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Ciudad Thaylen

De La Coppermind
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Ciudad Thaylen
Thaylen City by Connor Chamberlain.jpg
Gobernado por Reina Fen Rnamdi
Nación Thaylenah
Mundo Roshar
Universo Cosmere
Parece que esta página necesita actualizarse con nueva información de El ritmo de la guerra!
¡Ten cuidado! Es posible que en su estado, no contenga toda la información adicional todavía.

A place that was hit hardest of all by the new storms. A place whose military might was severely undermined by the Everstorm. A place with an Oathgate.

Dalinar explicando por qué los Portadores del Vacío atacarían Ciudad Thaylen a continuación[1]

Ciudad Thaylen es la capital de Thaylenah en Roshar, y el emplazamiento de la batalla de la Explanada Thayleña.[2][3]


Ciudad Thaylen en el mapa de Thaylenah

Ciudad Thaylen City está localizada en la costa noroccidental de la mayor de las islas que forman Thaylenah. Se asienta en las costas de los Estrechos de Ceño Largo, una franja de océano que separa Thaylenah del continente Roshariano.[4] La ciudad fue construida dentro de un gigantesco lait natural para protegerla de las altas tormentas. También está rodeada por montañas, ofreciendo protección adicional.[5] Aunque el clima local es más cálido que el del las Tierras Heladas al otro lado de los Estrechos, sigue siendo frío, especialmente por la noche.[6][7] Gracias a su localización, la ciudad normalmente solo sufre los vientos de tormenta más leves, pero una vez la Auténtica Desolación empieza, está expuesta por completo a la tormenta eterna.[8]

En Shadesmar, Ciudad Thaylen puede ser reconocida por la plataforma de su Puerta Jurada, situada ligeramente separada de la costa hacia el interior del Mar de Thaylen. Un único puente permite acceder a la plataforma desde tierra.[9][10]


This poor city. First the Everstorm, and its subsequent returns. The Thaylens had only just started figuring out how to rebuild, and now had to deal with more smashed buildings.

Un mapa de Ciudad Thaylen

Ciudad Thaylen está construida en la ladera y dividida en una serie de distritos, llamados . El distrito antiguo, localizado en el centro de la cuidad, es la sección más antigua de Thaylen. IEstá tallado en la piedra y se eleva ligeramente sobre la tierra circundante, con un trazado de calles que sigue un patrón cimático.[8][11]

Desde el oeste, el distrito antiguo es seguido por el distrito bajo, donde se encuentran numerosos negocios y edificios gubernamentales. El distrito bajo está rodeado por el oeste por un largo muro que se extiende de norte a sur entre las pendientes de las montañas. Este muro de la ciudad sirvió como una pequeña protección contra el viento para aquellos lo bastante afortunados como para vivir pegados a él cuando llegó la tormenta eterna.[8] Una porción fue destruida durante la batalla de la Explanada Thayleña, aunque el hueco fue más tarde cerrado con metal moldeado por Jasnah Kholin.[12]

Más allá del muro de la ciudad se encuentra la zona conocida como la Explanada Thayleña. Antes de la Auténtica Desolación, esta parte de la ciudad estaba bien desarrollada, con numerosas tabernas, almacenes y tiendas. Los famosos muelles thayleños estaban situados en su costa, extendiéndose por la porción meridional de la península.[5] Desafortunadamente, el área no fue construida para soportar un temporal violento, debido a la protección ofrecida por la montaña. Por tanto, fue barrida por la tormenta eterna, dejándola en ruinas y vacía.[8]

Alrededor del distrito antiguo de norte a sur se encuentran el distrito norte y el distrito sur. Al este, la ciudad empieza a ascender por la ladera de la montaña en una serie de terrazas dispuestas en niveles llamadas los distritos altos, que ascienden hasta el distrito real. El distrito real es el sector representativo de la ciudad. Incluye numerosos palacios y mansiones, incluyendo el palacio real, sede de los monarcas thayleños, así como diez templos dedicados a los Heraldos del Todopoderoso. Tras la tormenta eterna, esos templos fueron usados principalmente para alojar a los numerosos heridos y ciudadanos sin hogar.[8][13]

La Puerta Jurada de la ciudad está localizada en el mismo nivel que el palacio real, solo que más al norte, más cercana a los acantilados oceánicos. Una pequeña rampa lleva hasta allí desde la propia ciudad. Al este, pasado el palacio real, un trío de carreteras salen de la ciudad, formando la única conexión por tierra de Thaylen con el resto de la isla.[5][8]

En el pasado, la ciudad desarrolló un sistema de acueductos, cisternas y desagües; sin embargo, la mayor parte fueron destruidos con la primera pasada de la tormenta eterna.[2]

Puntos de referencia

Una vista de la ciudad desde arriba

La Puerta Jurada

La antigua Puerta Jurada de Thalath está localizada en el borde noreste de Ciudad Thaylen, próxima al distrito real. Antiguamente, en la época de los Reinos Plateados, habría estado más allá de los límites de la ciudad, en contraste con como otros asentamientos principales de la era, como Kholinar y Sedetormenta, estaban organizados.[5] Actualmente, se ha convertido en un jardín de esculturas, y provee una excelente de la ciudad.[8] Es eventualmente desbloqueada por Kaladin y Shallan, que vuelan allí después de que la reina Fen acordase aliarse con Dalinar.[14]

Mientras la Puerta Jurada estuvo bloqueada junto con las demás, los thayleños mantuvieron retuvieron en parte el recuerdo del propósito original de la plataforma. El folclore local se refiere a ella como el "portal de mundos", proclamando que solo la más Apasionada podría reabrirlo. Si bien la historia es especialmente popular entre las chicas jóvenes, la Puerta Jurada tiene un gran significado religioso para todos los thayleños.[2]


Los muelles thayleños han sido una de las mayores fuentes de orgullo de la ciudad antes de que la tormenta eterna los arrasara.[8] Se encuentran fuera de las fortificaciones, en la parte meridional de la costa, aprovechando una bahía natural.[5] Estaban construidos principalmente de madera, que es la causa de que fuesen tan fácilmente destruidos.[8]

La zona alrededor de los muelles se ha desarrollado con el tiempo hasta formar un mercado y distrito de almacenaje.[8] Una característica destacable era el gran bazar, un mercado famoso incluso en Alezkar.[13] Desafortunadamente, puesto que la zona estaba enteramente construida con madera, la tormenta eterna arrasó con todo.[2] Esta parte de la ciudad fue posteriormente renombrada como Explanada Thayleña.[15]


Como la mayoría de las ciudades más grandes, Thaylenah tiene diez templos principales, cada uno dedicado a uno de los Heraldos. Los templos están localizados todos en el distrito real y, cuando se visita Thaylen, es tradición verlos todos, lo que permite al gobernante local mostrar tanto la ciudad como su piedad. Durante la Auténtica Desolación, los templos fueron en su lugar usados como hospitales improvisados como refugios para gente herida o desplazada por la tormenta eterna.[13]

Los templos más destacables son:

  • El Templo de Battah - located in the northwestern part of the Royal Ward, it's the second-oldest temple in the city. It's particularly notable for the Simulacrum of Paralet, a massive statue that once adorned the plaza in front of it. The Simulacrum was knocked over by the Everstorm, sending large chunks of it into the Loft Wards; Dalinar rebuilds it with his Bondsmith powers upon his first visit to the city.[13]
  • El Templo de Ishi - the oldest temple in the city.[13] It sits in the southern portion of the Royal Ward.[5]
  • El Templo de Talenelat - located in the central part of the Royal Ward, in a stone plaza dedicated to the Herald. A set of steps leads up to an arched enterance, and both the outer and inner walls are covered in mosaics showing Taln standing fast against the Voidbringers. The temple fared poorly against the Everstorm, with the entire roof having collapsed from a lightning strike, possibly because Odium targeted it deliberately out of vengeance. It's in the temple of Talenelat that Dalinar discovers his ability to mend buildings; as such, it's the first he fixes.[13]
  • El Templo de Pailiah - located in the north-eastern part of the Royal Ward.[5] It's open, allowing wind to flow through it.[16] Renarin goes there to pray when he begins seeing visions of the Battle of Thaylen Field.[7]

Reserva de gemas

The Gemstone Reserve is a national bank of Thaylenah. It's located in the Low Ward, near one of the entrances to the Ancient Ward.[5] The structure is build like a fortress, to protect its contents.[17] It has no windows. Within are numerous vaults storing various gemstones, including some of the largest and most unique ones, like the King's Drop. People can sell and buy their writs of ownership, allowing them to trade large sums easily.[18]

During the Battle of Thaylen Field, the building is destroyed by a thunderclast on orders of Odium, who wants to prevent the Radiants from acquiring the King's Drop, a perfect gemstone.[19]

Court Square

The Court Square is a plaza somewhere in the city; its exact location is unknown, though the name suggests it might be near the Royal Palace. During the Battle of Thaylen Field, it's assaulted by the possessed Amaram soldiers. Initially, it's protected by the highguards Hrdalm and Tshadr, both in Shardplate; eventually, Hdralm departs to combat one of the thunderclasts attacking the city while Tshadr remains to hold the Square.[12]


Heraldic Epochs and Era of Solitude

The ancient Thaylen City; in the present, this part is known as the Ancient Ward

Thaylen City is one of the oldest settlements on Roshar, though its exact origins are uncertain. The modern history dates it as about four thousand years old; however, the existence of the Oathgate and the cymatic pattern of its appearance suggest that it's much older than that.[2][20] During the Heraldic Epochs, it was located in the Silver Kingdom of Thalath.[21] Its proximity to the Thalath Oathgate indicates that it might've been the capital even back then. At the time, it was a far smaller city, consisting only of the district now known as the Ancient Ward.[8]

The ultimate fate of Thalath and how it became Thaylenah is unknown. Thaylen City, however, retained its high status, and in the Era of Solitude it remained the capital of the newer kingdom, as well as a major shipping and banking hub. It grew far beyond its original constraints, becoming one of the greatest metropoleis of Roshar alongside cities such as Vedenar and Kharbranth.[8] In the closing years of that age, it came to the attention of people researching Dawncities, who investigated it due to the cymatic pattern of the Ancient Ward. Among others, Kabsal used its perfectly symmetrical shape as a proof of the existence of the Almighty.[11]

The Everstorm

We tried to prepare, but a nation cannot upend four millennia worth of tradition at a snap of the fingers. Thaylen City is a shambles, Kholin.

When the listeners summoned the Everstorm in the Battle of Narak, Dalinar Kholin tried to warn the various cities of the world, including Thaylen, about the upcoming catastrophe.[22] The Thaylens believed him after confirming his information with New Natanan, one of the cities struck earlier, and strove to prepare. There wasn't enough time, though, particularly as Odium targeted the city deliberately, both as a strategically-important location and as the stage for his confrontation with Dalinar.[2][1] The once-extensive docks, along with the entire seaside district, were all but wiped out; most of the city's other Wards were heavily damaged by lightning, strong winds, and even debris falling from the terraces above.[8] The temple of Talenelat in particular was wrecked near-utterly, possibly out of grudge Odium might have against Taln for holding out for as long as he had.[13]

Along with the Everstorm came the awakening of the city's Parshmen population. While the Thaylen were warned of this, they again didn't have enough time to respond properly. As a result, when the Parshmen awoke, they stole the remaining ships, both the military and private vessels, and sailed away, escaping their former captors.[2] They would later become the crews of the Voidbringer fleet.[10]

Alliance with Urithiru

Dalinar quickly pinpointed Thaylen City as one of the critical locations for the upcoming war.[23] However, when he began to make his overtures of peace to various world leaders, Queen Fen Rnamdi initially rejected him, on the grounds that letting Alethi armies into her capital would essentially surrender her already-weakened country to them.[24] In time, Dalinar managed to convince her to agree, and dispatched Kaladin and Shallan to reopen the Thaylen City Oathgate.[14]

Later, Dalinar visited Thaylen City personally along with Navani and king Taravangian, and was given a tour of it by Queen Fen. It was then that he discovered his Bondsmith ability to mend broken structures, and began to aid in rebuilding the city, earning respect from the Thaylen. Alongside him, Taravangian's surgeons and Renarin likewise assisted with handling Thaylen City's copious wounded, further cementing Thaylenah's position in the alliance.[13] Later, the army of the Sadeas princedom, under command of Meridas Amaram, was sent to the city to assist with the rebuilding.[25]

Battle of Thaylen Field

Dalinar confronting Nergaoul on Thaylen Field

Following the revelations of the Eila Stele, Thaylenah was one of the few countries to remain with Urithiru, mostly because they had no other choice in their weakened state.[26] It was then that the Voidbringer armies, led by Odium himself, arrived on the shores of Thaylen City, having sailed there from the nearby country of Marat. Though the defenders attempted to prepare for battle, things changed dramatically when Odium first summoned a pair of thunderclasts, and then released Nergaoul upon the Amaram troops, turning them against the people they were supposed to protect.[10]

One of the thunderclasts breached the wall and made for the Thaylen Gemstone Reserve, intending to secure the King's Drop, a perfect gemstone that could trap Nergaoul. At the same time, Dalinar went down into the Thaylen Field to face Odium directly.[19] In the ensuing confrontation, Dalinar managed to open Honor's Perpendicularity, providing the Knights Radiant present with much-needed Stormlight.[27]

What resulted was a pitched battle between the defending forces -- mostly the Knights Radiant and Thaylen troops, later reinforced by House Kholin soldiers brought by General Khal through the Oathgate -- and Odium's soldiers, consisting of the two thunderclasts, the Amaram army and the Fused. Much of the city was ruined in the process, although the wall was patched by Jasnah Kholin soulcasting the air in the breach into metal. Ultimately, Nergaoul was trapped in the King's Drop and the remaining Voidbringer forces withdrew.[12]

The battle once more left Thaylen City in shambles, now augmented by the corpse of one of the thunderclasts. Massive surgeon stations were set up in the Low Ward to care for the numerous wounded, and the various alliance members pitched in to aid with the rebuilding.[3][15] However, much work remains to be done, and whether the city can be brought back to its former glory is questionable.


Strategically, Thaylen City is far more important than Jah Keved—but at the same time, far worse defended.

Thaylen City serves as the center of Thaylen commerce and politics. The reigning monarch resides there; likewise, the various merchant councils, as well as the Thaylen navy, have their headquarters in the city. Its vast port is home to numerous trading and naval vessels. Moreover, the Thaylen Gemstone Reserve holds vast majority of the country's wealth, allowing for long-distance trade via spanreeds.[8][17]

Unfortunately, the city suffered vast losses in the Everstorm, dealing a severe blow its power. The grand docks and warehouses were destroyed; the ships, stolen by the escaping parshmen.[2] The Gemstone Reserve was wrecked in the Battle of Thaylen Field, and though majority of the gems contained within appear to have survived, they were scattered across the city, and it's questionable whether the government can retrieve them all.[19] In the present, Thaylen City is all but reliant on Alethi support to survive the Desolation.[26]

Nonetheless, it remains important. It's one of the few cities with Oathgates controlled by the people opposed to Odium, giving it an instant access to Urithiru and allowing the alliance to project power in the South of Roshar. Moreover, the city's location makes holding it crucial to any strategy in the region. Whoever controls Thaylen City controls the Southern Depths, and can threaten the entire coast, from New Natanan all the way to Shinovar. As such, it's important for the alliance to keep it, which was the main impetus for the Battle of Thaylen Field.[1]

Ciudadanos destacables

  • Fen Rnamdi, la reina de Thaylenah, que presumiblemente reside en el palacio real.
  • Kmakl y Kdralk, consorte e hijo de la reina.
  • Rysn, una maestra mercader empleada en la Reserva Thayleña de Gemas.
  • Jochi, un amigo de Jasnah que finge ser una mujer para perseguir la erudición, y que tiene una pastelería en algún lugar de la ciudad.


  1. a b c d Juramentada capítulo 107#
  2. a b c d e f g h i Juramentada capítulo 12#
  3. a b c Juramentada capítulo 121#
  4. Mapa de Roshar
  5. a b c d e f g h Mapa de Ciudad Thaylen
  6. Palabras radiantes capítulo 1#
  7. a b Juramentada capítulo 117#
  8. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Juramentada capítulo 58#
  9. Mapa de Mar de las Luces Perdidas
  10. a b c Juramentada capítulo 115#
  11. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 33#
  12. a b c Juramentada capítulo 120#
  13. a b c d e f g h Juramentada capítulo 59#
  14. a b Juramentada capítulo 51#
  15. a b Juramentada capítulo 122#
  16. Juramentada capítulo 118#
  17. a b Juramentada capítulo 111#
  18. Juramentada interludio I-13#
  19. a b c Juramentada capítulo 116#
  20. Four Cities
  21. Mapa de Reinos Plateados
  22. Palabras radiantes capítulo 88#
  23. Juramentada capítulo 1#
  24. Juramentada capítulo 28#
  25. Juramentada capítulo 96#
  26. a b Juramentada capítulo 113#
  27. Juramentada capítulo 119#
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