Gavilar Kholin

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Gavilar Kholin
King Gavilar.jpg
House Kholin
Cónyuge Navani
Hijos Elhokar, Jasnah
Padres Dalinar's father
Hermanos Dalinar
Parientes Adolin, Renarin
Ancestros Sadees
Descendientes Gavinor
Fallecido Tanat ? 1167[1][2][3]
Capacidades Portador de esquirlada
Títulos King of Alethkar, Gavilar the Majestic[4]
Grupo Sons of Honor
Nacionalidad de Alezkar
Mundo natal Roshar
Universo Cosmere
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My people need to be united, and I need an empire that won't simply turn to infighting once I am gone.


Gavilar Kholin was the King of Alethkar, a nation on Roshar, who was assassinated by Szeth under the orders of the Parshendi. He was the brother of Dalinar Kholin and married to Navani Kholin, with whom he had two children, Elhokar and Jasnah.

Appearance and Personality

My husband was an excellent king, (...) but he didn't have a single scholarly finger on his left hand. (...) He was a man built after the classical masculine ideal.

—From Navani's biography of Gavilar[5]

Gavilar looks regal with his beard combed, glowing gemstones on the fingers and a uniform of newer styles.[6] He has strong features, a square chin, a black beard with a hint of white, and pale green eyes.[1] He has a set of bright blue Shardplate,[7] which he often lends to others in favor of wearing a modern suit, and wears a black iron circlet as crown.[8]

He's an ambitious man who is obsessed with the rise of House Kholin and overshadowing the Sunmaker and his legacy.[7] He wants to lead a sustainable kingdom and doesn't overlook responsibility. He is very knowledgeable of history; he has theories on why Sunmaker’s kingdom did not stand as well as knowledge on the history of some blades including Oathbringer that would eventually be Dalinar's.[7] He is known for his political skill for making alliances[6] and is more inclined to trick his enemies into turning against each other,[7] though he doesn’t feel guilty if his strategy included pillaging or brutal killing,[9] as his best friend and trusted adviser Torol Sadeas would push for.[10] He had a tendency to use those around him, even if he cared for them.[11]

In his youth, he had a habit of summoning and dismissing his Blade when getting ready for a battle, perhaps as a way to relieve stress.[7] It's unknown if he retained it in his middle age.

Attributes and Abilities


Gavilar's Shardblade, Firestorm,[12] was six feet long with a design along the blade that resembled burning flames that "almost seemed to glow." Gavilar's plate is painted blue with gold bands around the edge of each plate. The helm has three waves of wings which are small and almost horn-like. People who see his plate consider it beautiful. Gavilar's skill in using the blade and plate can be matched by very few people.[1] Gavilar's Shards are now used for training purposes.[13]


Sometime before his death, Gavilar begins receiving visions from the Stormfather during every highstorm.[14] These visions feel real to him.[15] He experiences them as himself, but other people in the visions see him as someone else, not as an outsider. At the end of every one of them, Gavilar hears the voice of Honor speaking to him, commanding him to "unite them." As the visions are pre-recorded, Gavilar cannot communicate with Honor.[16] Much like his brother, he was on the path of becoming a Bondsmith, but unlike Dalinar, he never reached that stage.[17]


Early Life

Young Gavilar and Dalinar

Gavilar and Dalinar were born into a provincial branch of the Kholin family. His mother died when he and his brother were young, and his father was absent from his life and spent his time dueling. After their father suffered a permanent head injury in a duel, Gavilar took over a paternal role for his younger brother Dalinar, teaching him things like how to shave.[18] Gavilar was only fourth dahn, and not considered a serious contender for highprince. He conquered the Kholin princedom, killing some of his relatives and taking the title of highprince for himself.[19] From the start, Gavilar was supported by his brother. Dalinar would often introduce Gavilar to people he felt Gavilar should know. This led to some confusion when Gavilar was introduced by his brother Dalinar to Navani. Dalinar introduced them because he wished to court Navani himself, but Gavilar believed Dalinar intended him to court Navani with the introduction.[20]

Unification of Alethkar

Dalinar Kholin remembers the beginning of the war as he and Gavilar wanting "stuff" that others had and fighting to get the "stuff." Gavilar never refuted that story at the beginning, but, by around the time of the battle on Rathalas, he was looking more towards building a kingdom that would mean something.[6] This seems to be connected to the birth of his first child Jasnah.[7]

Gavilar, Sadeas and Dalinar led the war. Gavilar claimed the throne and made alliances; Torol Sadeas dealt with problems; and Dalinar won battles.[6] Gavilar was more inclined for a strategy that would turn the highprinces against each other. Sadeas, however, pulled him towards brutality;[7] he did not seem to be concerned if his troops pillaged a city.[9] It is implied that the war was very long and bloody, but Gavilar eventually won it after the defeating Highprince Kalanor, who was pushed into battle after Gavilar's forces pillaged his villages and killed all peacemakers.[9]

Towards the end of the war, Gavilar started talking of the Alethi Codes of War, likely after he started receiving visions from the Stormfather.[6]

Ruling Alethkar

He is exactly what we need ... Hard enough to lead a war; soft enough to be beloved during peace. He has foresight and wisdom.

—Sadeas on Gavilar[21]

After winning the war, Gavilar took the throne as King of Alethkar. Gavilar did prove to be a proficient leader; he made sure the vision was towards a unified kingdom, and politics were the main tool for doing so. He wanted to ensure Elhokar would be able to hold it together without need of "putting out fires."[22]

He was not soft, but approached things differently, using propaganda,[22] talking to heirs of the highprinces on civic projects, censuring Dalinar and Sadeas on losing the Rift,[23] and even the initial approach towards rebels, trying to scare them by fighting on the borders.[8] Some highprinces considered this softness or weakness, yet he could be hard; some examples are his disappointment on knowing Dalinar had spared the heir of Tanalan[22] or the way he talked of attacking Herdaz or Jah Keved.[8]

It was during this time that he was most committed to the Codes of War. He talked of the Radiants as truly great when Alethkar was looked up to.[8]

Gavilar and the Listeners (1165 - 1167)

We live without honor, for your gods once brought ours. Without them, we have no power. This world is trapped, Eshonai! Stuck in a dull, lifeless state of transition. Unite them. I need a threat. Only danger will unite them.

—Gavilar to Eshonai[3]

In approximately 1165, Gavilar and Dalinar made an expedition to the south of the Shattered Plains where they discovered the listeners, referred to by the humans as Parshendi. Dalinar, while scouting at a campsite, was the first to meet them. Although the other members of the expedition initially did not believe tales of intelligent parshmen, Eshonai's group came to the camp the next day. At first they couldn't believe parshmen could live on their own, but they found that these parshmen were friendly, curious and learned the Alethi language quite easily. Gavilar's stormwardens began calling them Parshendi. Although Gavilar had never before been scholarly, he grew more and more fascinated by the Parshendi. Despite Dalinar's attempts to return to Alethkar, Gavilar wanted to stay on the Shattered Plains to learn more about the Parshendi.[5] Gavilar's officers thought the Parshendi were savages, but Gavilar thought the Parshendi were "an enclave of memories. A window into the past."[3]

It's unknown why Gavilar made the treaty with the Parshendi. Many people believe it was because he knew the listeners had shardblades, but as a member of the Sons of Honor, Gavilar wished to start a Desolation to return the Heralds. He believed bringing back the Parshendi's old gods would benefit both the Parshendi and the humans, despite Eshonai's insistence that the Parshendi abandoned their gods. Even while witnessing her horror, he believed the Parshendi would be pleased that the Alethi were allies in seeking the return of their old gods.[3]

Gavilar meeting with Eshonai on the night of his death

Assassination (1167)

The night of his assassination, Gavilar was attending a feast celebrating a treaty with the listeners. Before the feast he spoke in the lower palace floor with five people, including Amaram and Taravangian;[3] in his conversation with Taravangian, he discussed the visions he had been seeing and warned the other king that a storm was coming.[24] When he discovered that Eshonai had seen the meeting, he decided to speak to her about his plans. Gavilar wanted to bring back the listeners' gods, the Unmade, and start a new Desolation. Despite Eshonai's protests to the contrary, he believed this would benefit everyone, including the listeners. He then gave Eshonai a black sphere and asked her to take it to The Five and tell them what he had told her.[3]

At some point during the feast, Gavilar slipped into the hallway to speak privately with Amaram. It is not known what they discussed. His daughter, Jasnah, found them talking. He rebuked her for her contempt for the party and expressed an interested that she and Amaram become closer acquainted. When Amaram left, Gavilar refused to tell Jasnah what they were discussing and went back into the party.[2]

Tell…tell my brother…he must find the most important words a man can say….

—Gavilar's last words[1]

When Gavilar learned that Szeth was in the palace to assassinate him, he put on his shardplate and prepared to act as a bodyguard while Sadeas prepared to act as the fleeing king. Szeth initially fell for it, fighting him and leaving to pursue Sadeas after he temporarily incapacitates Gavilar. When Gavilar does not follow Szeth, however, Szeth realizes the ruse. he returns and continues fighting Gavilar. Gavilar's helm was shattered and his plate was damaged, but he managed to injure Szeth by punching his face. In order to finish the fight, Szeth lured Gavilar onto the balcony and broke it using lashings.

Gavilar fighting Szeth

A piece of wood gravely injured him by stabbing him in the side where his plate was damaged. As he was dying, Gavilar had a small, strange black sphere that he gave to Szeth and told him not to let some unknown group get it. He wished his brother to know the "most important words a man can say".[1] Szeth then proceeded to write in Alethi those words in Gavilar's blood on a wooden block, which was later deciphered by Jasnah Kholin. Dalinar then took this to mean the words of the Knights Radiant.[1]

At the end of his life, he believed he was being watched.[3] Gavilar expected an attempt on his life, but not by the Parshendi. His suspects included Thaidakar, Restares, and Torol Sadeas, despite being on apparent good terms with Sadeas at the time.[1] The Parshendi ordered his assassination because he was going to bring back their old gods,[3] but he never became aware of this reason.[1]


Gavilar the Majestic, first king of Alethkar in the new Kholin Dynasty, thirty-second highprince of the Kholin princedom, heir of the Sunmaker and blessed of the Almighty. His accomplishments will be lauded by all, and his dominion extends to the hereafter.

—Spoken at Gavilar's holy interment[4]

At Gavilar's holy interment, he was lauded by the presiding ardent. His body was Soulcast into a stone sculpture. At the interment, the Alethi highprinces swore the Vengeance Pact and would go on to fight the War of Reckoning to avenge his death.[4]

A number of works about Gavilar's life exist, including "Gavilar's Account"[25], dictated by Gavilar to Jasnah a year before his murder, "King Gavilar Kholin, A Biography"[5] by Navani, and "Matain's account".[5]


House Kholin

You wonderful terrible man.

—Gavilar to Dalinar[9]

There is not much information on Gavilar's family dynamics, but there are hints of complex relationships. Although he and Navani were once close and plotted the conquest of Alethkar together, when Navani talks with passion on her spren research, Gavilar simply ignores her.[22] Dalinar also suggests that Gavilar deal with problems with young Jasnah and what he describes as her lunacy.[8] Gavilar feels strong affection for his brother Dalinar, but he tends to use people around him as tools to further his goals.[11]

Sadees the Sunmaker

Hopefully my accomplishments won’t be as ephemeral as his.

—Gavilar to Toh in reference to the Sunmaker.[6]

During his conquests and reign, Gavilar looked towards the Sunmaker for guidance. Although the Sunmaker is revered by most in Alethkar for creating a united empire, Gavilar has a more negative view of him. Gavilar blames the destruction of the Sunmaker's empire on his greed and inability to be satisfied with what he conquered. Gavilar hopes that he'll be able to create a longer-lasting empire and overshadow the Sunmaker in the minds of the people.[6] Despite his criticisms of the Sunmaker, Gavilar is willing to use his connection to him to his advantage. For example, Gavilar did not wish to wear a crown because the Sunmaker refused to.[8]

Sons of Honor

Although Gavilar was not in charge of the Sons of Honor, he was an influential member of the group. He was responsible for an expansion in the ranks of members, including bringing in Amaram.[26] He was an important enough member to have access to and knowledge of their plan to return the Voidbringers, including the black spheres.[3] Despite this, Gavilar suspected Restares, leader of the Sons of Honor, of his assassination, indicating that there might have been some conflict or suspicion between the two.[1]


  • In The Way of Kings Prime, Gavilar went by the name Nolhonarin. Much like Gavilar, Nolhonarin dies before the story proper begins.[27]


(Previously Sadees)
King of Alethkar
c. 1163 to c. Tanat ? 1167
Elhokar Kholin
  1. a b c d e f g h i El camino de los reyes prólogo#
  2. a b Palabras radiantes prólogo#
  3. a b c d e f g h i j Juramentada prólogo#
  4. a b c Juramentada capítulo 105#
  5. a b c d El camino de los reyes capítulo 45#
  6. a b c d e f g Juramentada capítulo 19#
  7. a b c d e f g Juramentada capítulo 11#
  8. a b c d e f Juramentada capítulo 49#
  9. a b c d Juramentada capítulo 26#
  10. Juramentada capítulo 29#
  11. a b Skyward Pre-Release AMA
    Arcanum - 2018-10-27#
  12. Words of Radiance interior art gallery
    Brandon's site - N/A#
  13. Palabras radiantes capítulo 16#
  14. Leipzig Book Fair
    Arcanum - 2017-03-24#
  15. El camino de los reyes capítulo 19#
  16. El camino de los reyes capítulo 75#
  17. Arcanum Unbounded Hoboken signing
    Arcanum - 2016-12-03#
  18. Juramentada capítulo 107#
  19. /r/Stormlight_Archive
    Arcanum - 2017-08-09#
  20. El camino de los reyes capítulo 64#
  21. Juramentada capítulo 76#
  22. a b c d Juramentada capítulo 36#
  23. Juramentada capítulo 88#
  24. Palabras radiantes interludio I-14#
  25. El camino de los reyes capítulo 36#
  26. Juramentada capítulo 40#
  27. The Way of Kings Prime capítulo 1#
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