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Diferencia entre revisiones de «Vorinismo»

De La Coppermind
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Los Portadores del Vacío siguieron a los humanos hasta Roshar, tratando de destruirlos o enviarlos a Condenación. La humanidad, guiada por los Heraldos y sus [[Caballeros Radiantes|caballeros elegidos]], lucharon contra ellos noventa y nueve veces en lo que se conoce como las [[Desolación|Desolaciones]]. Finalmente los Portadores del Vacío fueron derrotados y devueltos a los Salones Tranquilos durante el [[Aharietiam]], la Última Desolación. Los Heraldos los siguieron entonces para exiliarlos también del paraíso.{{book ref|sa1|45}}{{book ref|sa1|61}}
Los Portadores del Vacío siguieron a los humanos hasta Roshar, tratando de destruirlos o enviarlos a Condenación. La humanidad, guiada por los Heraldos y sus [[Caballeros Radiantes|caballeros elegidos]], lucharon contra ellos noventa y nueve veces en lo que se conoce como las [[Desolación|Desolaciones]]. Finalmente los Portadores del Vacío fueron derrotados y devueltos a los Salones Tranquilos durante el [[Aharietiam]], la Última Desolación. Los Heraldos los siguieron entonces para exiliarlos también del paraíso.{{book ref|sa1|45}}{{book ref|sa1|61}}

Los Caballeros Radiantes permanecieron en Roshar, aunque finalmente abandonarían a la humanidad en el [[Día de la Traición]]. Una explicación posible de este evento es que los Caballeros Radiantes imitaron grandes poderes y fingieron una llamada divina haciendo uso de trucos elaborados, para luego huir tras ser descubiertos.{{book ref|sa1|26}}
Los Caballeros Radiantes permanecieron en Roshar, aunque finalmente abandonarían a la humanidad en el [[Día de la Traición]]. Una explicación posible de este evento es que los Caballeros Radiantes imitaron grandes poderes y fingieron una llamada divina haciendo uso de trucos elaborados, huyendo tras ser descubiertos.{{book ref|sa1|26}}

=== Moralidad ===
=== Moralidad ===

Revisión del 02:24 7 ago 2023

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Relacionado con Alezkar
Tipo Religión
Mundo de origen Roshar
Universo de origen Cosmere
Parece que esta página necesita actualizarse con nueva información de El ritmo de la guerra!
¡Ten cuidado! Es posible que en su estado, no contenga toda la información adicional todavía.

El vorinismo es una de las religiones principales de Roshar, especialmente en Alezkar, Jah Keved, Kharbranth, Nueva Natanan y Thaylenah, conocidos colectivamente como los reinos vorin, volviéndose menos común más al oeste.[1] En esta religión se venera al Todopoderoso, una deidad basada en Honor y en los diez Heraldos.[2]


En la religión vorin, los devotos creen en el Todopoderoso, fuerza del bien y creador de la humanidad. Se dice que su gloria es tal que cualquiera que tratase de mirarlo quedaría reducido a cenizas.[3] Como tal, se lo suele representar como un prisma de diez facetas, una para cada uno de los Heraldos.[4] Cada Heraldo es un emisario del Todopoderoso, con potentes poderes mágicos, capacidad de responder plegarias y el amparo de una parte específica de la experiencia humana.[5] Se suele considerar a Jezrien y Kalak como los más elevados de todos los Heraldos, con el resto por debajo de ellos.[6] En ocasiones se los combina con el Padre Tormenta, que a su vez se compara frecuentemente con el propio Todopoderoso, aunque esto varía entre las distintas naciones vorin.[7][8]

This is an old, hand drawn picture of a Greatshell. Likely the one Shallan finds in the Palaneum in Karbranth when looking for ancient depictions of Voidbringers. She remarks that the illustrator probably never saw a Voidbringer in person and likely just drew the most terrifying thing he could imagine. The picture is very dark, with lots of black lines and shadows. It shows a dark, stormy sky and a frightened mob of people. The people all have their backs to the viewer and are pointing up. Only the ones in the centre of the picture are detailed, the rest sorts of fades into the crowd. They all have short hair and are wearing loose shirts. They are pointing at a massive creature looming over the collection of square buildings. Taking up three quarters of the page is a massive greatshell. If the city wall is 15 feet tall, this creature is close to 100 feet. It’s rearing up, showing a sturdy, carapace-covered chest, an arrow-shaped head and a pair of antennae taller than a person. It has two narrow eyes on either side of its head, not on eyestalks like the Chulls. It has two huge arms ending in equally huge, lobster-like pincers that it seems to be lowering down towards the crowd. No other legs are visible, presumably they are on the lower body, hidden behind the city wall.
Representación artística de una Desolación.

Mito de la creación

La historia de la creación vorin sitúa el origen de la humanidad en los Salones Tranquilos, un paraíso del que fueron expulsados por los Portadores del Vacío, criaturas malignas creadas en Condenación. Estos últimos poseen un terrible poder de destrucción, y se los considera la encarnación del mal.[9][10]

Los Portadores del Vacío siguieron a los humanos hasta Roshar, tratando de destruirlos o enviarlos a Condenación. La humanidad, guiada por los Heraldos y sus caballeros elegidos, lucharon contra ellos noventa y nueve veces en lo que se conoce como las Desolaciones. Finalmente los Portadores del Vacío fueron derrotados y devueltos a los Salones Tranquilos durante el Aharietiam, la Última Desolación. Los Heraldos los siguieron entonces para exiliarlos también del paraíso.[9][11]

Los Caballeros Radiantes permanecieron en Roshar, aunque finalmente abandonarían a la humanidad en el Día de la Traición. Una explicación posible de este evento es que los Caballeros Radiantes imitaron grandes poderes y fingieron una llamada divina haciendo uso de trucos elaborados, huyendo tras ser descubiertos.[12]


De todo vorin se espera que escoja una Llamada, siendo esta su mayor talento, y lo ejerza hasta su muerte.

En la variante Alethi del vorinismo, la lucha es considerada la Llamada más importante, ya que el Todopoderoso cuenta con los Alethi para unirse al ejército de los Heraldos tras su muerte y recuperar así los Salones Tranquilos.[13]

A la Llamada está estrechamente unido el concepto de Gloria. La Gloria es un atributo concreto del Todopoderoso que cada vorin debe emular durante la búsqueda y el ejercicio de su Llamada. Ambos objetivos se suelen escoger a la vez, ya que van orientados en la misma dirección; por ejemplo, la Llamada de un guerrero y la Gloria de la determinación.[2]

En lo referente a las relaciones, el vorinismo se centra en hacer y mantener juramentos. Romper un juramento, o actuar sin haber formalizado uno, por ejemplo manteniendo relaciones sexuales fuera del matrimonio, está mal visto.[14] No obstante, el vornismo acepta una amplia variedad de juramentos en lo referente a las relaciones, incluyendo para parejas del mismo sexo.[14]

Vida después de la muerte

Aquellos que alcanzan una mayor perfección en el ejercicio de su Llamada son escogidos tras su muerte para unirse a los Heraldos en su reconquista de los Salones Tranquilos, cumpliendo el rol que ya escogieron en vida; los mejores agricultores servirán a los Heraldos con labores agrarias, los mejores guerreros se unirán a ellos en batalla, etc.[15][16][17][2][13] Todos ellos recibirían allí poderes acordes a su Llamada: un granjero podría hacer crecer campos enteros con un mero gesto; un lancero, crear truenos y relámpagos con su lanza y su escudo.[18]

Las Fuerzas Heráldicas eran el supuesto ejército de los Heraldos que combatió a los Portadores del Vacío en los Salones Tranquilos[19], en la que se conoció como la Guerra por el Cielo.[18] Se decía que el sonido de un cuerno llamaría a esta armada al campo de batalla.[20] Unirse a las Fuerzas Heráldicas se consideraba la más elevada Llamada que un hombre podía escoger.[2]

Aquellos que no alcanzan su máximo potencial quedan atrapados en un sueño profundo hasta que los Salones sean reconquistados,[18] mientras que aquellos que cometen actos atroces son enviados a Condenación.

Creencia en la simetría

La simetría es considerada sagrada en el vorinismo. Entre otros ejemplos, los glifos, los nombres de los Reinos Plateados y los de los Heraldos son totalmente simétricos, mientras que los nombres de muchas personas son casi simétricos. Poseer un nombre totalmente simétrico se considera blasfemo, al pretender ser sagrado sin serlo.[21]


Los templos tradicionales vorin son circulares y abovedados. Normalmente la bóveda tiene exactamente diez pies de altura en su punto más alto. Estos templos suelen estar repletos de estatuas e imágenes de los Heraldos.[2] Se espera que toda gran ciudad tenga un templo dedicado a cada Heraldo.[22][23] Aparte, muchas familias adineradas de ojos claros construyen capillas privadas, y los fervorosos mantienen monasterios por todo el continente, como el de Jokasha. Estos son puestos muy codiciados por los fervorosos, que trabajan durante décadas para acceder a ellos.[24]


Los vorin rezan con Glifoguardas, oraciones escritas en glifos, normalmente sobre tiras de papel, invocando al Todopoderoso y, en ocasiones, a uno o varios Heraldos. Suelen quemarse para enviar el alma de la oración hasta el Todopoderoso.[25]

Entre las clases altas de Alezkar, gran parte de estos rituales recaen sobre el sacerdocio, los fervorosos en lugar de los propios ojos claros. Los fervorosos empleados por un ojos claros tienen la tarea de orar por sus señores, de modo que estos no tengan que preocuparse por el aspecto espiritual de sus vidas.[26]

Puertas Juradas

El propósito original de las Puertas Juradas se ha perdido con el tiempo, aunque siguen considerándose sagradas. Actualmente se cree que sus once lámparas representan los diez Reinos Plateados y los Salones Tranquilos, mientras que la cerradura correspondería con "el deber de los fervorosos de ignorar las fronteras y mirar únicamente a los corazones de los hombres".[26]


El hecho de que se utilice la misma palabra para referirse tanto a la religión como a la cultura vorin denota lo entretejidas que se hallan estas en los reinos en los que el vorinismo es dominante. En su forma más reciente, las normas de comportamiento para hombres y mujeres vorin parecen estar basadas en el libro "Artes y Majestuosidad". Las mujeres deben cubrirse completamente la mano izquierda (llamada mano segura en la lengua vernácula vorin) desde los once o doce años, y no hacerlo se considera obsceno.[15][27] No obstante, se les permite aprender a leer y escribir, y se espera de ellas que se encarguen de las tareas del hogar y los negocios. La pintura, la lectura, la escritura y la música se consideran artes femeninas. La flauta es un instrumento popular entre las mujeres vorin, aunque las traveseras son poco comunes.[28] Puestos más abocados al conflicto, como los de la política o los militares, se consideran masculinos; sin embargo, los hombres no tienen permitido (o al menos se les desaconseja) aprender a leer el alfabeto común. Además, el vorinismo diferencia también las comidas masculinas (picantes) de las femeninas (más dulces). Esta división de género no se aplica a los fervorosos, que son considerados culturalmente exentos de género, por lo que se les permite llevar a cabo actividades masculinas y femeninas. Por tradición, cada persona puede aprender un oficio en un templo vorin, incluyendo los del género opuesto.[29]

Por otro lado, el vorinismo justifica la división cultural entre ojos claros y ojos oscuros, considerándose los primeros más próximos al Todopoderoso y por tanto más sagrados, con poder sobre las masas de ojos oscuros.[30]

Algunos nombres vorin provienen de los de los Heraldos; por ejemplo, Shallan por Shalash[31] o Kaladin por Kalak.[32]

There is some crossover among different groups within Vorinism, such as with Essential Theology, which is known to be used by ardents, scholars, and Soulcasters, and is related to polestones.[33]

All official Vorin betrothals must be signed and verified by ardents. As a result, people sometimes use a causal betrothal, which makes them practically engaged but confers no legal benefits.[34]


Apart from cultural and religious aspect, Vorinism has an impact on the legal system, as the teachings of Heralds demand implementation of certain laws.

Derecho de Circulación

Institute a right of movement, so that a family who feels their lord is unrighteous can leave his area. Then tie a lord's authority to the people who follow him.

The Right of Travel allows every Vorin citizen of sixth nahn or higher to freely travel between various Vorin lands.[36] Vast majority of darkeyes have this right. Lacking it ties a person to the land they were born in, and usually means that something has gone very badly for their ancestors.[37] However, joining the military automatically forfeits the Right of Travel for the duration of service.[36]

The Right of Travel is derived from the Heralds teaching that all borders should be open.[38] More specifically, it was established by Nale, as a way to protect the weak from abuses of power.[35] It also serves as a form of addressing the power imbalance between lighteyes and darkeyes, as most darkeyes are able to leave a land that is poorly managed.[37]

Derecho de Aprendizaje

Most people in Vorin kingdoms have the Right to Learn professions in any temple of the Almighty. Larger Vorin temples have at least one ardent who is an expert in any given art or trade, and they provide training to anyone who's interested, regardless of eye color. This Right may not be available to the lower nahn ranks.[39]

Derecho de Desafío

The Right of Challenge allows a distinguished lighteyed warrior to demand justice through combat from the one who wronged him. Though the Right is almost never used in the modern day, it can still be exercised, and is well-known among lighteyes.[40] This Right, however, does not extend to darkeyes, and a darkeye attempting to call on it can be punished with execution.[41]


Kadash, a Vorin ardent

The Vorin priests are called ardents; the entirety of them is referred to as the ardentia. In matters of faith, they are led by a council of Curates, operating out of the Holy Enclave in the Veden city of Valath. This council has the authority to excommunicate members of the church, including the leaders of Vorin countries, for heresy -- a right given to them by the Covenants of Theocracy, an unspecified, but centuries-old document. They can be recognized by their blue robes, as well as gem-encrusted staves, far more ornate than is considered proper post-Hierocracy.[42]

Other types of ardents are likewise differentiated by the colors of their robes -- regular ones wear gray, while the soulcasters wear red.[43] Many ardents have shaved heads, and men often have long beards. Both male and female ardents are considered genderless from the social standpoint: women do not need to cover their safehand, while men are allowed to learn to read and write, and both can eat both sweet and spicy foods. This being said, while they are technically allowed to pursue both masculine and feminine arts, they are often pushed to follow their gender.[4]


Ardents are, technically, slaves to lighteyed nobles of Vorin countries, with some serving specific households while others are beholden to the national ruler. They can neither hold land nor own property -- a safeguard to prevent a second Hierocracy.[18] Like Parshmen and other slaves they are not paid for their work, but they are highly respected, even by people above them in the social hierarchy.[44] It seems one cannot be forced to become an ardent; rather, people join willingly, and can also leave if they so choose.[45][46]

Guía espiritual

Ardents are forbidden from participating in politics or holding social offices. However, their word and opinions are still highly valued, and they hold authority in spiritual matters.[42]

Ardents are responsible for the spiritual well-beings of their masters, and often tend to various rites and rituals in their stead, so as to allow the lighteyes to go on with their lives unburdened.[26] For the darkeyes, ardents provide advice in pursuing their Calling, as well as education -- the Right to Learn means that any person who asks for it must be taught by the ardents. For this reason, most major temples have ardents specializing in most common skills, from fighting to writing.[39] This also means that they are allowed to wield Shardblades, as they must be capable of teaching the lighteyes how to use them.[47]

They are the only people allowed to speak Almighty's tenth name, Elithanathile, or He Who Transforms.[3] However, it seems that this isn't considered to be too important of a rule, as Navani Kholin, a devout Vorin, commonly uses it as an exclamation of shock or awe.

Moldeado de almas

In Alethkar, ardents are the only people allowed to use Soulcasters. They surround the practice with mystery, carrying out Soulcasting at night and under heavy guard to prevent the general public from seeing. They are, however, not allowed to use Soulcasters on people. Those among the ardentia who use Soulcasters are often worked until they die of savanthood as their bodies become more and more like the things they Soulcast.[43][48]


Ellista, a scholar from the Devotary of the Mind

Ardents are separated into Devotaries, sects devoted to different aspects of Vorinism. Devotaries come in different forms: some, like the Devotary of the Mind, are monastic, sequestered away from civilization to devote themselves, while others permit their members to remain in touch with the rest of the world.[24][3] This being said, ardents are generally not allowed to marry outside of their orders, though at least some orders allow them to marry each other.[46][49] Overall, their chief purpose is to aid in nurturing the believers' Callings.

Known devotaries include:

  • The Devotary of Purity is dedicated to wholesomeness and honesty. Members of this devotary are expected to keep their thoughts and actions 'pure'. A member's talents are expected to be dedicated to purity as well, such as an artist depicting only religious topics.[4] Shallan Davar is a member of this devotary, by her father's choice.[4]
  • The Devotary of Sincerity is dedicated to seeking truth in all things. Members believe that there is always something to learn, and everything is subject to scrutiny, even their own religion. No question is rebuked. It is one of the smallest devotaries.[50] In stark contrast to the rest of Vorinism, Jasnah respects this devotary, and suggests that Shallan seek it out once she arrives home.[50]
  • The Devotary of Insight is not described. Many ardents from the Devotary of Insight are seen exchanging dulled lamps from the Palanaeum and putting infused ones in their place.[4] They have a temple in Kholinar.[51]
  • The Devotary of Denial seems to emphasize the denial of desires to the point of asceticism.[26]
  • The Order of Talenelat is related to the Herald Taln and, likely, the attributes ascribed to him by Vorinism. Those dedicated to this particular devotary are said to have a dislike for theological debates. It is viewed by some as an order for lesser people.[52] The Order of Talenelat maintains a presence in western Kholinar, adjacent to the temple of Talenelat.[51] Dalinar Kholin was a follower of this devotary prior to his excommunication.[52]
  • The Devotary of the Mind is a monastic devotary with its home at the Jokasha Monastery on the western slopes of the Horneater Peaks. It is devoted to historical and linguistic study, with the focus on literature.[24]
  • The Devotary of Kelek is a devotary with a presence in Urithiru. Their ardents will take commissions for prayers and glyphwards.[53]
  • The Devotary of Mercy is a devotary with a presence in Urithiru. Their ardents care for those who have trouble with their minds.[53]


Orígenes y vorinismo antiguo

Though the origins of Vorinism are lost to the Shadowdays, it's known that the name "Almighty" was used to refer to Honor even back during the Desolations -- in fact, it might predate human arrival on Roshar, as it was used even by the Heralds themselves.[54][55] The Vorin religion came about around that time, basing itself on writings of a currently-unknown, but highly influential writer whom it was eventually named after.[56] Nohadon was another important figure during that time, and The Way of Kings he penned was one of Vorinism's early holy texts.[57]

Back in the early days of the religion, now called Old Vorinism, the Knights Radiant were an important part of the faith, and the First Ideal was a religious doctrine. The primary tenet of the faith, as far as can be ascertained, was that how one lived was far more important than what one had accomplished. Religion permeated every aspect of life, allowing the ardents to own land and property.[57]

Hierocracia: Ascenso

Following the Recreance, the attitudes towards the Knights Radiant changed drastically, with them being seen as traitors rather than heroes. The focus shifted from the First Ideal to other texts, chief among them Arts and Majesty, leading to the gender divide among the Vorins that exists until the modern day. In spite of that, the lighteyes-darkeyes divide likely began during the same time, with pale eyes becoming the symbol of Almighty's favor despite their previous association with Radiance.[30]

As time went on, ardents took over more and more segments of society, claiming divine mandate to rule.[58] Ultimately, this led to priesthood holding near-absolute power over large swathes of land and populace as they sought to bring Vorinism to the whole of Roshar.[12]

The Hierocracy, as it would come to be called, saw the ardentia go to great lengths to control its subjects through access to information.[59] The priesthood claimed to have the sole authority to interpret the holy scriptures and the will of the Almighty; the commoners were to follow them blindly as they were told what their Callings were and what their god had planned from them. Knowledge of the Knights Radiant was heavily censored, and what remained was altered and mythologized to fit the doctrine.[60] Yet even as Surgebinding was discredited and deemed to be mere trickery, ardents themselves claimed to be able to predict the future through visions and prophecies.[2]

Hierocracia: Caída y consecuencias

Rushu, a researcher ardent

As with many empires, Hierocracy's greatest weakness was its sheer size.[61] It grew larger with time, but so did the fractures within, and those fractures allowed Alethi warlord Sadees, later called the Sunmaker, to make war on it. The resulting conflict, known as the War of Loss, saw the ardentia fractured into devotaries, and the ardents themselves stripped of much of their power. No longer were they allowed to hold land or own property; no longer were they even free men. Rather, they became slaves to lighteyes.[9]

Moreover, as Sadees conquered their strongholds, he interrogated them and their correspondence, and claimed to have learned that the so-called visions were little more than fabrications made to keep the people in check. This marked yet another shift in Vorin doctrine: now, prophecy was an evil thing, of Odium and the Voidbringers, and to pursue it was heresy.[2] Yet more changes were made to free the church from ardentia's grip: rather than holding ultimate authority, they became merely advisors, and each man and woman was supposed to find the faith's meaning for themselves.[2]

Presente y futuro

Though Sadees' war of conquest stretched as far West as Azir, Vorinism did not find foothold there.[62] On the other hand, the states formerly under Hierocracy, now known as the Vorin kingdoms, retain the faith to this day.[49]

Despite ardentia having few privileges remaining from the days of Hierocracy, their social status has been slowly climbing back up over the past decades. The curates retain their right to excommunicate members of the Church without consulting with any political authority, and though they are forbidden from amassing wealth, some of it still finds its way into their hands.[42] In addition, ardents are increasingly often used as yet another political tool by the lighteyes.[52] Some people -- not only ardents, but even laymen -- seek the return of Hierocracy, chief among them the Sons of Honor.[26][63] Other groups, like the Envisagers, desire to go even further back, to the age of Old Vorinism.[64]

With the coming of the Everstorm and the return of the Knights Radiant, the future of Vorinism is unclear. Many of its tenets, chief among them that the Aharietiam was the final Desolation, have been proven wrong, the Heralds are quite mad, and the leaders of the largest anti-Odium faction are a heretic and an atheist.[65] For now, the church strives to retain control through hamfisted means -- most notably, the Curates' sudden excommunication of Dalinar Kholin, who, at the time, had began to loudly proclaim Almighty's death. This is unlikely to be sufficient, however, as there are some who believe that now is the time to break free from Vorinism.[42][66]

Miembros notables


Miembros laicos


  • In the English language, the word "ardent" is an adjective meaning eager, zealous or passionate.
  • Though "ardent" shares some similarity with arteth, the name of Shu-Dereth priests from Sel, ardents and arteths are not connected.[69]
  • Though ardents are around in The Way of Kings Prime, there, they are simply called monks.[70]


  1. Juramentada capítulo 28#
  2. a b c d e f g h El camino de los reyes capítulo 18#
  3. a b c d El camino de los reyes capítulo 7#
  4. a b c d e f El camino de los reyes capítulo 33#
  5. Juramentada Ars Arcanum#
  6. Juramentada capítulo 26#
  7. Juramentada capítulo 64#
  8. Palabras radiantes capítulo 74#
  9. a b c El camino de los reyes capítulo 45#
  10. Palabras radiantes capítulo 32#
  11. El camino de los reyes capítulo 61#
  12. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 26#
  13. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 28#
  14. a b General Reddit 2017
    Arcanum - 2017-01-01#
  15. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 3#
  16. a b c El camino de los reyes interludio I-8#
  17. El camino de los reyes capítulo 16#
  18. a b c d El camino de los reyes capítulo 59#
  19. El camino de los reyes capítulo 15#
  20. El camino de los reyes capítulo 17#
  21. Palabras radiantes capítulo 29#
  22. Plano de Ciudad Thaylen
  23. Plano de Kholinar
  24. a b c d Juramentada interludio I-2#
  25. El camino de los reyes capítulo 69#
  26. a b c d e f g Palabras radiantes interludio I-12#
  27. Palabras radiantes capítulo 19#
  28. El camino de los reyes capítulo 57#
  29. Palabras radiantes capítulo 63#
  30. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 73#
  31. Bands of Mourning release party
    Arcanum - 2016-01-25#
  32. Holiday signing
    Arcanum - 2015-12-12#
  33. Juramentada capítulo 109#
  34. Palabras radiantes capítulo 1#
  35. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 47#
  36. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 15#
  37. a b The Way of Kings reread interview
    Arcanum - 2014-06-10#
  38. Palabras radiantes capítulo 84#
  39. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 64#
  40. Palabras radiantes capítulo 55#
  41. Palabras radiantes capítulo 58#
  42. a b c d e Juramentada capítulo 100#
  43. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 35#
  44. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 16#
  45. Palabras radiantes capítulo 26#
  46. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 42#
  47. Palabras radiantes capítulo 18#
  48. Juramentada interludio I-4#
  49. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 8#
  50. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 48#
  51. a b Map of Kholinar
  52. a b c d El camino de los reyes capítulo 54#
  53. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 25#
  54. El camino de los reyes capítulo 19#
  55. Preludio al Archivo de las Tormentas#
  56. Skyward Atlanta signing
    Arcanum - 2018-11-17#
  57. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 53#
  58. Juramentada capítulo 34#
  59. Palabras radiantes capítulo 3#
  60. Palabras radiantes capítulo 6#
  61. Juramentada capítulo 19#
  62. Juramentada capítulo 65#
  63. Palabras radiantes capítulo 88#
  64. Palabras radiantes capítulo 71#
  65. Juramentada capítulo 122#
  66. a b Juramentada capítulo 107#
  67. El camino de los reyes capítulo 70#
  68. Palabras radiantes capítulo 4#
  69. Calamity release party
    Arcanum - 2016-02-16#
  70. Stormlight Three Update #4
    Arcanum - 2016-10-09#
A este artículo le falta información. Por favor, ayuda a The Coppermind a expandirla.