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De La Coppermind
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Astillado, al menos algunas de estas restricciones han empezado a ser menos estrictas.{{book ref|sa4|111}}
Astillado, al menos algunas de estas restricciones han empezado a ser menos estrictas.{{book ref|sa4|111}}
=== Adhesion ===
=== Adhesión ===
The Surge of Adhesion can be manipulated to bind things together.{{book ref|sa2|part=ars}} The two orders of Knights Radiant with access to this Surge are the Bondsmiths and the Windrunners. Honorspren and windspren can use it, very weakly.{{wob ref|3260}} This power is of Honor alone; it is referred to as "Honor's Truest Surge" and is difficult to suppress, with the [[Sibling]] calling it "the Surge of Binding and Oaths". On the other hand, this Surge is viewed as lowly among the singers. [[Raboniel]] referred to Adhesion as "not a true Surge" and no Fused has access to this Surge.{{book ref|sa4|31}}
La Potencia de Adhesión puede ser manipulada para juntar cosas.{{book ref|sa2|part=ars}} Las dos órdenes de Caballeros Radiantes con acceso a esta Potencia son los Forjadores de Vínculos y los Corredores del Viento. Los honorspren y los vientospren pueden usarla, muy débilmente.{{wob ref|3260}} Este poder es solo de Honor; es referida como "la más verdadera Poténcia de Honor" y es difícil de reprimir, el [[Hermano]] la llama "la Poténcia de vínculos y juramentos". Por el otro lado, esta Poténcia es considerada inferior por los cantores. [[Rabeniel]] se refiere a la Adhesión como "una Poténcia falsa" y ningún Fusionado tiene acceso a ella.{{book ref|sa4|31}}
{{anchor|Full Lashing}}
{{anchor|Full Lashing}}

Revisión del 16:18 18 oct 2022

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Relacionado con Honor, Cultivación
Prerrequisitos formando un vínculo Nahel con un spren o estar en posesión de una hoja de Honor
Tipo fin-positivo
Mundo de origen Roshar
Universo Cosmere

True Surges are of both Honor and Cultivation—Cultivation for life, Honor to make the Surge into natural law. Things must fall to the ground, so they created Surges to make it happen.

Rabeniel, dando una lección a Venli[1][fn 1]

La potenciación es una de las principales formas de Investidura en Roshar. Los potenciadores pueden manipular diez fuerzas fundamentales conocidas localmente como Potencias, con cada potenciador teniendo acceso a dos de las Potencias con superposición entre ellas, infundiendo objetos o seres con luz tormentosa.[2][3] Las Potencias de cada potenciador vienen en una combinación determinada, por ejemplo, es posible tener las Potencias de Progresión e Iluminación o Progresión y Abrasión, pero no Progresión y Gravitación. Se suele considerear una de las más poderosas Artes Investidas del cosmere,[4] hasta tal punto que Rayse cree que habrá una guerra cuando las Esquirlas de otros mundos descubran sobre ella.[5]

Los rosharianos normalmente se referirán a cualquier tipo de Arte Investida como "potenciación",[6] aunque la mayoría de eruditos del cosmere, como Khriss, no considerarían ese uso correcto.[7][8]

Unas pocas de las Potencias, como la Illuminación, son variaciones de Artes Investidas de Yolen.[9]


Vínculo Nahel
Orden Spren Atributo Potencias
Corredores del Viento Corredores del Viento Honorspren Proteger/ Liderar Adhesión
Rompedores del Cielo Rompedores del Cielo Altospren Justo/ Confiado Gravitación
Portadores del Polvo Portadores del Polvo Cenizaspren Valiente/ Obediente División
Danzantes del Filo Danzantes del Filo Cultivacispren Amar/ Curar Abrasión
Vigilantes de la Verdad Vigilantes de la Verdad Brumaspren Aprender/ Dar Progresión
Tejedores de Luz Tejedores de Luz Críptico (Mentiraspren) Creativo/ Honrado Iluminación
Nominadores de lo Otro Nominadores de lo Otro Tintaspren Sabio/ Cuidadoso Transformación
Escultores de Voluntad Escultores de Voluntad Lumispren (Alcanzadores) Resoluto/ Constructor Transportación
Custodios de Piedra Custodios de Piedra Cumbrespren Formal/ Emprendedor Cohesión
Forjadores de Vínculos Forjadores de Vínculos El Padre Tormenta,[10] la Vigilante Nocturna,[11] y el Hermano[12] Piadoso/ Orientativo Tensión

Convertirse en potenciador

La potenciación no es innata para los rosharianos, y puede obtenerse de distintos modos. Originalmente las habilidades eran solo concedidas a los Heraldos por el Todopoderoso a través de las hojas de Honor. Más tarde, los spren imitaron los efectos de las hojas de Honor y empezaron a dar las Potencias a los humanos formando con ellos un vínculo espiritual llamado vínculo Nahel. Los humanos también tenían la habilidad de manipular las Potencias en Ashyn antes de la Expulsión, pero el modo es desconocido.[11][13] Los Fusionados también tienen acceso a Potencias, concedidas por Odium.[14]

Las Potencias exactas que alguien es capaz de modificar dependen de la hoja de Honor o vínculo Nahel específico que ese individuo tenga, o a que tipo pertenezca.[14]

Los Radiantes normalmente aprenden su Potencia contrarreloj primero.[15]

Hojas de Honor

Las hojas de Honor son diez hojas esquirladas que el Todopoderoso hizo originalmente para los Heraldos. Cada una de estas hojas da a su portador la habilidad de manipular dos Potencias de igual manera que hace el vínculo Nahel, con la hoja de Jezrien dando acceso a la Adhesión y Gravitación, etc. Pueden ser blandidas por cualquiera, y no requieren de la defensa establecida por los spren para evitar que se abuse de su poder. Las hojas de Honor consumen mucha más luz tormentosa que el vínculo Nahel. Tampoco proporcionan las habilidades adicionales del vínculo Nahel.[16][17]

Vínculo Nahel

El vínculo Nahel es una relación simbiótica entre humanos y spren, a través de la cual los humanos obtienen poderes de Potenciación y los spran ganan sapiencia en el Reino Físico.[18] Los spren escogen a las personas con las que se vincularan según las acciones y personalidades de esas personas.[19] Hay diez clases de spren que se vinculan con humanos - cada uno dando acceso a dos de las diez Potencias, con solapamiento entre ellas - y cada uno de estas clases es atraída por diferentes atributos en sus compañeros de vínculo.[20]

Una vez el vínculo es establecido, el spren pasa al Reino Físico, aunque conservan muy poca inteligencia y memorias, actuando casi como un spren menos hasta que el vínculo se hace más fuerte.[21] El fortalecimiento del vícnulo se consigue cuando el potenciador continúa actuando en línea con los atributos que atrajeron el spren en primer lugar, y proclamando juramentos relacionados con esos atributos.[22] A medida que el vínculo se fortalece, el spren gana su sapiencia, y la eficacia de la luz tormentosa para el potenciador incrementa. Una vez el vínculo es lo suficientemente fuerte, el spren puede manifestarse como hoja esquirlada,[23] y el color de ojos del potenciador cambia al color asociado con su spren.[17]

Si el potenciador actúa de manera conflictiba con sus juramentos, el vínculo se debilita hasta que, eventualmente, el spren se "rompe" y es atrapado en un ciclo de agonía después de se se les arranque una parte significante de su consciencia,[24] y sus compañeros de vícnulo pierden todas las habilidades relacionadas con potenciación.[25] Si el spren se "rompe" mientras en forma de hoja esquirlada, volverá a su forma básica de espada,[26] y puede ser revivida temporalmente al conectarse al latido de una persona que la use. Spren no pueden "recuperarse" por sí mismos,[18] pero pueden ser revividos si su compañero de vínculo vuelven a aceptar los juramentos.[23] Es possible, pero extremadamente difícil, que un spren se recupere sin su compañero de vínculo.[24] Para un spren es muy traumático si un potenciador muere sin traicionar sus juramentos , pero no causa su ruptura.[27]


Un poderoso grupo de cantores conocido como Fusionados son capaces de usar la potenciación; aunque difieren de los Caballeros Radiantes de varias maneras. Como su poder es concedido por Odium, son alimentados por luz del vacío en vez de luz tormentosa. Solo tienen nueve órdenes, en lugar de diez,[28] y cada una tiene acceso a una única Potencia. Adhesión es considerada una Potencia "de Honor" y fuera del alcanze de Odium.[1] Los Fusionados no son cantores normales, son almas de antiguos cantores reencarnadas en cuerpos de cantores vivos y dispuestos ya que el proceso desplazará su alma.[28] Cada grupo de Fusionados, distingido por su acceso a su Potencia única, es conocido como marca.[29]


La potenciación usa las luces de Roshar como fuente de energía. La mayoría de potenciadores usan luz tormentosa como combustible, pero los Fusionados usan luz del vacío. Adicionalmente, Venli - y probablemente cualquier Regio con un vínculo Nahel - pueden usar ambas luz tormentosa y luz del vacío;[30] Navani Kholin - y probablemente cualquier Forjador de Vínculos enlazado al Hermano - puede usar luz de torre;[31] y, como resultado de la Antigua Magia, Lift puede metabolizar comida directamente a luz de vida,[32][33] pero es incapaz de absorber luz tormentosa.[34]

Potenciadores acceden a las luces simplemente inspirandolas.[35] Mientras es posible extraer luz tormentosa de cualquier fuente infundida con ella, incluyendo directamente de altas tormentas, la práctica más común es usar gemas que ya han sido infundidas en ellas. Es posible alimentar la potenciación con otras fuentes de Investidura, como aliento biocromático.[36] Cuerpos humanos son contenedores imperfectos para luz tormentosa, así que abandona el cuerpo del potenciador con el tiempo, dando al potenciador un efecto brillante con vapor blanco luminiscente saliendo por los poros de su piel. Expirar accelera la perdida, pero luz tormentosa substituye oxígeno, así que el potenciador no necesita respirar.[16] Como más luz tormentosa el potenciador contenga, más rápido abandonará su cuerpo.[37] Si solo aguantan una pequeña cantidad de luz, los potenciadores son capaces de inspirar y suprimir el efecto brillante.[38] Mientras hacen esto, son capaces de hablar sin expulsar la luz tormentosa.[39]

Además de alimentar la potenciación, la luz tormentosa también mejora mucho las habilidades físicas del potenciador, quién gana fuerza sobrehumana, velocidad, resistencia, aguante, y capacidad de curar cuerpo y alma. Potenciadores pueden sobrevivir caídas de cientos de metros y salir caminando, el daño se cura rápidamente con luz tormentosa. Casi cualquier tipo de herida puede curarse, incluyendo mala vista, cicatrices, extremidades amputadas, o daño espiritual provocado por una hoja esquirlada.[40] Esta curación se basa en la identidad cognitiva del potenciador. Por ejemplo, si un soldado ve sus cicatrices como parte de sí mismo, la luz tormentosa no las curará.[41]

Mientras está dentro del cuerpo, la luz tormentosa produce un intenso efecto similar a la adrenalina, impulsando al potenciador a actuar y moverse, lo que puede resultar en imprudencias si el potenciador no es cuidadoso. Da mucha energía, pero cuando al potenciador se le termina la luz, queda exhausto y se siente desinflado, parecido a un brazo de peltre después de un arrastre de peltre.[42] Por otro lado, luz del vacío causa una sensación de pasión aumentada y sienten emociones de forma más vibrante.[30]


Adhesion Surge-glyph.svg Gravitation Surge-glyph.svg Division Surge-glyph.svg Abrasion Surge-glyph.svg Progression Surge-glyph.svg Illumination Surge-glyph.svg Transformation Surge-glyph.svg Transportation Surge-glyph.svg Cohesion Surge-glyph.svg Tension Surge-glyph.svg
Adhesión Gravitación División Abrasión Progresión Iluminación Transformación Transportación Cohesión Tensión

Las Potencias, así como sus nombres, preceden de lejos a los Caballeros Radiantes.[43] Las Potencias existían en Ashyn antes de la llegada de humanos a Roshar, aunque no estaban restringidas por Honor.[31] Antes de que el vínculo Nahel fuera descubierto, cuando los humanos podían usar la potenciación libremente.[44] Ishar fue la primera persona que Odium engañó para que experimentara con las Potencias. Después de que Ashyn fuera destruida debido al uso sin restricción de la potenciación y los humanos escaparan a Roshar, Honor empezó a poner límites a las Potencias, pero con Honor Astillado, al menos algunas de estas restricciones han empezado a ser menos estrictas.[31]



La Potencia de Adhesión puede ser manipulada para juntar cosas.[45] Las dos órdenes de Caballeros Radiantes con acceso a esta Potencia son los Forjadores de Vínculos y los Corredores del Viento. Los honorspren y los vientospren pueden usarla, muy débilmente.[46] Este poder es solo de Honor; es referida como "la más verdadera Poténcia de Honor" y es difícil de reprimir, el Hermano la llama "la Poténcia de vínculos y juramentos". Por el otro lado, esta Poténcia es considerada inferior por los cantores. Rabeniel se refiere a la Adhesión como "una Poténcia falsa" y ningún Fusionado tiene acceso a ella.[1]

  • Full Lashing: This ability creates an extremely powerful temporary bond between two objects. To use this ability, the Surgebinder infuses a surface with Stormlight, after which any object or person that comes in contact with the surface will be bound to it. Full Lashing does not necessarily require skin contact; surfaces can be infused by "spraying" the Stormlight onto them.[16] Most objects would break apart themselves before the bond holding them would.[45] The duration of this bond is determined by the amount of Stormlight infused. The bond ends when the Stormlight runs out. Radiants cannot use a full lashing to stick their bodies to something else.[47] Someone wearing Shardplate is immune to Lashings, but any objects that they are touching can be affected.[48] Spren (and likely other highly Invested beings) are also immune to full Lashings.[49] The bond also attracts bindspren.[50]
  • Spiritual Adhesion: Using the Surge of Adhesion to manipulate spiritual, rather than purely physical forces, a Bondsmith can touch another person and forge a spiritual Connection between them. This allows the Bondsmith to temporarily speak the other person's native tongue.[51] Whether the Bondsmith must remain physically close to this other person for the ability to be continually used is unknown. It lasts for longer than a few hours, but shorter than a few days.[52]
  • Other Connection Abilities: The Surge can be used for other types of Connection as well, with known uses being Connecting a Radiant to the ground and causing their Stormlight to drain into it as if it were their body, seeing the past and the Connections of a given person, and even (with the Bondsmith Honorblade) stealing a Nahel bond.[31][53] It is unclear if these abilities extend to Bondsmiths in general or are inherently related to the Herald Ishar.



The Surge of Gravitation can be manipulated to change the direction and strength of an object's gravitational attraction.[45] The two orders of Knights Radiant with access to this Surge are the Windrunners and the Skybreakers. The Fused brand with access to this Surge are the shanay-im, or Heavenly Ones.

  • Basic Lashing: This ability alters an object's or being's spiritual gravitational bond to the planet below, instead temporarily linking it to a different direction. It allows the Surgebinder to run up walls, or send objects or people flying off into the air. Lashings only affect gravitational pull and not mass, so different things with different masses will still fall at the same speed.[54] Lashings can only send something in a particular direction and can not be locked into following an object.[55] Lashing can also affect liquids.[56] Surgebinders can rotate themselves in the air using wind resistance,[57] and can also lessen the force of the wind while flying.[58] Taking sharp turns while Lashing can cause the Surgebinder to black out.[59][60] When Lashing multiple objects or beings at a time, it is possible to create a sort of channel around the group, which will keep them close together.[58] Basic Lashing requires skin contact if the Surgebinder is trying to infuse an external object or being.[61] Basic Lashing continually consumes the Stormlight with which the object is infused until the object runs out of Stormlight or the Surgebinder dismisses their Lashing; as such, the length of a Basic Lashing is dependent on the amount of Stormlight used.[62] Advanced users of Basic Lashing can employ partial Lashings — a half-Lashing upward, for example, would make the Surgebinder effectively weightless, while a quarter-Lashing would halve the person's weight.[63] It is also possible to use multiple Basic Lashings simultaneously so that the infused object or being will be pulled toward different directions at once or pulled toward a single direction but stronger than gravity normally would.[64] It is possible to only Lash part of an object, though this requires skill.[65]

  • Reverse Lashing: By combining the Surges of Gravitation and Adhesion, a Windrunner can create a bubble around a surface that imitates its spiritual link to the ground beneath it. In effect, this makes the infused object pull other objects towards itself. It is much harder for Reverse Lashing to affect objects touching the ground, where their link to the planet is the strongest; objects falling or in flight are the easiest to influence. Other objects can be affected, but the Stormlight and skill required are much more substantial. This ability is believed to be a specialized version of Basic Lashing.[45] Reverse Lashing requires a command and constant skin contact for it to work, though it consumes comparatively little Stormlight.[16][66] A Reverse Lashing can be powerful enough to bend the path of bullets, or tear the head of a Fused from its body.[67][68] Objects infused with a Reverse Lashing do not glow with Stormlight, becoming darker instead along with other things in their vicinity, possibly by pulling light into the object.[16]



The Surge of Division can be manipulated to have power over destruction and decay.[45] The two orders of Knights Radiant with access to this Surge are the Dustbringers and the Skybreakers.

  • Decay: Using the Surge of Division, the Surgebinder can touch an object and cause it to burn, turn to dust, or decay in other ways. The Surgebinder can exercise significant control, such as to burn a pattern into a piece of wood. It can also be used on humans.[69] This splits the molecular bonds of the object the Surge is used on, but not the atoms themselves.[70] It is likely to have the ability to ignite objects.[71] Decay can be used to create types of sculptures, such as adding color when burning objects or grayscaling them.[72]



The Surge of Abrasion can be manipulated to alter the frictional force between two surfaces.[45] The two orders of Knights Radiant with access to this Surge are the Dustbringers and the Edgedancers. The brand of Fused with access are the shetel-im, or Flowing Ones.

  • Slicking: This ability allows the Surgebinder to make their body frictionless. The Surgebinder can choose which parts of the body are affected and which parts are not; for example, the bottom of the feet can be infused so that the Surgebinder glides over any surface without losing momentum until the ability is suspended.[73] Wind friction can also be affected. However, slicking doesn't reduce the force of direct collisions.[74] People experienced in its use often move as though they were ice-skating on the ground.[75] Slicking can also be used to escape any grasp, or slip through tight openings.[75][76] It can also be applied to objects, making it so that only the Surgebinder can grip the object without it slipping.[75] Dead Shardplate would interfere with this.[77]



The Surge of Progression can be manipulated to alter the growth and healing of organisms.[45] The two orders of Knights Radiant with access to this Surge are the Edgedancers and the Truthwatchers. The brand of Fused with access are the Magnified Ones.

  • Growth: This ability accelerates organic growth to tremendous speeds. The Surgebinder can infuse the seeds of a plant with Stormlight through skin contact, and in seconds, it will become fully developed. It is unknown if this ability only works on plants.[73] The Fused with access to this Surge can use it to grow their carapace into tools and weapons.

  • Regrowth: This ability heals the damage done to the body and the soul of a person instantly and without any scarring. The flesh, muscle, or bones can be completely regrown rapidly. The body can be refreshed and rid of fatigue.[78] The Surgebinder can even reverse death with Regrowth; a body that has bled out or a soul that has been severed with a Shardblade can be healed with Regrowth and continue to function as if it has never been damaged.[73] However, once the soul leaves the body and reaches the afterlife, it is impossible for the Surgebinder to revive the person.[79] This ability may also fail to heal injuries that are too old.[80] Regrowth is inferior to normal Radiant healing.[81]
    • Surge Fabrial: A Surge Fabrial is able to mimic the Radiant ability of Regrowth. Ancient Radiants possessed fabrials constructed from a large topaz and heliodor that were able to "regrow" and repair injuries through manipulating the Surge of Progression.[78] In the present day, they have been lost; however, the Herald Nale possesses one capable of bringing someone back from the brink of death.[79]



The Surge of Illumination can be manipulated to create auditory and visual illusions.[45] The two orders of Knights Radiant with access to this Surge are the Lightweavers and the Truthwatchers. The brand of Fused with access are the mavset-im, or Masked Ones.

  • Lightweaving: This ability creates visual and auditory illusions. The illusion is based upon not just what the Surgebinder imagines, but also desires to create, requiring both a mental picturing of and a Spiritual connection to the intended creation.[45] Once the creation is shaped, the Surgebinder breathes out a cloud of Stormlight to form the illusion.[82] The illusion can be created anywhere, but requires a constant source of Stormlight, so the Surgebinder — or a being the Surgebinder is Spiritually linked to — needs to keep in proximity to it. Because the illusion automatically feeds off the Surgebinder, the glowing effect common to the Surgebinders as the Stormlight leaks out of their bodies does not happen, as excess Stormlight is instead fed to the illusion. Unless the Surgebinder intentionally dissolves the apparition, it will stay active until they run out of Stormlight or leaves its proximity. It can even stay active while the Surgebinder is unconscious.[83] It's possible for the Surgebinder to attach the illusion to themselves, as well as a being they are Spiritually linked to such as the spren that forms the Nahel bond, so that the illusion automatically follows their movements. This way, an illusion of a disguise can mimic facial expressions or adapt to the clothing or the accessories they are wearing.[84] Experienced practitioners of this art can also attach the illusion to an object that is infused with Stormlight, such as a sphere.[85] The illusory image has no substance to it, and if an object physically passes through the illusion, the image fuzzes to Stormlight until the object withdraws.[86] Light itself does not pass through the illusion; if the Surgebinder wants to see through it, they must put in viewing holes. The amount of Stormlight the illusion requires depends on the complexity of it.[87] Lightweaving can manipulate all forms of electromagnetic radiation, including lasers.[88] Lightweaving would be affected by aphantasia.[89]
    • Interactions with Yolish Lightweaving: Rosharan Lightweaving is much more restrictive than the earlier Yolish variant,[90] as it requires a spren and Stormlight to function.[91] Yolish Lightweaving, however, seems to function imperfectly in the current day,[92] and its users may need help from Rosharan Lightweavers to fully craft an illusion.[93] A Yolish Lightweaver is able to guide a Rosharan Lightweaver's power.[92] Gaining Rosharan Lightweaving allows for some supplemental ability with Yolish Lightweaving,[94] and could allow Yolish Lightweavers to overcome their difficulties, although further impacts or resonances between the two are unknown.[95][94]



The Surge of Transformation can be manipulated to change an object into one of the ten essences.[45] The two orders of Knights Radiant with access to this Surge are the Elsecallers and the Lightweavers. The brand of Fused with access are the fannahn-im, or Altered Ones. Using this Surge, Surgebinders are able to enter the Cogntive Realm, but are unable to bring others with them, or return on their own.[96] The Surge of Transformation may potentially allow someone to unmake a spren, although other abilities may be involved in this.[97]

  • Soulcasting: This ability transforms any material into one of the Surgebinder's choice. To Soulcast, the Surgebinder shifts their perception to see into the Cognitive Realm, and communicates with the Cognitive aspect of the object they want to transform. This is normally done through direct contact with an object, however, can be performed from a distance. Elsecallers are more skilled at doing this, though it is not impossible for a Lightweaver to be able to Soulcast from afar.[98] Not every object is inclined to change, depending on how the object is seen by the sentient species and how it sees itself, so the Surgebinder may need to negotiate with it.[99] Once the object is convinced into changing, the Surgebinder infuses it with Stormlight, and the transformation process takes place instantaneously.[82] It is technically possible for the Surgebinder to transform anything into anything else, but transforming something into the pure form of an Essence is the easiest to accomplish, while transforming the object into something unfamiliar is a lot harder.[100] It is possible to transfer a Soulcasting from one material to another, like a disease, without the Soulcaster directly Soulcasting them.[101] It is unknown if objects can transfer a Soulcasting into a different material than what they turned into or if they can only transfer a Soulcasting to the same type of object they are. The target of Soulcasting can be both an inanimate item and a person, although a person will present greater difficulty, due to the innate Investiture they hold.[102][103] Soulcasting is much easier to do while in the Cognitive Realm.[104]
    • Surge Fabrial: A soulcaster fabrial is able to mimic the Radiant ability of Soulcasting.[100] Most are only able to effect small, singular changes, such as turning stone into water, while about one in ten can affect any change.[105] When Soulcasting, the fabrial draws Stormlight from the corresponding gemstone.
    • Savantism: Long-term use of Soulcasting, whether via Surgebinding or a fabrial, can lead to the user becoming a savant, transforming slowly into the essence they frequently transform other objects into.[106] The effects of savanthood are much less pronounced for Surgebinders compared to fabrial users, and can take a different path in their manifestation, due to the Nahel bond.[107] This process is different from simply having transformed a portion of oneself accidentally.[108]



The Surge of Transportation can be manipulated to achieve realmatic transition.[45] The two orders of Knights Radiant with access to this Surge are the Elsecallers and the Willshapers. Using this ability Surgebinders are able to briefly look into the Cognitive Realm, which allows them to see hidden essences of others (such as if a singer is a normal singer, Regal, or Fused).[29] The brand of Fused with access are the nex-im, or Husked Ones.

  • Elsecalling: This ability allows the Surgebinder to travel between the Cognitive and Physical Realms by creating a miniature perpendicularity.[109] A circular wall of Stormlight can be seen briefly at the target location before the Surgebinder arrives.[110] The Surgebinder can also bring other beings and objects with them while transporting themselves.[111] This allows many Surgebinders with Transportation the ability to worldhop.[112] However, it's much harder to leave the Cognitive Realm than it is to enter it, and although it is possible to transition realms without a waypoint, those that are less skilled need to find a point where the two Realms touch to be able to leave.[113][114][115]
    • Surge Fabrial: Oathgates are able to mimic the Radiant ability of Transportation. They allow the user to transport anything on top of their platform and in their control chamber between Oathgates in an instant. However, as far as is known, they function in pairs - an Oathgate in Urithiru only connects to one Oathgate outside, and the Oathgate outside only connects to one Oathgate in Urithiru. They can only be activated by Honorblades or living Shardblades.[116] Transportation of more than one person through them requires use of more Stormlight.[17]
  • Nex-im: The Fused that have this ability, such as Lezian, use it very differently, evacuating their body into a spren-like red light before re-forming elsewhere.[117]



Also called the Surge of Strong Axial Interconnection,[45] the Surge of Cohesion can be manipulated to alter objects at a molecular level.[118] The two orders of Knights Radiant with access to this Surge are the Willshapers and the Stonewards. The brand of Fused with access are the makay-im, or Deepest Ones. This allows the user to alter the shape of solid objects, but not human flesh, with Surgebinders able to grab matter and stretch it, altering the object as though it was soft clay. Cohesion is highly resisted by Investiture, and even a small amount of Stormlight in an object would prevent it from working.[119]

  • Stoneshaping: This ability manipulates the forces that bind axi together.[120] It is considered a cousin to microkinesis, an Invested Art from Yolen that also manipulated axi, though Honor placed strict limits on Stoneshaping to prevent it from enabling the level of destruction possible with microkinesis. While in use, a Surgebinder can mold stone (or other materials) as if it were clay without the use of heat.[121] Stone is able to sense the Intent of the Surgebinder and their past, and even show out or explain events from the past via Stoneshaping.[30][121] Though stone tends to be the most difficult to Soulcast, it will easily obey through Cohesion.
  • Makay-im: The Fused with this ability, while not shown to be able to mold stone, have instead used it to phase through stone. They can move through other materials, as long as they are solid.[122]



Also called the Surge of Soft Axial Interconnection, the Surge of Tension can be manipulated to alter the stiffness of an object;[45] for example, taking something flexible and making it rigid.[123] The two orders of Knights Radiant with access to this Surge are the Stonewards and the Bondsmiths. Much like Cohesion, Tension is highly resisted by Investiture.[119]

For Bondsmiths, the use of this surge is different from the Stonewards, as they can couple it with their affinity for Connection to repair inanimate objects as a complement to the Surge of Adhesion.[124]

Potenciadores notables

Knights Radiant

Knights Radiant are an organization of Surgebinders with the Nahel bond who live by the Immortal Words. They are comprised of ten different orders, with each order consisting of Surgebinders who have access to the same two Surges.


  1. Adesión es solo de Honor así que no es considerada una Potencia verdadera por los Fusionados.
  1. a b c El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 31#
  2. Barnes and Noble Book Club Q&A
    Arcanum - 2009-07-08#
  3. interview with Brandon Sanderson
    Arcanum - 2010-12-25#
  4. Arcanum Ilimitado - Sistema de Scadrial#
  5. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 112#
  6. Dawnshard Annotations Reddit Q&A
    Arcanum - 2020-11-06#
  7. YouTube Livestream 23
    Arcanum - 2020-12-17#
  8. Shardcast Interview
    Arcanum - 2021-01-23#
  9. Mini-Con 2021
    Arcanum - 2021-11-22#
  10. Palabras radiantes capítulo 89#
  11. a b Juramentada capítulo 111#
  12. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 69#
  13. Juramentada capítulo 113#
  14. a b Juramentada capítulo 38#
  15. Oathbringer London signing
    Arcanum - 2017-11-28#
  16. a b c d e El camino de los reyes prólogo#
  17. a b c Palabras radiantes capítulo 87#
  18. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 17#
  19. Words of Radiance Chicago signing
    Arcanum - 2014-03-22#
  20. Palabras radiantes capítulo 1#
  21. Palabras radiantes capítulo 3#
  22. El camino de los reyes capítulo 67#
  23. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 84#
  24. a b Words of Radiance Seattle signing
    Arcanum - 2014-03-08#
  25. Palabras radiantes capítulo 69#
  26. Words of Radiance signing Houston
    Arcanum - 2014-03-11#
  27. Words of Radiance signing Chicago
    Arcanum - 2014-03-22#
  28. a b Juramentada capítulo 121#
  29. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 11#
  30. a b c El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 67#
  31. a b c d El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 111#
  32. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 60#
  33. YouTube Livestream 23
    Arcanum - 2020-12-17#
  34. Arcanum Unbounded signing Fort Collins
    Arcanum - 2016-11-29#
  35. Palabras radiantes capítulo 59#
  36. DragonCon 2016
    Arcanum - 2016-09-03#
  37. Palabras radiantes capítulo 2#
  38. Juramentada capítulo 21#
  39. Juramentada capítulo 25#
  40. Palabras radiantes capítulo 33#
  41. Words of Radiance Chicago signing
    Arcanum - 2014-03-22#
  42. El camino de los reyes capítulo 66#
  43. El ritmo de la guerra interludio I-1#
  44. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 76#
  45. a b c d e f g h i j k l m Palabras radiantes Ars Arcanum#
  46. Supanova 2017 - Sydney
    Arcanum - 2017-06-16#
  47. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 55#
  48. El camino de los reyes interludio I-9#
  49. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 5#
  50. Palabras radiantes capítulo 12#
  51. Juramentada capítulo 65#
  52. Emerald City Comic Con 2018
    Arcanum - 2018-03-01#
  53. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 47#
  54. Shadows of Self release party
    Arcanum - 2015-10-05#
  55. Stormlight Three Update #5
    Arcanum - 2016-11-19#
  56. Calamity Seattle signing
    Arcanum - 2016-02-17#
  57. Oathbringer release party
    Arcanum - 2017-11-13#
  58. a b Juramentada capítulo 60#
  59. General Reddit 2018
    Arcanum - 2018-06-06#
  60. Juramentada capítulo 116#
  61. Palabras radiantes capítulo 85#
  62. Palabras radiantes capítulo 41#
  63. El camino de los reyes Ars Arcanum#
  64. Palabras radiantes capítulo 52#
  65. Stuttgart signing
    Arcanum - 2019-05-17#
  66. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 49#
  67. /r/books AMA 2015
    Arcanum - 2015-06-27#
  68. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 106#
  69. Juramentada capítulo 107#
  70. Leipzig Book Fair
    Arcanum - 2017-03-24#
  71. Preludio al Archivo de las Tormentas#
  72. Idaho Falls signing
    Arcanum - 2018-12-29#
  73. a b c Palabras radiantes interludio I-9#
  74. Danzante del Filo (novella) capítulo 1#
  75. a b c Juramentada capítulo 120#
  76. Juramentada capítulo 117#
  77. General Reddit 2019
    Arcanum - 2019-12-20#
  78. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 19#
  79. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 88#
  80. Juramentada interludio I-13#
  81. Tor Instagram Livestream
    Arcanum - 2020-11-25#
  82. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 7#
  83. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 4#
  84. Palabras radiantes capítulo 60#
  85. Juramentada capítulo 51#
  86. Palabras radiantes capítulo 42#
  87. Palabras radiantes capítulo 54#
  88. Miscellaneous 2016
    Arcanum - 2016-07-03#
  89. Dawnshard Annotations Reddit Q&A
    Arcanum - 2020-11-06#
  90. Palabras radiantes capítulo 45#
  91. Orem signing
    Arcanum - 2017-12-21#
  92. a b Emerald City Comic Con 2018
    Arcanum - 2018-03-01#
  93. Juramentada capítulo 82#
  94. a b Oathbringer Chicago signing
    Arcanum - 2017-11-21#
  95. Oathbringer London signing
    Arcanum - 2017-11-28#
  96. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 22#
  97. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 42#
  98. Starsight Release Party
    Arcanum - 2019-11-26#
  99. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 26#
  100. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 72#
  101. Juramentada capítulo 119#
  102. El camino de los reyes capítulo 36#
  103. OdysseyCon 2016
    Arcanum - 2016-04-08#
  104. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 93#
  105. El camino de los reyes capítulo 5#
  106. Arcanum Unbounded signing Chicago
    Arcanum - 2016-12-06#
  107. Oathbringer signing Leeds
    Arcanum - 2017-12-01#
  108. Juramentada interludio I-4#
  109. Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing
    Arcanum - 2016-12-06#
  110. Palabras radiantes epílogo#
  111. Palabras radiantes capítulo 53 Epígrafe#
  112. Minicon 2015
    Arcanum - 2015-04-02#
  113. White Sand vol.1 release party
    Arcanum - 2016-06-28#
  114. Juramentada capítulo 33#
  115. Prague Signing
    Arcanum - 2019-10-26#
  116. Palabras radiantes capítulo 86#
  117. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 2#
  118. Words of Radiance Seattle signing
    Arcanum - 2014-03-08#
  119. a b Orem signing
    Arcanum - 2018-03-10#
  120. El ritmo de la guerra Ars Arcanum#
  121. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 83#
  122. El ritmo de la guerra interludio I-4#
  123. Words of Radiance Omaha signing
    Arcanum - 2014-03-13#
  124. Juramentada capítulo 59#
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