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Odium by Ganna Pazyniuk.jpg
Recipiente Taravangian
Lascas Rayse
Astillas Voidspren, Unmade
Estado Whole
Magia Voidbinding
Residencia Braize
Universo Cosmere
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It was hatred. A deep, pulsing hatred with a pressure to turn all things molten. It was the heat of a thousand suns, it was the bliss of every kiss, it was the lives of all men wrapped up in one, defined by everything they felt.

Dalinar describing Odium[1]

Odium is a Shard of Adonalsium; it was originally held by Rayse.[2] Unlike most other Shards, which typically pick a single world and settle there, Odium has been traveling freely throughout the cosmere for a long time, deliberately refusing to Invest himself anywhere. He is responsible for the deaths of at least four Shards -- Ambition, Devotion, Dominion, and Honor.[3][4][5] In the present, he's confined to the planet Braize, but his influence can be felt on the entire Rosharan system.[6] Odium’s Investiture is typically associated with “burning” gold or violet-black colors,[1] though it is also often red, the color that signifies corrupted Investiture.[7] His overall motif is red-gold, although gold is his "real" color.[7]


They call me Odium. A good enough name. It does have a certain bite to it. But the word is too limiting to describe me, and you should know that it is not all I represent.

The word "odium" means hatred.[8] However, interpretation of the Shard's intent is not as simple. Frost claims a straightforward definition: that it is God's own divine hatred.[9] Rayse himself, however, claims that he's Passion, a Shard of emotions, in particular excessive emotions.[1] Upon Ascension, Taravangian noted an urge to destroy and burn.[10] Many of his splinters, the Unmade compel people to give in to powerful sensations - Ashertmarn compels people to revel mindlessly, and Nergaoul inspires exultation in battle.[11][12] On the other hand, the overwhelming amount of emotions inspired by Odium are hateful, among them the aforementioned Thrill and the Rhythms of Odium-derived singer forms.[13] Moreover, Odium's influence sometimes promotes apathy rather than passion, as his followers are encouraged to give up their pain and sense of guilt.[14][15]

He hates Honor. Well, I guess he hates everything. It’s kind of in the name....

Rayse has a tendency towards self-deception, and apart from him, everyone understands Odium as being the Shard of hatred.[17] While it's possible for a Vessel to influence a Shard to an extent, Odium's declaration of being Passion should not be taken at face value.[18]

Apart from the issue of the Shard's nature, Rayse desired to become the sole god of the cosmere.[19] Whether this is due to the Vessel or the Shard is uncertain. However, the Shard compels the newly Ascended Taravangian to destroy and burn.[10]

Associated Magics


Voidlight is the gaseous form of Odium's Investiture, analogous to Honor's Stormlight.[20] Unlike Stormlight, however, Voidlight's applications are far more narrow. It can be utilized by the Fused to provide healing and fuel their use of Surges, and it might have some relation to the forms of power used by the Regals.[21][22]

A singer can sing the Song of Prayer to obtain Voidlight, though this would draw Odium's attention and appears to have certain limitations.[23] In the past, it was also provided by Ba-Ado-Mishram, and possibly through other means.[22]


Raysium is a God Metal, a physical form of Odium's raw power. It is gold-white in color and its ability to conduct investiture has many applications in fabrial technology.[24]


The Rosharan magic system associated with Odium is Voidbinding.[25] Very little is known about it at the moment, including the specific powers it grants or the method of acquiring the ability to Voidbind. What is known is that there are ten levels to it, and that it involves something called the Voidbindings, which might be the name of individual powers, analogous to Surges.[26] It's highly likely predicting the future is one of those powers.[27]


Despite his reservations about Investing into a planet, Odium has created numerous spren in the Rosharan system, known collectively as Voidspren.[28] Some of them are intelligent, and capable of autonomous thought despite not being bonded to a living creature, in contrast to most spren of Honor or Cultivation.[29][30] Others are as mindless as ordinary emotion or nature spren. Singers can bond the latter to become Regals, taking the spren into their gemhearts to gain forms with supernatural abilities ranging from speaking all languages, to summoning lightning.[28][31]

Standing apart from regular voidspren are the Unmade, a group of nine great Splinters of Odium, each granted immense power.[32][33] Their abilities vary from Unmade to Unmade--some are capable of influencing human minds, some can grant powers to other creatures, and others have the ability to change spren. Likewise, their levels of intelligence vary; while Sja-anat is almost human-like, Nergaoul behaves more like a blind force of nature or animal.


Fused are Cognitive Shadows of singers bound to Odium. This grants them numerous benefits, chief among them the ability to resurrect by taking over a body of their living kinsmen. During the True Desolation, this can occur when the Everstorm passes over singers who have been mentally primed to let something into their gemhearts.[34] How this bonding happened before the Everstorm existed is unknown.

Other than the ability to resurrect, the Fused possess other powers. They can use voidlight to heal themselves, as well to fuel their use of Surges. Unlike Knights Radiant, the Fused have access to only one Surge each. Lady Leshwi claims that the Fused are more skilled with their Surge, however, due to Fused being more internally-focused, while Radiants are more externally-focused.


Ancient History

Creation and initial killings

Odium was created at the Shattering, when the creator god, Adonalsium, was killed by sixteen people, splitting him into sixteen Shards.[35] One of those killers was Rayse, who chose for himself the Shard of Odium.[9]

At some point after Ascending, Odium went after one of his fellow Shards, Ambition, as he felt most threatened by her intent. However, before he could find her, he located two other Shards, Devotion and Dominion, in the Selish system.[36] Through means unknown, Odium killed and Splintered them both. To prevent their remaining power from gaining intelligence of its own, he then pulled them out of the Spiritual Realm and into the Cognitive, creating the Dor and causing Sel's magic systems to become location-dependent.[37] This being said, he wasn't very experienced at the time, and his countermeasure failed as the Dor did, indeed, begin to gain a measure of sentience.[38][39]

After creating the Dor, Odium went on to Threnodite system, where he found and attacked his initial target, Ambition. During the fight, Ambition was dealt a grievous wound, and chunks of her power were flung across the system.[4] Ambition managed to flee the system,[4] but was still Splintered in a fight with Odium.[5] The Shard Mercy was also involved in at least one battle with Ambition and Odium.[5] These clashes resulted in a wound in the Spiritual Realm[5] and had "disturbing" effects that "twisted" the planet Threnody and its inhabitants.[5][4]

Although Odium was successful in these initial conflicts, he was weakened by them.[40][10]

Battle with Honor

Next, Odium set out for Rosharan system, seeking to kill either Honor, Cultivation or both. According to the Eile Stele, he was brought by the humans from another world, and the singers considered him a human god. It can be assumed that Odium was crucial in the breakdown of the relations between the two species.[41][42] Eventually, for unknown reasons, a swap occurred, whereupon singers came to worship Odium while humans began serving Honor and Cultivation. Both sides created their own immortal armies - Odium, the Fused, and Honor, the Heralds.[43]

I am … I was … God. The one you call the Almighty, the creator of mankind. And now I am dead. Odium has killed me. I am sorry.


Somewhere around that time, Honor and Odium fought, the former with assistance from Cultivation.[45] Honor's particular nature as the Shard of binding allowed him to tie Odium to one of the system's planets, Braize.[46] Honor additionally crafted the Oathpact, which would use the Heralds to imprison Odium's forces on Braize along with their master.[43] Unfortunately for Honor, Odium was a much better fighter, and Tanavast was killed,[46][44] but not before inflicting a deep wound on Odium.[10]


Unfortunately for Odium, killing Honor did not free him from Braize, and the sacrifice of the Herald Taln meant that he could not send his armies to Roshar. And so, over the next four and a half thousand years, he prepared for the time when Taln would break, allowing for one last Desolation -- the True Desolation.[43]

There were several elements of the plan. One, as one of his Unmade, Nergaoul, was still free, Odium sent him to Alethkar to faciliate the Thrill among the Alethi. Over the centuries, the battle-rage brought about by Nergaoul became normal, and even desirable for the Alethi men, which would later allow Odium to use it to control them.[12] Moreover, the Thrill allowed Odium to groom a champion whom he could later put in command of his armies and use to release himself. In the final decades of the Era of Solitude, such a potential champion appeared in the form of Dalinar Kholin. Odium focused on him to ensure he had as many hooks in him as possible.[15]

Odium also focused on the listeners, a group of singers that had denied him some centuries prior. On the day of a treaty between them and the Alethi, Odium used one of his voidspren to lead them to buy an assassin, Szeth, who was used when Eshonai found out that the Alethi king, Gavilar Kholin, intended to release the very gods the listeners had once fled. Whether Gavilar's plan was inspired by Odium or not, it pushed the listeners to assassinate him, leading to the War of Reckoning.[47] The War brought tremendous losses to the listeners, until the idea of assuming an old form of power grew appealing to them.[48] Odium then used the stormform and the change of personality it brought in Eshonai to persuade the listeners to summon the Everstorm, initiating the True Desolation.[11]

True Desolation

Preparing a champion

As the True Desolation began and the Fused started taking over human territory, Odium focused on Dalinar Kholin while maneuvering his forces towards Thaylen City, where the confrontation between the two sides would occur.[49] He hijacked one of Dalinar's visions and let the other man believe that Odium was the Almighty for a short while before revealing himself. Although Dalinar refused to release him at the time, Odium was certain that Dalinar would eventually do so, and showed him his true form when Dalinar began to get too comfortable. He did not, however, agree to the contest of champions Dalinar suggested.[1]

At the same time, he also interacted with Venli, stopping the Fused from taking her over and turning her into an envoyform instead to spread his propaganda among the newly awakened singers.[34] When she didn't work hard enough to his satisfaction, he tortured and threatened her, causing Venli to reconsider her current allegiance further.[50]

Dalinar and Odium spoke once more in a different vision, after Dalinar attempted to negotiate with Venli. Odium initially attempted to tear the vision apart, although Dalinar managed to send Venli out of it before that could happen. Odium then appeared to Dalinar and scolded him for thinking that any sort of accord between the two races was possible, before reassuring Dalinar that peace would, indeed, happen -- after Roshar was destroyed.[51]

Battle of Thaylen Field

Odium decided to lead his forces on Thaylen City personally, although he didn't intend to use the plain singers in battle. He first sent a pair of thunderclasts, one to destroy the city walls, and the other to get to the Thaylen Gemstone Reserve, along with Fused to ensure that the King's Drop wouldn't fall into the wrong hands. Then, Odium used Nergaoul and the Alethi dependence on the Thrill to possess the Sadeas princedom forces in the city and make them turn against their own allies.[12][52]

No. No, we killed you. WE KILLED YOU !

—Odium upon seeing Honor's Perpendicularity

Odium then went, taking with him Venli and several other Fused, to confront Dalinar in front of the city. Dalinar once more repeated his demand for the contest of champions, and this time, Odium agreed, before revealing that his champion would be Dalinar himself.[53] By reminding Dalinar of his past crimes, chief among them the murder of his wife, Evi, Odium attempted to persuade Dalinar to surrender his guilt and accept that it was all Odium's fault.[15] However, though Dalinar was initially horrified, he refused to give in. Odium could only watch, speechless, as Dalinar's newfound resolve allowed him to swear the Third Ideal of the Bondsmiths and open Honor's Perpendicularity.[54]

This development horrified Odium, especially when he recognized whatever Dalinar became at this moment. Realizing that he lost his trump card -- and that Dalinar could now push him into a real contest of champions -- Odium swiftly retreated from the field, leaving his armies to lose the battle.[54][55]

Deal with Taravangian

King Taravangian of Kharbranth had been planning to strike a deal with Odium for some time, as neither he nor his Diagram believed that defeating a god would be plausible.[56] As such, he found a way to communicate with the Shard, both by writing and through actions such as opening the Kholinar Oathgate to let the Voidbringers invade Urithiru.[57]

Some time after the Battle of Thaylen Field, Odium obliged him, visiting him in Urithiru after Taravangian let him in by opening a window. Odium revealed that he knew perfectly well that Taravangian had both brilliant and less intelligent days, and deliberately visited on one of the latter, to make sure that Taravangian knew he had nothing to negotiate with. Though Odium praised the Diagram, he used it to show how much further his own future sight reached. This inadvertently let Taravangian know that Odium was unable to perceive anything involving Renarin Kholin.[57]

By reading the Diagram, Taravangian eventually managed to negotiate with Odium, though his initial offering of sparing anyone Taravangian ruled was discarded, with Odium pointing out that Taravangian sought to become the king of the whole of Roshar. Eventually, the two settled on sparing the citizens of Kharbranth and their spouses.[57]

Taravangian's Ascension

A year after the deal, Taravangian Ascended to Odiums' power, killing Rayse with Nightblood.[58] His previous Old Magic afflictions seemed to vanish as soon as he Ascended, and he possessed all the power of the Shard. When Wit was walking the hallways in Elhokar's palace, Taravangian confronted him, and tricked Wit into believing that Rayse was still the Vessel of Odium. He then tampered with Wits' Breaths that contain his memories.[59]


Odium, the creator of the Fused

"Wait!" Kaladin said. "Why is there so much war? Must we always fight?" He wasn’t sure why he asked. The questions simply came out.

The storm rumbled, like a thoughtful aged father. The face vanished, shattering into droplets of water.

ODIUM REIGNS, the voice said more softly.

Throughout his existence, Odium has had profound effect on the cosmere and its various Shardworlds. He has been called the most frightening and terrible of all Shards, and with a good reason.[61]

On Sel, Odium's influence is omnipresent — literally so, as the Dor, created by him in the aftermath of his murder of Devotion and Dominion suffused the entirety of the planet's Cognitive Realm, fuelling the various magic systems. The seons and skaze, the splinters of Devotion and Dominion respectively, also owe their existence to Odium's killing of their parent Shards.[38]

On Threnody, Odium's battle with Ambition had vast ramifications for the entire system, though what exactly this entails is unclear. It's possible that the Evil that had taken over Homeland, as well as the Shades, is a side effect of the battle between the Shards.[4]

On Roshar, Odium's influence is felt most acutely through the numerous Desolations he caused, as well as the murder and subsequent splintering of Honor, which made the Stormfather what he is today.[62] He is known obliquely in the various religions of the world as the leader of the voidspren and the force behind the Voidbringers.[63] In the present, the Everstorm and the True Desolation are his doing.[64]


  • Odium's original name was Hatred; Brandon changed it because, in his words, it was "too on-the-nose", while the name Odium brought the Shard a step closer to Passion.[18]
  • The mere mention of the word Odium makes Syl hiss.[60]
  • Odium is very scared of Harmony.[65]
  • Odium might currently have an alliance -- or, at least, an understanding -- with Bavadin, the holder of Autonomy. He's also allied with a cosmere power other than her.[66]
  • In Magic:The Gathering colors, Odium would be red.[67]
  • Odium is weirded out by Lift.[68]


  1. a b c d e Juramentada capítulo 57#
  2. Oslo signing, 2011
    Arcanum - 2011-05-30#
  3. Arcanum Ilimitado - Sistema de Roshar#
  4. a b c d e Arcanum Ilimitado - Sistema de Treno#
  5. a b c d e El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 27 Epígrafe#
  6. SpoCon 2013
    Arcanum - 2013-07-10#
  7. a b ICon 2019
    Arcanum - 2019-10-15#
  8. Definition of Odium
    — Merriam-Webster Dictionary #
  9. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 71 Epígrafe#
  10. a b c d El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 114#
  11. a b Juramentada capítulo 84#
  12. a b c Juramentada capítulo 115#
  13. Palabras radiantes interludio I-11#
  14. Juramentada capítulo 78#
  15. a b c Juramentada capítulo 118#
  16. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 32#
  17. JordanCon 2018
    Arcanum - 2018-04-21#
  18. a b JordanCon 2018
    Arcanum - 2018-04-20#
  19. Alloy of Law 17th Shard Q&A
    Arcanum - 2011-11-05#
  20. Juramentada capítulo 79#
  21. Juramentada capítulo 54#
  22. a b Juramentada capítulo 80 Epígrafe#
  23. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 67#
  24. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 84#
  25. Boskone 54
    Arcanum - 2017-02-18#
  26. El camino de los reyes Ars Arcanum#
  27. El camino de los reyes capítulo 18#
  28. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 81#
  29. Juramentada capítulo 17#
  30. Juramentada interludio I-3#
  31. Juramentada interludio I-7#
  32. Juramentada capítulo 1#
  33. /r/books AMA 2015
    Arcanum - 2015-03-12#
  34. a b Juramentada interludio I-6#
  35. Nacidos de la bruma: Historia Secreta parte 3 capítulo 2#
  36. Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing
    Arcanum - 2016-12-06#
  37. Arcanum Unbounded signing Chicago
    Arcanum - 2016-12-06#
  38. a b Arcanum Ilimitado - Sistema de Sel#
  39. JordanCon 2018
    Arcanum - 2018-04-20#
  40. Juramentada capítulo 16#
  41. Oathbringer Glasgow signing
    Arcanum - 2017-12-02#
  42. Juramentada capítulo 111#
  43. a b c Juramentada capítulo 38#
  44. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 75#
  45. Idaho Falls Signing
    Arcanum - 2015-11-28#
  46. a b Oathbringer San Diego signing
    Arcanum - 2017-11-14#
  47. Juramentada prólogo#
  48. Palabras radiantes interludio I-4#
  49. Juramentada capítulo 107#
  50. Juramentada interludio I-11#
  51. Juramentada capítulo 109#
  52. Juramentada capítulo 116#
  53. Juramentada capítulo 117#
  54. a b Juramentada capítulo 119#
  55. Juramentada capítulo 120#
  56. Juramentada interludio I-5#
  57. a b c Juramentada capítulo 122#
  58. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 113#
  59. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 118#
  60. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 46#
  61. El camino de los reyes capítulo 19 Epígrafe#
  62. Palabras radiantes capítulo 82#
  63. Palabras radiantes capítulo 3#
  64. Palabras radiantes capítulo 84#
  65. Words of Radiance Los Angeles signing
    Arcanum - 2014-03-05#
  66. General Signed Books 2015
    Arcanum - 2015-12-12#
  67. Skyward Pre-Release AMA
    Arcanum - 2018-10-05#
  68. DragonCon 2019
    Arcanum - 2019-08-29#
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