Nacomb Gaval

De La Coppermind
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Nacomb Gaval
Oficio Captain in Ejército de Kholin
Grupo Ejército de Kholin
Nacionalidad de Alezkar
Mundo natal Roshar
Universo Cosmere

Nacomb Gaval is a young lighteyed soldier in Kholin army during the War of Reckoning on Roshar.[1]

After most of his superior officers were killed during the Battle of the Tower, Gaval was promoted and given a field commission as commander of the rear guard by Kaladin.[1] He was ordered to oversee the retreat of the rest of Dalinar's army. Once he took command, the army begins to retreat over the bridge in a quick, orderly fashion.

Gaval was a member of Dalinar Kholin's expedition to the center of the Shattered Plains. He participated in the Battle of Narak, leading the troop of soldiers accompanying Renarin and Shallan in their investigation of the Stormseat Oathgate.[2] At some point, Gaval became Adolin's Plate standby, wearing Adolin's Shardplate when he was unavailable to do so.[3] During the Battle of Thaylen Field, Adolin hoped that Gaval was heading to the battle with his Plate, but the two never met during that battle.


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Windrunner (talk) 23:14, 4 June 2018 (MST)

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