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Rock Shuravf.png
Familia de Lunamor
Cónyuge Tuaka
Hijos Don, Cuerda, Roca, Estrella, Kuma'tiki, Canción Hermosa
Parientes Kef'ha, Sinaku'a, Tifi
Capacidades Escudero Radiante de la Orden de los Corredores del Viento, Vidente
Apodos Lunamor, Roca
Oficio Chef
Grupo Puente Cuatro, Ejército de Sadeas (antiguamente), Ejército de Kholin
Residencia Picos Comecuernos
Nacionalidad Unkalaki
Mundo natal Roshar
Universo Cosmere

Llaneros majaras por el aire.


Numuhukumakiaki'aialunamor', abreviado como Lunamor o simplemente Roca, es un unkalaki de Roshar. Era el cuarto hijo de su familia y recibió entrenamiento para el combate según las costumbres de los unkalaki; sin embargo, uno de sus hermanos murió, lo que le convirtió en el tercer hijo y en un artesano en lugar de un guerrero.[2][3] Se llama a sí mismo Roca porque no cree que los demás puedan pronunciar su verdadero nombre, que en realidad es un poema sobre una roca muy especial que su padre descubrió el día antes de su nacimiento.[4] El poema se traduce más o menos así: "Vi una piedra mojada muy bonita a la que nadie presta atención, pero que era muy guay por el patrón de agua que había en ella".[5]

Apariencia y personalidad

Roca es un hombre corpulento, de casi dos metros de altura, con extremidades gruesas y un torso poderoso. Es unos centímetros más alto que Kaladin y casi el doble de ancho.[6]

Tiene la piel morena y el pelo rojo oscuro. Cuando puede afeitarse, se deja las patillas largas y rojidoradas, pero se afeita la barbilla y el labio.[7] También lleva el pelo muy corto y rapado desde encima de las cejas hasta el centro de la cabeza.[8]

Al igual que todos los del Puente Cuatro, Roca lleva tatuado en la frente un conjunto de glifos que significan su libertad y su pertenencia a la cuadrilla de los puentes.[9]

Rlain, no pasa nada por tirar cosas a Eth.

—Roca a Rlain[10]

Roca es abiertamente sentimental, siendo a menudo tan rápido para reír como para mostrar tristeza. Es muy comprensivo, y varios miembros del Puente Cuatro le piden consejo.[3][Falta cita] Es muy leal a aquellos que le han mostrado confianza y amabilidad, siendo uno de los primeros en seguir a Kaladin después de que este ocupara su lugar durante una carrera de los puentes.[11] Su amor y confianza por sus allegados fue suficiente para que fuera en contra de su posición como tercer hijo y cometiera actos violentos si lo consideraba necesario, matando a Amaram para salvar a Kaladin, incluso sabiendo que sería castigado por ello.[2][12][13]

Se enorgullece de sus habilidades culinarias y se niega a permitir que nadie modifique su guiso para el Puente Cuatro.[Falta cita] Es extremadamente respetuoso con los spren, para deleite de Syl y enfado de Kaladin.[14]

Atributos y habilidades

Puede ver spren, o mafah'liki en la lengua unkalaki, en el Reino Físico incluso cuando no quieren mostrarse ante él. Los comecuernos llaman a las personas con esta habilidad alaii'iku'. Se da a entender que hay otras personas como él. Roca ha dado informes contradictorios sobre el origen de su bendición, diciendo que nació con ella pero también que las aguas de la vida están implicadas en que tenga esta habilidad.[15][6] Además, puede percibir ligeramente la forma de los spren en el Reino Cognitivo, como cuando percibe el aspecto mayor de los expectaspren en Shadesmar.[3]

Su condición de alaii'iku no le otorga una posición privilegiada dentro de la cultura unkalaki, ya que Roca aún está ligado a su nuatoma, y no le impidió tener que hacer el trabajo de un cuarto hijo, y más tarde el de un tercer hijo.[3] Es bastante hábil en el tiro con arco debido a su posición de cuarto hijo, aunque ya no se considera un soldado desde la muerte de su hermano.Plantilla:Bookk ref Se niega a luchar porque ser soldado no se considera una profesión en buena estima en la cultura unkalaki.[2]

{{quote |Coger todo lo que haya por ahí y meter en cacerola. No dejar que ningún tarado por el aire toque los condimentos. |Receta de guiso de Roca.[16]

Roca es un cocinero excepcional, habiendo mostrado siempre interés por la cocina incluso antes de su elevación a tercer hijo, haciendo pan con su madre en cuanto podía alcanzar las encimeras.[3] Cocina guiso todos los días para el Puente Cuatro como parte de los esfuerzos de Kaladin por devolver la vida a la tripulación.[4] Es capaz de preparar bebidas comecuernos, haciendo shiki para el Puente Cuatro.[3] Es capaz de comer varios alimentos más duros debido a su herencia comecuernos, poseyendo piezas extra en la mandíbula que le permiten comer conchas.[17]

Roca es increíblemente fuerte, incluso teniendo en cuenta su corpulencia, ya que era capaz de usar un arco esquirlado con destreza sin llevar armadura esquirlada.[12] Se dice que estos arcos tenían un peso tan grande que sólo los hombres con armadura esquirlada podían usarlos. Su hija menciona que, en el pasado, los spren "fortalecían su brazo cuando tensaba el Arco de las Horas en los Picos", lo que puede proporcionar una explicación;[18] no está claro qué spren eran los responsables de ello.

Roca también puede escuchar un débil ritmo con el que cantaba su madre, una habilidad que recuerda a los ritmos de los cantores pero con una relación desconocida. También se desconoce si esto es consecuencia de que sea alaii'iku.[3]

Junto con Lopen y Huio es uno de los únicos miembros del Puente Cuatro que sabe nadar.[19]


Vida temprana

Roca nació en los Picos Comecuernos como cuarto hijo de su familia. Se formó en el combate tanto con la lanza como con el arco. Expresó una temprana afinidad por la cocina, uniéndose a su madre en la fabricación de pan desde una edad temprana. Roca conoció a su futura esposa Tuaka de niño, donde construyeron juntos fuertes de nieve, aunque Roca cree que los de ella siempre fueron los mejores. Antes de que Roca partiera hacia Alezkar y las Llanuras Quebradas, se casaron y tuvieron seis hijos.[Falta cita]

En algún momento murió uno de sus hermanos mayores, lo que le elevó a tercer hijo y le permitió seguir su pasión como artesano, con especial atención a la cocina.

Las Llanuras Quebradas

Desafío por esquirladas

Viajó a las Llanuras Quebradas con Kef'ha, su nuatoma', con la esperanza de conseguir una armadura y hoja esquirlada para su pueblo. Kef'ha desafió a Torol Sadeas a un duelo porque creía que sería más fácil conseguir primero la armadura y luego intentar conseguir una espada. Después de que Sadeas ganara y matara a Kef'ha, Roca y su séquito se convirtieron en siervos de Sadeas.[3]

Sadeas utilizaba a Roca como cocinero. Este le preparó una comida en la que puso estiercol de chull en la sopa y el pan, lo utilizó como guarnición del filete de cerdo e hizo un chutney con él para los garams con mantequilla porque estaba enfadado por la muerte de Kef'ha. Luego fue enviado a las cuadrillas de los puentes y posteriormente se convirtió en miembro del Puente Cuatro.[14]

por Derek Murphy
Roca el cocinero

Inicios del Puente Cuatro

Roca se unió a la cuadrilla de los puentes a principios de 1173 y pasó allí varios meses antes de que Kaladin fuera nombrado su nuevo jefe de puente.[20][21] A la mañana siguiente, cuando Kaladin afirmó que el Puente Cuatro nunca perdería a otro hombre, Roca se rió de él y se negó a practicar llevando el puente.[21] Roca apostó unos chips con los otros hombres de los puentes a que Kaladin llevaba una tabla ligera para practicar y se sorprendió cuando se demostró que estaba equivocado. Más tarde, ese mismo día, en una carrera del puente, Kaladin ocupó el lugar de Roca en el punto de muerte del puente durante la aproximación final. Roca se sorprendió por la decisión de Kaladin, pero aceptó. Una vez colocado el puente, Roca se refugió tras una formación rocosa. Cuando Kaladin se esforzó por salvar a un Dabbid herido, Roca lo siguió y lo llevó él mismo de vuelta al refugio. Él y Teft salieron de nuevo para salvar también a un Leyten malherido. Después de que Kaladin los hubiera atendido, Roca advirtió a Kaladin que los hombres de los puentes heridos que no pudieran caminar debían ser dejados atrás y que Gaz no les permitiría salvar a Leyten y Dabbid.[11]

Más tarde ofreció parte de su comida para alimentar a los heridos y ayudó a Kaladin y Teft a recoger savia de matopomo, utilizando su capacidad de ver a Syl para encontrar rápidamente más tallos que recoger. Syl engañó a Roca llevándolo a un montón de estiércol de chulls durante este ejercicio, que él no entendió debido a su reverencia por los spren.[14] Vendieron parte de la savia de matopomo que recogieron, a cambio de vendas y un marcocielo por botella. Ese mismo día, el Puente Cuatro fue asignado a servicio en el abismo, donde Roca ayudó a entablar relación con los demás miembros de la cuadrilla del puente y consiguió introducir a Dunny en la conversación, tras descubrir que sabía cantar. Con la ayuda de Syl, Roca y Dunny descubrieron más cuerpos en las cavernas, siendo estos los de los parshendi. Descubrieron que sus armaduras formaban parte de sus cuerpos. Esa noche, Roca y Kaladin compraron un caldero y comida con el dinero que ganaron, y Roca cocinó un guiso del que participaron todos los miembros de la tripulación del puente. Después de esto, la mayoría de los hombres de los puentes empezaron a formar con Kaladin.[4]

Side Carry Maneuver

Rock and Teft helped influence the last members of the bridge crew to fall under Kaladin's leadership. They joined in doing exercises from Kaladin's time in the military, before practicing carrying the bridges as strength training. Kaladin suggested carrying the bridge on its side as a way to train more muscles and Rock participated in attempting the maneuver.[22] Bridge Four gained a new member with Lopen, a one-armed Herdazian. Alongside Dabbid, he carried a stretcher with several water canteens for the bridge crew to use on a run. With the three of them, the start of the non-combative section of the crew was started. Immediately after Lopen had joined, Bridge Four was sent on the next plateau assault, arriving after the Parshendi were fully set up. Kaladin ordered the crew to attempt the side carry maneuver, which resulted in no loss of life to Bridge Four, causing Rock to celebrate. However, the maneuver undermined the other bridges assaulting the plateau and caused the retreat of Sadeas' army. Rock stepped up to defend Kaladin from the lighteyes that came to arrest him, but he was ordered to step down and allow it to proceed. Rock watched as Kaladin was beaten.[23]

Syl brought Rock, Teft, and Moash to the outside of the barracks to see Kaladin once he had regained consciousness. He witnessed Kaladin telling them that he would survive, and to check on his body after the highstorm had passed.[24] Rock was the first to leave the barracks to see Kaladin, initially dismayed to find him apparently dead before expressing his delight that he had survived. Rock called for other members of the crew to assist in cutting Kaladin down and bringing him inside.[25]

While Kaladin was recovering from being strung up in a highstorm, Rock was made the bridgeleader of Bridge Four. However, the crew just called Rock squadleader and called Kaladin their captain. On the day that Kaladin first stepped outside after healing, Rock stated that Kaladin must have bones of granite to have survived the highstorm and healed in only ten days. Bridge Four went on a plateau run that same day, with no casualties. That evening to thank him for his cooking, Bridge Four bought him a razor, which made Rock actually grow teary-eyed. He was very grateful for it,[7] and he started shaving the beards of all the members of Bridge Four.[26]

Training For Escape

After Kaladin's recovery, Bridge Four was assigned to chasm duty permanently. Rock questioned Kaladin as to their next steps toward fighting, but Kaladin shot him down, stating that the fight was over. After persuasion from Teft and Syl, Kaladin informed the bridge crew that their only chance to survive was to escape. Rock was the only member of the bridge crew to refuse spear training, becoming the official cook of the bridge crew.[26]

Rock held Kaladin down after he experienced visions during a highstorm. He was finally able to give Kaladin a shave during the riddens and revealed that Sigzil was a Worldsinger.[8] Bridge Four gained another new member, a parshman named Shen. During the next chasm duty, Kaladin took Rock aside, where he explained why he would not fight alongside the other members of the crew. Rock then took Lopen, Dabbid, and Shen to collect salvage while the other members trained with the spear. Rock noted that they could not do the work of a whole bridge crew, so Kaladin asked Syl to reveal herself to them to aid in locating salvage.[2]

Rock was present when Dunny died on a plateau run, and he helped to save wounded members from other bridge crews.[27]

Rock participated in the first joint plateau assault between Dalinar and Sadeas. After the battle went quickly and successfully, Bridge Four was sent back to chasm duty, where they found an emerald broam as well as various lesser spheres worth two hundred days of bridgeman pay, on the dead body of a lighteyed officer. Rock demonstrated his proficiency with a bow to attach the pouch of lesser spheres to the underside of a bridge, to be collected on the next plateau run. He insisted that he would shoot bridges but would never use the weapon in battle.[28]

Rock continued to train the bridgemen in carrying bridge drills when Kaladin was learning about the Knights Radiant from Teft. [29]

The Battle at The Tower

Rock was present at the assault on the Tower, when every member of Bridge Four wore the carapace armor crafted by Leyten to serve as an added distraction for the Parshendi.[30] He witnessed the betrayal of Dalinar by Sadeas and agreed with Kaladin to return to save Dalinar's men after Kaladin was persuaded by Syl. He witnessed Kaladin say the Second Ideal of the Knights Radiant and explode with stormlight,[31] then subsequently save Adolin and Dalinar from the Parshendi.[32] He helped carry the bridge escorting the remnants of Dalinar's army back to the warcamps, where Dalinar offered his Shardblade Oathbringer in exchange for the lives of all of Sadeas' bridgemen.[33]

Rock cooked a nightly stew for Bridge Four after the events of the Battle of the Tower, and joined in talking to Kaladin about his abilities and what they meant for the crew going forward. The bridge crew decided to start doing experiments to test the limits of Kaladin's powers.[34]

Dalinar's Army

Bridge Four Tattoos

During the first highstorm after having been freed, Rock gave all the men a shave with the razor they had bought him. He was officially appointed a lieutenant by Kaladin, and became the quartermaster for Bridge Four with Lopen as his second. Rock joined the rest of Bridge Four in getting a forehead tattoo despite not having a slave brand to cover up, and received the same freedom + bridge four glyph that the rest of the crew had. Rock also gained an old Cobalt Guard uniform as a member of Bridge Four becoming Dalinar's new personal guard. However, they had the Bridge Four glyph requested for the shoulder patch to distinguish them from the original Cobalt Guard members.[9]

The portion of the glyph meaning "Bridge Four"

After hearing Dalinar's gemheart proclamation, Kaladin ordered Rock to begin training members of the other old bridge crews to become cooks, aiming to improve morale.[35] Rock joined Kaladin in their first trip back into the chasms after having become part of Dalinar's army. Teft had brought along forty members of other bridge crews to train into new sergeants, while Rock, Kaladin and Syl discussed the Knights Radiant and spren. Rock praised Syl and offered to build a shrine to her, before informing Kaladin that the trainees had started to open up to them.[36] Rock participated in the experimentation of Kaladin's powers, alongside Sigzil, Lopen, and Syl. Using his abilities, Rock was able to see spren that pulled the stones to the walls of the chasm. Rock revealed additional combat prowess, sparring with Kaladin to test his strength, although he remained firm that he would not use this in real battles.[37]

After an evening training former members of Bridge Seventeen, Rock chased off people attempting to draw the members of Bridge Four, due to their fame from saving Dalinar.[38] Rock gained another member to serve under him after Hobber lost the use of his legs fighting the Assassin in White, bringing the total up to four alongside Lopen and Dabbid. Lopen also recruited additional relatives to join the crew during the time in Dalinar's army.[39]

During a training session for Bridge Seventeen in the chasms, Rock speculated with Sigzil about the motivations and employers of the Assassin in White. He also discussed the attempt on Elhokar's life with Sigzil and Lopen. That night at dinner, Renarin joined Bridge Four as a recruit and aided Rock in cleaning dishes and tidying up.[40]

Rock joined a group of Bridge Four going into the warcamp for drinks. Rock spoke of his homeland--the Horneater Peaks--and how the gods aided them in living there, telling the tale of speaking to the gods of the forests, sea, and mountains. He described that the hot springs found in the peaks are special, forming a connection to the gods and a place to view the home of the gods. Rock refused to explain why he could see spren and discouraged interpretations of the story he told. Sigzil was startled when Rock mentioned a god named Lunu'anaki who cannot hurt people, as this was the same person who Sigzil trained with to become a worldsinger.[6]

The Battle of Narak

After Kaladin fought alongside Adolin in the duel for Shards and his subsequent imprisonment, Rock began cooking a stew for the entire duration of the prison sentence for Kaladin to eat after he was released. Rock attended the party where Kaladin was awarded the remaining set of Shardplate and Blade from Adolin's duel, and then for the following awarding of those Shards to Moash.[41] Rock was present when the bridge that caused Kaladin and Shallan to fall into the chasms collapsed due to sabotage.[42] Dalinar stripped Amaram of his titles in front of Kaladin, Rock, and Bridge Four before they embarked on the expedition to fulfil the Vengeance Pact.[43] Rock joined the expedition to carry Bridge Four and defended Shen, now known as Rlain, to Dalinar, stating that he was still a member of Bridge Four.[44] Rock escorted Shallan along with the other bridgemen in finding the Oathgate on the Shattered Plains.[45] [46] [47] Rock greeted Kaladin after he returned from defeating the Assassin in White over the Shattered Plains, before Kaladin used Syl as a Shardblade to take them to Urithiru.[48]


Becoming a Windrunner Squire

We take to the skies, Stormblessed.


After the Battle of Narak, the members of Bridge Four gained the ability to Invest Stormlight, with Teft noticing several bridgemen glowing and Lopen fully regrew his missing arm.[48] Following Kaladin's departure to Hearthstone, however, this ability was lost.

While out in the market in Urithiru, Rock was stabbed through the hand by a black figure;[49] this interaction mimicked how Shallan, disguised as Veil, had stabbed another Horneater named Ur in the same manner earlier.[50]

Upon his return, Kaladin took Bridge Four to the Shattered Plains to practice using their Radiant abilities, using the emerald gemstone reserve.[51] Rock set up his cauldron and began cooking stew for the bridgemen training in combat, and mused on how he found the Shattered Plains to be beautiful. Rock recited the First Ideal quietly while cooking, as the rest of the bridgemen recited it while training. He was skeptical that Hobber could draw in Stormlight, but Kaladin insisted that all of Bridge Four could do so. Rock worried that they were going to war and that several of them would die. He invited Renarin to come over to help cook and mentioned to him that he could never see Renarin's spren, Glys. Rock comforted Renarin as he questioned his belonging to Bridge Four and recommended that he talk to Rlain, as they would share the experience of feeling like the odd one out. Skar taught Rock how to draw in Stormlight, being pleased that he was a good teacher. Rock noticed a large group of honorspren watching Bridge Four practice and talked to Sylphrena about how they would not interact with her since she had sought out Kaladin, and they did not like to admit they were wrong. Rock offers infused gemstones to the spren, who drew it in before departing. Hobber, Rock's assistant, was able to restore his Shardblade-cut legs and walk.[3]

Reunion With Family

Shortly after, they investigated a pillar of smoke in the distance. The pillar turned out to be flames from a Voidbringer attack on a caravan whose uninjured members were revealed to be Rock's family: his wife, referred to as "Song"; his son Gift; daughter Cord; son Rock (whom he noted was named for a different kind of rock and told Bridge four to call Little Rock); a third son, Star; a daughter named Kuma'tiki (a kind of shell on the Horneater Peaks); and his last daughter, Beautiful Song. Song told Rock that something was terribly wrong back at their home in the Horneater Peaks. Rock carried bridge four one last time on the way back to the Oathgate, as they were no longer slaves and would fly with Stormlight from then on.[3]

Further Training and Honorblade

Rock and Kaladin discovered Teft together in a firemoss den, having sold his uniform coat to pay for more of the drug. They carried him back to the barracks, fed him stew and promised to get him help.[52] Rock witnessed Skar struggling to draw in Stormlight until Skar told Lyn the story of when he first saw Kaladin using it on a bridge run and to further focus on her intentions for wanting to become a Windrunner. Rock then informed Skar that he too was glowing after Lyn successfully drew in Stormlight.[53] Rock manned the drinks station during another training session, while the members of Bridge Four questioned the changing world around them and how things have become more acceptable and different.[10] Dalinar brought Jezrien's Honorblade to Bridge Four, where they decided to transfer it between members of the squad to maintain unpredictability and secrecy, as well as being able to operate the Oathgates while Kaladin was away in Kholinar.[1] Rock was among the members of Bridge Four who were attacked by agents of the Diagram to obtain the Honorblade, alongside Bisig and Eth, who were badly injured and killed respectively.[54]

The Battle of Thaylen Field

During the time that the enemy forces were assembling an army outside Thaylen City, listener troops also staged a strike at Urithiru.[55] Members of Bridge Four died during the assault.[56] Teft spoke the Third Ideal and began a counterstrike against the invading forces at Urithiru.[57] Bridge Four successfully recaptured Urithiru before leading troops through the Oathgate to Thaylen City, saving Renarin before spreading out to reinforce the Alethi forces in the city. Rock defeated and killed Amaram at the Battle of Thaylen Field after he had been bonded with Yelig-Nar, striking him down with two arrows from a Shardbow, one through the head and one through his gemheart. This caused Rock to have a crisis, as saving Kaladin broke his vow of non-violence.[12] He was consoled by both Kaladin and Teft after the battle had ended.[58]

A Year Later


Rock accompanied the rest of Bridge Four on the expedition to evacuate the residents of Kaladin's home village Hearthstone using Navani's newest creation, the floating platform known as the Fourth Bridge. He assisted in the battle against the Heavenly Ones by supplying Kaladin with spears and warning other members of the expedition about Lezian, a new form of Fused that had not been encountered before.[59] Rock and his daughter Cord defended Dalinar while he held Honor's Perpendicularity open to renew the Knights Radiant on the expedition with fresh Stormlight.[60]


I made that choice because you are worth that sacrifice. But it is no sacrifice unless I now go, as is right, to seek justice from my people. I would leave with your blessing. But I will leave either way.

—Rock to Kaladin before leaving[13]

After letting his family have some time to rest, Rock departed back for the Horneater Peaks with part of his family, taking his wife and younger children with him. He told Kaladin that he had broken the ways of his people, and must face justice for his actions. He asked for Kaladin's blessing, and Kaladin gave it. Skar and Drehy went with Rock and his family as an honor guard, as well as to fly and protect them on their journey. When Kaladin asked if he'd see Rock again, Rock told him that when they next saw each other, it would not be in this life.[13]

Rock later appeared in a nightmare shown to Kaladin by Odium, where members of Bridge Four were shown fighting and dying in order to worsen Kaladin's emotional state.[61]

Once Skar and Drehy returned from their mission escorting Rock to the Horneater Peaks, they informed Kaladin that Rock would not be returning.[62]



Birth Family

Rock has an extensive family in the Horneater Peaks, being the fourth-born son of his family. He was close with his mother, baking together as soon as Rock was able to reach the counter. At some point during his life, one of his elder brothers died, moving his position to that of third-born son.

Rock's relationship to other members of his family was not made explicitly clear, although it has been stated that he is related to Kef'ha, Tifi and Sinaku'a.

Wife and Children

He married his childhood friend Tuaka and together they raised six children. Gift and Cord are the eldest and are twin brother and sister respectively. They both share Rock's Sighted ability.[63] Rock has no issues with Gift following the Vorin religion, giving his blessing to the Veden monks who visited the Peaks when Gift was a child. [10] Rock is surprised at how much Gift has grown since he last saw him, stating that he is now almost as tall as Rock himself. [3] Rock shares a love of cooking with Cord [19], although they differ in opinion about the use of violence in the fight against Odium. [64] Gift and Cord both remained behind in Urithiru when Rock returned to the Peaks. [13]

Rock (junior) and Star are Rock's second and third sons respectively. They both help serve food and drinks alongside their father. [3] [10] Rock (junior) is named after a different kind of Rock than his father. Kuma'tiki and Beautiful Song are Rock's second and third daughters respectively. Beautiful Song was so young when Rock left the Peaks that she does not remember him, breaking his heart. [3] All four of his youngest children returned with him to the Peaks. [13]


  • It is unclear whether the brother that Rock lost was the member of his family that died facing Sadeas in a duel for Shards, as nuatoma is also not defined as to whether it is the oldest family member, an inherited position, or a position that is fought for and won. When Kaladin asks about the brother that died, Lunamor responds that it is a sad story and is not suitable for telling at the current time. Rock also comments that other members of his family died during the time with Sadeas, and it is also unclear as to their relation to Rock.[3]
  • Rock believes the best part of a chull is it's head. [Falta cita]
  • Rock's stew appears during the torment of Kaladin on Braize while Wit spares him torment for a brief moment. [65]


  1. a b Juramentada capítulo 64#
  2. a b c d El camino de los reyes capítulo 49#
  3. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Juramentada capítulo 37#
  4. a b c El camino de los reyes capítulo 27#
  5. Barnes & Noble B-Fest 2016
    Arcanum - 2016-06-11#
  6. a b c Palabras radiantes capítulo 46#
  7. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 40#
  8. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 46#
  9. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 2#
  10. a b c d Juramentada capítulo 55#
  11. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 17#
  12. a b c Juramentada capítulo 120#
  13. a b c d e El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 12#
  14. a b c El camino de los reyes capítulo 23#
  15. El camino de los reyes capítulo 21#
  16. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 54#
  17. General Reddit 2015
    Arcanum - 2015-11-16#
  18. Esquirla del Amanecer (novella) capítulo 16#
  19. a b Esquirla del Amanecer (novella) capítulo 3#
  20. El camino de los reyes capítulo 11#
  21. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 14#
  22. El camino de los reyes capítulo 30#
  23. El camino de los reyes capítulo 32#
  24. El camino de los reyes capítulo 34#
  25. El camino de los reyes capítulo 35#
  26. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 43#
  27. El camino de los reyes capítulo 53#
  28. El camino de los reyes capítulo 55#
  29. El camino de los reyes capítulo 59#
  30. El camino de los reyes capítulo 64#
  31. El camino de los reyes capítulo 67#
  32. El camino de los reyes capítulo 68#
  33. El camino de los reyes capítulo 69#
  34. El camino de los reyes capítulo 73#
  35. Palabras radiantes capítulo 5#
  36. Palabras radiantes capítulo 9#
  37. Palabras radiantes capítulo 12#
  38. Palabras radiantes capítulo 31#
  39. Palabras radiantes capítulo 22#
  40. Palabras radiantes capítulo 41#
  41. Palabras radiantes capítulo 66#
  42. Palabras radiantes capítulo 68#
  43. Palabras radiantes capítulo 76#
  44. Palabras radiantes capítulo 79#
  45. Palabras radiantes capítulo 81#
  46. Palabras radiantes capítulo 83#
  47. Palabras radiantes capítulo 84#
  48. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 87#
  49. Juramentada capítulo 25#
  50. Juramentada capítulo 18#
  51. Juramentada capítulo 35#
  52. Juramentada capítulo 41#
  53. Juramentada capítulo 46#
  54. Juramentada interludio I-14#
  55. Juramentada capítulo 115#
  56. Juramentada capítulo 118#
  57. Juramentada capítulo 119#
  58. Juramentada capítulo 121#
  59. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 5#
  60. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 6#
  61. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 46#
  62. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 114#
  63. Esquirla del Amanecer (novella) capítulo 7#
  64. Esquirla del Amanecer (novella) capítulo 17#
  65. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 80#
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