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Diferencia entre revisiones de «Kalak»

De La Coppermind
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=== Heraldo===
=== Heraldo===
{{for|Herald#Abilities|información general sobre los poderes de los heraldos}}
{{for|Heraldo#Habilidades|información general sobre los poderes de los heraldos}}
|No es de los que luchan sin estar acorralados, pero si lo fuerzan, hay pocos seres tan peligrosos como él en este planeta.
|No es de los que luchan sin estar acorralados, pero si lo fuerzan, hay pocos seres tan peligrosos como él en este planeta.

Revisión del 02:17 4 jul 2022

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Kalak Endsheet.png
Capacidades Sombra cognitiva, Portador de esquirlada (anteriormente)
Títulos Heraldo del Todopoderoso, Patrón de los Escultores de Voluntad, el Juez Supremo,[1] el sagrado señor[2]
Apodos Kelek, Kellai, Padre Tormenta,[3] Restares[1] , Kelek'Elin[1]
Grupo Hijos de Honor
Residencia Integridad Duradera
Mundo natal Roshar
Universo Cosmere

Soy un borrón. Una mancha en la página. Una macilenta franja de tinta que se vuelve más insustancial a cada día que pasa.


Kalak, también conocido como Kelek en el vorinismo, es uno de los diez Heraldos del Todopoderoso en Roshar, y el patrón de la Orden de los Escultores de Voluntad. Como todos los Heraldos, a excepción de Taln, abandonó el Juramento durante Aharietiam.[5] Actualmente vive en Integridad Duradera, la ciudad de los honorspren, y actúa como su juez supremo.[1] También dirige a los Hijos de Honor con el nombre de Restares.[6]

Apariencia y personalidad

Es tan difícil decidir… Hacer cualquier cosa, en realidad.


Aunque no es de Alezkar, Kalak parece alezi. Es un hombre bajo, con el pelo ralo y escaso, la cara redonda y la nariz pequeña.[1][8] Cuando desea parecer serio, se pone una túnica violeta; sin embargo, normalmente se viste con una ropa más informal.[9] Las obras de arte vorin tienden a representarlo como un hombre joven, pero en persona, se parece más a un alto cargo de un ayuntamiento.[10][6]

En las primeras Desolaciones, era conocido por ser decidido y autoritario, y a menudo se le acercaban en busca de consejo cada vez que surgían problemas.[11] Sin embargo, a medida que las Desolaciones lo iban agotando, le aterrorizaba la perspectiva de morir y regresar a Braize para ser torturado. En el momento de Aharietiam, sus recuerdos de la tortura son vívidos y dolorosos, y a veces le hacen perder brevemente el control sobre la realidad. Cuando se le ofrece la opción de abandonar el Juramento, es consciente de las consecuencias que tiene y está aterrorizado. Sin embargo, en este punto su miedo a la tortura supera con creces su sentido del deber.[12]

Durante la Auténtica Desolación, esto se convierte en un comportamiento paranoide y errático. Kalak vacila a menudo y le resulta difícil tomar incluso las decisiones más sencillas.[7] Con frecuencia se deja llevar por lo que quieren los demás en lugar de seguir su propio deseo. Parece tener problemas para concentrarse, o al menos para prestar atención al tiempo, incluso cuando otros lo están esperando.[13] Opina que los humanos son peligrosos; se muestra inquieto por su presencia y la reacción más fuerte parecen desencadenarla los Forjadores de Vínculos y la gente asociada con ellos. Visitar una ciudad humana lo pone nervioso hasta el punto de salir huyendo cuando ve a otra persona. Es probable que este sea el motivo por el que prefiere vivir en Integridad Duradera.[14][6] Pero incluso allí una conmoción inesperada puede hacer que entre en pánico rápidamente. En este estado es prácticamente irracional, llora, se cubre los oídos y se acurruca en el suelo. Sin embargo, se recupera bastante rápido y no muestra señales de haber sufrido un ataque.[13]

Se merecen algo mejor que vosotros, hijo. Se merecen algo mejor que yo. Nunca podría juzgarlos por negarse a vincularse con humanos. ¿Cómo iba a hacerlo?


Kalak es muy consciente del estado mental en el que se encuentran él y sus compañeros Heraldos, y no oculta este hecho.[7][14] Es extremadamente pesimista, cree que la causa de Roshar ya está perdida y siente una inmensa culpa por dejar que los spren se vinculen con humanos, conduciéndolos a lo que él considera su perdición.[7] La única cosa por la que está motivado y decidido es su obsesión por abandonar definitivamente el sistema roshariano, y aunque de momento no ha conseguido liberarse, ha hecho una amplia investigación sobre otros mundos.[15] Para organizar su salida, se alía con Gavilar, ayudándole en su investigación.[8] Tras la muerte de Gavilar, continúa con el proyecto por su cuenta con la esperanza de liberarse a sí mismo y dejar atrás el ciclo de Desolaciones.[7]

Kalak puede ser sarcástico y se burla fríamente de las personas que considera estúpidas.[13][16] Todavía puede ejercer cierta autoridad y es capaz de tomar decisiones rápidas cuando es realmente necesario.[9] Cuando se enfrenta a la posibilidad de morir, lo hace con calma y sosiego.[7] A pesar de temer a los humanos, simpatiza con ellos y está dispuesto a escuchar lo que tengan que decir y darles alguna oportunidad, incluso si no cree que puedan tener éxito. Está dispuesto a ofrecer información a aquellos que la soliciten.[13][15]

Atributos y habilidades

El glifo de Kalak


No es de los que luchan sin estar acorralados, pero si lo fuerzan, hay pocos seres tan peligrosos como él en este planeta.

Kalak es una Sombra cognitiva que puede persistir tras la muerte y adquirir un cuerpo humano completamente adulto y que crece para él de una forma que nos es desconocida, cada vez que renace.[17][18] En Roshar, no envejece y solo puede morir por causas violentas;[19] y tras la muerte viaja a Braize, donde es capturado por los fusionados y torturado hasta que él o otro de los Heraldos se quiebra. Cuando esto ocurre, todos ellos son devueltos a Roshar y empieza una nueva Desolación.[20]

Antes de la Última Desolación, Kalak blandía una hoja de Honor, convirtiéndolo en un potenciador. La espada le otorgaba el control sobre las potencias de Potenciación#Transportación, permitiéndole viajar hacia y desde Shadesmar, y de Potenciación#Cohesión, que le permitía dar forma a materia inanimada, especialmente piedra para hacerla más blanda y maleable. Además, Kalak podía usar luz tormentosa para curarse.[21] Mraize lo considera un luchador muy peligroso, especialmente cuando está acorralado.[1] El propio Kalak no tiene tanta confianza y cree que su incapacidad para tomar decisiones lo vuelve una presa fácil, en caso de que alguien decidiera atarcarlo.[1]


El viejo Thaidakar siempre ha querido mis secretos.


Kalak es consciente del cosmere. Ha investigado otros mundos hasta el punto que es capaz de dibujar un mapa estelar de ellos, conoce la existencia de los Sangre Espectral y parece ser consciente del estado de Thaidakar.[15][7] Después de la muerte de Gavilar Kholin, y por lo tanto el fin de los experimentos del rey en el transporte de esferas, parece ser que él ha continuado investigando una forma de abandonar el sistema. Parece haber hecho bastantes progresos durante este tiempo, ya que tras un año de Auténtica Desolación, él mismo parece creer que está muy cerca del éxito.[7] Los Sangre Espectral comparten esta opinión, y quieren capturarlo para que Thaidakar pueda aprender más sobre su condición de Sombra cognitiva.[6]

Kalak posee ciertos conocimientos de ingeniería, ya que ayuda a Shallan y a Adolin a abrir la caja que contiene a Ala sin matar al seon.[15] Además, está familiarizado con el trabajo del metal y la herrería, ya que al inicio de cada Desolación, él era el encargado de enseñarle de nuevo a la humanidad cómo fundir bronce para hacer armas.[22] Sabe más que Shalash sobre cómo funciona el Juramento y, por extensión, las Sombras cognitivas, ya que es capaz de diagnosticar lo que salió mal cuando los Portadores del Vacío intentaron capturar a Jezrien.[16][23]


Solía ser conocido por sus habilidades a la hora de tomar decisiones; incluso en el presente, los honorspren lo designan su juez supremo, probablemente debido a esta asociación pasada.[11][1] Sin embargo, aunque los honorspren acatan su veredicto, él no tiene mucho poder real sobre ellos ni sobre su liderazgo. Con la excusa de su inestabilidad mental, los honorspren lo pueden encarcelar en sus propios aposentos sin consecuencias aparentes y Kalak no puede o no desea resistirse a ellos.[7]

Kalak es también Restares, el líder de los Hijos de Honor.[6] Como tal, tiene la capacidad de disponer y organizar a un numeroso grupo de personas; no está claro cómo se establece la comunicación con ellos entre Shadesmar y el Reino Físico. De todas formas, con los Hijos de Honor desmoronándose tras el inicio de la tormenta eterna y con el último grupo conocido respondiendo ante Ialai, es probable que su influencia sobre ellos, y la influencia que puedan ejercer, haya disminuido.[24] Kalak parece muy capaz de mantener oculta su participación con ellos, ya que Gavilar no parece darse cuenta que los dos hombres, Restares y Kalak, son en realidad el mismo.[8][25]


The Heralds abandoning the Oathpact as Jezrien waits for Kalak

Herald of the Almighty

Jezrien, I can't return this time. I can’t.


Kalak was born on Ashyn, and made the journey to Roshar when his home planet was destroyed by the overuse of Surges.[26][27] When a war between humans and the native singers started and the Fused began to appear, he, along with nine others, was made a Herald by Honor.[28] He volunteered; it's unknown how many of the others did the same.[5] During the Desolations, his particular speciality was teaching people craftsmanship, mainly smithing bronze.[22]

At Aharietiam, Kalak was late to the appointed meeting place for all the surviving Heralds. There, he found only Jezrien, awaiting him, uncertain whether or not Kalak had perished. When Kalak confessed to his fear of returning to Braize, as was the Heralds' duty in-between the Desolations, Jezrien told him about Ishar's plan to abandon Taln to the Oathpact. Though initially apprehensive, Kalak agreed readily enough, out of fear of the tortures. He and Jezrien left their Honorblades along with the others, and departed in opposite directions.[5]

The Recreance and the Era of Solitude

We weren't supposed to get worse. Am I getting worse? I think I feel worse.

Abandoning his Honorblade

It's unknown how Kalak spent most of the four and a half thousand years between the Last Desolation and the True Desolation. He appears to have been at least distantly involved with the Knights Radiant. Shortly before the Recreance, he and Nale were both present for Ba-Ado-Mishram's imprisonment, and he knew the truth of what caused the Recreance.[29][30] At some point afterwards, he grew to regret what happened with the Unmade, but he either didn't seek out her gemstone to release her or did not succeed in finding it.[31]

Many centuries later, Kalak apparently became somehow involved with the Sons of Honor; it's unknown if he founded them or if he took them over. Under the name Restares, he became the leader of the group, gaining the attention of the Ghostbloods.[1] Through the Sons of Honor, Kalak met Gavilar and encouraged, along with Nale, the king's work on transporting spheres across long distances, hoping to find a way out of Rosharan system. The two of them were both present at the night of Gavilar's assassination, and met with the king to see the results of his work, with Kalak complaining about the slow pace of progress.[8] While walking down a palace corridor, Kalak expressed his fear for Shalash's sanity, as well as the sanity of the remaining Heralds, himself included. Nale rebuked him, but before the two could discuss it, they bumped into Jasnah, and Kalak fled from her.[14]

At some point after the assassination, Kalak moved to Lasting Integrity and either assumed or resumed the duties of their High Judge.[1]

The Trial of Adolin Kholin

The Diplomatic Mission

Boy, you're doomed. You realize that, right? Tanavast is dead. Like, completely dead. The Oathpact is broken somehow. The only thing left is to try to get off the ship before it sinks.

—Kalak to Adolin[6]

Following the death of Ialai Sadeas, Mraize gave Shallan the mission to track down Restares, pointing her towards the city of Lasting Integrity.[32] Shortly after, a diplomatic mission to that very city was proposed, and Shallan volunteered to go, with her husband Adolin Kholin joining as the expedition's leader.[33] Meanwhile, Kalak left the city for a longer patrol. Prior to his departure, he ordered the honorspren not to tell anyone about his identity or nature; as such, they maintained that the High Judge was merely a rare type of spren.[1]

When Kalak returned, Adolin approached him, asking for a trial by witness, and for Kalak to preside over it. Though initially spooked by the presence of a human, and son of a Bondsmith to boot, Kalak eventually agreed. Sekeir attempted to convince him not to give Adolin the time of day, but Kalak rebuked him, annoyed that despite having spent years in Lasting Integrity, the honorspren did not help Kalak get off-world. However, the Herald refused to keep the trial private, and openly admitted to Adolin that he did not believe the other man stood any chance of winning. He also suggested that Adolin should rather focus on leaving Roshar altogether, as winning against Odium was, in Kalak's opinion, impossible.[6]

At the same time, Mraize convinced Shallan to capture Kalak in a gemstone as a way to help Adolin succeed in the trial.[6] Kalak, aware that someone would be sent to kill him, though unaware of who precisely, composed a message to his killer in the journal, mocking them for thinking they could capture a Herald and begging that they release Ba-Ado-Mishram.[16][31]

The Trial

So we're arguing over even the definitions? This doesn’t bode well.


On the first day of the trial, Kelek was impatient to begin, fully ready to convict Adolin and have him sent to execution; the news that the honorspren wouldn't actually execute Adolin came as a surprise to him. After hurrying Sekeir along to begin as soon as possible, and making sure he understood the terms of the trial correctly, Kelek began to listen to the witness testimonies.[13]

After Amuna's testimony, Kalak admitted that the Stormfather choosing to bond again was in Adolin's favour. After a longer break, however, when he made everyone wait as he ate a fruit and made notes, he was forced by Sekeir to admit that the Stormfather's recent erratic behavior made the great spren's opinion untrustworthy. Next came Blended's testimony; following it, Kalak pointed out to Adolin that an inkspren electing to side with honorspren on any matter was not a good look for humans. Finally, Notum was brought out to read a pre-made testimony. However, he broke away from it to protest and side with Adolin. This caused a good amount of agitation among the honorspren, which in turn made Kalak panic. He curled up and covered his ears, trembling.[13]

After Notum was led out, Kelek quickly returned to a state of calm, and explained to Adolin that he's stepped into an old argument between spren. When Adolin pointed out that the first day of the trial went well for him, Kalak was unconvinced. He explained to Adolin that he did not believe men truly changed, and further elaborated that some spren believe they should side with Odium, and that Adolin's arrival could tip the scales in favour of that.[13]

You were warned about this trial multiple times, human. They have made their choice.


On the second day, Kelek arrived after Adolin, having changed into a more formal set of robes. He was similarly wishing to hurry things up, but seemed to be taking his responsibility more seriously, threatening to have one honorspren removed for breaking the rules and guiding the trial along. As another spren grew far too agitated, Kalak had him dragged out of the forum. However, the trial still ended with a loss to Adolin as Testament was brought up to prove the modern Radiants would still kill their spren.[9]

Assassination Attempt

It was this day that convinced Shallan to go ahead with her plan of killing Kalak.[9] Becoming Formless, she snuck into Kalak's house, fully intending on capturing his soul and throwing her lot with the Ghostbloods. However, her Veil and Radiant alters managed to convince her that she was strong enough to be Shallan, and so she changed her decision.[7]

At that moment, Kalak, possibly having heard Shallan talk to herself, entered the room, and asked if Shallan was here to kill him. He revealed that he always knew Thaidakar wanted him captured, and explained the conflict between the different generations of honorspren: the elders who wanted to keep themselves isolated, and the younger ones who wanted to keep fighting. When Shallan offered to exchange information about Ghostbloods for helping Adolin win the trial, however, Kalak was still undecided.[7]

Before he could consider it further, Lusintia, Sekeir and other honorpren burst in, accusing Shallan of attempting to influence the trial. Surprisingly, Kalak sided with the Lightweaver, saying that she was here to bring him news of the Physical Realm; a half-truth skipping over the assassination attempt. In response, Sekeir declared that Kalak had a bout of mental instability and ordered him and Shallan locked away.[7] As such, Kalak was absent from the final day of the trial.[2]

The Aftermath

Adolin ultimately won the trial, thanks to Mayalaran managing to speak in his defense.[2] In the aftermath, Kalak decided to assist him and Shallan. He aided them in opening the box holding Ala without killing the seon inside, and shared more information about the Recreance, revealing that prior to Ba-Ado-Mishram's capture, spren did not become deadeyes. He also told Shallan about other planets and what he managed to learn about them.[15]



Hold on; I don't care what you think.

—Kalak to Sekeir[6]

Though Kalak chose to live in the honorspren capital, their relationship is not friendly. The honorspren respect him and his judgements, calling him the High Judge and addressing him as the Holy One.[1][34] However, they are also aware that he is not entirely there, mentally, and are willing to have him arrested against his will if he does not fall in line with what they -- and particularly Sekeir -- want.[35] They respect his judgements, but at the same time, they know that with how indecisive he is, the public opinion is what truly shapes the outcome. It's unclear if they'd still follow his decisions if he were to make a choice they did not agree with.[6]

In turn, Kalak seems incredibly dismissive of his duty as the High Judge. He initially arrived at Lasting Integrity hoping that the honorspren would assist him with getting off-world, and their failure to do so frustrates him.[6] He does, however, have a clear understanding of their internal conflicts and politics, enough so to realize what Adolin's trial is truly about.[13]

Other Heralds

The best of us inevitably cracked.


Kalak, like many other Heralds, has a deep respect for Jezrien, treating him as the unquestionable leader even when he knows Jezrien is just as tired of the war as the others are. The idea that Jezrien himself might be breaking terrifies him.[5] Unlike Nale, Kalak keeps that respect even thousands of years later, after Jezrien has been reduced to a homeless drunk. He is incensed at Szeth using Jezrien's Honorblade, and quickly investigates what happened to Jezrien after his passing.[36][37]

Though the group decided to never meet again, Kalak and Nale seem to spend time together prior to the True Desolation. Both were present for Ba-Ado-Mishram's capture, and centuries later, both were speaking to Gavilar together about his research. They were in Kholinar Palace on the night of the assassination of Gavilar, though they don't seem to have witnessed the event itself.[29][8] In the present times, Kalak seems rather scared of going along with Nale, while Nale bullies him and dismisses his concerns.[14][8]

He considers Taln to be the best of them all. At Aharietiam, he was ashamed to leave him behind. During the True Desolation, he bemoans the fact that even someone like this could break.[35]


They see us as divinities. They rely upon us, Jezrien. We're all that they have.


In the Era of Solitude, Kalak is basically unknown by his true name to humans. In Iri and Rira, he's called Kellai, while in Vorinism, he is known as Kelek, due to a vowel shift in the Vorin languages.[38][39] Even further east, in New Natanan, Kalak is often equated with the Stormfather.[3]

Vorin tradition associates him with the number 8 (kak), the Essence of Foil, and the Attributes of Resolute and Builder.[40] In the countries following the religion, he's one of the most revered and commonly-prayed-to Heralds alongside Jezrien, with his name being an extremely common expletive.[41] In addition to his Divine Attributes, he seems to be also associated with truthfulness.[42]

As Kelek, Kalak features in a number of common Rosharan sayings and phrases, such as:

  • "Kelek preserve us"[43]
  • "Kelek's breath"[44]
  • "what in the name of Kelek"[45]
  • "for Kelek's sake"[46]
  • "Kelek knows"[47]
  • "what in Kelek's tongue"[48]
  • "Kelek speed their way"[49]
  • "swear to Kelek himself"[50]
  • "thank Kelek"[8]
  • "Kelek, Jezerezeh, and Heralds above"[51]
  • "Kelek’s own truth"[42]
  • "Kelek help him"[52]
  • "the honest-by-Kelek’s-own-breath truth"[53]

The name Kaladin is derived from Kalak.[54] The glyph for "eternal" is also called kalak.[55][56] Whether Kalak was named after kalak or the other way around, however, is unknown.


  • Though his name became "Kelek" due to linguistic drift, Kalak is one of three Heralds, alongside Shalash and Pailiah, whose original names are symmetrical under Vorin rules.
  • Kalak is one of the only three Heralds so far to have a viewpoint in The Stormlight Archive, the others being Shalash and Taln, as the prelude is written from his perspective. However, unlike the other two, he isn't slated to have his own book.
  • Kalak's portrait used in the chapter arches is called the Maker by the Dragonsteel Entertainment staff.[57]
  • The epigraphs for Part Four of Rhythm of War are written by Kalak.
  • The official painting of Kalak, by Magali Villeneuve, was included in the hardcover release of Rhythm of War.


  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 78#
  2. a b c El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 94#
  3. a b Juramentada interludio I-1#
  4. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 83 Epígrafe#
  5. a b c d e f Preludio al Archivo de las Tormentas#
  6. a b c d e f g h i j k El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 82#
  7. a b c d e f g h i j k l m El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 93#
  8. a b c d e f g El ritmo de la guerra prólogo#
  9. a b c d e El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 90#
  10. Kalak's chapter capstone
  11. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 75 Epígrafe#
  12. El camino de los reyes capítulo prelude#
  13. a b c d e f g h i j k El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 87#
  14. a b c d e Palabras radiantes prólogo#
  15. a b c d e El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 115#
  16. a b c El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 91 Epígrafe#
  17. Skyward Chicago signing
    Arcanum - 2018-11-16#
  18. Legion Release Party
    Arcanum - 2018-09-19#
  19. Juramentada capítulo 119#
  20. Juramentada capítulo 38#
  21. Surgebinding chart
  22. a b Palabras radiantes interludio I-7#
  23. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 92 Epígrafe#
  24. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 4#
  25. El camino de los reyes prólogo#
  26. Skyward Denver signing
    Arcanum - 2018-11-15#
  27. Juramentada capítulo 111#
  28. Juramentada capítulo 48#
  29. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 24#
  30. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 94 Epígrafe#
  31. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 97 Epígrafe#
  32. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 13#
  33. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 19#
  34. Juramentada capítulo 87#
  35. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 97#
  36. Preludio al Archivo de las Tormentas#
  37. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 79 Epígrafe#
  38. Juramentada capítulo 26#
  39. General Twitter 2010
    Arcanum - 2010-10-06#
  40. El camino de los reyes Ars Arcanum#
  41. El camino de los reyes capítulo 23#
  42. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 23#
  43. El camino de los reyes capítulo 38#
  44. El camino de los reyes capítulo 46#
  45. El camino de los reyes capítulo 35#
  46. El camino de los reyes capítulo 27#
  47. El camino de los reyes capítulo 11#
  48. Palabras radiantes capítulo 86#
  49. Palabras radiantes capítulo 81#
  50. Juramentada capítulo 3#
  51. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 21#
  52. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 50#
  53. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 91#
  54. Bands of Mourning release party
    Arcanum - 2016-01-25#
  55. Creating Stormlight Glyphs: A JordanCon Workshop with Isaac Stewart
    Foros de 17th Shard - 2018-05-04#
  56. Alethi Glyphs
  57. Miscellaneous 2020
    Arcanum - 2020-08-04#
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