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Capacidades Corredor del Viento[1]
Vinculado con An unknown honorspren
Grupo Knights Radiant (Windrunner), Bridge Thirteen, Ejército de Sadeas (formerly), Ejército de Kholin
Residencia Urithiru
Nacionalidad de Alezkar
Mundo natal Roshar
Universo Cosmere

Rial is a sergeant in Bridge Thirteen on Roshar.[2]

Appearance and Personality

He is clean-shaven with dark brown hair, and Dalinar notes that he is a bit pale for an Alethi.[2] However, he is later referred to as having leathery, dark skin.[3][4]

He speaks with a slow Koron drawl that originates from central Alethkar near the Sunmaker Mountains.[2]

He has a habit of rolling a sphere across his knuckles; he also formally salutes Dalinar constantly.[2][3] He typically carries a flask of alcohol on his person.[3][5]

Navani considers him "greasy", but Dalinar likes him because he considers him similar to some of his friends from the "old days", referring to his time spent as a warlord.[3]

Attributes and Abilities

Rial was a member of Bridge Thirteen when they became Teft's Windrunner squires.[6] Rial and the rest of the crew presumably gained limited Surgebinding abilities when they are within thirty miles of Teft,[7] including healing powers and flight through the use of Basic Lashings.


Rial's past is unknown, including the reason that he was part of a bridge crew.

Some time after the Battle of Narak, Rial and the rest of Bridge Thirteen were assigned to be bodyguards for the leadership in Urithiru after the members of Bridge Four became Kaladin's squires.[8] He quickly became friendly with Dalinar and at one point spiked his canteen with alcohol.[3] He guarded Dalinar on his first trip to Thaylen City and was present during Dalinar's duel with Kdralk.[9] He later offered Dalinar some alcohol just prior to him being branded a heretic by the curates of the Holy Enclave.[5]

Rial was aware that Navani sent Dalinar a special timekeeping vambrace even before Dalinar opened the package.[2]

Rial was not available to guard Dalinar during the Battle of Thaylen Field after Teft became a Knight Radiant and the members of Bridge Thirteen become his squires.[6]


  • Rial's unusual accent and behavior, inconsistent appearance, mysterious past, and sudden proximity to Dalinar have led some readers to speculate that he is not a simple Alethi bridgeman and may be a Worldhopper. However, Brandon Sanderson has RAFO’d questions about him.[10][11]


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