town and convincing the singers there to stand down, Kaladin and Syl spoke with his family. Syl entertained Oroden and broke the news to Hesina that Kal and Lyn had split up, then accompanied Kal to speak with his father until the Fourth Bridge arrived.[90]

After Lyn reported an incoming group of Heavenly Ones, the Windrunners spread out and prepared to engage them. Kaladin and Syl fought Leshwi for a while, Syl shouting a parting insult as the Fused outpaced them. When Teft came to check on Kal, the encounter roused his suspicions that Syl had asked Bridge Four to watch out for him. He confronted her about the matter when Lyn also came to check on him after they narrowly missed another fight with Lezian, but she told him she knew it would only make his nightmares worse if she told the others about them. As they returned to the Fourth Bridge, Kaladin made a snide comment about Roshone and Syl told him off for being a "stumer."[91] They reentered the fight when Kaladin noticed Sigzil chasing Leshwi; after she mercifully withdrew her spear from Sigzil before he ran out of Stormlight, Kaladin took up the fight with Leshwi again. They made for a very even match, and just as they both dealt serious blows to each other, Leshwi gave Kaladin and Syl leave to go after some civilians at the manor.[92]

Syl warned Kaladin that the setup felt like a trap designed for a Windrunner. Indeed, when one of the soldiers activated a strange Voidlight fabrial, Syl was forced into her form as a spren and Kaladin lost his ability to Surgebind. He managed to kill Lezian anyway, and then Syl encouraged him to go after Roshone.[93] In the cellar, Syl warned Kal when she saw Moash behind him. In the form of a spear, she was with Kal while Moash brought up his most painful memories and tried to talk him into killing himself; Syl tried to speak to Kal, but he was to embroiled in his own emotions and couldn't hear her. They were saved when Renarin created an illusion of Moash and chased him away.[94] Back on the ship, Syl informed Kal that Laran had sworn the Third Ideal and suggested that he go congratulate her. Watching him withdraw into himself again, she told him she didn't know how to help him. She told him that he had been getting worse, and though he had to admit to himself that she was right, he didn't know what to do about it either.[95]

As the Windrunners approached the Shattered Plains, Syl informed Kaladin that Yunfah was in the area and wished to speak with him. Syl acted as an intermediary, as the wind from flying kept Kaladin from hearing anyone except her. Yunfah was angry that Kaladin kept wanting him to bond Rlain, but Syl suggested that he keep pushing the spren. Kaladin gave him ten days to try to work with Rlain before he could look for someone else, and he reluctantly left. They landed at the new fort being built at Narak and spoke with Dalinar, to whom Syl apologized on behalf of her honorspren relatives. She remained silent, only looking on in concern as Dalinar relieved Kaladin of duty and confirming that he wasn't abandoning his oaths to think of serving the war effort in some other way.[96] When Kaladin and the Windrunners returned to Urithiru, Syl went after Adolin. She brought him to Kaladin's room, where Adolin badgered Kal into going out with him for the evening. As they left, Kaladin thanked Syl. They went to Jez's Duty, where Syl flitted around the room and enjoyed looking at the people, riding on Jor's shoulder for a while and only returning to the others briefly.[97]

Surgeon's Assistant

I had no idea how much I needed to see puppies until I flew by them this morning. They are the grossest things on the planet, Kaladin. They're somehow so gross that they’re cute. So cute I could have died! Except I can’t, because I’m an eternal sliver of God himself, and we have standards about things like that.

—After seeing Aladar's axehound puppies[98]

After the official announcement of Kaladin's retirement, Syl went with Kaladin to the sparring grounds looking for Zahel. They tracked him to the edge of the plateau, where he was hanging up laundry. Zahel wanted Kaladin to fight him, so Syl became a sword with dulled edges. She helped him as best she could, but they still lost; afterwards, she flew around the area as Kaladin spoke with Zahel.[99] The day the Fourth Bridge arrived at the Shattered Plains, Kaladin and Syl went to meet it. They gave his parents a tour of the rooms they had spent the past week preparing for them, Syl enjoying Lirin and Hesina's banter. She excitedly showed them the different rooms and prompted Kaladin to tell Lirin that he had retired from active duty and hoped to help his father in his new clinic.[100]

The day of one of the following highstorms, Syl excitedly flew around Urithiru. She watched Cord cook for a while, then went to check on the sleeping Kaladin. The storm arrived, so she soared back outside and enjoyed the winds. The Stormfather, seeing that Syl had a strong desire to ask him something, spoke with her; she asked him to help her understand Kaladin's depression, but he told her that while he had the power to do what she wanted, he didn't have the ability. She sought out Dalinar next, and he helped her see that by thinking about the feelings that caused her to drift after Relador's death she might already be able to understand Kaladin's "dark brain."[14]

Syl reading to Kaladin

The day before the embassy to the honorspren left, Syl went to speak with Adolin. She told him of her fears for their mission, warning him to be disappointed.[101] The next day, Adolin went to say goodbye to Kaladin before leaving. Syl showed up, telling Adolin that the position had been good for Kal. She gave Adolin some last minute tips on honorspren and their ideas of morality before he left.[102]

As Kaladin continued to work in the clinic, Syl would often watch. One day his assistant led a patient in and left for the privy; after talking with Mil some, Kaladin asked Hawin to read him some information. As she was gone, Syl went over to the book and read the requested information instead. They discussed using their powers for things other than war, then went to the balcony for a break. When Leyten saw them and flew over to salute them, Syl became sad that the Windrunners were all going with the army to Azir. Later, she was excited to see Teft when he came to inform Kaladin that he was stepping down from active duty as well.[103] Kaladin took Teft with him to look for Noril while Syl was on her habitual morning flight. She went and looked at some axehound puppies of Aladar's before catching up with them as they led Noril out of the Devotary of Mercy. She watched intensely as the three of them talked together.[98]


A few days later, Syl flew into Jez's Duty just ahead of Rlain. She sat on Kaladin's shoulder while they talked about war, their search for Dabbid, and Kaladin's new group therapy sessions. She was pleased when Kaladin admitted that his work with the others with mental illness was helping him and agreed to attend a group session himself.[104] As Raboniel and her strike team began corrupting the crystal pillar far away in the basement, Syl suddenly found herself separated from Kaladin. It took her the duration of Kaladin's climb up to Lirin's clinic until she found a way to pull herself back to Kaladin with his help. She could no longer become a Blade, and when she tried to go to Navani to report on the invasion, she could only go a little ways from Kaladin before she began losing herself. She brought him news that Navani knew about what was going on and was sending out messengers, but there were more and more enemy forces arriving all the time through the Oathgates.[105]

It was a nice dream, wasn't it, Syl? That we could escape? Find peace at long last?

Kaladin just before rescuing Teft[106]

Syl accompanied Kaladin as he kept himself busy distributing supplies to the former Hearthstone residents in the wake of the failure of most of the tower's fabrials. She warned him that she kept seeing Voidspren about the tower, then started acting like a windspren as a Regal approached him in the hallway to avert his suspicion.[107] Syl led Kaladin to a balcony, where they spoke with Rlain. When Rlain explained his plan to go to the invading force, Syl became sad. Kaladin asked her what was wrong, but she abruptly put on a forced cheerful act.[108] Just after a messenger delivered confirmation of Navani's surrender to Lirin's clinic, Syl entered and gave a silent warning of an enemy soldier approaching. She went back to keeping watch but had to return shortly to warn of a group of soldiers methodically checking each residence; Kaladin hid, so Syl went to eavesdrop for him. Syl and Kaladin, realizing they meant to take Teft with them, had a brief exchange acknowledging the momentous decision they were about to make before entering the room and rescuing Teft, fleeing with him into the depths of Urithiru.[106]

Syl led Kaladin through Urithiru, going up several levels. The Pursuer tracked them down, and Syl attempted to lead him away. When he discovered the ruse, Syl zipped back to Kaladin. She asked him if they could surrender, an option which he refused. Before they could try to make it past the approaching soldiers, Syl noticed a light flashing on the floor. Kaladin quickly decided to trust it, hoisting Teft onto his shoulders; they followed the light through a hidden door, through more corridors, and up to the eleventh floor to a hidden room.[109] Syl did some exploring while Kaladin slept. When she returned to find him awake, she explained her theory about the Sibling's presence in Urithiru.[110]

They went to look for supplies, Syl scouting ahead of Kaladin. As they hid from some singers, they discovered that the invading force were keeping up a pretense of normality outside the tower. They made their way to the sixth floor, where Syl went to check on Lirin and Hesina and reported to Kaladin that they looked fine. She talked Kaladin through using a Reverse Lashing to open lanterns from a store that they found, allowing him to recover the infused gemstone inside. They continued to the Devotary of Mercy, where Kaladin gained Kuno's promise of future help and supplies before returning to their hideout.[111]

If we can choose, we can change. If we can't change, then choice means nothing. I’m glad I feel this way, to remind me that I haven’t always felt the same. Been the same. It means that in coming here to find another Knight Radiant, I was deciding. Not simply doing what I was made to, but doing what I wanted to.

—Syl's thoughts on feeling grief[41]


As Kaladin took care of Teft with their new supplies, he finally convinced Syl to open up to him about the cause of her recent melancholy moods. She explained about remembering Relador, and they discussed the best way to deal with feelings of sadness and depression. Syl practiced changing colors until they were startled by a noise at the door, which turned out to be Dabbid. Leaving him with Teft, Syl accompanied Kaladin as he went to investigate the Oathgates. She scouted for him as he climbed the outside of the tower, and when a group of scouts began packing up their supplies, she realized they must have had a functioning spanreed with them.[4] Knowing of Navani's desire to discover how the invading force had functioning fabrials, Syl and Kaladin gave chase to the group. Having looked ahead, Syl brought Kaladin news of a spanreed hub and also pointed out to him that spren were more visible to everyone than usual because of the corruption in the tower. Deciding it was worth it to proceed despite the added danger of discovery, Kaladin came up with the idea of Syl pretending to be a Voidspren to fool the guards. She wrapped herself in red cloth and successfully distracted the guards while Kaladin snuck past. Approaching the spanreed room via a ventilation shaft, Kaladin snared some fabrials with a rope and relied on Syl to check that the hallway was clear before exiting the shaft. As Syl was preparing to distract the guards again in the guise of a Voidspren, however, the Sibling contacted Kaladin and asked for his help defending one of their nodes.[24]

Kaladin and Syl raced for the node, guided by the Sibling's light. The Pursuer immediately engaged Kaladin, and Syl used her new trick of imitating a Voidspren to distract him for a moment, giving Kaladin a chance to get free. They managed to trap the Pursuer in a room, then returned to the node and destroyed it.[112] After a night's rest, Kaladin was able to give Navani a report on the preceding day; he also reported to her Syl's findings from her studies of the spanreeds they had acquired. Syl determined that the spren inside were corrupted in a similar manner to Glys, allowing them to operate with Voidlight.[113] As Kal continued to have nightmares, Syl helped by trying to wake him. He tended to Teft after one such time, and she told him about asking Dalinar to help her understand his feelings. Dabbid came in and delivered Tomor's fabrial to them, and after a half hour Syl reminded Kaladin of his meeting with Navani. After the queen explained to him about placing the conjoined rubies, Syl accompanied him to the ninth floor to do so and then supervised as he practiced with the fabrial.[41]

During another of Kaladin's nightmares, Syl attempted to wake him to tell him that the enemy had found another node in the Breakaway. When he finally woke, she quickly apprised him of the situation. They caught up to Dabbid, who had taken Kal's spear with the intention of dealing with the problem himself, and rushed onwards. Syl warned Kaladin of the Pursuer's approach; as he fought with the Fused, she was able to help him by turning the dial on his fabrial for him. She scouted out the location of the node, noting its position in the well. Kaladin broke away from the fight at her signal, and she guided him into the water and to the sapphire. Though Raboniel was already there and managed to injure Kaladin, he successfully destroyed the node. Syl led him upwards again, but as she shot out of the well, the Pursuer maneuvered the lid into place and weighted it with his troops. Panicking and terrified, Syl realized that Kaladin was stuck below.[114] As Kaladin swam away, Syl likely lost her ability to stay manifested in the Physical Realm but stayed nearby out of instinct.[115] She entered a state similar to that after the death of Relador, but when Kaladin called out to her the next time he went near the Breakaway, she heard him and broke through back to the Physical Realm.[116]

Recovering Urithiru

Kaladin explained to Syl that the enemy had found the Sibling's final node and were planning on executing the Radiants, so she accompanied him straight to the atrium.[116] Syl flew around the struggling pair as Kaladin and the Pursuer fought.[117] When they saw Teft's body, though, both Syl and Kaladin felt crushed by the loss. One of the Fused took off with Lirin, and the two of them followed to the top of the tower. Syl cried out to Kaladin that she had forgotten the words to the Fourth Ideal, but an unheeding Kaladin jumped from the roof.[118] As he fell, Syl continued to weep over forgetting the words.[119] Suddenly, however, Kaladin returned from his vision and reached out for her again.[120] Together, they flew downwards to save Lirin[121] and then returned to the fight in Urithiru.[122]

I'm merely ... alive. And this is part of being alive. So I’m grateful, even if part of it stinks.

—Discussing her grief over Teft[42]

After the conflict, Kaladin used the Sylblade to transfer Rlain and Venli's group of rebels to the Shattered Plains, where they met up with the Fused who had taken a stand against Odium's forces. Returning to the tower with Rlain, Kaladin, Syl, and the rest of Bridge Four gave Teft and Phendorana a funeral. The group retired to Jez's Duty afterwards, but Kaladin and Syl lingered at the statue and talked about missing Teft.[42] They joined the others at the winehouse for a few hours before going to find Dalinar to discuss their future. Syl encouraged Kaladin to ask Dalinar for permission to keep doing his work with those with mental illnesses. After granting it, Dalinar revealed to them their new time limit regarding the contest of champions. Alarmed to hear that they only had ten days, Kaladin and Syl agreed to travel to Shinovar to help Ishar recover from his madness enough to help Dalinar learn about his Bondsmith abilities. Dalinar gave Kaladin Wit's flute at the conclusion of the meeting and explained how Lift had found it. Intrigued, the two of them went to the merchant shop to sort through the bins of salvage. To his absolute astonishment, Kaladin found the carved horse that Tien had just given him in his vision. He explained disjointedly to Syl about the impossibility of it showing up there, and then gathered himself enough to go to the group session he had promised to attend.[123]



It is my solemn and important duty to bring happiness, light, and joy into your world when you're being a dour idiot.

—Syl to Kaladin[26]

Syl first begins watching Kaladin during his time in Amaram's army.[20] As she follows him during his slavery and to the Shattered Plains, she develops more and more awareness.[8] She shows her care for Kaladin early on, both when she stands before him when he is strung up in the highstorm and when she brings him blackbane leaves and talks him out of jumping at the Honor Chasm.[54][33] The two of them form a Nahel bond, and Kaladin finally says the words to become a Windrunner of the Second Ideal at the Battle of the Tower after Syl convinces him that it is the right choice to go back for the Kholin troops.[1]

Kaladin's sense of honor becomes confused for a time when Moash talks to him about helping assassinate Elhokar. This causes Syl to regress closer and closer to her state like a windspren and eventually "kills" her.[68][10] When Kaladin confronts Moash with the intent of keeping him from the king, however, Syl is able to make her way back to Kaladin. They restore their bond by swearing the Third Ideal.[13] After this experience, the two think more deeply about what makes killing right and discuss how the ethics of that question relates to their bond.[40]

Because she wants Kaladin to be happy, Syl begins talking to him about relationships. She sees that Kaladin enjoys being around Shallan, so she tries to encourage him in that direction even though Shallan is spoken for.[26] This idea does not pan out, as Shallan definitively chooses Adolin during the time of the Battle of Thaylen Field.[88] However, Syl only consults Adolin for advice next, and together they convince Kaladin to date Lyn for a time; this relationship doesn't work out either.[104][90]

Seeing that Kaladin's mood continues to worsen, Syl tries to talk to him about it but is rebuffed.[90] The problem is exacerbated when Dalinar informs Kaladin of his decision to retire him from active duty. Kal crashes, and Syl goes to the only person she knows of who can pull him out of such a state: Adolin.[97] Perplexed and desperately wanting to help Kaladin, Syl goes to Dalinar and asks him if there is anything he can do to help her understand Kal's emotions. Somehow in this encounter Dalinar Connects Syl to her past and she begins to remember and to grieve over Relador.[14][41] Kaladin notices her gloomy moods, and they have the opportunity to talk more freely about how to deal with such times, Syl with more empathy and experience than ever before.[108][41][42]

The Stormfather

You do not exist for [the humans]. You exist for you. You exist to choose.

—The Stormfather to Syl[14]

Syl is one of the the first honorspren the Stormfather created rather than Honor. Because she is the only one to survive the Recreance, he feels very protective of her.[3] The Stormfather commands her return and either approves of or instigates a bounty after Syl sneaks away to bond Kaladin. This changes with time, however, as he both accepts their bond and bonds a human himself.[7][124]


He went to fight, despite his age. He shouldn't have, and when he was killed, it hurt.

—Syl telling Dalinar about Relador[14]

Relador is the first man Syl bonded as a Windrunner.[14] He died shortly before the events of the Recreance, sending Syl into a catatonic state. Because of this, she avoided the fate of the majority of her kinsmen, who became deadeyes.[125] When Dalinar Connects her to her past, Syl begins experiencing grief over this loss. This helps her understand Kaladin better.[41]


  • In an earlier version of The Way of Kings, Syl was named "The East Wind."[126]
  • Sylphrena originally came from an unpublished Cosmere work called Climb the Sky.[127]
  • Sylphrena's name is inspired by the word "sylph", or air spirit, and "sylphlike" can be used to describe a slender young woman, both of which fit Syl to a certain degree.[128]
  • Syl was written with ADHD-like mannerisms, though it is hard to tell if she can be properly diagnosed with it because she is a spren and not human, and therefore has a different psychology.[129]


  1. a b c d El camino de los reyes capítulo 67#
  2. Steelheart Chicago signing
    Arcanum - 2013-10-05#
  3. a b c d e f g h Juramentada capítulo 108#
  4. a b c d El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 55#
  5. a b c d e f g Palabras radiantes capítulo 9#
  6. a b c Juramentada capítulo 95#
  7. a b c d e f Juramentada capítulo 102#
  8. a b c El camino de los reyes capítulo 14#
  9. a b c d e f El camino de los reyes capítulo 57#
  10. a b c Palabras radiantes capítulo 74#
  11. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 90#
  12. Palabras radiantes capítulo 12#
  13. a b c d e Palabras radiantes capítulo 84#
  14. a b c d e f El ritmo de la guerra interludio I-1#
  15. a b Juramentada capítulo 5#
  16. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 23#
  17. El camino de los reyes capítulo 40#
  18. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 27#
  19. a b c d e El camino de los reyes capítulo 2#
  20. a b c El camino de los reyes capítulo 9#
  21. Juramentada capítulo 46#
  22. a b c d Juramentada capítulo 91#
  23. a b c d El camino de los reyes capítulo 21#
  24. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 58#
  25. a b c d e Palabras radiantes capítulo 86#
  26. a b c d e f g h i j Juramentada capítulo 10#
  27. Cubierta del juego Call to Adventure
  28. Corredor del Viento por Felix Abel Klaer
  29. Imagen "El siguiente Ideal"
  30. Póster del Puente 4
  31. a b c Juramentada capítulo 97#
  32. Juramentada capítulo 90#
  33. a b c d e El camino de los reyes capítulo 11#
  34. El camino de los reyes capítulo 17#
  35. El camino de los reyes capítulo 34#
  36. a b Juramentada capítulo 17#
  37. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 22#
  38. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 18#
  39. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 16#
  40. a b c d Juramentada capítulo 31#
  41. a b c d e f El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 63#
  42. a b c d El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 114#
  43. El camino de los reyes capítulo 55#
  44. a b Juramentada capítulo 77#
  45. a b Juramentada capítulo 20#
  46. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 64#
  47. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 69#
  48. Skyward Denver signing
    Arcanum - 2018-11-15#
  49. a b Juramentada capítulo 110#
  50. /r/fantasy AMA 2013
    Arcanum - 2013-04-15#
  51. El camino de los reyes capítulo 4#
  52. El camino de los reyes capítulo 6#
  53. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 30#
  54. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 35#
  55. El camino de los reyes capítulo 38#
  56. El camino de los reyes capítulo 43#
  57. El camino de los reyes capítulo 46#
  58. El camino de los reyes capítulo 49#
  59. El camino de los reyes capítulo 59#
  60. El camino de los reyes capítulo 73#
  61. Palabras radiantes capítulo 32#
  62. Palabras radiantes capítulo 33#
  63. Palabras radiantes capítulo 41#
  64. Palabras radiantes capítulo 44#
  65. Palabras radiantes capítulo 52#
  66. Palabras radiantes capítulo 55#
  67. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 57#
  68. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 68#
  69. Palabras radiantes capítulo 77#
  70. Palabras radiantes capítulo 83#
  71. Palabras radiantes capítulo 85#
  72. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 87#
  73. a b Juramentada capítulo 89#
  74. Juramentada capítulo 7#
  75. Juramentada capítulo 14#
  76. Juramentada capítulo 37#
  77. Juramentada capítulo 58#
  78. Juramentada capítulo 61#
  79. Juramentada capítulo 79#
  80. Juramentada capítulo 84#
  81. a b Juramentada capítulo 87#
  82. Juramentada capítulo 99#
  83. Juramentada capítulo 116#
  84. Juramentada capítulo 117#
  85. Juramentada capítulo 118#
  86. Juramentada capítulo 119#
  87. Juramentada capítulo 120#
  88. a b Juramentada capítulo 121#
  89. Juramentada capítulo 122#
  90. a b c d El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 2#
  91. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 5#
  92. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 6#
  93. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 7#
  94. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 8#
  95. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 9#
  96. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 10#
  97. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 12#
  98. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 25#
  99. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 15#
  100. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 18#
  101. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 22#
  102. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 21#
  103. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 23#
  104. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 38#
  105. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 39#
  106. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 43#
  107. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 41#
  108. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 42#
  109. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 44#
  110. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 46#
  111. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 49#
  112. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 59#
  113. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 61#
  114. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 70#
  115. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 91#
  116. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 102#
  117. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 103#
  118. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 106#
  119. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 107#
  120. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 108#
  121. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 110#
  122. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 111#
  123. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 116#
  124. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 30#
  125. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 87#
  126. General Signed Books 2015
    Arcanum - 2015-12-07#
  127. Oathbringer San Francisco signing
    Arcanum - 2017-11-15#
  128. General Reddit 2018
    Arcanum - 2018-02-19#
  129. YouTube Livestream 13
    Arcanum - 2020-07-23#
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