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Renarin Kholin
Renarin by Elisgardor.jpg
Casa Kholin
Padres Dalinar, Evi
Hermanos Adolin
Parientes Gavilar, Jasnah, Elhokar, Toh, Gavinor
Ancestros Padre de Dalinar, Sadees
Nacido en 1154[1]
Capacidades Vigilante de la Verdad, Potenciador del Vacío[2], Portador de esquirlada
Vinculado con Glys
Títulos Son of Thorns[3]
Grupo Caballeros Radiantes (Vigilante de la Verdad)
Puente Cuatro, Ejército de Kholin
Residencia Urithiru
Nacionalidad de Alezkar
Mundo natal Roshar
Universo Cosmere

I am not the first hero’s son to be born without any talent for warfare. The others all got along. So shall I.

—Renarin Kholin[4]

Renarin Kholin es un ojos claros de la casa alezi Kholin en [[Roshar]. Es aparentemente un Vigilante de la Verdad, y está unido al brumaspren corrupto, Glys.[5] Es el segundo hijo de Dalinar y Evi, y el hermano menor de Adolin. Esto lo convierte en sobrino de Gavilar y Navani y primo de Elhokar y Jasnah. Desde la abdicación de Dalinar, es el primero en la línea de sucesión de Adolin como alto príncipe del principado Kholin.[6][7]

Apariencia y personalidad


Para ver más imágenes, véase Renarin_Kholin/Galería.

Renarin tiene ojos de zafiro[8] y sus extremidades y dedos delgados le dan el aspecto de alguien que nunca ha realizado trabajos manuales ni ha luchado en una batalla.[9] Tiene el pelo mayoritariamente negro con algo de pelo rubio mezclado.[10] También se distingue por llevar gafas, aunque finalmente deja de llevarlas después de que la luz tormentosa le cure la vista.[5] Como todos los oficiales del ejército Kholin, Renarin lleva su uniforme cuando está en público, aunque debido a su debilidad física, nunca ha visto la batalla.[11] ADespués de unirse al Puente Cuatro, suele llevar un uniforme del Puente Cuatro en su lugar.[12]


Renarin es de voz suave y reflexiva, y tiende a hacer una pausa y considerar las respuestas antes de hablar.[13] Esto puede hacer que ocasionalmente parezca calculador o desconcertante para aquellos con los que habla, aunque los que están cerca de él saben que no es así. No es conflictivo e intenta evitar las burlas de Sagaz mediante el silencio. A menudo intenta evitar que Adolin inicie peleas.[1][14] Tiene una pequeña caja con la que juguetea en ocasiones en las que se siente incómodo.[15] No le gusta que la gente le toque de forma rápida o inesperada.[13] Renarin rara vez sonríe, sólo lo hace cuando está relajado y entre amigos.[13] Tiende a evitar el contacto visual cuando habla con la gente.[10] Renarin se encuentra en el espectro autista,[16] lo que se refleja en los comportamientos antes mencionados, y también sufre de ansiedad.[17] Renarin is gay.[18]

A pesar de su personalidad apagada, Renarin tiene valor y quiere ser útil, incluso en situaciones en las que no tiene experiencia o no se ha formado mucho.[14] Renarin valora la vida de su familia por encima de la suya propia, y está dispuesto a ponerse en gran peligro si eso puede ayudar a la gente que quiere.[12]

Renarin tiene una vena inquisitiva, especialmente en lo que respecta a los fabriales.[19] A menudo inspecciona los fabriales a su alrededor y hace preguntas sobre sus funciones. A pesar de esto, no está interesado en unirse al fervor para convertirse en ingeniero.[20] Le gusta estar informado sobre temas específicos, y hablará de ellos si se le pregunta. Está bien versado en los diferentes vinos de Roshar.[21]

A Renarin no le gusta el hecho de ser un potenciador inusual y desearía ser como los demás Radiantes. Mantiene sus verdaderas habilidades en secreto porque cree que, debido al prejuicio cultural contra la visión del futuro, sería marginado y se desconfiaría de él si la gente supiera lo que es capaz de hacer.[13]

Atributos y habilidades

Renarin usando la iluminación

No creo que sea un Radiante, Jasnah. No sé qué soy.


Renarin padece una "debilidad sanguínea" (epilepsia), que le impide participar en actividades de gran esfuerzo físico, incluido el combate. La debilidad le afecta en episodios, durante los cuales se pone pálido y sus miembros se debilitan, hasta el punto de temblar o de poder derrumbarse.[19] Kaladin cree que son síntomas de crisis mioclónicas.[23] Tras convertirse en Radiante, sus habilidades curan su epilepsia y ya no tiene ataques ordinarios. Sin embargo, su vínculo le hace tener otro tipo de ataques, las visiones del futuro, en su lugar.[13]


Después de dar su espada esquirlada a Torol Sadeas a cambio de los hombres de los puentes, Dalinar da su armadura esquirlada a Renarin,[6] y Adolin le da más tarde la espada esquirlada que gana en su duelo con Salinor Eved.[24] Zahel le forma en el uso adecuado de sus esquirlas. Renarin también se entrena como miembro del Puente Cuatro bajo el liderazgo de Kaladin, aunque no está claro si se entrena con una lanza o la lleva. Renarin utiliza la espada esquirlada que le dio Adolin sólo bajo gran presión o cuando se lo piden directamente, porque, como manifestación de su vínculo Nahel, oye los gritos del spren muerto de la espada cada vez que la sostiene. Después de la Batalla de Narak, devuelve la Espada esquirlada que le dio Adolin, ya que aprende a manifestar a Glys como Espada esquirlada y puede utilizarlo en su lugar.[25]


Renarin no podia hacerlo. Solo podia invocar luces, que a veces hacían cosas extrañas, antinaturales…

—Navani sobre la Iluminación de Renarin[26]

Renarin es un potenciador y miembro de los Caballeros Radiantes. Afirma ser un Vigilante de la Verdad, unido a un brumaspren corrupto llamado Glys,[5] pero no es un verdadero miembro de la orden debido a la corrupción de su spren.[27] Renarin se vinculó a Glys en algún momento antes del duelo final, en desventaja, de Adolin.[28] Debido a la naturaleza corrupta de Glys, los juramentos de Renarin son diferentes a los habituales en los Vigilantes de la Verdad.[29]

Como Vigilante de la Verdad tendría acceso a las Potencias de Progresión e Iluminación, sin embargo, su uso de esta última potencia es notablemente diferente. Mientras que los Vigilantes de la Verdad pueden usar la Iluminación para crear ilusiones de la misma manera que un Tejedor de Luz, Renarin sólo puede invocar luces. Las luces actúan a veces de forma extraña y antinatural.[26] Sin embargo, la corrupción de Glys no ha impedido a Renarin utilizar la Progresión para curarse a sí mismo y a otros, como pueden hacer otros Vigilantes de la Verdad.[30][31] Renarin no puede curar las heridas de otras personas si ha pasado demasiado tiempo y la persona ha aceptado internamente su lesión.[32][33][34]

Otras habilidades

El vínculo de Renarin con Glys le ha otorgado varias habilidades que son diferentes de las que poseería un Vigilante de la Verdad normal. No está claro si estas habilidades son una versión modificada de la Potenciación, simplemente una Potenciación del Vacío estándar, o una combinación de ambas.[2][35]

Es capaz de utilizar una potencia de luz tormentosa para desterrar la fuerza vital y animadora de un tronador.[36] Es capaz de mostrar a una persona una versión alternativa de sí misma, similar al efecto del oro alomántico o del malatium. Esto se manifiesta como una imagen ilusoria del yo alternativo del objetivo dentro de una nube de luz blanca brillante.[37]

Renarin viendo el futuro

Visión del futuro

¿Qué me pasa? ¿Por qué veo estas cosas? Creía que estaba hacienda algo bien, con Glys, pero no sé por qué, todo está mal…

—Renarin a Jasnah[38]

El más notable de estos poderes especiales es su capacidad de visualizar el futuro. Esta habilidad es la que le hace escribir mensajes en glifos y números con la cuenta atrás para la llegada de la tormenta eterna.[39][40] Debido a que está viendo el futuro, una acción explícitamente prohibida por la iglesia vorin por los lazos con los Portadores del Vacío, Renarin se cree inicialmente maldito por el Todopoderoso.[39]

Las visiones son el resultado de la corrupción de Glys por Sja-anat antes de la formación de su vínculo Radiante. Esto cambió la apariencia de Glys de la típica forma de mancha de luz a la de un copo de nieve rojo,[41] y posiblemente ha permitido a Odium influir en su vínculo en pequeños aspectos.[13]

Las visiones de Renarin se manifiestan como ataques que le sobrevienen contra su voluntad. Mientras que los ataques golpean a Renarin de forma involuntaria, Glys es capaz de capturar y grabar una visión cuando le sucede, lo que le permite volver a invocarla cuando quiera. Mantener la visión reconstruida requiere luz tormentosa y esfuerzo por parte de Glys. Esto limita la cantidad de tiempo que se puede invocar la visión, ya que Glys se fatiga.[13]

Lo que yo veo interfiere con la capacidad de Odium. Dado que percibo posibilidades en el futuro, mi conocimiento cambia lo que hare. Por tanto, su capacidad de ver mi future esta emborronada. Cualquiera a quien tenga cerca será difícil de interpreter para él."

—Renarin a Dalinar[13]

TLas visiones comienzan con un cristal oscuro que cubre el suelo bajo sus pies. Una luz fantasma brilla detrás del cristal y, si Renarin lo pisa, hace que una luz roja lo atraviese. Después de extenderse por el suelo, el cristal se resquebraja y adquiere la forma de lo que se está representando, y después cambia de color. Este estado final es comparable al de una vidriera.[13] A veces las imágenes están remarcadas con números y palabras.[36] Otras personas no pueden ver este cristal.[13]

Estas visiones pueden mostrar tanto eventos pasados como futuros, incluso de situaciones en las que Renarin no estaría presente en el momento en que el evento representado sucede.[42] Sin embargo, las imágenes del futuro sólo muestran posibles resultados futuros,[13] y por lo tanto no siempre son precisas, y lo que realmente sucede puede diferir de lo que Renarin ve.[38] Según Glys las visiones no provienen específicamente de Odium, pero como sus poderes provienen de él es posible que sus deseos influyan en lo que las visiones mostrarán.[13]

La visión del futuro de Renarin hace que sea un punto negro en la visión del futuro de Odium.[7][43] Esto se debe a que la capacidad de Renarin de ver el futuro provoca un conflicto en la Fortuna similar a la forma en que el electrum alomántico y el atium interactúan entre sí.[44][45] Este efecto también se extiende a otras personas que pueden verse afectadas por las acciones informadas de la vista futura de Renarin, como Dalinar y Szeth.[43][10] Este efecto se manifiesta en las visiones de Renarin como una negrura a lo largo de los bordes de la ventana.[13]


Young Renarin trying to help his drunken father

Early Life (1154-1167)

Renarin creció con su familia en Kholinar como segundo hijo del alto príncipe. Nació mientras su padre, Dalinar, estaba de viaje en una campaña militar contra los veden. Evi pidió un nombre a Dalinar a través de una petición por vinculacañas, pero no recibió respuesta, por lo que nombró a su hijo ella misma. Renarin era una combinación del nombre de Rira Re, y las palabras alezi Nar ("como") e In ("nacer de").[46] Cuando Dalinar se enteró de esto, no le gustó el nombre, interpretándolo como "parecido a uno que nació para sí mismo".[46] Curiosamente, la traducción de Evi resultó similar al título que Sja-Anat le dió, "Hijo de Espinas".[3]

Renarin es autista[16], y de pequeño desarrolló una "debilidad sanguínea", la epilepsia.[23] Su epilepsia le incapacitaba para el combate, a diferencia de su hermano, que había sido entrenado con la espada desde los seis años.[47] Su madre le contó el mito de Parasaphi y Nadris cuando era joven.[48]

Tras la muerte de Evi, Renarin solía quemar incienso en sus habitaciones. Este olor le recordaba a Dalinar a Evi y a menudo le hacía caer en su adicción.[49] Cuando Dalinar estaba en lo más profundo de su alcoholismo, Renarin utilizaba las esferas que Gavilar le daba para comprar botellas de vino para su padre.[50] Renarin sufría acoso de niño, lo que a menudo enfurecía a Adolin.[51]

Guerra de la Venganza (1167-1174)

Tras el asesinato de Gavilar, Renarin fue a las Llanuras Quebradas con Dalinar y Adolin para cumplir el Pacto de Venganza.[52]

Los que “merecen” mis burlas son aquellos que pueden beneficiarse de ellas, brillante señor Dalinar. El muchacho es menos frágil de los que crees.

Sagaz sobre Renarin[1]

Acompañó a Adolin a la cacería de abismoides de Elhokar y trató de calmar a Adolin cuando se enfadó por el trato de Sadeas a su padre. Mientras esperaban en la meseta a que llegara el abismoide, Sagaz se unió a ellos e intentó burlarse de Renarin, pero Dalinar le dijo que fuera a buscar a alguien que mereciera sus burlas. Sagaz le dijo a Dalinar que Renarin era alguien que se lo merecía, ya que podía beneficiarse de ello.[1] Cuando el abismoide salió de la sima y Dalinar, Adolin y Elhokar luchaban contra la bestia, Renarin montó en su caballo hacia la meseta para ayudarles, pero Dalinar se enfadó con él y le gritó que volviera a la zona segura.[53] En un festín que tuvo lugar más tarde esa noche, Renarin impidió que Adolin atacara a Sadeas, que había estado insultando a su padre, y al ver lo que estaba haciendo Sadeas le insultó, llamándole incompetente y ridiculizando lo que había hecho durante la lucha de ese mismo día.[14]

Puedo comprender al instigador, […] ¿Pero el otro? VIste cómo salió corriendo del campo hoy. ¡Incluso se olvidó de desenvainar su espada o traer su arco! ¡Es un inútil!

—Sadeas insultando a Renarin[14]

Dalinar le preguntó a Sadeas si hablaba en serio. Le dijo a Sadeas que si realmente había llamado inútil a su hijo, se vería obligado a invocar su espada esquirlada y matarlo por el insulto. Dijo que eso rompería el Pacto de Venganza y que esperaba haber escuchado mal lo que Sadeas había dicho. Sadeas dudó y dijo que, efectivamente, Dalinar había escuchado mal lo que había dicho. Más tarde, esa misma noche, cuando Sagaz estaba insultando a Sadeas, Renarin sorprendió a Sagaz con una inteligente respuesta a una de sus burlas. Sagaz dijo que si Sadeas cedía a su tentación y lo mataba, Renarin podría ser el Sagaz del Rey en su lugar.[14] Más tarde, Dalinar le dijo a Renarin que no debería haberse puesto en peligro ante el abismoide. Renarin intentó decirle que no era un soldado y que no podía luchar debido a su epilepsia, pero Dalinar malinterpretó lo que decía. Tranquilizó a Renarin, diciéndole que podía ser un guerrero incluso con su enfermedad. Le prometió que la próxima vez que ganara una armadura esquirlada y una espada esquirlada se las daría a Renarin. Le dijo a Renarin que la fuerza de la armadura sería suficiente para superar su debilidad.[4]

Ves el pasado, padre. Eso no está prohibido. Y si el Todopoderoso las envía, ¿cómo pueden cuestionarlas los hombres?


Renarin estuvo con Dalinar durante muchas de las visiones que experimentó durante las altas tormentas. Después de que Navani utilizara las visiones para traducir el Canto de Alba, quiso compartir las visiones con los otros eruditos, pero Dalinar dudó, diciendo que las visiones estaban demasiado cerca de ver el futuro, lo cual estaba prohibido. Renarin le dijo a Dalinar que eso no era un problema, ya que estaba viendo visiones del pasado y no del futuro.[48]

Durante la Batalla de la Torre, Sadeas traicionó a Dalinar, dejándolo a él y a sus hombres desamparados en la Torre, mientras él y su ejército regresaban al campamento ilesos. Renarin, en busca de noticias sobre el destino de su padre, siguió a Navani hasta el campamento de guerra de Sadeas, donde estaba interrogando al alto príncipe. Después de que Navani quemara su glifo de Thath, Renarin le agradeció la oración. Cuando Dalinar y Adolin regresaron sanos y salvos, Renarin los abrazó, siendo la primera vez que Dalinar veía verdadera alegría en su interior desde hacía tiempo. Después de que Dalinar entregara su espada esquirlada, Juramentada, a Sadeas a cambio de Kaladin y los hombres de los puentes, Dalinar entregó su armadura a Renarin, cumpliendo la mitad de su promesa.[6]

He'll surprise you, I gave him the whole ‘I’m your master and you do what I say’ talk, and he actually listened. [...] I thought a nineteen-year-old like him would be insufferable.

—Zahel to Kaladin[54]

Poco después de recibir su armadura esquirlada, Renarin empezó a escribir números en la pared durante las altas tormentas, en una cuenta atrás para la llegada de la tormenta eterna. Esto se debía a las visiones del futuro que le concedía Glys, con quien se había unido un tiempo antes.[55][5]

Después de que Adolin derrotara a Salinor Eved en un duelo, le dio su recién adquirida espada esquirlada a Renarin.[24] Al día siguiente, Zahel empezó a formar a Renarin en el uso de sus esquirladas. Zahel quedó impresionado por la obediencia de Renarin y le hizo saltar repetidamente desde el tejado del campo de duelos con su armadura esquirlada para que confiara en la protección de la armadura.[56][54]

Durante su asalto conjunto a la meseta con Jakamav, Dalinar hizo que Renarin fuera llevado a la batalla rodeado de una guardia de honor con órdenes de no permitirle luchar para que viera cómo era la batalla. Durante la batalla, Renarin quiso ayudar a defender uno de los puentes, pero cuando invocó su espada, oyó la voz de su spren chillando en su mente y se quedó paralizado. Después de la batalla, Renarin le dijo a Adolin que debía estar preparado para lo que se avecinaba. Adolin supuso que se refería a los números que habían estado apareciendo en las paredes durante las altas tormentas en la cuenta atrás de una nueva tormenta que se avecinaba. Sin embargo, Renarin, que había sido quien escribió esos números, estaba pensando en las visiones que su vínculo con Glys le había dado y que predecían la llegada de la tormenta eterna. Por aquel entonces, Renarin dejó de llevar sus gafas, ya que sus ojos habían sido curados por su luz tormentosa.[47][5]

Renarin hablando con Adolin antes del duelo

Cuando el Asesino de Blanco les atacó durante una alta tormenta, Dalinar ordenó a Renarin que llevara a Elhokar a un lugar seguro mientras él, Adolin y Kaladin luchaban con el asesino.[57] Al día siguiente, Renarin fue al cuartel del Puente Cuatro y le rogó a Kaladin que le dejara unirse a él y a sus hombres. Tras una discusión, Kaladin cedió y le indicó que lavara los cuencos y ayudara a Roca a limpiar del guiso de la noche. Al principio incomodó a los demás miembros del Puente Cuatro, pero finalmente se hicieron buenos amigos.[23] Varios días después, Renarin continuó su entrenamiento con Zahel, que le hizo comer con su armadura esquirlada para enseñarle a usarla para cosas delicadas, y luego empezó a formarle para luchar con sus esquirladas.[58]

Cuando Adolin fue a reunirse con Eshonai en lugar de Dalinar, tomó prestada la armadura esquirlada de Renarin, que solía pertenecer a Dalinar, para disimular que no era él realmente.[59]

Durante el duelo de Adolin con los cuatro portadores de esquirlada, Renarin, sin su armadura, se unió a la lucha para intentar ayudar a su hermano. Cuando Abrobadar se enfrentó a él, rechazando la espada esquirlada de Renarin con facilidad,[12] Renarin oyó el chillido de su espada esquirlada y se quedó paralizado donde estaba.[5] Poco después, Kaladin se unió a la lucha para ayudar a defender a los dos hermanos.[12] Después de que Kaladin y Adolin derrotaran juntos a Abrobadar y Jakamav, Relis se giró y se alejó corriendo para atacar a Renarin, que se había quedado a un lado. Cuando Relis se acercó, Renarin desechó su espada, haciendo que Relis dudara. Momentos después, llegó Kaladin, y Relis se volvió para blandir su espada contra él. Kaladin consiguió realizar una palmada, lo que hizo que Relis oyera el chirrido de su espada en su mente, y huyó de la arena. Una vez finalizado el duelo, Renarin ayudó a Kaladin a retirar la armadura de Adolin, que había sido drenada de su luz tormentosa.[60]

Cuando Kaladin fue liberado de la prisión, Renarin ya estaba totalmente integrado en el Puente Cuatro y empezó a aprender a llevar su puente con los primos de Lopen y los demás nuevos reclutas. Realizó su primer transporte completo del puente durante la expedición de Shallan para explorar las Llanuras.[61]

Prince Renarin, would you kindly slay this rock for me?

—Shallan a Renarin[62]

Renarin went with Dalinar, Adolin, Shallan, and the rest of the Kholin, Sebarial, Roion, and Aladar warcamps on the expedition to the center of the Shattered Plains to look for Urithiru. During the Battle of Narak when Shallan determined the location of the Oathgate Renarin gathered a group of soldiers and escorted her and her group of scholars to the plateau.[63] When Shallan located the Oathgate's control building Renarin, ignoring the screams, used his Shardblade to cut an opening into the chamber within.[62] Shallan tried using Renarin's Shardblade to unlock the portal, but since it was a deadeye, it did not work.[64]

It's come, it’s come, it’s come, it’s come. We’re dead. We’re dead. We’re dead. . . .

—Renarin's mantra[39]

As Shallan and the scholars tried to figure out how to operate the Oathgate Renarin crouched on the floor of the building writing zeros all over the floor as he mumbled repeatedly about how he had seen the Everstorm coming and that they were doomed.[39] Shallan threatened to gag him if he would not quiet down[65] and he listened to her.[66]

After Dalinar bonded with the Stormfather he met with Kaladin and Shallan, a meeting of Radiants. Renarin walked in and joined them, revealing that he too was a Knight Radiant. He told them that he was a Truthwatcher and that his ability was that he saw the truth of things. Dalinar realized that this was why he had stopped wearing his eyeglasses, and that the reason he froze every time he summoned his Shardblade was because of the screams he was hearing.[5]

Fighting Re-Shephir with Shallan and Adolin.

True Desolation (1174-)

After Sadeas's body was found lying in the hallways of Urithiru when Dalinar was giving orders to his generals and the other highprinces he told Renarin and Shallan to train and master their powers so they could be leaders and teachers for the coming Radiants.[67] Renarin came to Adolin while he was their father's Ryshadium, Gallant, in one of the tower's stables. Renarin told Adolin that he had to return the Shardblade he had been given since the screams made it unusable for him. Adolin protested that it would leave him defenseless and after some prodding Renarin summoned Glys as a Blade to show him. While they were talking afterwards Renarin used his Surge of Progression to heal Adolin's hand.[25]

There's something down there, something … ancient. You’ve felt it, haven’t you? This place is weird; this whole tower is weird. You’ve noticed it too, right?


When Shallan discovered Re-Shephir in the lower levels of the tower, Renarin came with Adolin and the rest of Bridge Four in his Shardplate to help her fight off the Unmade. He was the one who discovered the slow-moving blackness of the Unmade, although it was Lyn who announced it. He was extremely unsettled by the sight, and did not respond when Adolin tried to pull him back to the rest of the group. Only when Teft called him into formation like a superior officer did he respond and move.[68] During the fight he healed Bridge Four as they were injured.[69] He covered Adolin's back when they charged into the room with the gemstone pillar and he held his own while Shallan confronted Re-Shephir.[68]

After Kaladin returned from his trip through Alethkar Renarin went with the other members of Bridge Four back to the Shattered Plains for a training session. Rock invited Renarin to help him bake the bread for the rest of the squad. As they worked together, they discussed Renarin's role in Bridge Four now that most of the members were becoming Windrunner squires. Later, caravan carrying Rock's family was being attacked by Fused and the bridgemen raced to defend it. Renarin went and brought Adolin and two companies of troops to the scene. While the soldiers he brought arrived too late to help, Renarin's healing saved several men's lives.[70]

Discovering the Gem Archive

After Jasnah's return, Renarin attended a meeting of scholars, stormwardens, and artifabrians talking about the function of Urithiru and how the gemstone pillar might work. He shared the idea that the city might be one big fabrial rather than several, and was insulted by Janala, who called him feminine. Navani started to come to his defense, but Shallan, already vexed by Janala, jumped in instead to defend him. Renarin later thanked Shallan and had a conversation with her about Jasnah, in which he gave her the idea to go to Kholinar as part of the strike team as a spy. When the meeting resumed, Dalinar arrived and sat down to observe the proceedings. This gave Renarin the confidence to actively watch the rest of the proceedings.[71] At a later meeting with the scholars Renarin, with the help of his visions,[42] discovered and opened the Gem Archive revealing hundreds of gemstones containing recordings from the Knights Radiant of the past.[72]

When Dalinar went to Thaylen City and saw the hospitals full of people wounded by the Everstorm he sent for Renarin who came and healed many of the injured. When the Thaylens he healed tried thanking him, he directed them to Dalinar, who he gave credit for the healing.[31] He also tried to heal Rysn's legs, but was unable to do so since too much time had passed since her accident.[32]

Renarin continued to attend meetings with the other scholars. He tried to find a pattern in the way the stones in the gem archive were stored but he was unsuccessful. Jasnah wanted him to stay with the scholars for longer, but Navani noticed how happy he was with the other bridgemen and encouraged him to spend more time with his fellow squad members instead.[40] Navani had Renarin try to push Stormlight into the heart of the tower in an attempt at restoring the tower's full functions, but he was not able to make it stick.[73]

Renarin went with Dalinar, Jasnah, and Navani to Thaylen City for a meeting of all the members of the coalition. On their way to the meeting room Renarin asked Kdralk if the Thaylen Gemstone Reserve contained any large gemstones. This was likely due to Glys showing him a vision about how perfect gems would be important in the coming battle, but he did not tell Kdralk why he wanted to know. During the meeting Kdralk made a point of sitting next to Renarin and talking with him. Soon before the news of the translation of the Eila Stele arrived Renarin excused himself from the meeting and left the room.[74]

"I saw you kill me."

"It's all right, Renarin. I’m not going to."
"But don’t you see? Don’t you understand what that means?"
Jasnah shook her head.

"Jasnah," Renarin said. "My vision was wrong about you. What I see … it can be wrong. "

—Renarin and Jasnah[38]

During the Battle of Thaylen Field Renarin sat in the temple of Pailiah seeing visions of the future, which manifested as panes of stained glass combining and melting together.[41][42] Jasnah realized that something was not right with him and came to the temple intending to kill him and end the threat he, as a corrupted Radiant, posed to the rest of mankind. When she saw Glys floating in the air above Renarin's back she compared it to the sketch Jochi had given her and concluded that Renarin was not an actual Truthwatcher. She summoned Ivory as a Shardblade and prepared herself to do what she thought was necessary.[41]

Renarin running towards Dalinar with Jasnah.

While she stood over him, Renarin watched his father give in and become Odium's champion.[27] He saw himself coming to the city with Dalinar and the betrayal that happened at the meeting. He saw himself kneeling in another pane of glass as Jasnah killed him, burning his eyes out.[42] Renarin accepted his impending death, thinking that it would be better to die than to live in a world where Dalinar Kholin, the Blackthorn, was Odium's champion. He whispered out loud that Dalinar had fallen and was no more. As Jasnah moved in to strike Renarin turned to look at her and nodded. Jasnah saw his tear streaked face and hesitated. She dismissed her Blade and embraced her cousin. She told him that they would find a way to fix what was wrong with him and that everything would be fine in the end. Seeing that Jasnah was not going to kill him, as his vision had foretold would happen, Renarin realized that his visions were not always accurate and that sometimes they were wrong.[38]

Jasnah took Renarin's hand and pulled him through the city in a mad rush, jumping from building to building as she raced towards Dalinar and the column of gloryspren forming around him. Renarin complained that he couldn't keep up, but Jasnah told him that as a Radiant he was fully capable of doing so. As they neared some of Amaram's troops Renarin warned Jasnah that he had seen in a vision that they had changed sides, but she kept going towards them. When she was close enough, she Soulcast the soldiers into crystal. She then turned the wall of a nearby building into smoke, trapping some soldiers behind the rubble, and conjured a set of stairs out of the air for them to climb onto the next building. By the time they reached where Dalinar was standing outside the city he had closed the perpendicularity and the other Radiants had started gathering around him. Dalinar ordered Renarin to go to the Oathgate and fight off the Thunderclast defending it so he could bring in troops from Urithiru to help them fight the battle.[22]

Renarin fighting the Thunderclast

When Renarin saw that Adolin, who had just emerged from the perpendicularity, had been injured he rushed over to him and healed his wounds. As Renarin made his way to the Oathgate he was slowed down by the crowds of people clogging the streets and Adolin went to help him. By the time Renarin had reached the Thunderclast Adolin and Hrdalm had begun fighting the monster. Renarin healed his brother and told them that he could take care of the Thunderclast on his own and that they should leave and go somewhere safer. As Renarin charged towards the monstrosity it slammed one of its fists on top of him, but Renarin was not fazed by this and simply used his Shardblade to cut the hand off at the wrist as his Stormlight healed his body. Renarin worked with Hrdalm to cut off the Thunderclast's limbs and then, at Glys's instruction, used Stormlight to drive the life out of its body. Renarin then instructed Hrdalm to go help with the fighting elsewhere and went to unlock the Oathgate. Renarin was surprised by this victory as his visions had predicted that he would die while fighting it.[36]

I think I used up all my Radianting for the day. Um, I'll work the Oathgate and get more troops here. Maybe you two could go down and help on the city wall, pull wounded out of the front lines?

—Renarin after Bridge Four arrived in Thaylen City[36]

As he approached the platform, he saw that there were twelve Fused hovering above it, guarding the Oathgate. A child motioned Renarin to go into a small building on the side where he found Teshav and several scribes. They told him that there had been an attack by the singers on Urithiru and they were unable to contact Malata to have her open the portal. Renarin then went outside, summoned his Shardblade, and continued toward the Oathgate. As he neared the ramp onto the platform the Fused descended towards him. As four of the Fused saluted him Renarin had a vision predicting that Teft would become Radiant and activate the Oathgate from Urithiru. He smiled at the Fused standing at attention before him, confusing them, and moments later this occurred as the Oathgate exploded with Light and an entire division of Kholin troops, led by Teft holding a glowing Shardspear, emerged from the Oathgate.[36]

When the Fused saw this they flew away and Renarin told Lopen and the other members of Bridge Four not to chase them away from the Oathgate, but rather they should stay near it and protect it from further attacks. Lyn tried asking him for commands, but Renarin told her that he was not in command but suggested that she and Rock could help with the wounded near the city's wall. He told them that was done being Radiant for the day and needed a break from all of the action. Before he flew off Rock surprised Renarin with a warm hug, and Renarin thanked him again for coming before sitting and resting.[36] After the battle Renarin used his Stormlight to heal the wounded who were in most dire need of his help.[75]

Renarin confronting Moash

When the Fourth Bridge was evacuating the people of Hearthstone Renarin used his Illumination to create a ball of light which he used to calm down some frightened children as they were boarding the airship.[26] During the evacuation Renarin worked with Dabbid to bring food and water to the townspeople.[76] When Moash was taunting Kaladin in Roshone's house, causing Kaladin to freeze up, Renarin came and saved him. He used his powers to summon an image of an alternate, Radiant, version of Moash which frightened him and caused him to run away. Afterwards Renarin helped Kaladin walk back to the Fourth Bridge,[37] and told Teft and the other members of Bridge Four what he had seen.[77]

The coalition decided to send the Stump with Shallan and Adolin on their trip through Shadesmar to Lasting Integrity instead of Renarin because they were worried about what the honorspren would think of Glys's corruption.[78]

Renarin was part of Jasnah's plot to remove Ruthar from his position as highprince. She had him wait outside of the tent they were in and called for him to come inside and heal Ruthar after she stabbed him through the throat. Afterwards, Renarin apologized to Dalinar for not telling him about the plan. Renarin also told Dalinar that he had had another vision, and they agreed to meet the next day to discuss it.[79]

Does it strike you as cruel of fate, Father? My blood sickness gets healed, so I can finally be a soldier like I always wanted. But that same healing has given me another kind of fit. More dangerous than the other by far.

—Renarin to Dalinar[13]

The next night, while Renarin was eating the nightly stew with the Windrunners listening to Sigzil tell a story, Dalinar arrived to discuss his vision. Renarin told him that he was reconsidering whether or not it was wise to share what he had seen with anyone else, since he suspected that Odium could influence what he saw. Dalinar told him that even if Odium was influencing the visions, it would still be worth knowing what was shown in the vision. Renarin relented and they left the circle of Windrunners to discuss.[13]

When they had reached a quieter area outside the village, Renarin resummoned the vision so he could describe what he had seen with greater accuracy. He told Dalinar that he appeared in the vision in stark white Shardplate and was pierced by a black arrow, facing away from the image of Odium, who was depicted as a yellow and white light spreading to eternity. Renarin told Dalinar that he thought the vision was saying that Dalinar would keep on fighting small battles and never be given the chance to have an actual confrontation with Odium. He said that Odium had no reason to ever commit to an actual contest of champions, and would instead delay their confrontation indefinitely. Dalinar told Renarin that Odium had agreed to have the contest, but Renarin replied that since they had not agreed to a definite date and terms Odium would be able to push it off for as long as he wanted to. They then discussed how Odium's future sight was similar to Renarin's, in that they both only saw possibilities, not definite outcomes.[13]

Showing Dalinar his vision

Dalinar asked him if he could see anything else in the vision, and Renarin told him that there was a blackness between Dalinar and Odium. Renarin told him that this represented himself. He explained that since his future sight affected what he will do, it made it difficult for Odium to see his future and the futures of the people around him. Dalinar thanked Renarin for this information and told him that he did not need to hide his abilities from others. Renarin thanked him for the vote of confidence, but inside he knew that since the Vorin and Azish peoples had been told for thousands of years that seeing the future was evil they would never accept him if they knew what he could do.[13]

If I'm a blessing, Father, how can we reject the others? How can we condemn the one who made them? Sja-anat isn’t human, and doesn’t think like one, but I believe she is trying to find a path toward peace between singers and humans. In her own way.

—Renarin to Dalinar[13]

At Glys's prompting Renarin asked Dalinar what he thought about additional Radiants bonding corrupted spren, since that would increase their access to future sight. Dalinar told him that he would have to consider it since he was not comfortable yet with the idea of Sja-anat corrupting more spren. Dalinar told Renarin that he should talk to him if he has any more visions, since he also had some experience with seeing visions. Glys asked Renarin who would be good fit for another spren like himself, and Renarin recommended Rlain.[13]

Later Renarin had a vision concerning Taravangian and visited him to ask him about it. He told Taravangian that something had changed about him and asked why, but Taravangian gave no answer. Renarin told him that in his vision he was shrouded in darkness, with small point of light breaking through. He said that this meant that there was a way to redeem him, if he chose to do so. Before he left, Renarin told Taravangian that he would let him know if he found a way to help him come to a decision.[10] Sometime in the following weeks, Renarin gave Taravangian a note saying the words "I'm sorry" alongside two gemstones containing corrupted windspren, allowing Taravangian to summon Rayse to his house so he would able to use Nightblood to kill him and take up his Shard.[80] It is unclear of how much of the plot Renarin was aware.


Renarin with Adolin


Renarin is very close to Adolin, and respects him greatly almost to the point of hero-worship.[4] The brothers share a high level of trust and friendship. Renarin occasionally acts as a mediator when his brother and father have disagreements, and he often restrains Adolin from acting rashly towards Sadeas and others who insult Dalinar.[1][14] Adolin often encourages Renarin,[47] and he helps him to learn how to use his Shards.[58][25] While other people see Renarin as awkward and slow-thinking, Adolin knows that this is actually because Renarin is thoughtful and takes time to consider his words before speaking.[25] Renarin often worries about Adolin's safety and will intervene, often at great danger to himself, to try and help his brother.[53][12][36]


Renarin has a very strong relationship with his father, Dalinar, and he wishes to be a son whom Dalinar can be proud of. He is highly respectful towards his father and tries to do what he asks of him.[19][57] Renarin is a legitimate child of Dalinar and Evi.[81] Dalinar is not as strict with Renarin as he is with his older brother.[82] Dalinar is very supportive of Renarin and tries to encourage him to fulfill his potential. He will often reassure him that he is more skilled than he thinks,[67] occasionally to the point of exaggeration.[4] When Renarin goes to the meetings of the scholars in Urithiru, Dalinar sometimes joins the meetings to show support for his son and to dispel the notion that he is acting unmasculine.[71] Dalinar and Renarin share a bond over the fact that both of them experience visions against their will. After he learns about what happened to his mother Renarin chooses to blame Odium for her death instead of Dalinar so he would not lose him as well.[13]


Renarin is very close with his mother, Evi. She tells him myths and stories about Roshar when he is a young boy.[48] She also tells him what a great man his father is,[50] making him believe that Dalinar is the perfect Alethi officer.[13] After her death, he burns incense,[49] likely to remember her scent or carry on her Riran religious tradition.[83] He and Adolin keep a piece of her jewelry--a length of chain--as a good luck token,[24][12] and Renarin sometimes uses it as a stim.[71]

Renarin with Rlain

Bridge Four

After Renarin joins Bridge Four, the other members, especially Moash, are hostile and unwelcoming towards him,[23] but he quickly develops a very close relationship with the other bridgemen.[61] After he reveals to everyone that he is a Truthwatcher and the other members of Bridge Four become Windrunner squires, Renarin begins to feel that he is too different from the other men and considers leaving the squad, but Rock reassures him that he belongs in the group.[70] When Renarin starts attending meetings with the other scholars and begins learning how to read, the other members of Bridge Four, notably Skar and Drehy, are made uncomfortable by what he is doing, but Kaladin and Rock reassure them.[84] Renarin is most comfortable when he is around the men of Bridge Four and the other Windrunners.[13] Even after Bridge Four drifts apart and transitions into its new role as the leaders of the expanded Order of Windrunners, Renarin still attends their nightly stew and it is one of the only times that he is fully relaxed.[13]


Renarin is very friendly with Rlain and often goes out of his way to speak with him.[84] He has romantic feelings towards Rlain, though he has not yet told anyone else about it.[85][86] Renarin is the one that recommends to Sja-anat that she send Tumi to bond with Rlain.[3]


What of you, young Prince Renarin? Your father wishes me to leave you alone. Can you speak, yet say nothing ridiculous?

“Nothing ridiculous,” Renarin said slowly.

—Wit and Renarin[14]

Kid, you're the expert on what’s weird. We’ll trust your word.

Teft on Renarin[68]


  • In the original draft of The Way of Kings Prime, Renarin was the one who wrote the Diagram.[87]
  • Renarin will be the flashback character in the seventh book of the Stormlight Archive[88] at which point he would be in his thirties,[89] but this is not a guarantee that Renarin will be alive at the time of that book.[90]
  • The scene with Jasnah and Renarin at the end of Oathbringer is Brandon's favorite scene in the book.[91]


  1. a b c d e El camino de los reyes capítulo 12#
  2. a b Oathbringer Chicago signing
    Arcanum - 2017-11-21#
  3. a b c El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 111#
  4. a b c d El camino de los reyes capítulo 18#
  5. a b c d e f g Palabras radiantes capítulo 89#
  6. a b c El camino de los reyes capítulo 69#
  7. a b Juramentada capítulo 122#
  8. Juramentada capítulo 9#
  9. Palabras radiantes capítulo 5#
  10. a b c d El ritmo de la guerra interludio I-9#
  11. El camino de los reyes capítulo 26#
  12. a b c d e f Palabras radiantes capítulo 56#
  13. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 54#
  14. a b c d e f g El camino de los reyes capítulo 15#
  15. Palabras radiantes capítulo 22#
  16. a b Rithmatist Denver signing
    Arcanum - 2013-05-16#
  17. Calamity release party
    Arcanum - 2016-02-16#
  18. YouTube Spoiler Stream 3
    Arcanum - 2021-12-16#
  19. a b c El camino de los reyes capítulo 52#
  20. El camino de los reyes capítulo 60#
  21. Palabras radiantes capítulo 49#
  22. a b Juramentada capítulo 119#
  23. a b c d Palabras radiantes capítulo 41#
  24. a b c Palabras radiantes capítulo 14#
  25. a b c d Juramentada capítulo 10#
  26. a b c El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 6#
  27. a b Juramentada capítulo 116#
  28. Bands of Mourning release party
    Arcanum - 2016-01-25#
  29. Skyward Seattle signing
    Arcanum - 2018-11-10#
  30. Juramentada capítulo 15#
  31. a b Juramentada capítulo 59#
  32. a b Juramentada interludio I-13#
  33. Esquirla del Amanecer (novella) capítulo 2#
  34. Esquirla del Amanecer (novella) capítulo 5#
  35. JordanCon 2018
    Arcanum - 2018-04-22#
  36. a b c d e f g Juramentada capítulo 120#
  37. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 8#
  38. a b c d Juramentada capítulo 118#
  39. a b c d Palabras radiantes capítulo 85#
  40. a b Juramentada capítulo 104#
  41. a b c Juramentada capítulo 115#
  42. a b c d Juramentada capítulo 117#
  43. a b El ritmo de la guerra interludio I-6#
  44. Skyward Seattle signing
    Arcanum - 2018-11-10#
  45. Skyward Seattle signing
    Arcanum - 2018-11-10#
  46. a b Juramentada capítulo 52#
  47. a b c Palabras radiantes capítulo 26#
  48. a b c d El camino de los reyes capítulo 61#
  49. a b Juramentada capítulo 88#
  50. a b Juramentada capítulo 94#
  51. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 34#
  52. Juramentada capítulo 114#
  53. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 13#
  54. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 18#
  55. Palabras radiantes capítulo 4#
  56. Palabras radiantes capítulo 16#
  57. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 32#
  58. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 44#
  59. Palabras radiantes capítulo 51#
  60. Palabras radiantes capítulo 57#
  61. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 68#
  62. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 83#
  63. Palabras radiantes capítulo 81#
  64. Palabras radiantes capítulo 84#
  65. Palabras radiantes capítulo 86#
  66. Words of Radiance Portland signing
    Arcanum - 2014-03-07#
  67. a b Juramentada capítulo 2#
  68. a b c d Juramentada capítulo 29#
  69. Juramentada capítulo 30#
  70. a b Juramentada capítulo 37#
  71. a b c Juramentada capítulo 44#
  72. Juramentada capítulo 53#
  73. Juramentada capítulo 109#
  74. Juramentada capítulo 111#
  75. Juramentada capítulo 121#
  76. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 12#
  77. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 9#
  78. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 19#
  79. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 50#
  80. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 113#
  81. Steelheart Chicago signing
    Arcanum - 2013-10-05#
  82. Calamity Austin signing
    Arcanum - 2016-02-25#
  83. Juramentada capítulo 26#
  84. a b Juramentada capítulo 55#
  85. RoW Release Party
    Arcanum - 2020-11-17#
  86. YouTube Livestream 23
    Arcanum - 2020-12-17#
  87. General Twitter 2016
    Arcanum - 2016-06-17#
  88. Skyward release party
    Arcanum - 2018-11-06#
  89. Shardcast Interview
    Arcanum - 2021-01-23#
  90. Stormlight Three Update #2
    Arcanum - 2016-01-20#
  91. Skyward Pre-Release AMA
    Arcanum - 2018-10-29#
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