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La portada del Arcanum ilimitado, en la que aparece Khriss

Bueno, has topado con algo mucho, mucho más grande que tú mismo, tú política y tu pequeño planeta. [...] Las preguntas que haces son peligrosas. Cuando uno pasa tras el telón y ve a los actores como las personas que son, le cuesta más fingir que la obra es real

El Cosmere es un universo compartido ficticio en el que varios libros de Brandon Sandersontienen lugar. Por tanto, los libros situados en el Cosmere comparten una única cosmología y reglas de magia subyacentes, apareciendo algunos personajes en otros mundos ajenos al suyo. A pesar de las conexiones, Brandon ha dejado claro que uno no necesita ningún conocimiento del Cosmere en general para leer, entender, o disfrutar libros que tienen lugar en él.[2]

Se están añadiendo poco a poco elementos del cosmere a los libros, y con el tiempo será el tema principal en la serie Dragonsteel y la última trilogía de Nacidos de la bruma[3]

Las series actuales del cosmere son Elantris, la saga de Nacidos de la bruma, El aliento de los dioses (y su futura secuela), El archivo de las tormentas y Arena Blanca. No incluye ningún libro que haga referencia a la Tierra, puesto que la tierra no está en el Cosmere.[2] Para una lista completa de libros del cosmere, véase la bibliografía que hay más abajo.

El “mito de la creación” compartido en el cosmere gira entorno a Adonalsium, el poder de la creación, que se fragmentó en dieciséis trozos llamados Esquirlas en un evento conocido como la Fragmentación de Adonalsium. Las Esquirlas son en efecto dioses, y la magia se deriva de su poder.[1]

Propiedades y fuerzas

El símbolo del Cosmere


En el Cosmere, todo existe en tres reinos: el Reino Físico, el Reino Cognitivo, y el Reino Espiritual.[4][5] Los tres reinos existen desde el principio del Cosmere.[6]

Cuando alguien muere en el Cosmere, su cuerpo permanece en el Reino Físico y una sombra cognitiva se forma en el Reino Cognitivo.[7][8] Para la mayoría de personas, esta sombra cognitiva se va al Más Allá rápidamente, y su Investidura vuelve al Reino Espiritual.[7][8] Cuanta más Investidura tuviera alguien en vida, más tiempo podría permanecer antes de verse atraído hacia el Más Allá,[7] pero solo las Lascas -aquellos que han poseído una parte significativa del poder de una Esquirla— pueden resistirse al Más Allá para siempre, aunque aún así pueden elegir ir si así lo desean.[9] Sin embargo, antes de que la persona pase al Más Allá, todavía puede ser restaurada mediante la curación de la Investidura[8][10] o ser infundida con suficiente Investidura para convertirse en una sombra cognitiva más permanente, normalmente como resultado de la acción de una Esquirla.[7][11] Los muertos por Sangre Nocturna[12] o anti-Investidura[13][14] o consumidos por Yelig-nar,[15] sin embargo, no pueden ser resucitados de ninguna manera, ya que no queda nada de su alma.

El Reino Físico

En el [Reino Físico]], el Cosmere es un cúmulo de unas 50 a 100 estrellas.[16] El Reino Físico está compuesto por partículas fundamentales conocidas como ejes y sigue las leyes ordinarias de la física, excepto cuando los otros Reinos están involucrados.[17][13][18] Actualmente, hay diez sistemas planetarios conocidos en el Cosmere, que contienen un total de doce planetas notables. El Cosmere también alberga otros objetos celestes, como varios planetas enanos, gigantes gaseosos y constelaciones.[19] Al menos una persona ha intentado salir de los límites físicos del Cosmere, con resultados desconocidos.[20][21]

El Reino Cognitivo

Un mapa de Shadesmar, la región del Reino Cognitivo de Roshar.[22] Las regiones denominacas "Expansión" lindan con otros planetas en el Cosmer.[23]

El Reino Cognitivo está basado en el Reino Físico, aunque hay diferencias significativas. Dado que el Reino Cognitivo es el Reino del pensamiento, se ve sustancialmente afectado por la forma en que la gente imagina y percibe las ideas. Por ejemplo, el espacio exterior está significativamente comprimido en el Reino Cognitivo, porque la gente no pasa mucho tiempo pensando en el espacio entre los planetas.[23] También hay algunas entidades que existen de forma natural principalmente en el Reino Cognitivo, como los spren que personifican los pensamientos, las emociones y las características naturales,[24] así como ciertas sombras cognitivas.

La apariencia del Reino Cognitivo alrededor de un planeta en particular parece reflejar las características sobresalientes de ese planeta; por ejemplo, los alrededores de Scadrial se componen de bruma, mientras que los alrededores de Roshar se componen de esferas.[7][25] La tierra y el agua están invertidas en el Reino Cognitivo; lo que es tierra sólida en el Reino Físico es suelo inestable en el Cognitivo, mientras que las masas de agua en el Físico son sólidas en el Cognitivo.[1][25] Como resultado, los seres físicos que intentan atravesar regiones no sólidas del Reino Cognitivo corren el riesgo de ahogarse en lo que sea que componga el Reino Cognitivo local, aunque las entidades cognitivas pueden atravesar estas regiones con seguridad.[26][25]

El Reino Espiritual

Todas las cosas existen en tres reinos, Gaotona. Físico, Cognitivo y Espiritual.

El Reino Físico es lo que sentimos, lo que tenemos delante. El Reino Cognitivo es cómo vemos un objeto y cómo ese objeto se ve así mismo. El Reino Espiritual contiene el alma del objeto, su esencia, además de las formas en las que está conectado a las cosas y a las personas que lo rodean. .

Shai hablando de los Reinos con Gaotona[4]

El Reino Espiritual existe más allá del espacio y el tiempo.[27] Como tal, no es realmente un lugar, sino que es el Reino de conceptos como la Intención, la Identidad, la Conexión y la Fortuna.[28][4][29] Todo existe en el Reino Espiritual en su forma ideal.[4][30]

La Intención importa. La Intención reina. No puede hacerse lo que pretendo yo por casualidad. Es necesario proponérselo.

Navani Kholin sobre el rol de la Intención[31]

Intención es la propiedad espiritual que expresa la voluntad o el propósito considerado de una persona. La Intención no puede formarse accidentalmente; si se requiere la Intención para hacer algo, entonces la persona que intenta hacerlo no sólo debe hacerlo, sino que debe tener la voluntad de hacerlo.[32][31] Muchas Artes Investidas requieren que el usuario actúe con Intención para utilizar correctamente su magia.[33][34] Las entidades investidas, como los spren, las sombras cognitivas e incluso las esquirlas tienen una Intención fundamental que describe el propósito de la Investidura que constituye su esencia. De hecho, cuanto más tiempo existan, más obligados estarán por su Intención, incapaces de actuar en contra de ella.[11][35] Un ejemplo extremo de esto es Ati, el Recipiente original de la Esquirla Ruina, que al principio era un hombre "amable y generoso",[36] pero se consumió tanto por la Intención de su Esquirla que buscó la destrucción completa de Scadrial e incluso la consideró necesaria.[37]

Junto con la Intención, también existe el concepto asociado de Mandato. Los Mandatos son más limitados que la Intención, pero ayudan a centrar la Intención para que la Investidura pueda responder adecuadamente.[38] Aunque la mayoría de los Mandatos están relacionados con un determinado Arte Investido o algún otro método específico de manipulación de la Investidura, también existen las Esquirlas del Amanecer, cuatro Mandatos fundamentales que estuvieron involucrados tanto en la creación del Cosmere como en la Fragmentación de Adonalsium.[34]

Identidad es la propiedad espiritual que delimita a una persona u objeto de otro y describe quién o qué es.[39] La pérdida de su identidad durante la Falsa Desolación convirtió a los cantores en forma esclava.[40] La identidad también sirve como cerradura y llave para las mentes de metal; los feruquímicos sólo pueden retirar los atributos almacenados por alguien con una Identidad coincidente; normalmente, esto significa sólo los atributos que ellos almacenaron.[39] Dado que la Identidad describe quién es una persona, está estrechamente ligada al concepto de red espiritual, que a veces se llama ADN espiritual.[41] Las redes espirituales no se comprenden del todo, pero son cuantificables de alguna manera,[42] y parecen registrar información sobre la Investidura de una persona, como la genética que hace que uno sea un alomántico.[43]

La curación mágica en el Cosmere normalmente funciona utilizando Investidura para hacer que la condición de una persona en el Reino Físico se acerque más a su yo idealizado en el Reino Espiritual, aunque este yo idealizado se filtra a través de la percepción que la persona tiene de sí misma en el Reino Cognitivo. Como resultado, la curación suele estar limitada por la forma en que una persona se ve a sí misma, y una vez que una persona acepta algo como parte de sí misma, no será capaz de sanar.[44]

Tuyo es el poder de la Conexión, de unir hombres y mundos, mentes y almas.

—El Padre Tormenta a Dalinar Kholin, explicándole los poderes de los Forjadores de Vínculos[45]

Además de contener esta información sobre la Identidad de una persona u objeto, el Reino Espiritual también almacena la Conexión entre personas, objetos e incluso conceptos más abstractos.[4] Por ejemplo, una persona puede formar una Conexión con una región, que le permitirá hablar el idioma de esa región.[46][47] Para tomar una Esquirla después de que un Recipiente muera, una persona debe estar Conectada a esa Esquirla.[48]

Debido a que el Reino Espiritual existe más allá del espacio y el tiempo, éste, junto con la propiedad asociada de Fortuna, puede ser utilizado para ver eventos en otros lugares o incluso el futuro,[49][29] aunque esto es generalmente muy difícil.[50][51]


Una representación de las diferentes formas de investidura en Roshar

[...] parecía que usabas el moldeado de almas para dar peso a tus ilusiones. Pero claro, la luz tormentosa concentrada tiene una mínima masa.

Jasnah Kholin sobre la relación entre Investidura y masa.[52]

Al igual que existe una equivalencia entre masa y energía, en el Cosmere estas cosas también pueden intercambiarse con un poder mágico conocido como Investidura. Cuando se tiene en cuenta la Investidura, el Cosmere se adhiere a las leyes ordinarias de la conservación y la termodinámica.[53][54] La Investidura existe principalmente en el Reino Espiritual, aunque se entiende más precisamente como algo que trasciende los Reinos.[55] Sin embargo, también puede existir en una forma "condensada" en el Reino Físico como sólido, líquido o gas.[56]

Si se deja sola, la Investidura, con el tiempo, tomará conciencia de sí misma, [57] dando lugar a una Astilla.[58] Khriss sospecha que la propia tierra de Sel está sufriendo un proceso como éste como resultado de la Investidura de Devoción y Dominio atrapada en el Reino Cognitivo.[59] Ejemplos más comunes de este proceso son los seones y los spren.[58]

La Investidura tiene una propiedad que la asocia a uno de las dieciséis Esquirlas de Adonalsium; en la Fragmentación de Adonalsium, toda la Investidura se dividió por igual entre las Esquirlas.[60][61]{wob ref|5313}} Aunque, como resultado de la Fragmentación, toda la Investidura está asociada a una Esquirla, la Investidura también sigue vinculada a Adonalsium de alguna manera y la Fragmentación significó "todo y nada al mismo tiempo" para la Investidura.[61]

Cuando una forma de Investidura intenta cooptar o corromper otra forma de Investidura, suele producir un efecto rojo.[62] Ejemplos de ello son el humo rojo que desprenden los sellos de alma de Shai cuando los utiliza para alterar temporalmente el alma de Gaotona, [63]{wob ref|13830}} la bruma roja de Trell invadiendo Scadrial,[8][64][65] y la coloración roja de algunos de los spren Iluminados por Sja-anat. [66][25][67] Del mismo modo, cuando alguna entidad posee o tiene una fuerte influencia sobre una persona, los ojos de ésta suelen volverse rojos, como se ve en los cuerpos controlados por los Inmortales sin rostro de Trell, [68] los soldados poseídos por la Emoción en la Batalla de la Explanada Thayleña,[67][69] y muchos de los sirvientes de Odium, cuyas almas son corrompidas por su poder. [70][71]

Se trata de una magia poderosa, mediante la que los seres humanos a menudo pueden acceder a enormes fogonazos de fuerza. Desafiaría a cualquiera a encontrar otro planeta, con la única salvedad de Roshar, donde pueda hallarse tal fuerza de Investidura con tanta frecuencia en manos de los mortales.

Investiture can be divided into two categories: kinetic Investiture and static or innate Investiture.[73][74] Kinetic Investiture refers to Investiture actively doing something. When Investiture is kinetic, it can often be detected by various methods, such as Allomantic bronze or sand from the Dayside of Taldain.[74][75] Static or innate Investiture refers to all Investiture not actively doing something, from the piece of Preservation in all Scadrians to Feruchemical charge in a metalmind.[74][76][77] At least some forms of static Investiture, including Lights not actively powering anything, can also be detected by Taldain's sand, though they affect the sand much more slowly than kinetic Investiture does.[73]

Cosmere scholars term the various methods of utilizing Investiture (such as the Metallic Arts, Surgebinding, and Awakening) Invested Arts.[78] Since the Shattering, these can be grouped into three main categories. The most common are those powered directly by the Shards,[79] which arise from the interactions between a Shard and the planet they are Invested in.[80] Such Invested Arts are capable of far more spectacular results than other Invested Arts.[61][79] If a planet does not have a Shard in residence, its inhabitants can still access and use Investiture by the ordinary laws of Realmatics, but, without a Shard to provide additional power, the results are far more limited.[61] The last category is the few Invested Arts left over from before the Shattering of Adonalsium,[79] of which the only known example is Yolish Lightweaving.


Much like there is both matter and antimatter, at least some forms of Investiture can be transformed into a substance known as anti-Investiture.[81] Currently, the only known forms of anti-Investiture are anti-Stormlight and anti-Voidlight, which can be made by at least partially isolating Stormlight or Voidlight respectively from their Shard's pure tone and then exposing it to their Shard's opposite tone;[13][82][83] Khriss seems to believe additional forms of anti-Investiture are possible.[81] Anti-Voidlight, at least, looks mostly similar to regular Voidlight, but appears to warp the air around it.[13] When anti-Investiture mixes with Investiture of the same type, the two annihilate in a violent explosion; if the Investiture in question is the soul of a person or that of an entity composed entirely of Investiture, like a spren, then this annihilation results in their permanent death.[13][82]


Siempre que se congregaba demasiado poder —demasiada Investidura, demasiada consciencia—, los reinos se volvían porosos y el tiempo hacía cosas raras.

Sylphrena sobre entrar en el cadencentro de una alta tormenta[84]

When a sufficient amount of Investiture coalesces in one place in the Physical and Cognitive Realms, it creates a junction between all three Realms known as a perpendicularity. Most stable perpendicularities form from the presence of a Shard on a planet and the massive amount of Investiture they bring with them.[85][86] Sentient beings can use perpendicularities to travel between the Physical and Cognitive Realms, which in turn facilitates easier travel on and off a planet for those with the knowledge to use them.[85]


Había un Dios. Adonalsium. No sé si era una fuerza o un ser, aunque me inclino por lo segundo.

When the cosmere began, there was an entity known as Adonalsium; this entity is widely believed to have created the cosmere.[87] Perhaps for this reason, Adonalsium is sometimes referred to as "the power of creation."[88] Investiture was Adonalsium's power,[89] which has led cosmere scholars to conclude that either Investiture seeks intelligence because it used to be Adonalsium or that Adonalsium came into being because Investiture sought intelligence.[90]

The exact nature of Adonalsium, however, remains unclear. It may have been a mere force that acted according to specific rules or an actual entity that could think on its own; Khriss suspects the latter.[1] The way Adonalsium saw the cosmere was simply the way its magic worked. For example, the spren on Roshar could not form fabrials prior to the Shattering because Adonalsium did not want them to be able to do so. Given Adonalsium had this level of control over the cosmere, some have suggested that Adonalsium may have wanted the Shattering to occur.[91]

Some say there are "subtle forces" being manifest in the cosmere, separate from Adonalsium, likely referring to belief in the God Beyond.[92]

Shards of Adonalsium

Shards of Adonalsium
Shard Original Vessel
Endowment Edgli
Cultivation Koravellium Avast
Honor Tanavast
Odium Rayse
Preservation Leras
Ruin Ati
Devotion Aona
Dominion Skai
Autonomy Bavadin
Ambition Uli Da
Invention Unknown
Mercy Unknown
Valor Unknown
Whimsy Unknown

[Odium] Es mucho más grande que yo, pero el poder del antiguo Adonalsium lo impregna. Y lo controla. Odium es una fuerza, como la presión, la gravedad o el paso del tiempo. Esas cosas no pueden incumplir sus propias reglas. Odium tampoco.

—El Padre Tormenta sobre las Esquirlas de Adonalsium[93]

During the Shattering, Adonalsium split into sixteen pieces, referred to as Shards of Adonalsium. Each of these Shards has an Intent that represents a particular facet of Adonalsium. Sixteen people involved in the Shattering then took up those Shards, becoming the first Vessels and effectively ascending to godhood.[1] There was some sort of force or property of the cosmere that caused Adonalsium to shatter into the sixteen Shards that it did,[94] and the distribution of the Shards to the Vessels was not random.[95] The number sixteen has some significance to the mechanics of the cosmere,[96][97] though, as Adonalsium could have split into some other number of Shards,[98] it may have only become significant after the Shattering, and indeed may arise more from the beliefs of sapient creatures than a greater underlying property.[99]

Though the power of a Shard requires a mind to control it, known as a Vessel, the Intent of a Shard will slowly warp the minds of those that hold it, overriding their independence.[100][101] For example, after Leras Ascended as Preservation, he became unable to cause harm, even to preserve other things.[102][103] It is unclear whether the original Vessels knew this when they took up their Shards, but, eventually, the Vessels came to be known simply by their Shard's name.

The Shards have access to infinite power, but the Vessels' minds, even though they are expanded by holding the Shard, are not capable of wielding it all at once.[60][104] The Shards are also limited by certain rules that restrict how they can act;[93][51] for example, they must fulfill a formally made oath.[105][106] Failing to do so can give others an opening to act against the Shard who broke an oath; this has, on at least one occasion, resulted in the death of a Vessel.[107] Shards can also intervene to block another Shard's actions, though not perfectly.[108]

Despite these restrictions, however, the Shards are generally capable of both subtle and incredible changes. Among other things, they can change the orbit of entire planets, make changes to individuals and entire species on a genetic level, and alter some of the mechanics of an Invested Art resulting from their presence on a planet.[109][110] Since Shards exist primarily in the Spiritual Realm, they also have some ability to look into the future, though not all Shards are equally good at this and it fragments into more and more possibilities the further they look.[111][112]

También te prohibimos que regreses a Obrodai. Hemos reclamado ese mundo, y una nueva avatar de nuestro ser está empezando a manifestarse allí.

Patji, uno de los avatares de Autonomía, a Hoid[113][114]

Shards can also create avatars, beings with access to a portion of the Shard's power who can act autonomously from their Shard, but remain part of the Shard and ultimately cannot act against the Shard's instructions. Avatars stand in contrast to Splinters, who are pieces of a Shard's power that have or could develop free will.[115] Avatars often seem to be used when a Shard wants to influence events on a planet other than the one they are primarily Invested in; for example, Autonomy, who is Invested in Taldain,[116] has avatars on First of the Sun and Obrodai.[117][118]

Since the Shattering, the Shards have been the primary source of magic in the cosmere.[79] The interactions between their Investiture and a planet give rise to Invested Arts that are far more powerful than those formed by people accessing background Investiture.[80][79]

Each Shard also has its own pure tone and rhythm, that can often influence and be heard emanating from their Investiture and can become part of the worlds they Invest in.[119][120][121] For example, the Lights of Roshar pulse softly to their Shard's tone and rhythm and will follow a source—vocal or instrumental—generating their Shard's tone[119] and both the Well of Ascension on Scadrial and the pulses a Seeker can pick up from someone using Allomancy are related to Preservation's tone and rhythm.[121][122] Harmonizing the tones and rhythms of two different Shards is part of the creation of hybrid Investiture, like Warlight and Towerlight.[123][124] Shards also have an opposite tone, which sounds identical to most people but is unpleasant to those attuned to that Shard's Investiture, and can only be created by Intent. This opposite tone can physically repel its Shard's Investiture and can help create anti-Investiture associated with its Shard.[13]


Other planets ... Yes, there are dozens of them. Many are inhabited by people much like you or me. There is an original, shrouded and hidden somewhere in the cosmere. I’ve yet to find it, but I have found stories.

While the cosmere has a wide array of planets, twelve are currently known that are relevant to the broader cosmere. Three of these planets—Ashyn, Braize, and Roshar—are in the same planetary system.[125] Cosmere planets have something akin to souls.[126]

A star chart of the cosmere in the Physical Realm

Primary Worlds

Nalthis is a world of color. Color is needed to fuel its magic system, Awakening, and those with large amounts of Breath will enhance the colors around them and can see perfect shades of colors.[127] When someone dies, Endowment, the resident Shard, occasionally sends their Cognitive Shadow back as a Returned to prevent a tragedy they forsee after their death.[128][129]

The Rosharan system consists of three planets of note. Ashyn was nearly destroyed in an apocalypse long ago, though a few cities remain floating in the atmosphere.[130] Anyone with a disease there also gains a magical power.[131] Roshar is a planet with a powerful storm that frequently blows across the continent and where spren can cross into the Physical Realm.[125] Braize is the prison of the Fused where the Heralds are tortured between Desolations.[132]

Scadrial is the most technologically advanced planet and the most similar to Yolen.[72][133] Its three magic systems all use metal to store and access Investiture.[134]

Sel is a large planet with three great domains.[59] It has many magic systems, which are tied to the user's location and are accessed by creating shapes in the proper form, rather like programming.[135]

The planet Taldain is tidally locked between two stars, a blue-white supergiant and a white dwarf. The side of the planet facing the former, Dayside, is a vast desert where Investiture arrives from the light of the star. Darkside faces the white dwarf and is in perpetual twilight, and many things there fluoresce in ultraviolet light. Its Shard, Autonomy, keeps the planet isolated from the rest of the cosmere.[116]

Primary Worlds of the Cosmere
Planetary System Planet Shards Books Reference
Nalthian System Nalthis Endowment Warbreaker, Nightblood (unpublished) [136][137]
Rosharan System Ashyn None The Silence Divine (unpublished) [125][138]
Braize Odium The Stormlight Archive [125][137]
Roshar Cultivation, Honor The Stormlight Archive [125][137]
Scadrian System Scadrial Preservation, Ruin (combined as Harmony) Mistborn series [72][137]
Selish System Sel Devotion, Dominion Elantris trilogy, The Emperor's Soul [59][137]
Taldain System Taldain Autonomy White Sand [116][137]

Other Notable Worlds

The Drominad system is home to several planets, all of which have water as a dominant feature. Three of them are inhabited by humans, the most of any planetary system in the cosmere. The innermost planet, First of the Sun has a perpendicularity, though the region around it in the Physical Realm is incredibly dangerous.[85]

Threnody is a planet with two principal parts: the Fallen World, which is under the control of an unknown entity called the Evil that is so dangerous that everyone left, and the Forests of Hell, which is home to dangerous Cognitive Shadows known as Shades. Perpendicularities on Threnody are unstable and have a morbid origin.[139]

Yolen is the original planet of humans and the location of the Shattering.[140][141] It has few inhabitants in the modern era and has been hidden from most of the people of the cosmere.[142][1]

Little is known about Obrodai and Vax.

Other Worlds of the Cosmere
Planetary System Planet Shards Books Reference
Drominad System First of the Sun Patji (Avatar of Autonomy) Sixth of the Dusk [85][143]
Unknown Obrodai Avatar of Autonomy, possibly others None (Referenced in Oathbringer) [118][144]
Threnodite System Threnody Ambition Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell [139][145]
Unknown Vax Unknown None (Referenced in Elantris and Mistborn: Secret History) [33][9]
Unknown Yolen Unknown Dragonsteel series (unpublished) [137]


Before the Shattering

Fue en un lugar lejano donde se encuentran dos tierras y los dioses han muerto.

Hoid sobre un Yolen pre-Fragmentación.[146]

At some point, the Dawnshards were used to create the cosmere.[34]

The first humans lived on Yolen and were created by Adonalsium.[140][1] At some point, a poorly-understood and parasitic ecosystem hostile to humans, known as fainlife, began to develop on Yolen. It began to spread and overtake the landscape, though the other inhabitants eventually learned how to keep it in check.[147] Plants and land overtaken by fainlife retain their shape, but turn bone-white and spill red liquid when crushed or snapped.[148] Yolen was also home to Sho Del, the fainlife equivalent of humans, and dragons.[149] Information about fainlife remains accessible enough in the modern cosmere that Khriss was able to mention it to cosmere-aware people without need for explanation.[72] Prior to the Shattering, Yolen's technology was likely pre-industrial.[150]

Most of the other planets in the cosmere existed and were named prior to the Shattering,[151] though worldhopping was much less common at the time.[152] During this time, Adonalsium created the entire Rosharan system and grew the supercontinent on the planet Roshar; as a result, the continent is shaped like the two-dimensional projection of a Julia set.[153][154]

Investiture still existed prior to the Shattering, though its form was different.[155] During this time, there was a plot to destroy Adonalsium, but it failed.[156] Hoid, the dragon Frost, and the original Vessels all lived before the Shattering.[157]

The Shattering of Adonalsium

Dieciséis personas, todas juntas, mataron a Adonalsium, lo descuartizaron y se repartieron su esencia entre ellos, convirtiéndose en los primeros en Ascender. [Eran] Un grupo diverso, con motivos igualmente diversos. Algunos ansiaban el poder, otros veían la muerte de Adonalsium como la única buena opción que les quedaba. Juntos asesinaron a una deidad y se volvieron divinos ellos mismos.

Khriss sobre los Recipientes originales[1]

Eventually, a group of people that opposed Adonalsium came together and plotted its destruction.[158][159] This group included people of all three sapient species on Yolen: humans, dragons, and Sho Del.[149] To achieve their goal, they created a weapon[160] that utilized the Dawnshards.[34] In an event known as the Shattering of Adonalsium, the weapon was used to "undo" Adonalsium,[34] splitting it into the sixteen Shards;[1] the weapon was expended in the process,[161] though remnants of it exist in the Physical Realm and are responsible for Hoid's immortality.[162] As part of the Shattering, sixteen of the people who had opposed Adonalsium took up the new Shards and became the first Vessels.[1] There was some sort of force that caused Adonalsium to shatter into the Shards that it did,[94] and the distribution of the Shards to the Vessels was not random.[95] The Shattering occurred on Yolen, though there is some "weirdness" with regard to Yolen and location,[141] and occurred all at once.[163] As a result of the Shattering, all Investiture in the cosmere became aligned with one of the sixteen Shards.[60]

Hoid was loosely involved in the plot to Shatter Adonalsium and was present at the Shattering.[164][165] He also had the opportunity to take a Shard, but turned it down.[166] He and Frost both knew the original Vessels personally.[167][168]

After the Shattering, the new Vessels made some sort of agreement to not interfere with each other,[169] though the exact agreement was somewhat ambiguous and the Vessels who suggested it did not make sure to get a formal oath from the others.[170][105] Regardless, the Shards then went their separate ways. Most settled on a planet, though at least one did not.[171] Some chose to go off on their own,[116][139] while others stayed together with other Shards.[59][72][125] Around this time, Ruin and Preservation created the planet Scadrial, using the non-fain parts of Yolen as a guide.[72][1]

Odium's Quest

Solo hay que mirar las consecuencias de su breve visita a Sel para ver la prueba de lo que digo. Por si no has reparado en ese desastre, has de saber que Aona y Skai están muertos, y que lo que tenían ha sido Roto. Presumiblemente para impedir que nadie se alce para desafiar a Rayse.

Soon after the Shattering, or possibly even beforehand, the Vessel of Odium, Rayse, decided he wanted to become the strongest being in the cosmere.[173] However, Odium is, by its nature, selfish and Rayse did not want the intent of an additional Shard to make him into something else, so he instead decided to destroy the other Shards so that there would be no one left to challenge him.[173][174] To do so, he developed a way to Splinter a Shard's power, which also results in the death of its Vessel.[172]

Soporta el peso del odio divino de Dios, separado de las virtudes que le dieron contexto. Es lo que le hicimos ser, viejo amigo, Y lo que, por desgracia, quiso ser.

—Frost sobre Odium en su respuesta a Hoid[175]

Odium's first target was Ambition, as he feared that it would be a threat to him. However, while searching for Ambition, he encountered the Shards Devotion and Dominion on Sel and attacked them,[176] likely because he could argue they had violated the Vessel's pact to not interfere with each other.[177][169][178] In the ensuing battle, Odium successfully splintered Devotion and Dominion and killed their Vessels, Aona and Skai.[59] In order to ensure that no one could take up their Shards, he then somehow moved most of their Investiture from the Spiritual Realm into the Cognitive Realm, which made the Selish Congnitive Realm incredibly dangerous and the Selish Invested Arts location-dependent.[179][59][180]

Sometime after he splintered Devotion and Dominion, Odium finally found Ambition, who had settled in the Threnodite system. Odium attacked and mortally wounded Ambition, though the Shard fled and was ultimately Splintered elsewhere,[139] in a battle with Odium and Mercy.[181] These clashes resulted in a wound in the Spiritual Realm and left ripped-off chunks of Ambition's power in the Threnodite system, which twisted the people and planet of Threnody.[139][181]

Sometime after Honor and Cultivation arrived on Roshar, Odium traveled to the Rosharan system.[182] Odium never intended to Invest himself in a planet,[183] but, at some point, he became Invested in the Rosharan system to the point where he would now have to leave some of his power behind or forcibly tear it out in order to leave.[184] At some point while he was in the system, Honor and Cultivation used their power to trap him in the system.[132]

As a result, Odium has since been waging a war to free himself from whatever binds him to the system so that he can continue his quest. To that end, he Splintered off pieces of his power to create the Fused,[132] the Unmade,[185] and voidspren,[125] and also Invested in the Rosharan system enough to create and grant access to Invested Art known as Voidbinding.[186] When the Fused first appeared, Honor created the Heralds, who could seal the Fused on Braize, though the Fused tortured the Heralds into allowing them to return to Roshar. Every time a Herald broke, a Desolation would begin and the Heralds and Knights Radiant would fight the Fused until they could be sealed on Braize again. This situation continued for millennia and the Shards remained at a stalemate, especially after nine of the Heralds abandoned the Oathpact, leaving it to Talenel alone, who was better able to withstand the torture on Braize.[132] As a result of his past clashes with Shards, Odium has "scars that do not heal," which makes him more careful about future engagements.[93]

Many of the other Shards are aware of Odium's actions, though most do not seem to consider him a problem, as long as he remains bound to the Rosharan system.[187] Endowment is currently indifferent to him and thinks he was justified in Splintering the Shards he did;[177][188] she also believes she could "deal" with him if he becomes an issue.[189] One of Autonomy's avatars, Patji, also expressed indifference,[114][190] though he did indicate that a different avatar might be more receptive.[191] There is also a Shard who just wants to survive that is aware of Odium's goals and is "smart enough" to stay away,[192] though they have realized over time that may not be the best course of action.[193][194] Harmony, who only became aware of the threat around the time of the True Desolation, is deeply concerned about Odium,[195] but is unable to do much because of the conflicting nature of his powers.[196] In a letter to Hoid, however, he did suggest that Valor might share some of his concern.[197]

The Ascension of Harmony

For much of Scadrian history, Ruin's mind was trapped in the Well of Ascension, which prevented him from destroying the planet. After the death of the Lord Ruler, however, he was successfully able to manipulate Vin into taking up the Well's power and then releasing it, which allowed him to be free.[103] After Marsh removed her Hemalurgic spike, Vin Ascended and became the Vessel of Preservation.[198] During the Battle of Hathsin, Ruin had Marsh kill Elend Venture, which inspired Vin to sacrifice herself and kill Ruin's Vessel, Ati.[102]

Leras, when he held Preservation's power, had foreseen all this and planned for both Ruin and Preservation to be left without a Vessel so that Sazed could take up both Shards and their intents could moderate each other.[109] As a result of one person holding both Shards, Ruin and Preservation's power began to intermingle, and Sazed became known as Harmony.[199] It is considered a single Shard, much like a king of two countries is still just one king.[200]

Odium is aware of Harmony, is scared of him,[201] and is making plans regarding him.[202]

Splintering of Honor and the True Desolation

Some time after the Recreance,[203] Odium finally managed to Splinter Honor,[204] even though Cultivation was assisting Honor in some way.[205] Honor, however, had prepared for this eventuality by, among other things, giving the Stormfather the power to create new honorspren and recording a series of visions for the Stormfather to show to potential Bondsmiths.[206]

Approximately 4,500 years after the Last Desolation, Odium and his servants developed the Everstorm and guided the listeners to summoning it,[207][208] thus allowing the Fused to circumvent the Oathpact and return to Roshar without Talenel breaking.[132][209] Odium is now waging the True Desolation against the people of Roshar, while Dalinar Kholin and the newly re-founded Knights Radiant attempt to stop him.[210] At the Battle of Thaylen Field, Odium agreed to a contest of champions to decide the fate of Roshar.[69]

About a year later, Odium returned to set the terms for the contest. Ultimately he and Dalinar agreed that, no matter the outcome of the contest, Odium would remain bound to the Rosharan system and would cease hostilities against the coalition of monarchs, with only the fate of Alethkar, Herdaz, and Dalinar's soul depending on the outcome of the contest.[211] The protections specified for Hoid in Dalinar's initial, written, proposed contract also appear to be in effect.[212] The contest is set for the tenth hour of the tenth day of the month Palah at the top of Urithiru.[211]

Shortly after Odium came to this agreement with Dalinar, Taravangian orchestrated an attack on Odium with Nightblood, which killed Odium's Vessel, Rayse.[213] Taravangian then Ascended as the new Vessel of Odium; he remains bound by the agreement Rayse made with Dalinar and plans to beat Dalinar.[214]

Trell and Scadrial

Trell's power manifesting on Scadrial

Around three hundred years after the Catacendre, the kandra Paalm used a Hemalurgic spike made of an unknown metal to hide herself from Harmony. After Bleeder's death, Marasi Colms connected this metal to the entity Miles Dagouter named just before he died, Trell.[215] When Waxillium Ladrian died, Harmony showed him a red haze of "dread and destruction" surrounding Scadrial, held back by a thin strip of light.[8] Harmony does not fully understand this, but it is another Shard manifesting its power on Scadrial,[65][216] most likely Autonomy.[217]


Some people who are aware of the broader cosmere have learned how to travel between planets and are known as worldhoppers. Since space in the Cognitive Realm is linked to how people think about that region, most of outer space is extremely compressed in the Cognitive Realm.[23] Therefore, if one could shift from the Physical to the Cognitive Realm, they could quickly travel between planets. The most common method for transfer to the Cognitive Realm is by going through a perpendicularity, though it is also possible with the Surge of Transportation.[218] Travel is also possible through the Physical Realm, though it takes a long time without faster-than-light travel,[219] which all planets could develop, though Scadrial is expected to take the lead on.[220][221] It may also be possible to worldhop using the Spiritual Realm.[222][223]

In total, the number of people traveling between planets probably numbers somewhere in the thousands.[224] Some of these people are involved in the broader events of the cosmere, but many just want to immigrate to another planet.[225] There is no universal language that all worldhoppers speak,[226] though some can use Connection to speak local languages.[227] These worldhoppers drive a thriving interplanetary trade system that includes the trade of mundane objects from different worlds,[228][229][230][231] rare items like paintings from the Court of the Gods,[232] and at least one courier service.[233] The most important commodity, however, is Investiture, though it is difficult to transport off of its home world as it is strongly Connected to that world and its Shard.[234] Planets are not equally easy to access through the Cognitive Realm—Nalthis is easier to get to than most and even has customs for travelers to go through; Sel is incredibly dangerous due to the power of Devotion and Dominion being stuck in the Cognitive Realm; Roshar can be welcoming or dangerous, depending on the era; Scadrial was relatively easy to access and had a stable mercantile system before Kelsier destroyed the Pits of Hathsin and rendered Ruin's Perpendicularity unusable for transferring between the Physical and Cognitive Realms;[224][26] and Taldain is inaccessible as Autonomy has closed it off from the rest of the cosmere,[116] though some of its sand has made it off-world.[235][236]


Pues nunca me he dedicado a un propósito más importante, y las mismas columnas del cielo temblarán con los resultados de nuestra guerra aquí. Lo pido de nuevo. Apóyame. No te apartes y dejes que el desastre consuma más vidas.

Hoid sobre su oposición a Odium[237]

Hoid is a mysterious worldhopper who has been alive since before the Shattering of Adonalsium and was present for that event.[238] He has collected a variety of Invested items from around the cosmere and gained access to multiple Invested Arts.[238][239] His long-term goals are unclear, but he is an adamant opponent of Odium's attempts to become the sole god of the cosmere. He has written to Frost, Endowment, Autonomy, and Harmony, hoping to enlist their help in dealing with Odium, though only Harmony has responded positively.[240] He has some ability to manipulate Fortune, which lets him learn where and when he needs to be to advance his goals, though he often doesn't know why being somewhere is important.[241][242]

Worldhopping Groups

The Seventeenth Shard

Sin embargo, me parece que todas las cosas han sido establecidas para un propósito, y si nosotros, como niños, trasteamos en el taller, nos arriesgamos a exacerbar un problema, no a impedirlo.

—Frost a Hoid sobre su política de no-intervención[243]

The Seventeenth Shard is a group of worldhoppers that seeks to research and study the various worlds of the cosmere without interfering in existing cultures. They believe the Shards separated for a reason and want to minimize the risk of conflict between the Shards.[244] Frost may have some influence over them, either formally or informally.[245] They are worried about Hoid, as they fear his actions on planets will exacerbate Shardic conflict and, from at least 1173 to 1175 on the Rosharan calendar, unsuccessfully tried to hunt him down,[245][246] though they have larger objectives as well.[247]


Silverlight is a city in the Cognitive Realm with both worldhoppers and long-term residents, as well as at least one university.[248][249] The researcher Khriss, the most knowledgeable person in the cosmere and author of the Ars Arcana,[250][251] is associated with Silverlight and at least one university there.[252] Her employee, Nazh, who, among other things, draws and annotates maps, and collects other things for Khriss likely has ties there as well.[250][253]

The Ire

Quizá los Ire sepan más [acerca de la Investidura en Sel], pero se niegan a hablar del tema y han rechazado repetidas veces mis solicitudes de colaboració.

—Khriss sobre los Ire[59]

The Ire is a group of worldhopping Elantrians. They existed prior to the Reod and were off-world when it occurred, which may have played a role in allowing them to weather it.[254] Their objectives are unclear, though they did attempt to Ascend one of their members as the Vessel of Preservation after Leras died.[48] At that time, they were at least associated with a group whose forces were keeping the Shades of Threnody contained in the Threnodite system.[48] They have some method of storing and transporting Investiture, which they use to sustain themselves and trade with others, such as the honorspren of Lasting Integrity.[255][256][257][258]

The Ghostbloods

The Ghostbloods is a cosmere-wide secret society led by Kelsier.[259][260] Not all of their members are worldhoppers, but some, such as Mraize and Iyatil, are.[261][262] They have also recruited at least one Sleepless and seon,[263][259] though they are also worried about the Sleepless trying to take over their organization.[264] They would also actively recruit the Seventeenth Shard's field agents and are not collaborating with the Seventeenth Shard.[265][266] The full scope of their goals is unclear, though they are working on finding a way to transport Stormlight from Roshar, where it is easily accessible, to places where Investiture is harder to obtain.[234]

Other Notable Worldhoppers

Most, if not all, of the Five Scholars of Nalthis were worldhoppers and are well-regarded by the cosmere-aware scholarly community as pioneers of the study of Investiture and Realmatic Theory.[267] After learning from one of the Scholars, Vasher, Vivenna became a worldhopper as well.[268] Felt was involved in trade through the Pits of Hathsin and has been involved in several different worldhopping groups over the years.[269] The dragon Frost is extremely knowledgeable about the cosmere, but is not actually a worldhopper, as he has not left Yolen.[270] The Sleepless are present on several planets across the cosmere, though most have chosen to settle on Roshar and only the Rosharan ones are capable of imitating humans.[264][271] Additionally, there are several kandra from Scadrial who have become worldhoppers,[272] likely to help Sazed figure out the dynamics of the cosmere.


Durante la época en la que todavía no tenía obra publicada, escribí trece novelas, en las que solo una de ellas era una secuela… pero la verdad es que quería escribir grandes historias épicas. Esto es lo que siempre quise hacer; algo como la Rueda del tiempo. Así que empecé a tramar una larga y enorme serie de libros los cuales estuvieran conectados entre ellos, así de esa forma podría crear de “forma sigilosa” una larga serie de novelas, sin que mis editores estuvieran al tanto, les enviaba los libros de una misma serie. Era simplemente algo más para mi, para ayudarme a escribir lo que quería estar escribiendo. Entonces cuando llegó la publicación, continué haciéndolo, y contar la historia detrás de la historia.

—Brandon sobre los orígenes del Cosmere[273]

When Brandon was beginning to write and trying to get published, he loved gigantic epic fantasy series. He knew, however, that starting with a big series might not be the best idea. If he wrote four books in a series, and the first one didn't get published, he couldn't submit his sequels, so he decided instead to focus on standalone stories. However, he still loved the idea of a huge epic series, so he decided to create a "hidden" epic to link his novels together. Brandon had seen other authors who made a single universe for all their books, like Isaac Asimov, but didn't like how Asimov had to retcon and shoehorn things together to connect his books, and so wanted to build the cosmere from the beginning, so it would always be consistent.[274]

Some ideas that came into the worldbuilding of the cosmere came from Plato's theory of forms, which contributed to the development of Realmatic Theory. In this, the distinction of what is perceived as "ideal" and what is the true ideal is important: true ideals have much to do with the Spiritual Realm, while people's perception of ideals deals with the Cognitive Realm. Another influence is Spinoza, with the idea that God is in everything.[275] Brandon also incorporated the idea of a "unifying theory of everything" from physics into the magic in the cosmere. All magics have underlying rules, and are derived from a single unified theory of magic.[276]

Espero que la gente permanezca conmigo para todos estos libros, porque voy a escribir muchos. Pero todos encajarán los unos con los otros de maneras geniales una vez estén todos hechos. Creo que estaréis muy, muy impresionados, pero para eso todavía queda.

—Brandon sobre el Cosmere[277]

The cosmere sequence has a clear story that Brandon wants to tell and is fairly firmly outlined as 35 novels, plus a variety of novellas and other works, with the Dragonsteel series, Mistborn series, and The Stormlight Archive forming the core of that story.[278][279] Dragonsteel will tell Hoid's backstory and the story of the Shattering of Adonalsium;[279] Mistborn will have four series, following Scadrial from the Final Empire to the development of faster-than-light travel and the interaction between the various planets;[280][281] The Stormlight Archive will be split into two arcs of five books each and is the story of the clash between the people of Roshar and Odium.[282] Generally, knowledge of the cosmere as a whole will not be necessary until Dragonsteel and the final Mistborn trilogy, which are the beginning and the conclusion respectively of the cosmere sequence[3]

Brandon does not feel that the cosmere is restrictive to his writing.[277] Though cosmere novels are intensive, as they require more thorough planning and continuity maintenance, Brandon also has an internal wiki and people like Peter and Karen Ahlstrom who help him keep the cosmere on track.[283][284] When Brandon feels like he needs a break from the more stringent requirements of the cosmere, he'll turn to work on a less intensive novel or novella, which are almost always non-cosmere.[283] If there is a concept he really wants to write but doesn't fit in the limitations of the cosmere, he moves it into a non-cosmere book. For example, The Rithmatist started as a cosmere novel, and its magics take many elements from cosmere magics, but Brandon decided that he did not want a version of Earth in the cosmere, and so moved it to its own universe.[285]

Brandon does generally plan out which cosmere hints to give to fans, but sometimes he gives hints on the fly. Usually, fans are able to pry much more than he initially intended to tell.[286]

Bibliography of the Cosmere

Published Works of the Cosmere
Publication Year Title Series Planet Length
2005 Elantris Elantris trilogy #1 Sel Novel
2006 The Hope of Elantris Elantris trilogy #1.5 Sel Short Story
Mistborn: The Final Empire Mistborn (Era 1) #1 Scadrial Novel
2007 The Well of Ascension Mistborn (Era 1) #2 Scadrial Novel
2008 The Hero of Ages Mistborn (Era 1) #3 Scadrial Novel
2009 Warbreaker Standalone Novel Nalthis Novel
2010 The Way of Kings The Stormlight Archive #1 Roshar Novel
2011 The Alloy of Law Mistborn (Era 2) #1 Scadrial Novel
The Eleventh Metal Mistborn (Era 1) #0.5 Scadrial Short Story
2012 The Emperor's Soul Standalone Novella Sel Novella
2013 Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell Standalone Novella Threnody Novella
2014 Words of Radiance The Stormlight Archive #2 Roshar Novel
Sixth of the Dusk Standalone Novella First of the Sun Novella
Allomancer Jak and the Pits of Eltania Mistborn (Era 2) #1.5 Scadrial Short Story
2015 Shadows of Self Mistborn (Era 2) #2 Scadrial Novel
2016 The Bands of Mourning Mistborn (Era 2) #3 Scadrial Novel
Mistborn: Secret History Mistborn (Era 1) #3.5 Scadrial Novella
White Sand Volume 1 White Sand #1 Taldain Graphic Novel
Edgedancer The Stormlight Archive #2.5 Roshar Novella
Arcanum Unbounded Anthology * *
2017 Oathbringer The Stormlight Archive #3 Roshar Novel
2018 White Sand Volume 2 White Sand #2 Taldain Graphic Novel
2019 White Sand Volume 3 White Sand #3 Taldain Graphic Novel
2020 Dawnshard The Stormlight Archive #3.5 Roshar Novella
Rhythm of War The Stormlight Archive #4 Roshar Novel


The following are confirmed upcoming cosmere stories:

  • The Lost Metal, the fourth and final Era 2 Mistborn novel. Scheduled for release on November 15, 2022.[287]
  • Secret Project One, a standalone novel to be released in January 2023.[288]
  • Secret Project Three, a standalone novel to be released in July 2023.[288]
  • Secret Project Four, a standalone novel to be released in October 2023.[288]
  • Stormlight 5, the last book of the first arc of The Stormlight Archive.[289] Planned to be written in the near future, after Skyward 4, possibly for a fall 2023 release, though Brandon has said it may be later to make sure he gets the end of the arc right.[290]
  • Era 3 Mistborn trilogy, the next Mistborn series, set to take place when Scadrial has achieved a technology level similar to that of the 1980s.[291] Planned to be written in the break between books 5 and 6 of The Stormlight Archive.[292] Brandon hopes to write all three books before the first one is released, like he did with Era 1.[293]
  • Elantris 2 and Elantris 3, the sequels to Elantris. Expected to be written after The Stormlight Archive book 5 and Mistborn Era 2 are done.[294] "In a perfect world," Brandon would write them around the same time he writes Mistborn Era 3, but they may come later than that.[293]
  • The second arc of The Stormlight Archive, which will consist of books six through ten of the series overall. In-world, book six will pick up about a decade after book five ends.[289] Planned to be written after Mistborn Era 3 and possibly also the Elantris sequels are done.[293]
  • Nightblood, the sequel to Warbreaker. Likely won't be written until The Stormlight Archive book 5, the Elantris sequels, and Mistborn Era 3 are written.[295]
  • The Dragonsteel series, the origin story of Hoid and the Shattering of Adonalsium. Brandon is loosely working on it, but the series will not be written until The Stormlight Archive is finished.[296][297]
  • Era 4 Mistborn trilogy, the science fiction trilogy, with Hoid as a main character.[298] Chronologically, this will be the last series in the cosmere sequence, and has much to do with the worlds coming together.[3]

Chronological Order

Brandon has been somewhat evasive about the order of cosmere stories, so that the timelines remains flexible for future books that he writes.[299] He has estimated that there are roughly 6000 years between the Shattering and the breaking of the Oathpact, with the latter event still predating White Sand.[300][301] Although this figure is non-canonical and subject to change, Brandon has also stated that the books have mostly been released chronologically, which allows a rough timeline to be constructed:[302]

Further Reading


  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m Nacidos de la bruma: Historia Secreta parte 3 capítulo 2#
  2. a b ¿Qué es el Cosmere?
    — Web de Brandon #
  3. a b c Words of Radiance San Francisco signing
    Arcanum - 2014-03-06#
  4. a b c d e El alma del emperador - Día 12#
  5. El Héroe de las Eras capítulo 57 Epígrafe#
  6. ICon 2019
    Arcanum - 2019-10-15#
  7. a b c d e Nacidos de la bruma: Historia Secreta parte 1 capítulo 1#
  8. a b c d e Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 28#
  9. a b Nacidos de la bruma: Historia Secreta parte 6 capítulo 8#
  10. Danzante del Filo (novella) capítulo 8#
  11. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 15#
  12. Idaho Falls signing
    Arcanum - 2018-07-21#
  13. a b c d e f El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 97#
  14. Shardcast Interview
    Arcanum - 2021-01-23#
  15. Mini-Con 2021
    Arcanum - 2021-11-22#
  16. Emerald City Comic Con 2018
    Arcanum - 2018-03-01#
  17. Skyward Pre-Release AMA
    Arcanum - 2018-10-22#
  18. Words of Radiance Philadelphia signing
    Arcanum - 2014-03-21#
  19. Physical Realm#
  20. Starsight Release Party
    Arcanum - 2019-11-26#
  21. General Reddit 2019
    Arcanum - 2019-12-11#
  22. Words of Radiance San Diego signing
    Arcanum - 2014-03-04#
  23. a b c Orem signing 2014
    Arcanum - 2014-12-06#
  24. Palabras radiantes capítulo 3#
  25. a b c d Juramentada capítulo 89#
  26. a b Nacidos de la bruma: Historia Secreta parte 2 capítulo 1#
  27. Shadows of Self release party
    Arcanum - 2015-10-05#
  28. Firefight Chicago signing
    Arcanum - 2015-02-20#
  29. a b MisCon 2018
    Arcanum - 2018-05-26#
  30. Juramentada capítulo 103#
  31. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 72 Epígrafe#
  32. Juramentada capítulo 57#
  33. a b Elantris Ars Arcanum#
  34. a b c d e Esquirla del Amanecer (novella) capítulo 19#
  35. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 40 Epígrafe#
  36. El camino de los reyes capítulo 18#
  37. El Héroe de las Eras capítulo 57#
  38. Shardcast Interview
    Arcanum - 2021-01-23#
  39. a b Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 3#
  40. Juramentada capítulo 17#
  41. Firefight Chicago signing
    Arcanum - 2015-02-20#
  42. General Reddit 2019
    Arcanum - 2019-11-27#
  43. Arcanum Unbounded release party
    Arcanum - 2016-11-22#
  44. Orem signing
    Arcanum - 2018-03-10#
  45. Juramentada capítulo 64#
  46. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 22#
  47. Juramentada capítulo 65#
  48. a b c Nacidos de la bruma: Historia Secreta parte 5 capítulo 2#
  49. Calamity San Antonio signing
    Arcanum - 2016-02-26#
  50. Shadows of Self Chicago signing
    Arcanum - 2015-10-12#
  51. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 75#
  52. Juramentada capítulo 120#
  53. /r/books AMA 2015
    Arcanum - 2015-07-14#
  54. /r/books AMA 2015
    Arcanum - 2015-03-12#
  55. Words of Radiance Houston signing
    Arcanum - 2014-03-11#
  56. Referencia rota - Book shorthand incorrect: 6
  57. Stormlight Three Update #4
    Arcanum - 2016-10-04#
  58. a b Steelheart Seattle signing
    Arcanum - 2013-10-14#
  59. a b c d e f g Arcanum Ilimitado - Sistema de Sel#
  60. a b c Oathbringer London signing
    Arcanum - 2017-11-28#
  61. a b c d /r/Cosmere
    Arcanum - 2018-03-18#
  62. Oathbringer San Francisco signing
    Arcanum - 2017-11-15#
  63. El alma del emperador - Día 30#
  64. ICon 2019
    Arcanum - 2019-10-15#
  65. a b Oathbringer San Diego signing
    Arcanum - 2017-11-14#
  66. Juramentada capítulo 78#
  67. a b Juramentada capítulo 115#
  68. Brazales de Duelo (libro) epílogo#
  69. a b Juramentada capítulo 117#
  70. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 38#
  71. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 42#
  72. a b c d e f Arcanum Ilimitado - Sistema de Scadrial#
  73. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 89#
  74. a b c Shadows of Self San Diego signing
    Arcanum - 2015-10-08#
  75. JordanCon 2018
    Arcanum - 2018-04-22#
  76. 17th Shard Forum Q&A
    Arcanum - 2012-09-25#
  77. Words of Radiance Washington, DC signing
    Arcanum - 2014-03-20#
  78. Juramentada Ars Arcanum#
  79. a b c d e /r/fantasy AMA 2013
    Arcanum - 2013-04-17#
  80. a b Hero of Ages Q&A - Time Waster's Guide
    Arcanum - 2008-10-15#
  81. a b El ritmo de la guerra Ars Arcanum#
  82. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 104#
  83. YouTube Livestream 32
    Arcanum - 2021-06-03#
  84. El ritmo de la guerra interludio I-1#
  85. a b c d Arcanum Ilimitado - Sistema de Drominad#
  86. Arcanum Unbounded release party
    Arcanum - 2016-11-22#
  87. Calamity Seattle signing
    Arcanum - 2016-02-17#
  88. Hero of Ages Q&A - Time Waster's Guide
    Arcanum - 2008-10-15#
  89. Words of Radiance San Diego signing
    Arcanum - 2014-03-04#
  90. Emerald City Comic Con 2018
    Arcanum - 2018-03-01#
  91. American Fork High School Signing
    Arcanum - 2019-12-12#
  92. /r/books AMA 2015
    Arcanum - 2015-06-05#
  93. a b c Juramentada capítulo 16#
  94. a b New York Signing
    Arcanum - 2013-11-16#
  95. a b Alloy of Law 17th Shard Q&A
    Arcanum - 2011-11-05#
  96. El Héroe de las Eras capítulo 71 Epígrafe#
  97. Boskone 54
    Arcanum - 2017-02-19#
  98. Skyward Pre-Release AMA
    Arcanum - 2018-10-05#
  99. Orem signing
    Arcanum - 2018-03-10#
  100. El camino de los reyes capítulo 18 Epígrafe#
  101. Alloy of Law 17th Shard Q&A
    Arcanum - 2011-11-05#
  102. a b El Héroe de las Eras capítulo 81#
  103. a b Nacidos de la bruma: Historia Secreta parte 2 capítulo 3#
  104. Oathbringer London signing
    Arcanum - 2017-11-28#
  105. a b Tel Aviv Signing
    Arcanum - 2019-10-18#
  106. Juramentada capítulo 122#
  107. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 99#
  108. El Héroe de las Eras capítulo 76#
  109. a b El Héroe de las Eras capítulo 82#
  110. Barnes and Noble Book Club Q&A
    Arcanum - 2009-07-08#
  111. Oathbringer release party
    Arcanum - 2017-11-13#
  112. Juramentada capítulo 75#
  113. Juramentada capítulo 50#
  114. a b Bonn Signing
    Arcanum - 2019-05-15#
  115. YouTube Livestream 32
    Arcanum - 2021-06-03#
  116. a b c d e Arcanum Ilimitado - Sistema de Taldain#
  117. Prague Signing
    Arcanum - 2019-10-26#
  118. a b Juramentada capítulo 50 Epígrafe#
  119. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 69#
  120. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 67#
  121. a b General Reddit 2020
    Arcanum - 2020-11-22#
  122. Miscellaneous 2020
    Arcanum - 2020-11-30#
  123. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 76#
  124. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 110#
  125. a b c d e f g Arcanum Ilimitado - Sistema de Roshar#
  126. /r/fantasy AMA 2013
    Arcanum - 2013-04-15#
  127. El aliento de los dioses prólogo#
  128. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 57#
  129. Barnes and Noble Book Club Q&A
    Arcanum - 2009-07-08#
  130. Oathbringer signing Portland
    Arcanum - 2017-11-16#
  131. Idaho Falls signing
    Arcanum - 2018-12-29#
  132. a b c d e Juramentada capítulo 38#
  133. Words of Radiance Chicago signing
    Arcanum - 2014-03-22#
  134. Brazales de Duelo (libro) Ars Arcanum#
  135. Ad Astra 2017
    Arcanum - 2017-05-05#
  136. 17th Shard Forum Q&A
    Arcanum - 2012-09-26#
  137. a b c d e f g Barnes and Noble Book Club Q&A
    Arcanum - 2009-07-08#
  138. State of the Sanderson 2017
    Arcanum - 2017-12-19#
  139. a b c d e Arcanum Ilimitado - Sistema de Treno#
  140. a b Shadows of Self San Diego signing
    Arcanum - 2015-10-08#
  141. a b Skyward San Diego signing
    Arcanum - 2018-11-07#
  142. Calamity Chicago signing
    Arcanum - 2016-02-22#
  143. Orem signing
    Arcanum - 2017-12-21#
  144. Salt Lake City signing
    Arcanum - 2017-12-16#
  145. Words of Radiance release party
    Arcanum - 2016-11-29#
  146. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 32#
  147. TWG Posts
    Arcanum - 2007-02-12#
  148. JordanCon 2018
    Arcanum - 2018-04-22#
  149. a b Arcanum Unbounded release party
    Arcanum - 2016-11-22#
  150. West Jordan signing 2012
    Arcanum - 2012-12-06#
  151. Oslo signing, 2011
    Arcanum - 2011-05-30#
  152. Prague Signing
    Arcanum - 2019-10-26#
  153. Emerald City Comic Con 2018
    Arcanum - 2018-03-01#
  154. General Reddit 2016
    Arcanum - 2016-09-09#
  155. 17th Shard Forum Q&A
    Arcanum - 2012-09-26#
  156. General Signed Books 2015
    Arcanum - 2015-01-07#
  157. Skyward Pre-Release AMA
    Arcanum - 2018-10-06#
  158. /r/fantasy AMA 2013
    Arcanum - 2013-04-15#
  159. Arcanum Unbounded Hoboken signing
    Arcanum - 2016-12-03#
  160. Words of Radiance release party
    Arcanum - 2014-03-03#
  161. General Signed Books 2016
    Arcanum - 2016-02-25#
  162. Idaho Falls signing
    Arcanum - 2018-07-21#
  163. Firefight Seattle UBooks signing
    Arcanum - 2015-01-06#
  164. Legion Release Party
    Arcanum - 2018-09-19#
  165. Writing for Charity Conference
    Arcanum - 2012-03-17#
  166. Leipzig Book Fair
    Arcanum - 2017-03-24#
  167. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 23 Epígrafe#
  168. Palabras radiantes epílogo#
  169. a b Juramentada capítulo 39 Epígrafe#
  170. Legion Release Party
    Arcanum - 2018-09-19#
  171. Words of Radiance Los Angeles signing
    Arcanum - 2014-03-05#
  172. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 22 Epígrafe#
  173. a b West Jordan signing
    Arcanum - 2011-12-15#
  174. /r/Stormlight_Archive
    Arcanum - 2013-03-14#
  175. Palabras radiantes capítulo 71 Epígrafe#
  176. Arcanum entry 1550
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  177. a b Juramentada capítulo 37 Epígrafe#
  178. Arcanum entry 8358
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  179. Arcanum entry 9616
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  180. Arcanum entry 4129
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  181. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 27 Epígrafe#
  182. Arcanum entry 9934
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  183. Arcanum entry 227
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  184. Arcanum entry 9852
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  185. Arcanum entry 9207
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  186. Arcanum entry 1540
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  187. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 30 Epígrafe#
  188. Juramentada capítulo 40 Epígrafe#
  189. Juramentada capítulo 41 Epígrafe#
  190. Juramentada capítulo 46 Epígrafe#
  191. Juramentada capítulo 47 Epígrafe#
  192. Arcanum entry 326
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  193. Arcanum entry 12684
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  194. Arcanum entry 13231
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  195. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 31 Epígrafe#
  196. Juramentada capítulo 55 Epígrafe#
  197. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 25 Epígrafe#
  198. El Héroe de las Eras capítulo 73#
  199. Arcanum entry 4115
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  200. Arcanum entry 6486
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  201. Arcanum entry 1025
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  202. Arcanum entry 7319
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  203. Arcanum entry 8144
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  204. Arcanum entry 9810
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  205. Arcanum entry 2729
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  206. Juramentada capítulo 28#
  207. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 73#
  208. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 86#
  209. Arcanum entry 14869
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  210. Palabras radiantes capítulo 89#
  211. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 112#
  212. El ritmo de la guerra epílogo#
  213. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 113#
  214. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 114#
  215. Sombras de identidad epílogo#
  216. Arcanum entry 6261
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  217. Trell (Trellism)#Theories & Speculation#
  218. Arcanum entry 1525
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  219. Arcanum entry 12901
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  220. Arcanum entry 3453
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  221. Arcanum entry 3912
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  222. Arcanum entry 9307
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  223. Arcanum entry 13110
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  224. a b Arcanum entry 9501
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  225. Arcanum entry 12724
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  226. Arcanum entry 1136
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  227. Arcanum entry 1021
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  228. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 29#
  229. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 75#
  230. Arcanum entry 8650
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  231. Arcanum entry 10807
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  232. Juramentada capítulo 102#
  233. Arcanum entry 12907
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  234. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 13#
  235. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 84#
  236. Juramentada capítulo 67#
  237. El camino de los reyes capítulo 28 Epígrafe#
  238. a b Arcanum entry 5077
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  239. Hoid#Attributes and Abilities#
  240. Letters#
  241. Arcanum entry 2567
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  242. Palabras radiantes capítulo 67#
  243. Palabras radiantes capítulo 68 Epígrafe#
  244. Arcanum entry 1564
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  245. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 26 Epígrafe#
  246. Arcanum entry 14949
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  247. Arcanum entry 7910
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  248. Arcanum entry 2555
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  249. Arcanum entry 3310
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  250. a b Arcanum entry 5623
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  251. Arcanum entry 6873
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  252. Arcanum entry 8342
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  253. Arcanum entry 5341
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  254. Arcanum entry 10476
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  255. Nacidos de la bruma: Historia Secreta parte 5 capítulo 3#
  256. Arcanum entry 1542
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  257. Arcanum entry 200
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  258. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 87#
  259. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 115#
  260. Arcanum entry 15051
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  261. Arcanum entry 1394
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  262. Arcanum entry 12733
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  263. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 64#
  264. a b Arcanum entry 12657
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  265. Arcanum entry 11599
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  266. Arcanum entry 1757
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  267. Arcanum entry 1548
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  268. Arcanum entry 8511
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  269. Arcanum entry 11812
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  270. Arcanum entry 3679
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  271. Arcanum entry 14312
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  272. Arcanum entry 5990
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  273. Arcanum entry 10182
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  274. Arcanum entry 9813
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  275. Arcanum entry 4051
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  276. Arcanum entry 9007
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  277. a b Arcanum entry 6496
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  278. Arcanum entry 7744
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  279. a b Arcanum entry 13550
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  280. Arcanum entry 9005
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  281. Arcanum entry 5343
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  282. Arcanum entry 3380
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  283. a b Arcanum entry 9015
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  284. Arcanum entry 9610
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  285. Arcanum entry 10860
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  286. Arcanum entry 4910
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  287. Announcing The Lost Metal, a Mistborn Novel From Brandon Sanderson - 2021-12-06#
  288. a b c Arcanum entry 15424
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  289. a b Arcanum entry 9442
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  290. Arcanum entry 14961
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  291. Arcanum entry 13585
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  292. Arcanum entry 11548
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  293. a b c Arcanum entry 14683
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  294. Arcanum entry 13545
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  295. Arcanum entry 12276
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  296. Arcanum entry 12490
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  297. Arcanum entry 12313
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  298. Arcanum entry 10012
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  299. a b c d e f g h i Arcanum entry 10273
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  300. Arcanum entry 3842
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  301. Arcanum entry 1355
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  302. a b c Arcanum entry 10502
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  303. Arcanum entry 5657
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  304. Arcanum entry 1491
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  305. a b c Arcanum entry 549
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
  306. Arcanum entry 14582
    Falta metadatos de Arcanum.
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