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Shalash Endsheet.jpg
Padres Jezrien
Capacidades Sombra cognitiva, Portador de esquirlada (anteriomente)
Títulos Heraldo del Todopoderoso, Heraldo de la Belleza, Dama de los Sueños, Patrona de los Tejedores de Luz
Apodos Shush-hija-Dios[1], Ash, Epan, Pom
Residencia Urithiru
Mundo natal Roshar
Universo Cosmere
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¡Ten cuidado! Es posible que en su estado, no contenga toda la información adicional todavía.

Una mujer se sienta y se rasca los ojos. Hija de reyes y vientos, vándala.

Shalash, también conocida como Ash, es una de los diez Heraldos del Todopoderoso en Roshar.[3] Comúnmente se la conoce como Heraldo de la Belleza;[4] es la patrona de la orden de los Tejedores de Luz y la hija de otro Heraldo, Jezrien.[5] Antes de la Auténtica Desolación, viajaba por el continente destruyendo cualquier representación de ella que pudiera encontrar.[6] En la actualidad vive con los Caballeros Radiantes en Urithiru.[7]

Apariencia y personalidad

¡Tienes que odiarme! Ódiame, por favor.

—Shalash a Taln[8]

Shalash tiene la piel oscura y el pelo largo y negro. Sus ojos son de un leve color violeta, tan suave que es casi blanco y carece de pliegue epicántico. Se la describe como una mujer alta y esbelta, así como excepcionalmente hermosa.[9] En los últimos años, prefiere vestir con ropa práctica antes que cualquier vestimenta particularmente femenina. Lleva con ella una espada de hoja fina, aunque no es una hoja esquirlada.[9]

Pese a que no le gusta el robo, no tiene problemas con colarse en las casas de los ricos para destruir arte, e incluso hay ocasiones en las que no quiere que el destrozo sea pequeño. Esto parece ser una perversión de su atributo divino, la Creatividad, y puede ser un síntoma de haber abandonado el Juramento.[9] Se centra en las representaciones de sí misma: cada vez que ve su propio rostro, ya sea en una pintura, una estatua o un tapiz, se ve forzada a destruirlo. Parece incapaz de resistir esta sensación incluso cuando está limitada por la falta de tiempo. Shalash es consciente de esto y cuando está haciendo algo importante se esfuerza por no mirar a ningún lado donde pueda encontrar representaciones de los Heraldos.[6]

Shalash es muy reservada y no le gusta que le hagan preguntas indiscretas.[9] Parece estar muy arrepentida por haber abandonado el Juramento. Tras reencontrarse con Taln, se muestra muy compungida por haberle dejado atrás, y está consternada porque él no la odie por ello.[8] A pesar de ello, ya no le importa el futuro de Roshar y su gente.[6] También parece tener momentos en los que pierde el contacto con la realidad, ya que menciona que ha perdido décadas, si no siglos, de recuerdos.[8]

Características y habilidades

Glifo de Shalash


Shalash es una sombra cognitiva capaz de volver a la vida, aunque desconocemos el mecanismo exacto que lo permite. Tras cada muerte, viaja a Braize y cada vez que ella u otro Heraldo cede, vuelve a la vida en Roshar.[10] Mientras viva, no envejece, y es probable que viva para siempre a menos que la maten.[6] Tampoco parece tener ninguna necesidad de dormir, o por lo menos, parece que no puede perder el conocimiento con facilidad.[7]


Como parte del Juramento, se le entregó una de las hojas de Honor, lo que le permitió acceder a la potenciación. Su espada le permitía acceder a las Potencias de Iluminación, para crear ilusiones, y de Transformación, o moldear almas. Aun así, dejó su espada atrás durante Aharietiam, y no la ha recuperado desde entonces.[11][9]


Teniendo en cuenta todas las características que sabemos sobre ella, es propable que Shalash fuera algún tipo de artista, o al menos alguien con inclinaciones artísticas.[12] También se dice que su oído es excepcionalmente bueno.[9] Es hábil espiando y en tareas de infiltración, ya que no tiene problemas en mezclarse en una ciudad nueva o encontrar un camino hacia un campamento militar.[13][6] Aunque su obsesión por las representaciones de sí misma es compulsiva, es muy discreta al respecto, ya que irrumpe en las casas y se marcha sin dejar ningún rastro de su presencia allí, más allá del arte destruido o perdido.[9][14]


Heraldic Epochs

Unlike with the other Heralds, it's uncertain whether Shalash was born on Ashyn or after its people travelled to Roshar, though the former is more likely.[15] When the Desolations started, she was chosen by Honor to be one of his Heralds. This formed the Oathpact, which included Shalash receiving one of the Honorblades to aid her in her duties.[10] The precise circumstances of how this came to be are unknown, but there are stories about Proving Day, during which the would-be Heralds faced difficult, if not impossible, tasks to prove themselves.[16]

Following the formation of the Oathpact, Shalash and the other Heralds spent several thousand years helping the people of Roshar fight the Voidbringers in subsequent Desolations. Preceding each Desolation, the Heralds would return to Roshar and have a short time to prepare them for said Desolation, teaching them any necessary technology they may have lost in the intervening time. The level of technology the Heralds returned to varied with each Desolation, in some cases the Rosharans had not progressed past the Stone Age.[17][18] At the end of each Desolation, if Shalash did not "die", she, along with any other surviving Heralds, was required to leave Roshar and return to Braize. There, she and the others would be tortured to get them to give in and return, whereupon a new Desolation would begin.[10]

At Aharietiam, Shalash and all Heralds other than Taln -- who was dead at the time -- decided to forsake the Oathpact and abandon their Honorblades. They lied to the people of Roshar, telling them they had "won" and went their separate ways.[11] They were, however, not as successful in their breaking as they'd thought.[19]

Shalash destroying a painting of herself

Era of Solitude

I'm worried about Ash. She’s getting worse.

Roughly four and a half thousand years after Aharietiam, Shalash was traveling the world destroying any depictions of herself. Sometime prior to the assassination of King Gavilar Kholin of Alethkar she infiltrated the royal palace in Kholinar and destroyed her own statue.[21] This pattern of behavior seemed to have gotten much worse at the time, as her fellow Heralds noted that she was getting worse.[20]

Five years later, in 1173, Shalash, alongside with hired help Baxil and Av, infiltrated the palace of Ashno of Sages, the Prime of Emul, and destroyed a great deal of artwork depicting herself, including a canvas painting and a statue.[9] Either during or prior to that time, she also infiltrated the Bronze Palace in Azimir, where she defaced the mural of the Heralds, scratching out her own face, along with destroying many of the statues in her temple in Thaylenah.[14][22]

True Desolation

Following the Jah Keved civil war, at the start of the True Desolation, Ash became a washerwoman under the assumed name Pom to track down a painting of herself by Dandos Oilsworn. This turned out to be a trap set up by Mraize, who wished to tell her where Taln was.[13] This set her on the path to Thaylen City, where she arrived just in time for the Battle of Thaylen Field. There, she found Taln.[6]

During the battle, Taln was next to catatonic, requiring Ash to pull him along until Dalinar managed to open Honor's Perpendicularity, whereupon the two Heralds managed to have a short conversation.[8] After the battle, with Taln once more uncommunicative, Ash decided to take him to Ishar. This was, however, not to be, as at the same time, Vyre managed to kill Jezrien, sending her into deep shock. The resulting commotion made Jasnah, watching the line to the Oathgates, notice them and come to confront them, but Shalash fell unconscious before the two could talk.[7]

After being discovered at the Battle of Thaylen Field, Ash and Taln moved to Urithiru, where they were often interviewed by Jasnah. Ash provided some information about Bondsmiths and the Oathpact to Dalinar, but claimed that Ishar was the real expert on the subject.[23] The two Heralds were brought along to the offensive in Emul, and Ash was eventually again questioned by Dalinar about Ishar.[24]


Shalash is the daughter of Jezrien, a fellow Herald. It doesn't seem as though the two are very close; the only time she's seen thinking about him is when she feels the pain of his death.[7] Other Heralds -- Nale and possibly Kalak -- appear to have been keeping tabs on her activities, though it's unknown whether they've met with her directly in recent years.[20]

She and Taln were likely romantically involved, or at least very close; she finds herself drawn to his hands, and remembers the sensation of them even after four thousand years. He's also the only person to whom she's apologetic about abandoning the Oathpact, and she nearly breaks down when he refuses to hate her for it.[8]

She has met Hoid, and knows him well enough to be able to recognize his art style, though she refers to him as Midius.[7]


Ash's chapter icon

Ash's eyes!

In Vorinism, Shalash is known as Shalash'Elin, the Herald of Beauty, though the nickname Ash is also used.[4] Tradition associates her with the number 6 (shash), the Essence of Blood, and the divine attributes of Creative and Honest.[12] Like all other Heralds, she has temples to herself in all major cities.[22][26] There are numerous pieces of artwork devoted to her, and depictions of her can be found decorating even utilitarian items like braziers.[6]

"Ash's eyes" is an extremely common phrase, often used to express shock or surprise.[27][10] "Shalashian temperament" is an idiom with uncertain meaning, though it may refer to being honest or impulsive.[28] The name Shallan is derived from Shalash.[27]

Further west, in Emul and, likely, other Makabaki countries, Shalash is known as Epan and titled the Lady of Dreams.[9] In Shinovar, she is called Shush-daughter-God.[1]


  • Shalash is currently planned to be one of the focus characters in the "back five" books of The Stormlight Archive.[29]
  • She's one of only three Heralds, alongside Kalak and Pailiah, whose names are naturally symmetric under Vorin rules. [30]
  • "Shalash" bears a certain resemblance to Aons Shao (Transformation), Ala (Beauty), and Ashe (Light). While this isn't coincidental, Shalash herself may be unaware of the linguistics of her name.[31]
  • Her name and Shashara's are similar, but this isn't significant.[32]
  • Shalash's portrait used in the chapter arches is called the Artist by the Dragonsteel Entertainment staff.[33]


  1. a b Juramentada capítulo 92#
  2. El camino de los reyes capítulo 55 Epígrafe#
  3. El camino de los reyes prólogo#
  4. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 30#
  5. Chris King interview
    Arcanum - 2013-09-24#
  6. a b c d e f g Juramentada capítulo 117#
  7. a b c d e Juramentada capítulo 121#
  8. a b c d e Juramentada capítulo 119#
  9. a b c d e f g h i El camino de los reyes interludio I-7#
  10. a b c d Juramentada capítulo 38#
  11. a b Preludio al Archivo de las Tormentas#
  12. a b El camino de los reyes Ars Arcanum#
  13. a b Juramentada interludio I-8#
  14. a b Palabras radiantes interludio I-9#
  15. Skyward Denver signing
    Arcanum - 2018-11-15#
  16. El camino de los reyes capítulo 5#
  17. Palabras radiantes interludio I-7#
  18. Words of Radiance signing Portland
    Arcanum - 2014-03-07#
  19. Words of Radiance signing Dayton
    Arcanum - 2014-03-19#
  20. a b c Palabras radiantes prólogo#
  21. Steelheart signing Portland
    Arcanum - 2013-10-08#
  22. a b Juramentada capítulo 59#
  23. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 17#
  24. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 71#
  25. Juramentada capítulo 30#
  26. Mapa de Kholinar
  27. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 30#
  28. Palabras radiantes capítulo 50#
  29. Firefight signing Chicago
    Arcanum - 2015-02-20#
  30. Words of Radiance signing Chicago
    Arcanum - 2014-03-22#
  31. Skyward Chicago signing
    Arcanum - 2018-11-16#
  32. Stormlight Three Update #1
    Arcanum - 2015-09-16#
  33. Miscellaneous 2020
    Arcanum - 2020-08-04#
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