
Revisión del 00:35 20 ago 2019 de Stargazer (discusión | contribs.) (Addressing disputed content and adding detials.)

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Fallecido Splintering of Honor[1]
Capacidades Esquirla Honor
Títulos Honor
Apodos The Almighty, Elithanathile[2]
Mundo natal Roshar
Universo Cosmere

Tanavast was a fine enough fellow - bought me drinks once - but he was not God

Hoid on Tanavast[3]

Tanavast was the original Vessel of the Shard Honor.[4]

Appearance and Personality

Child of Tanavast. Child of Honor. Child of one long since departed.

—The Stormfather's description of Tanavast and his relationship to humans.[5]

In one of Dalinar Kholin's visions, he appeared as a tall muscular man with dark skin and pure white hair and wore billowing trousers and a waist-length coat, both of which seemed to be made of gold. Dalinar considered this clothing strange, which may indicate that it was from Yolen or it may simply be a reflection of how style had changed since Tanavast recorded the visions.[6]

When asked by Dalinar if Honor had cared about men's pain, the Stormfather said that Honor did love mankind, even dying to defend them.[7][expandir]


On Yolen

At some point in the past, likely prior to the Shattering, Tanavast met Hoid, and left a good impression on him.[3]

Tanavast was one of the sixteen people who shattered Adonalsium, after which he Ascended as the Shard of Honor.[8][4]

Early Roshar

After the Shattering, Tanavast and his lover, Cultivation's Vessel,[9] moved to Roshar,[10] and both Shards Invested equally in the planet.[11]

To counter the Fused, he formed the Oathpact with the ten Heralds, which bound the Fused to Braize after death. The Oathpact is also part of what keeps Odium captive on Braize where he could not splinter other Shards.[12][13][expandir]

Silver Kingdoms Epoch

Sometime before the Day of Recreance, he passed responsibility for creating new honorspren to the Stormfather. When the last generation of Knights Radiant discovered that humans were the invaders on Roshar, he did not support them as he had past Radiants, but instead raved about how they would destroy the world.[14] Sometime after the Recreance, he recorded several visions for the Stormfather to show to Bondsmith candidates,[15] and was later killed by Odium when Honor was Splintered.[6][1]

Present Day

He had another name, allowed to pass only the lips of ardents. Elithanathile. He Who Transforms.

—Shallan's thoughts[2]

On modern Roshar, the Vorin Church worships The Almighty, which is tied to the ancient understanding of the Shard Honor.[16] The Almighty has ten names, though it is unclear if Tanavast is one of them.[2] According to scripture, The Almighty was cast out of the Tranquiline Halls after the Day of Recreance and thus now resides in the hearts of mankind.[Falta cita] Vorinism teaches that seeing the future is of the Voidbringers,[17] which may be a result of Tanavast's difficulty seeing the future.[6]

Attributes and Abilities

As a Vessel, Tanavast originally held as much power as his peers.[18] At some point, however, he was weakened enough that , even with Cutivation's assistance, Odium was able to kill him.[19] Like other Vessels, he had Shardic future sight, though it was not as strong as that of Cultivation.[6]


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