Salinor Eved

De La Coppermind
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Salinor Eved
Capacidades Portador de esquirlada (formerly)
Nacionalidad de Alezkar
Mundo natal Roshar
Universo Cosmere

Brightlord Salinor Eved is a Shardbearer from the princedom of Thanadal on Roshar.[1]

Attributes and Abilities

Salinor is a duelist who fights in Flamestance.[1] He has a Shardblade, but no Shardplate. While Salinor is skilled, he often boasts that he is a better duelist than the rankings show.[2]


Adolin and his father Dalinar hoped to embarrass Torol Sadeas and the others in his faction by gaining all of their Shards through duels.[3] Adolin's friend Jakamav suggested Salinor as a target, due to his boasting about his skill. In order to get Salinor to agree to the duel, Adolin had to wager both his Blade and his Plate for Salinor's Blade alone, a proposal that demeaned Adolin.[2]

When Adolin and Salinor fought in their duel, Salinor borrowed a set of the King's Plate. Adolin abandoned his traditional Windstance to fight in Ironstance in a brutal display of strength and skill. While Adolin broke tradition in his conduct during the duel, he did not violate any rules, so Highlady Istow was forced to award the victory to Adolin. Salinor initially refused to give up his Blade, but after Adolin threatened him, he broke the bond and gave it to Adolin. Adolin bestowed the Blade upon his brother, Renarin Kholin, so that he could have a complete set of Shards.[2]


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