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Diferencia entre revisiones de «Sigzil»

De La Coppermind
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At first, Sigzil despises what Kaladin tries to do to help [[Bridge Four]], but he slowly warms up to his efforts.{{book ref|sa1|27}}{{book ref|sa1|40}} Eventually Sigzil looks up to [[Kaladin]] and is glad to help him with the administrative side of training the [[bridgemen]] and later the [[Windrunners]], though he wishes his relationship with Kaladin were more clear cut. Kaladin helps Sigzil see that failing the exams in [[Azir]] isn't such a bad thing, as he is now with a group of people who really appreciate him; Sigzil realizes that he is glad he found his way to Bridge Four.{{book ref|sa3|35}} Kaladin listens when Sigzil speaks, finding himself remembering later things that Sigzil had told him about different parts of the world.{{book ref|sa4|80}} Kaladin feels confident enough in Sigzil to name him one of the first lieutenants and later to transfer command of the Windrunners to him after his retirement.{{book ref|sa2|2}}{{book ref|sa4|15}} [[Odium]] exploits Kaladin's care for Sigzil by showing him visions of Sigzil fighting other members of Bridge Four and telling him with his dying breaths that he should have let the rest of them just die on the [[Shattered Plains]].{{book ref|sa4|46}}
At first, Sigzil despises what Kaladin tries to do to help [[Bridge Four]], but he slowly warms up to his efforts.{{book ref|sa1|27}}{{book ref|sa1|40}} Eventually Sigzil looks up to [[Kaladin]] and is glad to help him with the administrative side of training the [[bridgemen]] and later the [[Windrunners]], though he wishes his relationship with Kaladin were more clear cut. Kaladin helps Sigzil see that failing the exams in [[Azir]] isn't such a bad thing, as he is now with a group of people who really appreciate him; Sigzil realizes that he is glad he found his way to Bridge Four.{{book ref|sa3|35}} Kaladin listens when Sigzil speaks, finding himself remembering later things that Sigzil had told him about different parts of the world.{{book ref|sa4|80}} Kaladin feels confident enough in Sigzil to name him one of the first lieutenants and later to transfer command of the Windrunners to him after his retirement.{{book ref|sa2|2}}{{book ref|sa4|15}} [[Odium]] exploits Kaladin's care for Sigzil by showing him visions of Sigzil fighting other members of Bridge Four and telling him with his dying breaths that he should have let the rest of them just die on the [[Shattered Plains]].{{book ref|sa4|46}}

== Trivia ==
== Curiosidades ==
* Sigzil has not been off Roshar, despite being Hoid's apprentice.{{wob ref|4076}}
* Sigzil no ha salido de Roshar a pesar de ser aprendiz de Hoid.{{wob ref|4076}}

== Notes ==
== Notas ==
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[[Categoría:Personajes con puntos de vista ]]
[[category: viewpoint characters]]
[[Categoría:Hombres de los puentes ]]
[[Category: Bridgemen]]

Revisión del 21:01 5 nov 2022

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Sigzil Portrait by Marie Seeberger.jpg
Capacidades Corredor del Viento, Portador de esquirlada[1]
Grupo Caballeros Radiantes (Corredor del Viento), Puente Cuatro, Cantamundos, Ejército de Sadeas (anteriormente), Ejército de Kholin
Residencia Urithiru
Etnia makabaki
Nacionalidad de Azir
Mundo natal Roshar
Universo Cosmere

Sigzil es un miembro azishiano del Puente Cuatro en Roshar y un jefe de compañía de la órden Radiante de los Corredores del Viento.[2][3] Anteriormente fue aprendiz de Hoid y ahora es un cantamundos de pleno derecho.[4]

Apariencia y personalidad

My master trained me to ask questions, so I’m asking them.


Sigzil tiene piel morena oscura bien afeitada y pelo negro, grueso y rizado.[2][6] Es considerado de altura media en Azir, lo que le hace bajo comparado con la mayoría de Alezi. Tiene un tatuaje del Puente Cuatro en la frente cubriendo el lugar donde solía estar su marca de esclavo.[7]

Sigzil normalmente es callado y reservado,[6] aunque cuando se vuelca en su rol como cantamundos, muestra un conocimiento profundo de una variedad de culturas y habla abiertamente y de forma locuaz.[8] Parece disfrutar de conversaciones profundas, especialmente cuando son individuales, y tiene una manera formal de hablar.[6] También tiene una vena crítica, particularmente alrededor de gente alborotada o cuando se enfrenta a otras culturas con métodos menos organizados y burocráticos. Sin embargo, se toma las enseñanzas de Hoid muy seriamente y intenta ser más abierto de mente.[7]

Aunque es increiblemente organizado y estudioso, Sigzil piensa menos de sí mismo por haber fallado los exámened de servicio gubernamental en Azir. Probablemente como consecuencia de crecer en un país donde todo está bien organizado, él prefiere que haya una relación clara entre él y para quien trabaja. También expresa la necesidad de averiguar exactamente cuál es la cadena de comando dek Puente Cuatro en relación a los asuntos alezi tras el comienzo de la Verdadera Desolación.[7]

A pesar de su inclinación por mantener las cosas organizadas, Sigzil no está satisfecho con ser sólo un secretario, y quiere ser "el primero en llegar al cielo", en lugar de pasar todo su tiempo con la cabeza metida en libros de contabilidad.[7] Es alentador y optimista con sus amigos.[9][10]

Atributos y habilidades

Sigzil ha sido entrenado con la lanza y las tácticas de lanzeros por Kaladin, y usa su arma de manera "aceptable".[11] Puede leer y escribir la escritura azishiana, aunque por deferencia a los ideales alezi se limita a usar glífos para escribir los informes como secretario del Puente Cuatro.[7] Su comprensión de otras culturas, habilidad de trabajar con números fácilmente, y su sensatez son todo ventajas para la Orden de los Corredores del Viento.[12]

Se ha vinculado a un honorspren[13] y ha jurado al menos el Tercer Ideal de la orden de los Corredores del Viento,[1] lo que le permite absorber luz tormentosa y usar las Potencias de Gravitación y Adhesión.[7][14]



Sigzil fue la primera persona en su familia en generaciones en tener una oportunidad de pasar las pruebas de servicio gubernamental en Azir, lo que le hubiera dado la opción de atender una escuela "real". Aunque más tarde consideraría eso un "sueño estúpido", ya que, como el hijo de un obrero, tenía poco tiempo para estudiar. Sin embargo, antes de presentarse a las pruebas se metió en algún tipo de problema y tubo que ser rescatado por Hoid, quien lo acogió como aprendiz de cantamundos.[7]

Hoid y Sigzil viajaron juntos a muchos lugares de Roshar, incluyendo Babatharnam, donde Hoid tubo que pagar para liberar a Sigzil de prisón en tres ocasiones distintas.[15] Mientras estaban en las Llanuras Quebradas, intentó matar a alguien y pensó que lo había conseguido, aunque de hecho su víctima sobrevivió. Este evento parece ser la causa de que se conviertiera en hombre del puente.[6] Un tiempo después de que Kaladin se uniera al Puente Cuatro, Sigzil creía que Hoid pensaba que él estaba muerto.[8]

Puente Cuatro

Con otros hombres del puente

Después de que Kaladin empezara a intentar rehabilitar el Puente Cuatro, Sigzil se mostró brusco y desdeñoso con sus esfuerzos al principio, siendo uno de los más críticos.[16] También era tímido en cuanto a sus conocimientos como cantamundos y lo evitó cuando Roca menciona que es uno.[15] Sin embargo, con el tiempo empezó a sentirse más cómodo y a contar historias de sitios lejanos como Marabezia,[6] Yulay,[17] Babatharnam,[15] y Shinovar.[8]

Después de que Kaladin se curara lo suficiente de ser encadenado en una alta tormenta para unirse a las carreras de puentes, él, Roca, y Sigzil observaron una batalla y dicutieron las tácticas detrás de poner las vidas de los hombres de los puentes en tal peligro. Esa noche, impresionado por el previo análisis de Sigzil, Kaladin habla con él sobre la educación en cada uno de sus pasados mientras los otros comen su guiso.[6] Una vez, mientras estaban de servicio en los absimos, Sigzil escuchó por casualidad la conversación de Teft con Kaladin y expandió la expliación sobre el Primer Ideal de los Radiantes Perdidos. Esas palabras se quedaron grabadas en la mente de Kaladin y le dieron el coraje para sugerir entrenar a los hombres con lanzas en preparación a un intento de escape; Sigzil acceptó de buen grado al plan, al igual que el resto.[17]

I do not ‘give tales.’ I spread knowledge of cultures, peoples, thoughts, and dreams. I bring peace through understanding.

—Sigzil, al Puente Cuatro en los abismos[8]

Un día, después de que Kaladin se afeitara por primera vez desde su tiempo en el ejército de Amaram, Sigzil discute con él sobre si querrían tomar el lugar de los ojos claros y gobernar Alezkar. Sigzil mencionó Babatharnam para mostrar que el color de ojos no es tanto el problema, sinó que gente con poder abusando de su posición, luego se marcha cuando Roca señala que suena como un cantamundos.[15]

En otra ocasión, mientras en servicio de puente, Sigzil acepta a regañadientes actuar como cantamundos y confirmar que lo que Kaladin ha visto en su visión durante una alta tormenta fue real y les cuenta sobre Sesemalex Dar, aunque protesta cuando el grupo le pide "historias". Él fué el que le contó a Kaladin sobre la reverencia de los Parshendi para sus muertos, plantando la semilla para la posterior idea de Kaladin de fabricar armaduras con sus cadáveres.[8]

Una noche, mientras Kaladin sale a vagar por las llanuras, se cruzó con Hoid, quien estaba tocando su flauta. Hoid cuenta a Kaladin la historia del Vela Errante antes de decirle que cuidara bien de Sigzil y que le diga que se ha graduado y ahora es un cantamundos de pleno derecho.[4] Cuando Kaladin intenta preguntar a Sigzil sobre Hoid, este se niega a hablar de su antiguo maestro.[18]

El cambio de actitud de Sigzil hacia Kaladin se hace evidente durante la Batalla de la Torre cuando Kaladin les dice a su cuadrilla del puente que huyan y lo dejen atrás; Sigzil es el primero en hablar, negandose rotundamente a dejarlo.[19] Quedó sobrecojido por la habilidad de Kaladin con la lanza defendiendo el puente contra los Parshendi justo antes de que hablara las palabras del Segundo Ideal[20] y le convenció para que les diera una demostración de absorber luz tormentosa mientras estaban sentados alrededor del fuego esa noche en el campamento de guerra de Dalinar Kholin. Immediatamente empezó a pensar analíticamente sobre los poderes de Kaladin, acosándole con preguntas para ver hasta que punto los poderes podían ser cuantificados, y ideando experimentos para ser capaz de descubir esas mismas respuestas.[21]


Experimentando en Lopen con los poderes de Kaladin

After Dalinar secured the lives of the bridgemen and Bridge Four transfered to Dalinar's army, Kaladin promoted Sigzil to the rank of lieutenant and appointed him the bridge crew's clerk, since he was the only member of Bridge Four who could read glyphs. He joined with the rest of the crew when they got "freedom" and "Bridge Four" glyphs tattooed on their foreheads over their slave brands.[22]

Sigzil devised experiments to measure and document the extent of Kaladin's Windrunner abilities and finally put them into practice the day Kaladin, Teft, Rock, Lopen, and he led the first group of forty bridgemen into the chasms to train them.[23] When he realized there were too many variables for his experiments to be meaningful, however, they changed tactics and practiced fighting against Kaladin to give him an opportunity to put his abilities to practical use.[11]

Sigzil sent regular reports to Kaladin detailing the status of their troops and supplies, as well as creating routes for Kaladin and Teft to take the trainees on patrol beyond the warcamps.[24] He also continued meeting with Rock and Lopen in the chasms to help Kaladin gain control over his powers, during those times using his own former master's training to ask pointed and analytical questions about how the Parshendi gained control over a Shin assassin and who might have sabotaged Elhokar's railing.[5]

He, Lopen, and Peet sometimes went to the market on nights off, accompanied at times by Teft or Moash.[5][25] Sigzil, who liked to be informed, listened to the criers' news and bought some chouta on the way to the tavern one night when Kaladin was with the group. He brought up the topic of housing the married men of Bridge Four as they watched Peet conversing with Ka. When the Horneater Peaks came up in conversation, he started telling the others about them until Rock took over and told them the Horneaters' version of their creation. Sigzil recognized Hoid when Rock mentioned meeting a white-haired god coming up from the peak ocean.[25]

The day of Adolin's duel against four others, Sigzil was one of forty guards Kaladin brought to guard the Kholins during the duel, and he spent the time before the event trying and failing to convince Kaladin to reveal his powers.[26] After Kaladin was lost in the chasms on the expedition to take Shallan to see a chasmfiend chrysalis, Sigzil took shifts with the others awaiting his return. When he had a shift with Teft, he taught him to play michim. Teft revealed more about his past then than he had at any other time, feeling prompted to speak by Sigzil's quiet attentiveness; Sigzil listened in confidence and never revealed what he knew to the others.[27][28] Immediately after Kaladin's return, Sigzil and most of the rest of Bridge Four went with Dalinar's army on the expedition to discover Urithiru and end the War of Reckoning.[29]

During the Battle of Narak, Sigzil was one of the bridgemen who manifested the ability to use Stormlight.[30][7] He and the other members of Bridge Four who had survived the battle waited for Kaladin on the plateau that served as Narak's Oathgate; after Kaladin's return, Sigzil walked him through using Syl as a Shardblade to activate the platform, taking them to Urithiru.[30]

Windrunner Squire

Speaking with Kaladin and Lyn at the gemstone reserve

I don’t want to be huddled over a ledger when Bridge Four takes to the air. I want to be first into the sky.


Bridge Four went on scouting trips to explore Urithiru, and Sigzil was part of the group on one of these missions when they found Torol Sadeas' body.[31] Later, he approached Kaladin about many administrative issues the crew was facing, such as the need for a real scribe, the problem of how to accommodate the bridgemen as they pursued relationships, and their place in the army as budding Windrunners. He attempted to convey the idea of why he felt some responsibility for the others' religious beliefs and social views by telling Kaladin Hoid's story about Mishim, but failed to get the point across. As they discussed the possibility of recruitment, Kaladin led him to the quartermaster's office to pick up the royal emerald reserve so Bridge Four could practice drawing in Stormlight. Kaladin told him he was glad Sigzil had failed the exams in Azir, and Sigzil realized he felt the same; the realization liberated him.[7]

Kaladin, after deciding to recruit more members to Bridge Four, gathered the potential Windrunner squires together and assigned Sigzil three squads of bridgemen to talk them through the process of drawing in Stormlight. After some time of working with the recruits, Rock noticed smoke on the horizon; Bridge Four went to investigate and discovered a caravan, including Rock's family, recovering from a Voidbringer attack.[32] Later, Sigzil organized experiments with all of Bridge Four to measure the effect of the Surge of Gravitation and to measure the distance away from Kaladin where their powers began to fade.[9][14] He practiced flying with Basic Lashings with the rest of the crew regularly. One practice session, Sigzil admitted to being one of the many members of Bridge Four who had come to Rock to discuss how they felt they didn't fit in with the rest.[14]

After Kaladin left on the expedition to Kholinar, Dalinar lent Jezrien's Honorblade to Bridge Four so they could continue to practice, albeit one at a time, with their Windrunner powers. Sigzil drew up a rotation for them, changing possession daily as an added measure of security.[33] He was among the group that accompanied Dalinar to Thaylen City to check on Amaram's progress helping rebuild the city and to meet with Queen Fen and the other monarchs who had joined their coalition.[34] After the theft of the Honorblade[35] and Teft's subsequent swearing of the Third Ideal, Bridge Four transferred to the middle of the Battle of Thaylen Field using Thaylen City's Oathgate and defended the platform until the close of the battle.[36] Afterwards, the group was tasked with flying wounded up to the Oathgate from the triage stations.[37]


During the following year, Sigzil bonded a spren of his own, becoming a fully-fledged Windrunner of the Third Ideal.[38] He continued to run experiments on stormlight and Lashings with Kaladin, discovering that Reverse Lashings require one to visualize the desired outcome to work.[39] He and others of the Windrunners acted as scouts for Dalinar, going on reconnaissance missions to various places. Sigzil, Lyn, and Leyten flew to Akinah, where Leyten was attacked from behind by strange shadows in the clouds that drained his stormlight.[40] Lyn and Sigzil were barely able to rescue Leyten after his ability to use surges failed.[41] Sigzil also took part in the expedition to evacuate Hearthstone, where he and the others engaged in a battle with the Heavenly Ones.[42] Sigzil paired off with Leshwi, who managed to stab him through the chest. The blow should have been fatal, but Leshwi had mercy on Sigzil out of deference to Kaladin, who had spared the life of another Fused earlier. Kaladin instructed Sigzil to drop his spear, bow to Leshwi, and retire from the battle to watch over the squires.[12]

We Windrunners … we're acting in defiance of honorspren law. We’d make the worst envoys, because of … well, they don’t much like Kaladin, to be honest.

—Sigzil to the coalition[13]

When they returned to Urithiru, Dalinar relieved Kaladin of duty and directed him to promote some of the other Windrunners.[38][3] After discussing Sigzil's new role with him, Kaladin announced to the others that Sigzil would be promoted to the rank of companylord and would oversee daily administrative matters such as supplies and recruitment.[3] It took some time for the monarchs in the coalition to get used to Sigzil as leader of and spokesman for the Windrunners, as they were used to looking to Kaladin. Sigzil affirmed at their next meeting that the Windrunners would offer support to the offensive in Emul, then suggested that the coalition send an envoy to the honorspren to address the discontinuance of honorspren seeking humans to bond as Radiants. He displayed a keen insight into their mindset, offering details on how the spren were likely to be thinking about humans, Nahel bonds, and the Recreance, but refused to go himself, explaining that the honorspren were unlikely to receive a Windrunner well.[13]

Emuli Offensive

Instead, Sigzil and most of the force of Windrunners and squires went to Emul. They were needed to fight against the Skybreakers, who almost took down one of the coalition's new flying platforms that granted Dalinar and the Mink an aerial view of the battle before Sigzil and several others flew over to chase away the attackers.[43] Dalinar looked to Sigzil, as companylord, to send groups back to Urithiru as scouts after the Fused invasion there disrupted communications. Despite finding that nothing was ostensibly wrong at the tower beyond supposed fabrial malfunctions, Dalinar remained suspicious because he knew the enemy's powers would be able to put up a good front of life as usual; he asked Sigzil to send a group in secret to spy out the situation.[44]

In the field, the Windrunners continued their tradition of having a nightly stew for the group in their camp, and Sigzil took a turn telling stories one evening when Dalinar came to visit the camp to speak with Renarin.[45] Later, when Dalinar determined the best way to learn about his abilities as a Bondsmith was to speak to the Herald Ishar, Sigzil took a small team, including the Lightweaver Stargyle, to scout Ishar's location. When they returned, Stargyle used his abilities to create an illusion that played out what they saw as they flew over Ishar's pavilion. Dalinar ordered Sigzil to do another scouting mission while he spoke with Jasnah, though he was already decided that they would fly over to Tukar to meet Ishar.[46]

I … don't think he’s altogether sane, despite what Shalash says.

—Sigzil to Dalinar, about Ishar[47]

Sigzil and four other Windrunners flew with Dalinar and Szeth to Tukar. Sigzil approached Ishar first, landing to speak with the Herald and to ensure that there was no trap set for them. He warned Dalinar against approaching the man, who seemed insane, and when Dalinar was determined to go through with it, Sigzil and the others who were of the Third Ideal summoned their Blades to better protect him. Ishar, convinced that Dalinar was Odium's champion come to fight him, summoned his Honorblade and attacked Dalinar; Sigzil deflected his attack and fought against Ishar with the other four, but they were no match for the Herald. Ishar used his abilities to Connect the Windrunners one by one to the ground and drain their stormlight into it, effectively disabling them. After Szeth used Nightblood to collapse the perpendicularity Dalinar had opened, the Windrunners' Connections to the ground had also vanished. When Sigzil drew in stormlight again, though, he found that it didn't do much to dull the pain and tiredness.[47]

Shortly after, Ishar fled through another perpendicularity into Shadesmar. Sigzil and the others waited in the sky above the camp, then descended again when it seemed obvious that Ishar was not immediately coming back. They poked through the Herald's tent among several odd corpses covered in sheets, and Sigzil found a ledger detailing his experiments: records recounting how long each spren had lived in the body the Herald had created for it in the Physical Realm. Appalled, the group fled back their camp in Emul.[47]



At first, Sigzil despises what Kaladin tries to do to help Bridge Four, but he slowly warms up to his efforts.[16][6] Eventually Sigzil looks up to Kaladin and is glad to help him with the administrative side of training the bridgemen and later the Windrunners, though he wishes his relationship with Kaladin were more clear cut. Kaladin helps Sigzil see that failing the exams in Azir isn't such a bad thing, as he is now with a group of people who really appreciate him; Sigzil realizes that he is glad he found his way to Bridge Four.[7] Kaladin listens when Sigzil speaks, finding himself remembering later things that Sigzil had told him about different parts of the world.[48] Kaladin feels confident enough in Sigzil to name him one of the first lieutenants and later to transfer command of the Windrunners to him after his retirement.[22][3] Odium exploits Kaladin's care for Sigzil by showing him visions of Sigzil fighting other members of Bridge Four and telling him with his dying breaths that he should have let the rest of them just die on the Shattered Plains.[49]


  • Sigzil no ha salido de Roshar a pesar de ser aprendiz de Hoid.[50]


  1. a b Esquirla del Amanecer (novella) epílogo#
  2. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 14#
  3. a b c d El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 15#
  4. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 57#
  5. a b c Palabras radiantes capítulo 41#
  6. a b c d e f g El camino de los reyes capítulo 40#
  7. a b c d e f g h i j k Juramentada capítulo 35#
  8. a b c d e El camino de los reyes capítulo 55#
  9. a b Juramentada capítulo 46#
  10. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 79#
  11. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 12#
  12. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 6#
  13. a b c El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 19#
  14. a b c Juramentada capítulo 55#
  15. a b c d El camino de los reyes capítulo 46#
  16. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 27#
  17. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 43#
  18. El camino de los reyes capítulo 63#
  19. El camino de los reyes capítulo 67#
  20. El camino de los reyes capítulo 68#
  21. El camino de los reyes capítulo 73#
  22. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 2#
  23. Palabras radiantes capítulo 10#
  24. Palabras radiantes capítulo 18#
  25. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 46#
  26. Palabras radiantes capítulo 56#
  27. Palabras radiantes capítulo 71#
  28. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 91#
  29. Palabras radiantes capítulo 76#
  30. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 87#
  31. Juramentada capítulo 2#
  32. Juramentada capítulo 37#
  33. Juramentada capítulo 64#
  34. Juramentada capítulo 113#
  35. Juramentada interludio I-14#
  36. Juramentada capítulo 120#
  37. Juramentada capítulo 121#
  38. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 10#
  39. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 49#
  40. Esquirla del Amanecer (novella) capítulo 11#
  41. Esquirla del Amanecer (novella) capítulo 3#
  42. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 5#
  43. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 47#
  44. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 50#
  45. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 54#
  46. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 98#
  47. a b c El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 111#
  48. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 80#
  49. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 46#
  50. /r/fantasy AMA 2013
    Arcanum - 2013-04-15#
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