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Mundo Roshar
Universo Cosmere

Se dice que Urithiru era el centro de los Reinos Plateados, una ciudad que tenía diez tronos, uno por cada rey. Era la ciudad más majestuosa, la más sorprendente, la más importante de todo el mundo.

—Opinión de Jasnah sobre Urithiru[1]

Urithiru es una ciudad-torre de Roshar que funcionó como hogar de los Caballeros Radiantes y punto central de los Reinos Plateados durante las Épocas Heráldicas.[1] En la actualidad, sirve de cuartel general de las fuerzas que se oponen a Odium, incluida la coalición de monarcas, los refundados Caballeros Radiantes y los restantes soldados y nobles alezi. La actual reina de Alezkar gobierna desde la torre,[2] aunque Dalinar y Navani Kholin han sido reconocidos como rey y reina de Urithiru.[3] La ciudad sirve como manifestación física del spren Forjador de Vínculos el Hermano.


Urithiru en el mapa de Roshar

Aunque muchos deseaban que Urithiru fuera construida en Alezela, obviamente no podía ser. Y por eso pedimos que se emplazara al oeste, en el lugar más cercano al Honor.

El Vavibrar, línea 1804[4]

Urithiru se encuentra casi exactamente en el centro del continente roshariano, en las montañas de Ur. Se encuentra en la parte occidental de la cordillera, en la frontera de Emul y Gran Hexi.[5] La torre se asienta en el lado este de una de esas montañas, apoyada en dos laderas.[6][7]

La meseta en la que se encuentra la torre está a una altitud considerable. El aire es lo bastante fino como para dificultar la actividad física.[8] Los acantilados que hay bajo ella se extienden más allá de lo que alcanza la vista.[9] Esta ubicación es lo bastante alta como para que tanto las altas tormentas como la tormenta eterna pasen por debajo de ella, lo que dificulta a los actuales ocupantes de la torre la obtención de luz tormentosa.[10]

Históricamente, ha habido cierto desacuerdo sobre si Urithiru es o no accesible por otros medios que no sean el viaje por la Puerta Jurada o el vuelo. Los antiguos cronistas Varala y Sinbian afirmaron que era imposible, pero en la octava parábola de Nohadon de El camino de los reyes, afirma que fue andando desde Abamabar hasta Urithiru (lo que confirma en el sueño de Dalinar, diciendo que no utilizó una Puerta Jurada, sino sólo un guía, lo que cree que no fue "hacer trampas" de ningún modo). [11][12] Como se revela más tarde, hay una entrada al pie de la montaña que se puede utilizar para salir de la torre a pie.[13]

Hay una aldea sin nombre en la falda de la montaña al sur de la torre, [14] pero aparentemente no es visible desde la torre, pues todo lo que Dalinar puede ver son nubes y rocas.[15] Además, Urithiru se encuentra relativamente cerca del Valle de la Vigilante Nocturna.[5]


Allí no había nubes que trajeran oscuridad: ese lugar se alzaba por encima de toda ellas. Urithiru gobernaba incluso a las nubes.

Szeth reflexionando sobre la torre[14]
Vista frontal de la torre

Urithiru es tan ancha como una ciudad y tan alta como una pequeña montaña.[16] Consta de 10 niveles semicirculares, cada uno de los cuales tiene 18 pisos, lo que hace un total de 180 pisos.[17] A una altura aproximada de 4,5 metros por piso, la torre mide algo más de 4.700 metros.[18] Al descender, cada nivel es más ancho que el superior, y los tejados de los niveles más anchos tienen campos y jardines construidos sobre ellos. Hay numerosos balcones en los laterales de la torre. El nivel inferior tiene amplias secciones que sobresalen en el perímetro, cada una del tamaño de una meseta.[17] Estas zonas tienen surcos, que en el pasado eran surcos para cultivar, y jardineras en los bordes.[19] Delante de la torre hay una enorme plaza rodeada por las diez plataformas de las Puertas Juradas.[6]

Los niveles inferiores se "fusionan" con la montaña por ambos lados, pero el centro y los niveles superiores tienen un lado plano en el lado de la tormenta. Las habitaciones de este lado plano tienen ventanas que dan al Origen.[10] Estas han sobrevivido milagrosamente a miles de años de abandono totalmente intactas.[20]

La columna central de Urithiru es una ventana sólida, también orientada hacia el Origen. Esta columna tiene una superficie del tamaño de un salón de baile y está llena de docenas de ascensores que parecen balcones exteriores y suben y bajan por canales verticales en las paredes utilizando la luz tormentosa.[10] Las grandes vigas que sostienen la columna central (por ejemplo, "Viganorte") parecen ser bastante prominentes y se utilizan como puntos de referencia al navegar por la torre.[21]

Como la torre es lo bastante alta como para estar por encima de la mayoría de las altas tormentas, existen largas cadenas con jaulas para bajar las gemas y renovar la luz tormentosa.[10]

El interior de Urithiru está lleno de túneles que se retuercen en extrañas curvas, lo que, según la hipótesis de Dalinar, se hizo para engañar a los invasores.[20] Los eruditos de Navani también han encontrado grupos de habitaciones de formas extrañas y murales de animales extravagantes (incluidos algunos que podrían ser leones, aunque éstos no existen en Roshar), junto con metales de oro y cobre incrustados en las paredes, presumiblemente fabriales que no han podido comprender.[22]

La torre se compone de múltiples salas de distinta funcionalidad, como dormitorios, salas de reuniones, bibliotecas y baños. La mayoría de ellas tienen techos altos.[23]


Una sección transversal de Urithiru, mostrando el atrio

Cada túnel de Urithiru tiene patrones distintivos de estratos.[24] Los colores conocidos de los estratos incluyen tonos de marrón, amarillo, rojo, naranja y verde esmeralda, aunque parece que sólo los potenciadores son capaces de percibir los distintos colores. [25] La piedra en sí es suave al tacto y lo bastante dura para que no se pueda arañar con un cuchillo.[26] En particular, se pueden ver los mismos patrones de estratos en las hojas del viento de Kholinar, lo que indica un origen similar (quizá compartido).[27]

Shallan teoriza que los estratos podrían ser venas, aunque no está segura de lo que transportarían.[28]

Descripciones de estratos conocidos:

  • Pasillo del tercer piso donde se encuentra el cuerpo de Sadeas: "líneas que se retorcían, estratos naturales de tonos térreos alternados, como los del crem al secarse en capas."[17]
  • Casa de baños donde se encuentra el cuerpo de Vedekar Perel: "los estratos giraban en espiral por el suelo, el techo y las paredes como la rosca de un tornillo."; "Allí los estratos de la pared proseguían su curvada y serpenteante mezcolanza de naranjas, rojos y marrones, que se inflaban formando amplias bandas a lo largo de los lados de la cámara antes de volver a enrollarse en finas franjas que salían por el pasillo del fondo."[24]
  • De camino a los aposentos de Dalinar: "amplios estratos rojizos alternados con otros amarillos más finos"; "se curvaban levemente hacia arriba"[20]
  • Los aposentos de Shallan: "con brillantes patrones circulares de estratos en las paredes"[26]
  • Sala donde Dalinar inspecciona la Hoja de Honor: "sin estratos"[29]
  • Sala de combate: "gris y negro"[29]
  • Cuartos de Sadeas, habitación lateral: "tonos anaranjados y rojizos que se fundían entre ellos tan suavemente que casi podía creerse que la pared era toda de un color."[30]
  • Pasadizo al teatro: "tono esmeralda"[28]
  • Pequeña cámara en la que trabajaban Dalinar y Navani: "como pliegues de abanico"[31]
  • Mientras Shallan perseguía a la Madre medianoche: "danzaban en las paredes"[32]
  • Almacén cerca de la cima de la torre: "por una línea de cristal rojo incrustada en la pared de piedra. La pequeña veta empezaba en el techo y cruzaba toda la pared, por dentro de los estratos verde claro y grises, hasta el suelo. Era suave al tacto, con una textura diferenciada de la roca que la rodeaba. [...] si las otras franjas emanaran de esta, cada vez más anchas a medida que se alejan"[33].

Lugares destacados

El Apartado

El Apartado

El Apartado es una gran sala cavernosa tan grande como una pequeña ciudad dentro de las murallas de Urithiru.[17] Aunque se desconoce su función anterior, tras la llegada de los alezi a la torre, se convierte en su zona de mercado central, con puestos de venta, puestos de comida y tabernas.[19] Muchos de los establecimientos son tiendas de campaña o simplemente zonas acordonadas, pero cada vez se construyen allí más estructuras permanentes. Aquí se mezclan mercaderes de los diez principados alezi y se pueden adquirir todo tipo de mercancías, incluidas las ilícitas, como el musgoardiente.[34] El ambiente es caótico, ajetreado y variado. El Apartado tiene un gran pozo redondo en su centro, que, como todos los pozos de Urithiru, nunca parece quedarse sin agua por mucho que se saque de él. No está claro de dónde procede el agua.[19]

Los Diez Anillos

Los Diez Anillos es un sector del Apartado planificado por Navani Kholin. Las calles son limpias y ordenadas, con pintorescos edificios de madera que incluyen tanto tiendas como viviendas. Los comerciantes que aceptan la supervisión de Navani reciben impuestos reducidos y frecuentes patrullas de guardias. La zona carece de tiendas de lujo debido a que los ojos claros más ricos se niegan a ceder el control a Navani, pero también carece de establecimientos más deshonestos debido a la presencia de las fuerzas del orden. Adolin frecuenta una bodega llamada El Deber de Jez en la zona de los Diez Anillos.[35]

Plataformas de las Puertas Juradas

The Oathgate platforms of Urithiru are arranged in a circle on the grand plateau in front of the tower.[16] The platforms are 10 feet high, with ramps leading up to them.[10] The small control buildings in the center of each platform have mosaics on the floor showing Dawnchant glyphs.[9] In each control room, the keyhole is at the center of a ten-pointed star on a metal plate.[9] At the present, the plateau in front of the Oathgates is used for storing lumber and training soldiers.[16][36]

The Theater

A room resembling a theater can be found on the tower's third level, near the Breakaway. It's a large chamber with round walls and rows of stone benches facing a raised platform that served as a stage. This stage can be reached both by stairs from the audience and by a separate entrance. The corridor leading to it is narrow enough to be touched on both sides, and goes by several smaller chambers, possibly dressing rooms. Past the theater's back door (the one which would be, presumably, used by the audience), there is a circular room with large vertical slits in the walls, some of which face Breakaway, although neither it, nor the theater itself can be reached directly from the market. It is there that Shallan puts on a Lightwoven play of The Girl Who Looked Up for Pattern, and where they first encounter Re-Shephir.[28]

The Gem Archive and Re-Shephir's Chamber

Shallan fighting Re-Shephir in her chamber

The chamber in which the Unmade Re-Shephir hides until being banished by Shallan can be reached from the tower's ground floor, from a room where a large pit with a stone spiral staircase leads down several stories. Rust marks on the wall indicate that part of the stone once served as a secret door, though the hinges have long since decayed and Shallan has to cut her way in with a shardblade.[32]

At the bottom of the staircase, a large archway of individually-placed stones — unusual in Urithiru — leads to a hallway, the ceiling of which has a large mosaic of the heralds. The walls are also covered in mosaics, depicting the ten spren of the Knights Radiant, with the three Bondsmith spren being depicted as a single type.[37] There is also other imagery: the Almighty as a cloud, a woman in the shape of a tree reaching with her hands toward the heavens, and a figure hovering above the ground embracing a blue disc, representing, respectively, Honor, Cultivation and a perpendicularity.[32][37] Beneath the murals, two metal doors on opposite sides of the hall lead to two decayed libraries.[32]

Navani's scholars catalog and remove the debris, turning the area into a meeting hall for those working on uncovering the city's mysteries. Henceforth, it's there that the assemblies concerning the city's functionality and fabrials are held.[22] As is later discovered, the tiles on the walls are actually drawers, holding the Urithiru gem archive.[13]

At the end of the hallway is a bowl-shaped room. At its center stands a twenty-foot-tall column of gemstones, around which Re-Shephir coiled when discovered. The column is composed of thousands of gemstones of all ten types melted together.[38] This appears to be the core for all the fabrials in the tower, as Raboniel was able to corrupt the Sibling using it.[39]

On the far side of the room, a tunnel with carved stone steps leads even further below the tower. The passage runs through a long string of caverns, eventually leading to an exit in the foothills of the Tu Fallia mountains.[13] Re-Shephir uses this path to flee Urithiru after her confrontation with Shallan.[40]

The Top Platform

The platform atop Urithiru is the smallest floor of the whole tower. It is open-air, allowing the viewer to observe their entire surroundings. It appears to be Dalinar's favorite spot in the tower to think, and has seen its fair share of notable events related to him, such as him swearing his First and Second Ideals as a Bondsmith and marrying Navani.[7][10]

The Gallery of Maps

The Gallery of Maps is located near the top of the tower. From the moment the Alethi arrive in the city, it is used as their main meeting room, both for discussing strategy and when speaking with foreign dignitaries. Though it is initially barren, a table is brought in at some point, which Shallan and Dalinar use to create a real-time map of Roshar.[7][20][41] It's named after a similar chamber back in the Pinnacle.[42]

The Cloudwalk

The Cloudwalk is a garden balcony, an open stone pathway with a railing, set up around the base of Urithiru's eighth tier. During the year or so after the reclaiming of Urithiru during the True Desolation, this balcony, with its stunning view over the mountains, becomes a popular location for people of any nation and rank to meet and relax.[43]


Urithiru displays a number of unusual properties that allow humans to survive despite its high altitude. It is believed that these systems are somehow powered by or related to the spren known as the Sibling.[44] However, at some point the Sibling withdrew from mankind to remain in slumber within the tower, but was later awakened by Raboniel. During the invasion of the tower in 1175, the Sibling bonds with Navani Kholin, making all fabrials of the Tower operational.

Fabrial systems that functioned before the awakening of the Sibling include those for increased pressure[45] temperature,[13] and general conditions encouraging plant growth.[45] Navani also theorizes that the air circulating through various shafts is powered by some sort of fabrial.[46] In addition, the fabrial elevators connecting Urithiru's floors begin running when gemstones are inserted.[20] The gems in the gem archive which preserve recordings of human voices might also be considered fabrials.[13]

Newly functioning fabrials include the plumbing and sewage systems.[47] Taravangian theorizes that fabrial lights were used to increase plant growth and crop yields to make the tower self-sustaining.[48]

In a storage chamber near the top of the tower, the walls have veins of garnet, the gemstone classically associated with blood. Due to their connection to the tower, Navani, Kaladin, and Dabbid were able to communicate with the Sibling and with one another through the Sibling. Navani notes that the records in the gem archive “speak of this tower like a living thing. With a heart of emerald and ruby, and now these veins of garnet. These veins connect at the tower's lower levels, where the Sibling previously slept.



Urithiru was constructed at some point early on during the Silver Kingdoms era.[49] Initially, many wished for it to be constructed in Alethela; however, it was eventually built elsewhere, in a place considered to be "nearest to Honor".[50] It's unclear whether it was created by Heralds, Surgebinders or Shards themselves, but it was beyond the capability of Radiants to create.[51]

Though it's unclear whether it was originally built for this purpose, Urithiru was the headquarters of the Knights Radiant orders, as well as the center of the Silver Kingdoms, holding ten thrones, one for each king. Even following the temporary end of the cycle of Desolations, it remained an important location as both the home of the Radiants and the Oathgate hub.[52] During that time, Urithiru had a large population of not only Radiants, but also ordinary people - servants, traders, craftsmen and so on.[53] At one point, the Unmade Re-Shephir invaded the tower, and was trapped and sealed by an unknown Lightweaver.[32]

Eventually, the systems that allowed people to inhabit Urithiru - most importantly, raising its temperature to allow people to live comfortably and grow foods - began to fail as the Sibling withdrew from managing Urithiru after feeling betrayed by Melishi and the Radiants, and after the capture of Ba-Ado-Mishram.[45] This forced the Knights Radiant to abandon the tower, leaving behind only the gem archive where they coded their last messages.[54][55]

Between this and the Day of Recreance, the Oathgates in the 9 surviving cities were sealed, leaving Urithiru locked away from the world.

Era of Solitude

Some time after the tower was abandoned, Re-Shephir broke out of her confinement, but remained within the tower.[32]

Though Urithiru had faded into myth by the Era of Solitude, Szeth was familiar with it, and would visit it often after becoming a Truthless. He had gone by the village at the bottom of the tower's mountain so many times that he mused that at some point, they had started thinking of him as some sort of god, leaving out tributes of spheres for him to use for stormlight.[14]

Jasnah Kholin began an effort to rediscover the city after growing convinced that a new Desolation was coming.[56] While she herself was unable to do so, her student, Shallan Davar, managed to complete her works and pinpoint the location of Stormseat, an ancient city that possessed an Oathgate, but was destroyed long before Urithiru was abandoned.[57] She eventually lead the Alethi army to Stormseat--now a listener city called Narak--and, as the listeners summoned the Everstorm, transported them through its Oathgate, rediscovering Urithiru.[58]

True Desolation

Following the arrival of the Everstorm, Urithiru became the center of military power for the coalition of monarchs, led by Dalinar and the Alethi. Most highprinces, chief among them House Kholin, relocated there along with their armies.[17] The Alethi began to reinhabit the tower, even dividing it into sections that they called "princedoms".[21] However, they were unable to reactivate most of Urithiru's systems, such as the heating or the main elevator.[17] Following a string of strange accidents, Re-Shephir was tracked down and banished from the tower by a team led by Shallan Davar[32] Several Oathgates--those of Vedenar, Azimir and Thaylen City--were unlocked to reenable fast transportation across the continent.[9]

As a prelude to the Battle of Thaylen Field, the Voidbringers attacked Urithiru through the subverted Kholinar Oathgate.[59] Although initially somewhat successful, they were eventually pushed back and out of the city.[60]

Capture of Urithiru

Around a year into the True Desolation, Urithiru was attacked by a large contingent of Fused soldiers, and the Sibling began to be corrupted by them when they found the central pillar, causing all the Radiants in Urithiru, sans Kaladin, to fall unconscious.[61]

During the occupation, the Sibling began to reveal themself and their powers, interacting with Kaladin, Dabbid, and Navani. Eventually bonding with Navani, leading to the birth of a new Bondsmith and the resurrection of Urithiru as a fully functioning city.[62]


Most scholars consider it just a myth. The ardents refuse to speak of it, due to its association with the Radiants, and therefore with the first major failure of Vorinism.

Though massively important in the past, prior to the coming of the Everstorm Urithiru was all but unknown to Vorins who didn't study the Knights Radiant, with Shallan being unfamiliar even with its name.[1] This could be the result of the Hierocracy working to suppress all knowledge of Radiants, similar to how they discredited Surgebinding.

In contrast, Shinovar is familiar with Urithiru, at least insofar as the traditions surrounding it are concerned. According to the Shin, the stones in Urithiru are unhallowed, making them fine to walk on, as opposed to the rest of non-soil-covered Roshar.[57] Szeth also has no problem recognizing Urithiru for what it is, and made it one of his first destinations after becoming Truthless, suggesting that the Shin - or at least their leaders - had known its location all along.[14]


Back before the tower was abandoned, the Knights Radiant would extract payment for the use of Oathgates. Shortly before the Recreance, the tariffs began to increase to the degree that some of their contemporaries found unreasonable.[52] After the Alethi arrive at Urithiru, Dalinar designates Sebarial as Highprince of Commerce there. As has been done before, Sebarial plans to tax passage through the Oathgates in order to provide revenue for the tower city, as it produces little else.[63]

Most trade in Urithiru takes place at the Breakaway. Though Navani had plans for a carefully regulated market, Sebarial has instituted looser controls, resulting in a chaotic marketplace with several black markets and room for illicit goods.


Scholars exploring Urithiru

The tower city's economy suffers from three main difficulties: a lack of labor, a lack of supplies, and a lack of infrastructure.

Following the healing of all parshmen during the first Everstorm, the Alethi have suffered from the loss of their menial labor class that carried over as they relocated to Urithiru. To alleviate that, darkeyes of low nahn, as well as soldiers and caravan workers, have been pressed into service doing tasks such as hauling water, to their dismay. In an effort to reduce labor tensions, Adolin encourages these men to form a water haulers' guild to bargain for wages. The lack of parshmen will no doubt result in increased consumer costs as slavery is replaced by paid labor, the wages of which are based on social rank and not very negotiable.[17]

Since Urithiru's crop growing system is non-functional, the city depends on trade to provide supplies. At first, goods flowing into Urithiru through the Oathgates are mostly salvage from the warcamps abandoned during the flight from the Everstorm, harvested by enterprising merchants backed by the highprinces.[28] Dalinar has considered trying to resettle the war camps, but the area has been quietly claimed by those highprinces who stayed behind. Though Sebarial has forests near the camps that could be used to supply the city, harvesting the lumber isn't economical without parshmen.[47] Emeralds for Soulcasting food are also in short supply, despite continued hunting for gemhearts on the Shattered Plains.[47] Later, after King Taravangian joins the alliance, regular shipments begin to come from Jah Keved.[32] Still, there is not enough trade to support the city, leading Bethab to speculate that without a deal with Azir, Urithiru may not be able to support its current population.[47]

Urithiru's non-functional mechanisms have left it with a lack of infrastructure. Waste management has been a particularly notable issue. Communal privies have been set up over former bathing rooms, but these are plagued with long lines.[29] The plumbing of Urithiru keeps clogging, and Soulcasters are constantly working to eliminate the waste.[47] Additionally, at this altitude, heating is a constant problem without magical enhancements.[19]

Another minor issue affecting Urithiru's early economy is the lack of Stormlight to infuse spheres. The need for Stormlight to power the Oathgates means that in the period immediately following Urithiru's discovery, when the highstorms disappeared, infused spheres were worth considerably more than face value. After the highstorms return, spheres can be re-infused by lowering them in large cages down into the storm.[10]


Because Urithiru is rediscovered at the advent of the first Everstorm during the Battle of Narak, it becomes the immediate refuge and then the de facto home of most of the nation of Alethkar.[58] The Alethi, who have been at the Shattered Plains to pursue the fulfillment of the Vengeance Pact, largely move away from their warcamps and populate the tower after its discovery.[64][17] The nation of Alethkar is subsequently taken by the Fused, and efforts to defend the capital city, Kholinar, are unsuccessful.[9][65] This means that King Elhokar, and later Queen Jasnah, rules from Urithiru over the population that has resettled in the tower.[66][43]

Elhokar's original desire is to swear allegiance to Dalinar as his highking. He means to retain his position as king of Alethkar but to cede authority to Dalinar when it comes to matters concerning Urithiru or the Shattered Plains.[3] The proposal is drafted and sealed, but its publishing is postponed until those at Urithiru receive word of Elhokar again after his disappearance in Kholinar.[47] This unwittingly gives Taravangian fodder for his efforts to undermine the stability of the coalition of monarchs, and he reveals his knowledge of the matter at a meeting just prior to the Battle of Thaylen Field.[41] When the Kholins finally receive confirmation of Elhokar's death, Dalinar declares that he cannot be king of Alethkar; he sees the need to separate himself from having power in his old land and instead to focus on the Knights Radiant and on leading the coalition. Jasnah is raised up as queen of Alethkar instead.[2] The coalition officially recognizes Dalinar and Navani Kholin as the rulers of Urithiru during the year following the battle in Thaylen City in exchange for an official renouncement of any claims to be a highking.[3]

Notable Residents


A comparison of scale between Urithiru and large structures on earth.
  • The stones of Urithiru being unhallowed is part of Shin culture rather than something magical.[67]
  • Brandon has confirmed that Urithiru is not a spaceship used to travel from Ashyn to Roshar.[68]
  • In similar vein, Brandon has stated that the Kholinar windblades are not powered by Urithiru.[25]
  • The inspiration for the Breakaway was Korean night markets, street bazaars that typically operate only at night.[69]
  • Urithiru provides passage to the cognitive realm through Oathgates.[70]
  • ccstat and jofwu on the forums have analyzed the scale and size of the tower in posts which can be found on the 17th Shard and Reddit.


  1. a b c d El camino de los reyes capítulo 45#
  2. a b Juramentada capítulo 122#
  3. a b c El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 10#
  4. El camino de los reyes capítulo 35#
  5. a b Mapa de Roshar
  6. a b Esbozo de Urithiru Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; el nombre «Urithiru.jpg» está definido varias veces con contenidos diferentes
  7. a b c Palabras radiantes capítulo 89#
  8. Juramentada capítulo 46#
  9. a b c d e Juramentada capítulo 58#
  10. a b c d e f g Juramentada capítulo 4#
  11. El camino de los reyes capítulo 34 Epígrafe#
  12. Juramentada capítulo 103#
  13. a b c d e Juramentada capítulo 53#
  14. a b c d Palabras radiantes interludio I-10#
  15. Juramentada capítulo 86#
  16. a b c Juramentada capítulo 24#
  17. a b c d e f g h Juramentada capítulo 2#
  18. General Reddit 2020
    Arcanum - 2020-05-28#
  19. a b c d Juramentada capítulo 18#
  20. a b c d e Juramentada capítulo 8#
  21. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 25#
  22. a b Juramentada capítulo 44#
  23. Juramentada capítulo 15#
  24. a b Juramentada capítulo 9#
  25. a b FanX 2018
    Arcanum - 2018-09-06#
  26. a b Juramentada capítulo 13#
  27. Juramentada capítulo 61#
  28. a b c d Juramentada capítulo 25#
  29. a b c Juramentada capítulo 16#
  30. Juramentada capítulo 22#
  31. Juramentada capítulo 28#
  32. a b c d e f g h Juramentada capítulo 29#
  33. Juramentada capítulo 109#
  34. Juramentada capítulo 41#
  35. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 12#
  36. Juramentada capítulo 64#
  37. a b General Reddit 2020
    Arcanum - 2020-03-03#
  38. Juramentada capítulo 33#
  39. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 38#
  40. Juramentada capítulo 30#
  41. a b Juramentada capítulo 111#
  42. Juramentada capítulo 107#
  43. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 16#
  44. Juramentada capítulo 87 Epígrafe#
  45. a b c Juramentada capítulo 69 Epígrafe#
  46. Juramentada capítulo 28 Epígrafe#
  47. a b c d e f Juramentada capítulo 104#
  48. Juramentada interludio I-5#
  49. Nohadon, who lived before the Knights Radiant were founded, visited it, so it had to be fairly early on.
  50. El camino de los reyes capítulo 35 Epígrafe#
  51. Dawnshard Annotations Reddit Q&A
    Arcanum - 2020-11-13#
  52. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 46 Epígrafe#
  53. Juramentada capítulo 72 Epígrafe#
  54. Juramentada capítulo 65 Epígrafe#
  55. Juramentada capítulo 61 Epígrafe#
  56. Palabras radiantes capítulo 6#
  57. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 47#
  58. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 86#
  59. Juramentada interludio I-14#
  60. Juramentada capítulo 120#
  61. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 39#
  62. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 110#
  63. Juramentada capítulo 21#
  64. El camino de los reyes capítulo 4#
  65. Juramentada capítulo 89#
  66. Juramentada capítulo 12#
  67. Words of Radiance Seattle signing
    Arcanum - 2014-03-08#
  68. Oathbringer Newcastle signing
    Arcanum - 2017-12-01#
  69. Oathbringer San Francisco signing
    Arcanum - 2017-11-15#
  70. Skyward Chicago signing
    Arcanum - 2018-11-16#
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