
De La Coppermind
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Capacidades Portador de esquirlada
Títulos Brightlord, Royal Defender
Residencia Los campamentos de guerra alezi
Nacionalidad de Alezkar
Mundo natal Roshar
Universo Cosmere

Brightlord Resi is a Shardbearer from Thanadal princedom in Alethkar on Roshar.[1]

Appearance and Personality

He is lighteyed and his Shardplate is painted yellow. He is referred to as Thanadal's "star" Shardbearer, and becomes quite frustrated when he loses a duel.[1]

Attributes and Abilities

He holds the title of Royal Defender, a traditional post entitling the bearer to a full set of Highprince Thanadal's Shards. The Royal Defender is the only full Shardbearer in Thanadal's warcamp. He is a competent duelist.[1]


In 1173, Adolin challenged Resi to a "friendly" duel after Thanadal had criticized Dalinar. Despite the seemingly low stakes, the dueling arena was full of spectators due to the political implications of the bout. Resi favored Stonestance, but his relatively slow movements left him open to Adolin's counterattacks using Windstance. Adolin increased the pressure on Resi, forcing him to take a defensive posture. Resi became unnerved by Adolin's rapid blows, and attempted another heavy strike, but Adolin blocked it with his vambrace and destroyed Resi's thigh plate, leaving him immobile and ending the duel. Resi could be heard swearing audibly after losing.[1]

Resi was one of the many Shardbearers that guarded a meeting of the Highprinces after the Assassin in White's attempt on Dalinar's life.[2]


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