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Jezrien Endpage.jpg
Hijos Shalash
Títulos Heraldo del Todopoderoso,
Herald of Kings,
Patron of the Windrunners
Apodos Jezerezeh, Yaezir, Ahu
Mundo natal Roshar

We chose this burden willingly. Well, we can choose to drop it if we wish.

—Jezrien on the Oathpact[1]

Jezrien, also known as Jezerezeh'Elin and Yaezir, was one of the ten Heralds of The Almighty[1] and the patron of the Order of Windrunners.[2] Jezrien fought in multiple Desolations, defending humankind from the Voidbringers and returning to Damnation between Desolations to be tortured.[3] After centuries of combat, Jezrien abandoned the Oathpact with eight of the other Heralds, pretending the Voidbringers had been defeated once and for all.[1] He went into hiding, gradually losing his mind,[4] while the rest of the world revered his memory and he became a figure of legend over the following millennia.[5]

Appearance and Personality


Jezrien has dark eyes[3] and black hair.[1] He is tall and appears almost Alethi, although his skin is a little darker than a typical Alethi man and his features are slightly off.[3] As a Herald, Jezrien appears to be about thirty years old and wore a short, neatly-trimmed, black beard.[1] He stands confidently[3] with a royal bearing.[1] He often wears fine white and blue clothing,[3] although it is oftentimes stained and charred by battle.[1] He speaks with a deep, calm, voice that has a regal sound to it.[1]

After he abandons the Oathpact and lives as a beggar, Jezrien's beard grows long and scraggly,[6] streaked with black and gray.[7] His hair becomes matted and filthy and he smells like garbage.[6] Jezrien's clothes are reduced to ragged scraps. His words are often slurred or believed to be gibberish.[6][7]


"Better that one man should suffer than ten.

— Jezrien's response to Taln's abandonment[1]

Jezrien is widely believed to have been one of the best men to have ever lived. Upon joining the Oathpact, he was an honorable and true man.[1] Jezrien's specialty was leadership; he was a great instructor on the guidance of men.[8] After centuries of torture, Jezrien became damaged by anguish and grief.[1] He was afraid to return to Braize and face the torments of the Voidbringers again. This led Jezrien to make the choice to abandon the Oathpact and leave Taln alone on Braize. He had even reached such a point that he was willing to lie to all of mankind to make them believe that he and the other Heralds had achieved their victory. He seemed distraught by his own cowardice at the ending of the Oathpact and ashamed to be leaving Taln to suffer.

In the millennia that followed, he succumbed to insanity himself.[4] By the Era of Solitude, Jezrien's once sharp mind had been dulled thoroughly.[6][7] He speaks nonsensically and without any clear meaning behind what he says.[6] He seems to have some semblance of lucidity, referencing the various Unmade, but it is uncertain how much awareness he still has. It is also unclear how much of his disorientation is the result of drunkenness and what is the result of his madness. He also appears to speak in gibberish at times, but it is possible that he is speaking in an ancient language, such as the Dawnchant.


I will lead the charge for the Tranquiline Halls. You will not see me again, but think not on that now! You have won your peace. Revel in it! Rebuild. Go now, help your fellows. Carry with you the light of your Herald king’s words. We are victorious, at long last, over evil!

—Jezrien to the survivors of Aharietiam[9]
by: Sheep
Jezrien with his Honorblade

Herald of the Almighty

At some point in the past Jezrien ruled as a a king.[1] It is unknown if Jezrien was ever married but had at least one child, Shalash.[10] After humanity began to lose its fight against Odium's immortal Fused, Jezrien and nine companions asked Honor for the ability to seal the Voidbringers on Braize.[3] Honor agreed, the Oathpact was founded, and Jezrien and his nine companions became Heralds of the Almighty and were given their Honorblades. Jezrien was tortured with the rest of the Heralds between every Desolation until one of them broke. When that happened, Jezrien and the other Heralds returned to Roshar to guide humanity in the fight against the Voidbringers. Jezrien would aid their leaders in learning how to effectively guide their peoples.[8] When the spren began to bond with humans to grant them Surgebinding, Jezrien became the patron of the Windrunners, the order of the Knights Radiant that bore the same powers as Jezrien.[2]

Many Desolations after the beginning of the Oathpact, Jezrien and the other Heralds save for Talenel, who had died, decided that they could no longer withstand the torture they faced in between Desolations.[1] They agreed to permanently abandon their pledge, leaving Taln alone in Damnation. Jezrien was chosen by the rest to wait and see if Kalak had survived and to pass on word to him that the other Heralds had quit. After explaining their decision to Kalak, Jezrien summoned his Honorblade and left it stuck point-first into the ground, before taking off by himself.


Praise Yaezir, Herald of Kings. May he lead in wisdom. If he ever stops drooling

Darkness's mention of Jezrien to the viziers of Azir[11]

Following the abandonment of his Blade, Jezrien spread the word of their victory to the survivors of the Last Desloation.[3] At some point over the following millennia, he seems to have succumbed to the same madness plaguing the other Heralds.[4] Jezrien became a drunk beggar who lived in a Beggars' Porch in the Kholinar palace.[6] He was known as Ahu by then, and was occasionally the drinking companion of Highprince Dalinar Kholin when Dalinar was trying to drink clandestinely or could not find more alcohol. Jezrien attended the Beggar's Feast on the night that King Gavilar Kholin was assassinated, speaking incoherently to Szeth before collapsing.[7] Six years later, after the capture of Kholinar by the Voidbringers, Jezrien was stabbed by Moash with an unusual knife.[5] Jezrien was initially unfazed by the wound, but quickly realized that he had been mortally wounded, screaming and dying suddenly. At the moment of Jezrien's true death, the other living Heralds felt a painful tearing sensation and knew that he was dead.

Powers and Abilities

Jezrien's Symbol
by Isaac Stewart

The Heralds glow like the sun, wield the Honorblades, and speak with the voices of a thousand trumpets. They could cast down buildings with a command, force the storms to obey, and heal with a touch.

Shallan Davar's thoughts on the Heralds[12]

Herald of Kings

As Jezrien served as the the Herald of Kings, it is likely Jezrien was one of the best leaders and instructors of leadership that has ever lived; he trained humankind's leaders upon his return before each Desolation.[8] As one of the Heralds of the Almighty, it is nearly impossible to truly kill Jezrien. In truth, the Jezrien that exists now is a Cognitive Shadow.[13] Before breaking the Oathpact, upon his death he was returned to Damnation to be tortured,[14] although it is uncertain how he gained a new body when he returned to Roshar. If Jezrien is anything like Taln, his reflexes certainly were also inhumanly fast,[15] and he was very strong as well.[16] Even after abandoning the Oathpact, Jezrien remains ageless, and appears as youthful as the day he became a Herald.[1] Jezrien's immortality was broken by the yellow-white knife, although it is unknown how this was achieved.[5]

Shardwielding and Surgebinding

As a Herald, Jezrien has access to his Honorblade, a variety of Shardblade given to him by the Shard Honor.[17] This Shardblade is able to cut through any material, stone, steel, or even living things effortlessly.[7] This allowed Jezrien to be a formidable foe on the battlefield, particularly against thunderclasts, as his Blade can cut their stone flesh easier than anything else.[18] As he had spent an enormous amount of time using the Honorblade in the fight against the Voidbringers, Jezrien was likely very experienced in using his Blade. Unlike most Shardblades, this Honorblade also granted Jezrien access to the Surges of Adhesion and Gravitation.[17] As he was not sworn to a spren, he was able to do with his Blade what he liked, without regard for any oaths.[19] Jezrien also had no need for Stormlight, his Surgebinding was powered directly by Honor.[20] It is unknown how this would have been impacted by Honor's death. Since giving up his Honorblade when he gave up the Oathpact, Jezrien is likely unable to Surgebind.


by: Isaac Stewart
Jezrien's chapter icon

You call him the Stormfather, here in Alethkar, or Jezerezeh'Elin. He was king of the Heralds. Master of the storms, bringer of water and life, known for his fury and his temper, but also for his mercy.

—Sigzil on Jezrien[21]

Over the millenia that have passed since Aharietiam Jezrien has become mythologized across Roshar. He is known as one of the greatest human to have ever lived.[5] In the Vorin kingdoms of the east, Jezrien has been conflated with the concept of the Stormfather, so many believe them to be one and the same. He has come to be known as Jezerezeh'Elin, the Herald of Kings, and men swear by his name[22][23] and burn glyphwards in prayer to him.[24] He is commonly depicted in art and sculpture with the other nine Heralds.[7] In some cases, when a serious crime is committed, men may be strung out during a highstorm to be judged by Jezrien. If they survive, they were innocent, although men typically do not survive the highstorm winds.[25] Vorin people who have interacted more directly with the Stormfather have come to realize that the two are not one and the same.[26]

[The Makabaki] worship Jezrien, though they don’t accept him as a figure from the Vorin religion. They name him the only god.

Teft about the Makabaki[21]

In Azir and the other Makabaki kingdoms, Jezrien is known as Yaezir, Kadasix of Kings.[27] In their religion, Jezrien is worshipped as their only god.[21] In Emul, they hold that Jezrien named their kingdom as well as its capital, Sesemalex Dar.[21] The Emuli seem to refer to him as the Prime Kadasix.[28] In Azir, they believe that each new Prime Aqasix is chosen by the will of Yaezir, and that he will guide them in their search for the person he has already ordained to be the Prime.[27] The Iriali and Rirans also revere Jezrien on some level, calling him him Yaysi.[29]


  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Preludio al Archivo de las Tormentas#
  2. a b Juramentada capítulo 64#
  3. a b c d e f g Juramentada capítulo 38#
  4. a b c Juramentada capítulo 39#
  5. a b c d Juramentada capítulo 121#
  6. a b c d e f Juramentada capítulo 88#
  7. a b c d e f El camino de los reyes prólogo#
  8. a b c Palabras radiantes interludio I-7#
  9. Juramentada capítulo 42#
  10. s Shalash Jezrien's daughter?
    Theoryland - Sep 24th, 2013#
  11. Palabras radiantes interludio I-9#
  12. Palabras radiantes capítulo 63#
  13. Have we seen cameos of Heralds on other Shardworlds?
    Theoryland - 6 December 2016#
  14. Preludio al Archivo de las Tormentas#
  15. Palabras radiantes capítulo 88#
  16. El camino de los reyes epílogo#
  17. a b Juramentada capítulo 16#
  18. Juramentada capítulo 120#
  19. Palabras radiantes capítulo 87#
  20. Boskone 54 Signing Line
    Foros de 17th Shard - 17 February 2017#
  21. a b c d El camino de los reyes capítulo 55#
  22. El camino de los reyes capítulo 23#
  23. El camino de los reyes capítulo 52#
  24. El camino de los reyes capítulo 62#
  25. El camino de los reyes capítulo 34#
  26. Palabras radiantes capítulo 74#
  27. a b Palabras radiantes interludio I-9#
  28. El camino de los reyes interludio I-7#
  29. Juramentada capítulo 26#
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