
Revisión del 17:04 5 dic 2020 de GreyHive (discusión | contribs.) (RoW updates (Cord))

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Tipo de Fabrial Augmenter
Mundo de origen Roshar
Universo Cosmere

A grandbow is an incredibly powerful bow created by attaching an augmenter fabrial to a large bow.[1] They are sometimes called Shardbows because users typically must be enhanced by the strength of Shardplate in order to draw it fully.

Appearance and Functionality

The bows are about as tall as a man, and the arrows used with a grandbow are as thick as three fingers, and are quite long.[1] The fabrial attached to the bow ensures that the metal does not warp under the stress of being drawn.[Falta cita]


Grandbows were designed by Alethi artifabrians led by Navani Kholin during the War of Reckoning.[1] They were often used during chasmfiend hunts to injure the creatures before the hunters moved in for the final kill. In 1173, Highprince Torol Sadeas used a grandbow to attack the chasmfiend that surprised the Alethi during a hunt, while Highprince Dalinar Kholin as well as Adolin and King Elhokar attacked it with their Shardblades.[2]

Rock was able to draw and fire a grandbow at the Battle of Thaylen Field and kill Meridas Amaram who had been joined with Yelig-nar.[3] He is the only known person to be able to draw a Grandbow without the aid of Shardplate.

Amaram's grandbow was passed onto Cord. Cord used the grandbow to kill Leshwi before the assault on Hearthstone.[4] During a Skybreaker attack at the Battle of Emul, Cord used Amaram's Shardbow to shoot an arrow into Nale's face. In a later sequence, Nale caught an arrow fired from just feet away. [5]


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