Navani Kholin

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Navani Kholin
House Kholin
Cónyuge Gavilar (deceased), Dalinar
Hijos Jasnah, Elhokar
Nacido en ca. 1113-1123[1]
Oficio Artifabriano
Nacionalidad de Alezkar
Mundo natal Roshar
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Navani Kholin is a Brightlady of Alethkar on Roshar.[1] She is widow to King Gavilar and the mother of Jasnah and King Elhokar.[2] She was also sister-in-law to Dalinar Kholin (up until Gavilar's assassination)[3] and remains aunt to Adolin and Renarin Kholin.[2] She is also a renowned artifabrian.[2]


Navani is a stately woman with intricately woven black hair. She has violet eyes and her black hair is streaked with grey. She has a warm, feminine voice and the confidence to verbally spar with Wit.[2] Her scent is that of the sweet floral of her perfumed soap.[4] Navani often wears rubies in her hair and a blood red dress, with her lips painted red.[5] She is known as one of the most beautiful women in Alethkar. Dalinar believes there isn't a woman in all of Roshar to match her beauty.[1]


Navani challenges Alethi protocol, but one does not reprove Navani Kholin, even if one is king.[1] Give her five minutes in a city and she'd know anything and everything of significance about which was being gossiped.[1] She doesn't presume to make judgements, but she does enjoy pointing out the obvious.[6] Nevertheless, Navani is excellent at keeping secrets. Further, she is supremely exacting in her words and thoughts. (For this reason, Dalinar chooses her to record his visions.)[7]


Much like her daughter, she is a political creature; intrigue makes her blossom like a rockbud in calm wet air.[1]

Navani is always her most genuine when playing with new fabrials. It's one of the few times when one gets to see her without any pretense.[8]

The older Navani grows, the worse she becomes at maintaining a brightlady's proper tranquility. Once, she'd obeyed such proprieties. She remembers being a young woman, playing the games expertly, delighting in ways to manipulate the system. She often saw - and sees- patterns in things.[4]

Sometimes, Navani thinks, working with scholars, one has to be a touch blunt.[9]


As the dowager queen, Navani believes that nobody cares what in Damnation she does; that she could prance around completely nude, and they'd all just shake their heads and talk about how eccentric she is.[9] She also believes that a lighteyed lady of rank has to have some hobbies.[9] In addition, she believes that often the simplest answer to a thing is the right one.[10]

Navani believes that art is about creation; that creation is its soul, its essence. Creation and order. One took something disorganized - a splash of ink, an empty page - and one built something from it. Something from nothing. The soul of creation. True creation.[11]



Navani is the widow of King Gavilar Kholin,[3] who was Dalinar's brother.[2] For many years prior to their marriage, it was uncertain just which of the two brothers she would marry. She played them off one another, fanning each their desires, before finally choosing the elder son. (They'd both known all along that she'd choose Gavilar. It had still hurt Dalinar anyway.)[1] With Gavilar dead, Navani is to be treated as sister to Dalinar by him.[1] He refers to her as Mathana, the formal Alethi term for an older sister. (She is only 3 months his senior, but the term is still applicable.)[1]

Navani is also the mother of Jasnah, another renowned scholar, as well as the new king, Elhokar.[2]

She'd remained in Alethkar for many years after most of the nobility had moved to the Shattered Plains, where she was to aid the queen in protecting the king's interests there, thereby fulfilling her duty to the people.[2] She later realized that the Alethi government had essentially moved to the Shattered Plains, and eventually did so too.[12]

Returning to the Shattered Plains

Navani's return to the Plains from Alethkar is three-fold: she brought word that the Vedens had perfected the half-shards, she wishes her son to be protected, and she needs to speak with Dalinar.[1] She also realized that leaving the Plains had been a political mistake because the warcamps are more and more the true center of their kingdom. While in Kholinar, she determined that that Aesudan was sufficiently endowed with the requisite skills needed to hold the city. (The very argument that had originally convinced Navani to return to Kholinar was that the Alethi absence from their homeland was dangerous.)[1]

Recording Dalinar's visions

Because Navani is so exacting in her words and thoughts, Dalinar chooses her to record his visions. She scribes expertly, picking out details from him, knowing when to prod him for more. She is business-like and careful.[7] She records his visions without complaint.[13]

Navani uses Corvana's Analectics to translate the "babble" from Dalinar's vision with Nohadon.[8][5] She discovers that the phrase that is in the Analectics is one in the same with the "babble". She says it's a line from a song, a chant by the Vanrial, written in the Dawnchant by the Heralds. Listening to Dalinar's visions, she thinks what he was saying had too much order to be gibberish.[8]

Navani relates the Myth of Parasaphi and Nadris to Dalinar in effort to afford some insight into the Desolations, with regard to his vision with Nohadon, relevant to the Voindbringers, mankind on Roshar, Damnation, the Heralds, the Tranquiline Halls, and the Knights Radiant. She believes the visions are a blessing because they prove that Dalinar isn't going mad.[14]

Attributes and Abilities

Navani is a renowned artifibrian. She engineers the creation of fabrials that her team of artisan ardents create through fabrial science. She lead the research to develop the Grandbows.[2] She also had a hand in the construction of a new painrial, and of it, she's particularly proud, though it's only an early model. She thinks it has a lot of potential.[8] Many of her inventions, such as the painrial, are used in the war against the Parshendi, making her incredibly valuable to the Alethi.

The more she understands the secrets of technology and the power of spren locked within gemstones, the closer she grows to finding what she seeks: things she can do to protect her family, like creating Shardplate.[9]

Navani creates a platform with fabrial science that defies gravity. Her goal in so doing is to deliver one such to the Shattered Plais to elevate archers above the battlefield for a tactical advantage. Her position is patron to the ardents who make the diagrams and figures and engineer the fabrials.[9]

Navani and her crew of ardents make a breakthrough with Shardblades in realizing that the gemstones in the Blades - used to bond them - might not have originally been part of the weapons. If true, it means the Blades aren't powered by the stones. Rushu had asked why a Shardblade can be summoned and dismissed even if its gemstone has gone dun. ... If true, artifabrians are back to knowing absolutely nothing about how Shardblades were crafted. It seems the gemstone's purpose is only used in initially bonding the Blade - something the Radiants didn't need to do.[12]



Navani chose Gavilar over Dalinar because Dalinar frightened her all those years ago.[6] (Dalinar's intensity scared Gavilar too.)[6]

Navani insists in her biography of Gavilar that he wasn't a scholar, but that he was an excellent king - an inspiring leader, an unparalleled duelist, and a genius of battle tactics.[15]


When Navani returns to the Shattered Plains from Kholinar, she frequently speaks with Dalinar, and later becomes romantically involved with him, which is unusual, because in the eyes of Alethi society, she is now considered to be Dalinar's sister.[1] Part of what Navani finds intriguing about him is that he's begun to be the person the others all claim to be.[6] She now finds Dalinar's intensity, which frightened her when they both were younger, to be fascinating because he's now wrapped it in armor.[6]

Navani believes Dalinar to be a kind man. Telling him so, she admits that she's taking advantage of him - a little; she's not toying with him.[6] She also believes him to be a dear, but thinks he can be a touch overprotective.[9]

Navani never mocks Dalinar, never acts skeptical of that which he reveals in his visions.[13]

When she learns of his "death" at the battle of the Tower, upon receipt of the news of Sadeas's betrayal, Navani endeavors to paint a prayer in glyph format upon the stones of the Plains; She creates a wish out of despair, a plea out of anguish: Thath: Justice.[4]


Jasnah believes her mother to have a tendency toward the overwhelming.[16] She does not let her mother 'mother' her.[17] Navani knows that Jasnah wouldn't let her 'mother' her; that once she'd reached adolescence, Jasnah no longer needed a mother. She would try to get close to her daughter, and there was a coldness, like even being near her mother reminded Jasnah that she had once been a child. She wonders what happened to her little girl, so full of questions.[12]

Navani knows Jasnah better that anyone else, but wishes she had some sense to go with her intelligence.[18]

With Jasnah's loss, Navani considers this to be her first time mourning. This is telling to Dalinar regarding the difficulties between she and Gavilar before his brother's assassination.[12][3]

The epigraph for Words of Radiance: Chapter 8 is telling of just how deeply Navani feels the loss of her daughter.[19]


Navani avows that her son can be impulsive.[20]


Navani insists that it wouldn't hurt Adolin to learn some glyphs.[18]

Adolin shares with Shallan that his aunt Navani can be overbearing sometimes.[21]

Navani is always worried when Adolin duels.[22] She prefers to watch the duels from down below, in the preparation room.[20]




To Shallan, Navani looks like a version of Jasnah twenty years older; still pretty, though with a motherly air. Navani doesn't take the news of her daughter's death well; she insisted, till Dalinar spoke, that Jasnah was still alive, but unconscious. She then admits that she's not herself at the moment, and that she strays toward the irrational.[23]

After learning of her daughter's death from Shallan, Navani refuses to see Shallan, or have anything to do with her. Adolin sees a thawing in her coldness as she seems more thoughtful than before regarding Shallan.[20]


See Also


  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l El camino de los reyes capítulo 22#
  2. a b c d e f g h El camino de los reyes capítulo 12#
  3. a b c El camino de los reyes prólogo#
  4. a b c El camino de los reyes capítulo 69#
  5. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 4#
  6. a b c d e f El camino de los reyes capítulo 28#
  7. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 52#
  8. a b c d El camino de los reyes capítulo 60#
  9. a b c d e f Palabras radiantes capítulo 35#
  10. Palabras radiantes capítulo 50#
  11. Palabras radiantes capítulo 69#
  12. a b c d Palabras radiantes capítulo 67#
  13. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 58#
  14. El camino de los reyes capítulo 61#
  15. El camino de los reyes capítulo 45#
  16. Palabras radiantes capítulo 1#
  17. Palabras radiantes capítulo 5#
  18. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 14#
  19. Palabras radiantes capítulo 8#
  20. a b c Palabras radiantes capítulo 56#
  21. Palabras radiantes capítulo 49#
  22. Palabras radiantes capítulo 53#
  23. Palabras radiantes capítulo 38#
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