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Locator Alethkar.png
Etnia Alezi
Capital Kholinar
Gobernado por Reina Jasnah Kholin
Ocupado por Cantores
Mundo Roshar
Universo Cosmere

Tenemos una noble herencia, Kal, ojos oscuros y ojos claros por igual. Por eso los mejores guerreros han sido siempre de Alezkar.

Alezkar es la más grande y prominente de las cinco naciones vorin en Roshar. La gente de este país es conocida como alezi, siendo sus regios colores el azul y el oro.[2] El nombre que los cantores le dan a Alezkar es Avendla, que significa Tierra del Segundo Avance.[3] Antes de la Auténtica Desolación,se encontraban envueltos en la Guerra de la Venganza contra los oyentes.[4] En la actualidad, la mayor parte de su territorio está bajo el control de los Portadores del Vacío.[5]


Mapa de Alezkar. Los territorios alezi (salvo las Llanuras Quebradas) están marcados en morado.

Fronteras y Territorios

Alezkar se encuentra en el este de Roshar, extendiéndose por el continente desde el Océano de las Aguas Hirvientes en el norte hasta el Mar de Tarat en el sudoeste. Hacia el este la frontera se curva ante las Colinas Irreclamadas, mientras que por el sur alcanza zonas no pertenecientes a nación alguna conocidas como las Tierras Heladas y las Llanuras Quebradas, habiendo sido esta última zona recientemente proclamada territorio del país. En el oeste, Alezkar cuenta con una larga frontera (en disputa desde hace mucho) con Jah Keved, que actualmente sigue dos ríos y se curva hacia los Montes del Hacedor de Soles. En el noroeste la frontera da con Herdaz en un pedazo de terreno que se obtuvo tras unos años de guerras fronterizas.[6][7]

Además del territorio principal, los Alezi tienen una serie de territorios en ultramar. En el Océano de las Aguas Hirvientes, Alezkar tiene Akak y otras islas, lo que le otorga un control completo de la Bahía de Elibath. En el Mar de Tarat —en concreto, una región llamada Bahía de Mevan— domina también una serie de pequeñas islas en el delta del Río Curva de la Muerte, cerca de Karanak.[8]


Al final de la Era de la Soledad, Alezkar es el estado más grande en Roshar, cubriendo cerca de siete millones de kilómetros cuadrados de territorio.[9] Pese al hecho de que está mucho más expuesto a las altas tormentasque cualquier otro país más al oeste, cuenta con grandes franjas llenas de animales y de frondosa vegetación.[10] Tiene multitud de ríos que lo atraviesan, siendo los dos mayores el Corredor del Viento y el Curva de la Muerte. El río Corredor del Viento pasa de este a oeste, desde las Montañas Irreclamadas hasta la Bahía de Elibath, y posee multitud de afluentes a lo largo de la mitad norte del país. El río Curva de la Muerte también nace en las Montañas Irreclamadas, salvo que en su caso circula hacia el sur, donde va a desembocar a la Bahía de Mevan, siendo uno de sus mayores afluentes un lago llamado Mar de las Lanzas. El norte y sur de Alezkar están divididos por un macizo rocoso en forma de cruz llamado los Montes del Hacedor de Soles.[8]

Ciudades notables


Alezkar fue fundada como Alezela durante la época de los Reinos Plateados. Sobrevivió a las Desolaciones pero cayó bajo la influencia de la Hierocracia hasta que el Hacedor de Soles guio al reino a una victoriosa revolución contra el régimen vorin. Tras la muerte del Hacedor de Soles, sus diez hijos no se pusieron de acuerdo para decidir quién sería su sucesor. Dado que ninguno de ellos estaba dispuesto a renunciar a su derecho al trono, decidieron dividir el reino en diez principados gobernados por cada uno como altos príncipes, sin un gobierno que los unificase.

Varios siglos después, aproximadamente en 1158, Gavilar Kholin —inspirado por el Hacedor de Soles— deseaba conquistar y unir a los altos príncipes, hecho que consiguió en torno al año 1163. Fue coronado rey y su hermano Dalinar Kholin se convirtió en el alto príncipe del Principado Kholin. Sin embargo, dado que el linaje de cada principado se remontaba al Hacedor de Soles y sus hijos, los altos príncipes se mostraron reacios a entregar la autonomía de su poder a un gobernante supremo. La unidad e integridad del reino de Gavilar es por tanto cuestionable, como demostró la ferocidad con la que los altos príncipes se resistieron a su acercamiento militar para alcanzar la unificación y cómo siguieron oponiéndose durante su mandato. El más severo de estos casos fue la rebelión en Rathalas, a donde Gavilar terminó por mandar tropas lideradas por Dalinar y Torol Sadeas para sofocar la revuelta tras el fracaso de los medios diplomáticos.

Cuando los Parshendi asesinaron a Gavilar en 1167,[11] su hijo Elhokar Kholin se convirtió en rey y declaró la guerra a los asesinos. Cada uno de los altos príncipes se unió en el Pacto de la Venganza y fueron a las Llanuras Quebradas para asediar a los parshendi en la Guerra de la Venganza. El asedio se alargó mucho más de lo esperado, no obstante, y todavía seguía en marcha en 1173. Llegó a su fin cuando los parshendi invocaron la tormenta eterna, dando comienzo así a la Auténtica Desolación durante la Batalla de Narak. Tras ello, algunos de los altos príncipes —Dalinar, Aladar y Sebarial— junto con las fuerzas restantes se refugiaron en Urithiru, mientras que otros se quedaron en las Llanuras Quebradas, donde poco a poco fueron tomando el control de los campamentos de guerra de aquellos que se marcharon, estableciendo sus núcleos de poder allí.

Mientras tanto, el territorio de Alezkar era asediado por las recién despertadas fuerzas de cantores guiadas por los Fusionados, culminando con el asedio y eventual derrota de Kholinar.[12]

Tras el asesinato de Elhokar por mano de Moash durante el asedio, y que Adolin Kholin rechazase un ascenso al trono tras la batalla de la Explanada Thayleña, Jasnah Kholin se convirtió en la reina.[13][14] El actual heredero al trono es el hijo de Elhokar, Gavinor; aún así, era tan solo un niño y se acordó que un regente en su nombre sería algo demasiado inestable y peligroso ahora que había llegado la Auténtica Desolación.

Un año después de la batalla de la Explanada Thayleña, Dalinar había logrado reconquistar el rincón sudoriental de Alezkar bañado por el mar de Tarat. Dalinar consideró la posibilidad de lanzar una gran ofensiva a Alezkar, pero el Visón logró convencerle de que sería más sabio tratar de recuperar Emul.[15]


Jasnah Kholin, the current Queen of Alethkar

Conquering folks is basically their primary cultural heritage.


The Alethi people are generally tan -- darker-skinned than the Veden, but not as dark as the Makabaki -- with dark, typically black hair.[17] They are typically extremely tall, standing on average at least a foot taller than people living further West.[18] In the late Era of Solitude, the Alethi tan and black hair are considered the general standard of beauty.[17] Multicolored hair is also present within Alethkar and is an indication of mixed heritage. Some see this as a sign of an "impure" bloodline,[19] while others use it as evidence of Alethkar's superiority, hard won through conquest.[14] Among the Heralds, Jezrien and Vedeledev look Alethi.[20]

Like all Vorin nations, Alethi practice a division between the sexes. Women have safehands, covered either by a buttoned-up sleeve, typical of lighteyes, or a glove, typical of darkeyes. They are discouraged from picking up weapons and fighting. By contrast, men are forbidden to read. As such, oftentimes a man and a woman will work together as a team in an important position that overlaps both their areas of responsibility, such as the military, with the woman acting as a scribe while the man issues commands.[21] The militaristic nature of the Alethi further influences this divide, leading to most of Alethi rulers being kings, and women rarely, if ever, becoming highprincesses.[14]

Alethi discourage emotional openness and any show of what could be perceived as a weakness; an engaged couple keeping close in public is considered, while not obscene, at least extremely improper.[14] Men are encouraged to be combative and forceful, and women to be witty and willing to engage in barbed banter. Unwillingness or inability to act in this way can often lead to a person being labeled as inept or stupid.[22]

Caste system

The Alethi culture is divided into two major castes, the lighteyes and darkeyes, separated by, as can be surmised, the color of a person's eyes. The lighteyes form the upper caste, with broader rights and privileges, while the darkeyes are the lower, working caste. Furthermore, each caste is divided into ten ranks, with the lighteyed ranks being called dahns, while the darkeyed ones are the nahns. Some nahns and dahns are hereditary, or stable, while others can only be held by attaining a particular position.[23] The Alethi monarch, for example, is the only person in the country holding the first dahn.[24]

There are many ways for a person to improve their rankings, such as through marriage or military service. A soldier who becomes an officer will almost automatically be raised to a proper dahn or nahn, along with their children.[23] Holding land automatically entitles a lighteyes to at least the sixth dahn, regardless of their previous status, and becoming a Shardbearer entitles at least the fourth dahn.[24][25]

Alethkar is generally a feudal nation. The Alethi monarch is served by ten highprinces, which have their own lower-dahn subjects, down to the citylords, who rule over individual settlements.[1] Shardbearers stand slightly aside from this system, although many of them are either highprinces themselves, or in direct service to one highprince or another.


The Alethi culture is highly militaristic, stemming from their origins as Alethela. A soldier is considered the highest religious Calling, with the fight to reclaim the Tranquiline Halls being believed to be the greatest afterlife one could hope for.[1] The country is almost perpetually at war, if not between the highprinces, then with some external power. Children as young as twelve can and sometimes are recruited by raving armies to feed this endless war machine.[26]

Military service is one of the more reliable paths of social advancement in Alethkar. A soldier can expect to raise in dahn or nahn to match his military rank.[23] Moreover, many darkeyed soldiers go to war hoping to defeat a Shardbearer and gain ownership of a Shardblade, due to a widespread belief -- later proven correct -- that bonding a Blade would change their eyes to light-colored.[27]

Alongside this culture, the Alethi highly honor the Thrill, a form of battle-lust that can sometimes encompass them when in combat. The Thrill is often considered a private thing, not to be shared with others; however, it's also highly desirable, with men often awaiting its arrival when in combat.[28][29] For many, it's downright addictive.[30]


The Alethi preferred to let the ardents deal with the Almighty, like he was some annoying parlor guest who could be safely distracted by servants offering a particularly tasty tea.

Alethkar is one of the five great Vorin Kingdoms, with vast majority of their populace worshipping the Almighty.[17] The worship is mostly carried out by the priests, called the ardents. The ardents, while influential, are not free -- rather, they are slaves to various lighteyes. Unlike most other professions, ardentia is open to both men and women, and to people from all social castes.[32] Ardents are considered genderless from a social standpoint, and as such, many of the Vorin taboos regarding gender and gender roles do not apply to them.[33] They are also the only people permitted to use Soulcasters.

Unlike other varieties of Vorinism, the Alethi are not required to be personally devout, or to perform religious ceremonies. While each citizen is supposed to pick their Calling and Glory -- their goal in life, and the aspect of the Almighty they wish to emulate[34] -- the actual religious part of the religion is handled by the ardents, who perform the requisite rituals and prayers for their masters, so as to reassure them of their righteousness.[35] The Alethi themselves rarely interact with the Almighty, save for an occassional glyphward or prayer.[31]

Language and Writing

The Alethi language is part of the Vorin language family, which includes others such as Veden (spoken in Jah Keved) and Herdazian.[36] It's particularly close to the former, making it easy to learn.[37] Known words from the language include dahn and nahn for the ranking system, numerous glyph pronunciations, as well as two terms for family members -- Mathana, a formal term for older sister, and Mashala, for aunt.[38][39]

The Alethi language can be written using two different systems. The Women's script, used broadly across eastern Roshar, is an alphabet, with twenty five letters, and at least two symbols -- a mark of maximum character height, at the start of a passage, and a small diactric denoting that a particular letter should be read as an "H".[40][41] This being said, the women's script is restricted for use by the female part of the populace, in accordance with Vorin cultural rules. Men are permitted to learn glyphs, a separate system where each symbol or pair of symbols represents a separate idea or concept.[17]


Dalinar had been around Alethi politicians so much that he found honesty an obscure thing, like a language he no longer spoke.


Alethi Princedoms

Though it is ruled by a single king, Alethkar is divided into ten princedoms, each ruled by a lighteyed highprince. Each princedom is named after the family controlling it, and each has its own military, independent of one another - a remnant of the times prior to the reunification. While the highprinces do work together, the king has limited control over them, maintained less through tradition, and more through sheer military power and access to amenities like Soulcasters.[43] In addition, the ruling House Kholin controls the largest territory, as apart from their own princedom, they also hold an underpopulated stretch of land called the Eastern Crownlands.[8]

The territories of Alethkar and their major settlements are:

Kholin princedom
In the east of Alethkar
Sadeas princedom
In the north-west of Alethkar
Aladar princedom
In the north of Alethkar
Roion princedom
In the north-east of Alethkar
Vamah princedom
In the north-west of Alethkar
Ruthar princedom
In the west of Alethkar
Thanadal princedom
In the center of Alethkar
Hatham princedom
In the west of Alethkar
Bethab princedom
In the south-west of Alethkar
Sebarial princedom
In the south of Alethkar
Eastern Crownlands
In southeast Alethkar


Chain of command
Unit Soldiers Typical Commander
subsquad 6–8 sergeant
squad ~25 squadleader
platoon ~50 captain/captainlord
company ~100 companylord
battalion ~1000 battalionlord
division ~2000 general
army highprince
In companies made solely of lighteyes, the rank "lieutenant" is used as the equivalent of sergeant.

The modern Alethi army is one of the strongest military forces on Roshar with well over 100,000 troops[21] and over thirty Shardbearers.[44] The army employs most of its troops as spearmen and archers, as well as a very small amount of cavalry due to the rarity of horses on Roshar;[21] only the officers wield swords because, according to Vorin traditions, the sword is regarded as a lighteyed's weapon.[11] Soldiers are usually trained in one or two additional Skills, i.e. horse grooms.[45] Under most circumstances, military service is voluntary, though the leaders of the army has the right of conscription for darkeyes that do not provide an essential function to a community (e.g. a town's only surgeon) when they feel there is need for additional troops.[26] It is extremely rare for a darkeyed soldier to rise higher than the rank of squadleader.[46] Lighteyed officers that have the command of a branch of the army are usually referred by their duties (e.g. cavalrylord, infantrylord).[29]

Despite Alethkar being a monarchy, the king has very little actual say in how the military is run and does not directly command any force other than the 250-strong King's Guard. The troops are sworn to and led by their individual highprinces.[44] In that sense, Alethkar army is not truly a unified army, but a loose coalition between ten smaller armies. Indeed, even in wartime, there is constant in-fighting between the highprinces' armies,[46] and cooperation between the highprinces themselves is seen as a weakness;[47] this is bolstered by the tenets of Vorinism that say the purpose of life is to prepare in order to join the Heralds in the fight to regain the Tranquiline Halls and Alethi belief that everything is a competition in life.[43]

Because of the immense size of the army and the difficulty of travel, Soulcasting plays a vital role in supplying the army with wood, metal, food, and many other necessities, as well as being used in building fortifications. The king controls most of the Soulcaster ardents; in fact, manipulating the highprinces with his Soulcasters is one of the ways that the king maintains a control over them.[43]

Recently, in an effort to truly unify the kingdom, Dalinar Kholin has been appointed as the Highprince of War by the king. This title was used in Alethkar before being fragmented into ten princedoms when each highprince was given the ultimate authority over one aspect of the governing of the kingdom. On paper, this gives Kholin authority over all war-related activities.[2]

According to official records, Alethkar possesses more Shardblades than any other nation on Roshar, with only Jah Keved coming anywhere close.[4]

Alezis destacados


  • La inspiración para el aspecto de los alezi es mitad asiáticos y mitad hawaianos y, según Brandon, imaginarlos como indios del este (de la India) funciona bastante bien.[48]


  1. a b c El camino de los reyes capítulo 16#
  2. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 69#
  3. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 14#
  4. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 23#
  5. Juramentada capítulo 120#
  6. Mapa de Roshar
  7. Juramentada capítulo 52#
  8. a b c Mapa de Alethkar
  9. Áreas y Características Físicas de Roshar
    — 17th Shard #
  10. Juramentada capítulo 5#
  11. a b El camino de los reyes prólogo#
  12. Juramentada capítulo 85#
  13. Juramentada capítulo 84#
  14. a b c d Juramentada capítulo 122#
  15. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 17#
  16. Esquirla del Amanecer (novella) capítulo 3#
  17. a b c d El camino de los reyes capítulo 3#
  18. Danzante del Filo (novella) capítulo 10#
  19. Palabras radiantes capítulo 38#
  20. Skyward Pre-Release AMA
    Arcanum - 2018-10-20#
  21. a b c El camino de los reyes capítulo 6#
  22. Juramentada capítulo 66#
  23. a b c The Way of Kings reread interview
    Arcanum - 2014-06-10#
  24. a b /r/Stormlight_Archive
    Arcanum - 2017-08-09#
  25. Juramentada capítulo 58#
  26. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 44#
  27. Palabras radiantes capítulo 66#
  28. El camino de los reyes capítulo 12#
  29. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 26#
  30. Palabras radiantes capítulo 29#
  31. a b Juramentada capítulo 15#
  32. Palabras radiantes capítulo 11#
  33. Palabras radiantes capítulo 44#
  34. El camino de los reyes capítulo 18#
  35. Juramentada capítulo 89#
  36. /r/Stormlight_Archive
    Arcanum - 2016-11-29#
  37. El camino de los reyes capítulo 5#
  38. El camino de los reyes capítulo 22#
  39. El camino de los reyes capítulo 60#
  40. Navani's Notebook Translation
    Timewasters Guide forum - Sep 20th, 2010#
  41. General Reddit 2017
    Arcanum - 2017-05-02#
  42. Juramentada capítulo 34#
  43. a b c El camino de los reyes capítulo 15#
  44. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 5#
  45. El camino de los reyes capítulo 28#
  46. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 47#
  47. El camino de los reyes capítulo 54#
  48. Steelheart Portland signing
    Arcanum - 2013-10-08#
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