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Ialai Sadeas

De La Coppermind
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Ialai Sadeas
Ialai by Marie Seeberger.jpg
Cónyuge Torol Sadeas
Fallecido Early 1175[1]
Grupo Hijos de Honor
Residencia Campamentos de guerra alezi, anteriormente Kholinar y Urithiru
Nacionalidad de Alezkar
Mundo natal Roshar
Universo Cosmere

La dama brillante Ialai Sadeas es una noble alezi ojos claros de Roshar. Estuvo casada con el alto príncipe Torol Sadeas, y asociada con los Hijos de Honor.[1]

Apariencia y personalidad

Ialai and Torol Sadeas

Es bajita, rechoncha y voluptuosa, con grandes pechos y un cuello delgado.[2][3][4][5][6] Tiene la boca ancha, labios gruesos y ojos verdes.[5][4][6] Lleva el cabello negro, aunque se dice que tiene ascendencia mezclada, y se tiñe para parecer puramente alezi.[2] Lleva vestidos alezi de última moda.[1] Hacia el final de su vida, tras varios episodios estresantes, tiene un aspecto demacrado.[1][7]

Ialai es conocida por sus malas artes desde su juventud.[3] Evalúa constantemente las situaciones en las que se encuentra y a las personas que la rodean en busca de debilidades que explotar.[4] Jasnah Kholin considera a Ialai tan astuta como Torol,[6] y la pareja conspira constantemente en contra de sus rivales políticos.[8] Su falta de escrúpulos y su egoísmo son tan elevados que Mraize los considera totalmente impredecibles.[9]

Atributos y habilidades

Ialai dirige la mejor red de espías e informantes de los campamentos de guerra de las Llanuras Quebradas, manteniéndolo en secreto.[5] Su red incluye también asesinos.[10] Como esposa de un alto príncipe, asiste con frecuencia a importantes eventos en Alezkar como duelos, festines e incluso reuniones militares, dándole acceso una amplia variedad de información y contacto con otros miembros de la nobleza.[2][8][11]

En público se comporta como una perfecta mujer alezi, pero le gusta holgazanear en privado.[5] Domina la escritura femenina y tiene amplios conocimientos sobre vino.[1] Disfruta de la comida frecuentemente servida a los hombres, algo poco común entre las damas brillantes.[3] Su nombre es considerado ligeramente blasfemo por la iglesia vorin, que reserva la simetría perfecta para lo sagrado.[8]

Tras la muerte de Torol, Ialai siguió dirigiendo su red de espías, primero en Urithiru y después de vuelta en las Llanuras Quebradas, consiguiendo incluso cierta información sobre los movimientos de los Sangre Espectral.[12][13] Se encuentra entre los pocos rosharianos de su época al tanto de la existencia de Shadesmar y de civilizaciones en otros planetas.[13] Hasta su muerte, siguió siendo experta en tomar el poder cuando este se encontraba a su alcance.[14][15]


A young Ialai (far left), at a feast with Torol, Gavilar, Navani, and Dalinar

Ialai se casó con Torol Sadeas antes de la unificación de Alezkar, y se vio inmediatamente involucrada en la política alezi. En 1143, durante un festín, esta trató de persuadir a Dalinar de entablar un matrimonio político con Evi, a pesar de describirla como "insípida".[3] Tras la boda, Ialai y Navani trataron de convencer a Evi de ser más asertiva en varias ocasiones.[16] Como las esposas de dos influyentes altos príncipes, frecuentemente ocupados en el campo de batalla, Ialai y Navani solían trabajar juntas en Kholinar para mantener la estabilidad del reino en su ausencia.[17] Gavilar no tenía problemas en aprovechar los astutos planes de Ialai para eliminar rivales políticos.[3]

Ialai estuvo presente cuando Torol ganó e

Ialai was also present when Torol won a King's Boon from Gavilar and subsequently defeated Yenev in a duel.[18]

Las Llanuras Quebradas

During the War of Reckoning, Ialai lived in the Sadeas warcamp on the Shattered Plains. When Shallan Davar arrived to the warcamps with news of Jasnah's presumed death, Ialai haughtily asked her about the succession in Jah Keved.[6]

Ialai and Torol spent much of their time on the Shattered Plains conspiring against the other highprinces and currying Elhokar's favor while simultaneously defying the authority of the throne.[8] Dalinar had become a longtime rival of Torol's, and he and his son Adolin were often the target of their plots.[8] They became uneasy when Dalinar nearly executed a plan that would have allowed Adolin to challenge Torol to a duel, and they vowed to destroy Dalinar by any means necessary.[10]

Using her spy network, Ialai uncovered Navani's notes on Dalinar's visions. She altered the notes in a way that was intended to defame Dalinar and released them at a lighteyed feast.[19] However, Dalinar embraced the release of the visions and was able to maintain his credibility.[19] An unsuccessful attempt was then made on Dalinar's life when a carpenter in the Sadeas's employ intentionally collapsed a bridge while Dalinar was crossing it.[20] Ialai felt that she had failed when Dalinar survived.[21]

The pair then considered a coup, but decided it was not necessary since Dalinar would likely be killed during his assault on the Parshendi.[21] However, they did not anticipate Aladar shifting his allegiance to Dalinar's cause.[21] The addition of Aladar's army to the combined Alethi forces during the Battle of Narak allowed Dalinar to hold off the Parshendi long enough to unlock the Oathgate to Urithiru.[22]


Did you know that after whitespines make a kill, they will eat, then hide near the carcass? I used to wonder at this behavior until I realized the kill will attract scavengers, and the whitespine is not picky. The ones that come to feast on its leavings become another meal themselves.

—Ialai to Adolin during his "investigation" of Torol's murder[9]

Ialai moved to Urithiru after the Battle of Narak and the advent of the Everstorm. Torol was murdered a few days after their arrival to Urithiru.[23] Ialai initially threatened to move back to the warcamps, although in reality she would not leave the seat of power.[4] She was genuinely upset by Torol's death, and believed that someone in the Kholin army killed him; she lashed out at Adolin when he asked her some questions about the murder.[9] She was also angry at Dalinar, although she did not think he was the killer.[24] She enlisted Meridas Amaram to investigate Torol's murder.[9] Amaram was not able to discover that Adolin was the culprit.

During this time, the Ghostbloods revealed that they were actively watching Ialai. Mraize personally posed as a Sadeas soldier in order to get closer to her. He believed that she was exceptionally unpredictable since she would always approach any situation with her own motives ahead of all others.[9]

After Torol's death, Ialai was no longer openly adversarial with Dalinar, which worried him since it meant she was likely undermining him behind his back instead.[25] She named Amaram the new Highprince of House Sadeas, in an affront to Dalinar's authority.[14] She attended the meeting of monarchs when Dalinar was trying to unite Roshar, defying tradition by refusing to carry her own chair. She tried to sabotage the Kholin's efforts by suggesting an invasion of Shinovar and insulting Queen Fen.[17] At a later meeting of the remaining coalition, she and Ruthar verbally sparred with Jasnah, indirectly causing Dalinar to have a revelation that the Voidbringers were likely to attack Thaylen City instead of Jah Keved.[25]

Amaram and the Sadeas army joined Odium's forces during the Battle of Thaylen Field,[26] but were ultimately defeated by the Knights Radiant and their allies.[27] Amaram was killed, and Ialai left Urithiru in disgrace.[28]

Vuelta a las Llanuras Quebradas y muerte

After Amaram's death, Ialai returned to the warcamps at the Shattered Plains; Mraize did not accompany her there.[29] Soon after her arrival, Thanadal was assassinated and Vamah fled, leaving her in control of the local economy.[15] She also became the leader of the Sons of Honor, learning some secrets that she had not previously been privy to.[1] However, due to the loss of both Gavilar and Amaram, there was little she could do to help them recover their previous influence. She retained some followers who referred to her as the true queen of Alethkar, but the group operated more like a cult. Still, Dalinar had some concerns about letting Ialai operate unchecked with an Oathgate nearby. The other Alethi assumed that Ialai was also behind Thanadal's death. Shallan was sent to infiltrate Ialai's group, using her powers to disguise herself as a merchant named Chanasha.[30] She was eventually able to trick Ialai's followers into taking her through a secret tunnel to a fortress near the former Sadeas lumberyards where Ialai was living.[15] She was sleeping in a small closet-like room and refused to leave the fortress.[29]

I've fought so long. And now I’m alone … sometimes it seems the very shadows work against me.

—Ialai, to a disguised Shallan[1]

A noticeably frail and paranoid Ialai assumed Shallan to be a Ghostblood agent, offering her wine and engaging in some wordplay. Ialai revealed that Thanadal and Vamah had been assassinated by the Ghostbloods despite their attempts to negotiate and flee. Although Ialai was angry with Jasnah and Dalinar, she had no designs on being queen herself, believing Gavinor to be the rightful Alethi monarch. She feared assassination and decided to bunker down hoping to be left alone.[1] She believed that the Ghostbloods were eliminating the Sons of Honor due to their knowledge of the gods on Roshar and possibly beyond.[1][12] Shallan's three personas were conflicted; although Veil wanted to kill Ialai, Radiant did not agree. Even when Shallan summoned a Shardblade, Ialai seemed ready to accept death.[1] As she was apprehended, Ialai suddenly died of poisoning; evidence pointed to foul play, but officially she was said to have killed herself.[12][31] Before she died, Ialai gave Shallan a clue to search her quarters; Shallan then discovered her notes, in which Ialai recorded numerous attempts to contact Restares.[13] She also displayed some limited knowledge of Shadesmar and other planets in the cosmere, along with some theories about Thaidakar and Ba-Ado-Mishram.[13][12][32]

Ialai's death confused Shallan, and she assumed that a spy among her team, possibly another Ghostblood, had killed her.[13] Her attempts to find the spy were fruitless, and Radiant later admitted that she had taken over Shallan's psyche and administered the poison in an attempt to protect Shallan's mental health. Shallan subsequently regained her memories of killing Ialai.[33]


Torol Sadeas

Ialai and Torol Sadeas

Torol was intrigued by Ialai's blasphemous name when he first met her.[8] It is likely that she and Torol were very young when they were married; at a feast around the year 1143 when Torol was approximately twenty years old, he and Ialai were already husband and wife.[3] He notes that she has never been considered a beauty and is not aging particularly gracefully, but he has always been attracted to her "dangerous" personality.[5] The couple often fondly scratch each other's backs.[5][8] Ialai and Torol are like-minded and regularly share information about the politics, personalities, and happenings of Alethkar.[5] They collaborate on schemes to increase their personal wealth and influence, typically with little regard for the welfare of others.[8] Ialai was distraught when Torol was murdered.[9]

Familia Kholin


Ialai and Dalinar seemed to have a cordial relationship in their youth, during Gavilar's unification war. Ialai served as a matchmaker of sorts for Dalinar's political marriage to Evi[3] and she even joked with Dalinar on occasion.[3] However, the Sadeas's thirst for power eventually turned them against Dalinar. This led to them plotting against him[8] and eventually becoming outright enemies; they attempted to defame and even assassinate him.[19][21] After Torol was killed, Ialai redoubled her efforts to plot against Dalinar. She did not believe that Dalinar killed Torol, but she defied his authority and sabotaged his coalition.[14][17] She continued to undermine him at every opportunity.[1]


Ialai did not have a good first impression of Evi, calling her "vapid".[3] She and Navani counseled Evi to be more assertive during her marriage to Dalinar.[16] Evi thought Ialai was clever and admired her wit.[9]


Although Ialai had worked closely with Navani in their youth to further their common goals, any vestiges of friendship seemed to be gone by the time Navani got together with Dalinar.[17]


Ialai did not think highly of Adolin, and he was sometimes targeted by her schemes to get at Dalinar.[8] She seemed suspicious of Adolin after Torol's death.[9]


Ialai and Jasnah dislike each other, but Ialai knows better than to verbally spar with her.[25] She does not acknowledge Jasnah as the legitimate queen of Alethkar.[1]


After the Battle of Narak, Mraize and the Ghostbloods keep a close eye on Ialai because of her unpredictable nature. Mraize infiltrated her inner circle through unknown means and was present for some of her important meetings in Urithiru.[9][17] Mraize did not accompany Ialai back to the Shattered Plains after she left Urithiru in disgrace.[29] Ialai apparently realized Mraize's true nature at some point, and subsequently lived in fear of the Ghostbloods until her death.[1]


  • Brandon noted that the rise and fall of Ialai's mini-empire when she returned to the Shattered Plains could have been a major thread in a Stormlight Archive novel, but by the time it occurred in the overall story arc, he wanted to move on from the earlier group of antagonists that Ialai represented (and whom had already been defeated). Ialai's story had the potential for exciting political intrigue, but it did not fit into the narrative of an expanding war epic.[34][35]


  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 7#
  2. a b c El camino de los reyes capítulo 54#
  3. a b c d e f g h i Juramentada capítulo 19#
  4. a b c d Juramentada capítulo 21#
  5. a b c d e f g Palabras radiantes capítulo 5#
  6. a b c d Palabras radiantes capítulo 38#
  7. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 12#
  8. a b c d e f g h i j Palabras radiantes capítulo 29#
  9. a b c d e f g h i Juramentada capítulo 22#
  10. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 58#
  11. Juramentada capítulo 75#
  12. a b c d El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 9#
  13. a b c d e El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 13#
  14. a b c Juramentada capítulo 27#
  15. a b c El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 6#
  16. a b Juramentada capítulo 52#
  17. a b c d e Juramentada capítulo 96#
  18. Palabras radiantes capítulo 55#
  19. a b c Palabras radiantes capítulo 67#
  20. Palabras radiantes capítulo 68#
  21. a b c d Palabras radiantes capítulo 76#
  22. Palabras radiantes capítulo 86#
  23. Juramentada capítulo 2#
  24. Juramentada capítulo 28#
  25. a b c Juramentada capítulo 107#
  26. Juramentada capítulo 115#
  27. Juramentada capítulo 120#
  28. Juramentada capítulo 122#
  29. a b c El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 8#
  30. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 4#
  31. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 10#
  32. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 24#
  33. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 93#
  34. Rhythm of War Annotations
    Arcanum - 2020-08-18#
  35. Rhythm of War Preview Q&As
    Arcanum - 2020-08-19#
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