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Lirin by Shuravf.jpg
Cónyuge Hesina
Hijos Kaladin, Tien, Oroden
Oficio Cirujano
Residencia Piedralar
Nacionalidad de Alezkar
Mundo natal Roshar
Universo Cosmere

Somebody has to start. Somebody has to step forward and do what is right, because it is right. If nobody starts, then others cannot follow.


Lirin es un cirujano alezi ojos oscuros y ciudadano del segundo nahn.[2] Vive y trabaja en las afueras de Piedralar[3] dentro del principado Sadeas de Alezkar.[2][4] Está casado con Hesina y es el padre de Kaladin, Tien y Oroden.

Como segundo nahn, Lirin y su familia son ciudadanos de pleno derecho de Alezkar y tienen derecho a viajar[2] y derecho a juicio.[5] Además, la posición de Lirin como cirujano le otorga más protecciones legales, como la inmunidad ante un alistamiento militar obligatorio .[5][4] Los antepasados de Lirin no siempre tuvieron un rango tan alto, pero se ganaron el ascenso en la escala social a base de trabajo durante varias generaciones.[2]

La casa de Lirin está construida en las afueras de Piedralar y es más grande que una casa normal debido a la inclusión de su sala de operaciones.[3]

Apariencia y personalidad


Retrato de Lirin

Lirin es delgado, con gafas y está perdiendo pelo.[6] Es muy bajito, mide varios dedos menos que su mujer.[6] Casi nunca lleva sus gafas, solo cuando opera, ya que son una de sus posesiones más preciadas y teme romperlas o dañarlas, ya que serían difíciles de reemplazar.[2]


Lirin no suele beber,[7] pero su consumo de alcohol aumentó tras la muerte de Wistiow y la llegada de Roshone.[5] Le gusta calcular la trayectoria de las altas tormentas [8] y dar paseos para despejarse.[9]

Lirin es testarudo[5] y no le gusta la ambigüedad, y a menudo ve el vaso medio vacío ante la incertidumbre.[10] Aunque prefiere no causar conflictos o bochornos innecesarios, e ignora el cotilleo,[10] no tiene problema en enfrentarse a aquellos que supongan una amenaza.[5] Los demás vecinos lo consideran bastante raro, y a menudo se sienten incómodos con él y su familia.[2] Mientras que su mujer atribuye esta reacción a su educación y conocimiento,[10] Lirin cree que se debe, al menos en parte, al complejo de inferioridad del resto de la población con respecto al estatus social de la familia.[3] Aunque se sientan incómodos con él, la gente del pueblo de Piedralar respeta a Lirin[10] y aprecia su trabajo.[5] A Lirin le importa la gente de Piedralar, a pesar de lo que piensen de el, y se siente unido al pueblo a través de su conexiones con los otros residentes.[5]

Lirin puede ser muy crítico, sobre todo con aquellos con los que no está de acuerdo,[2][3] y se opone firmemente a los peligros innecesarios.[11][1] Siente una fuerte aversión hacia la violencia,[12] y no cree que las guerras sean necesarias,[3] así como la Llamada de ser soldado.[2] Sus explicaciones son precisas, aunque a veces resulten sosas.[3]


The Heralds were sent to teach mankind ... They led us against the Voidbringers after we were cast from heaven.

—Lirin a Kaladin[2]

Lirin cree en las enseñanzas de los Heraldos, de quienes piensa que viene la práctica de la medicina[9] y se las transmite a su hijo Kaladin durante su formación. Siempre se esfuerza en dejar claras las diferencias entre los Heraldos y los Caballeros Radiantes.[2] Según Lirin, uno de los principios fundamentales de la religión vorin es la capacidad de ascender en la escala social.[3] Lirin no cree en los cuentos populares sobre los Portadores del Vacío, aunque sí acepta que eran los enemigos de los Heraldos.[2]

Atributos y habilidades

Cirugía y enseñaza

The children of the men and women whose lives we save. That's who tells stories of surgeons.

—Lirin a Kaladin[2]

Lirin se formó como cirujano bajo la tutela de Vathe en la ciudad de Shorse, cerca de Piedralar.[2] Lirin es un cirujano competente,[5] de pulso firme [2] y bueno trabajando bajo presión,[1] aunque si viviera en una ciudad más grande es probable que solo fuera enfermero en lugar de cirujano de pleno derecho.[5] Toma dos aprendices; primero su hijo Kaladin y, más tarde, Mara.[12]

Es muy quisquilloso respecto a cronometrar sus operaciones, y es la única persona en el pueblo que tiene un reloj fabrial.[2] Lirin también piensa en la calidad de luz cuando está atendiendo a un paciente, y tiene desde hace tiempo una copa llena de esferas del brillante señor Wistiow en préstamo permanente.[2] Lleva viviendo y trabajando tanto en Piedralar que los demás vecinos esperan demasiado de él, y se enfadan cuando no puede hacer milagros.[2]

Lirin cree que las vidas no tienen precio y, por ello, no cobra por su trabajo como cirujano.[13] Es meticuloso con la limpieza de su consulta y su familia dedica mucho tiempo a mantener limpias tanto las habitaciones como el material médico.[2] Después de una operación, Lirin da una capa de aceite a sus herramientas tras limpiarlas primero con alcohol. Esta es una de las tradiciones más antiguas del campo de la medicina.[2]

Como cirujano, Lirin acepta que no siempre podrá salvar a todas las personas que atienda, y a veces debe tomar la difícil decisión de dar prioridad a un paciente sobre otro.[1] Sigue tres reglas concretas: si los pacientes tienen heridas de similar gravedad, tratar al más joven. Si no, tratar al más grave y, por encima de todo, saber cuándo un paciente no se puede salvar.[1]


Historia temprana

De joven, Lirin viajó a Kharbranth trabajando de transportista, donde conoció diferentes culturas y comunidades. Tuvo especialmente mala suerte con los thayleños, ya que todos los que conoció intentaron timarle.[2]

Mientras viajaba conoció a Hesina, hija de una familia de alto rango, y se enamoraron. Aunque la primera vez que ella le presenta a sus padres fue un desastre, se casaron y formaron una familia en Piedralar.[7][14]

El cirujano y su aprendiz

Lirin empezó a formar a su hijo Kaladin en el oficio de cirujano desde muy joven. Cuando Kaladin tenía diez años, ayudó su padre en la operación de una niña, Sani, que tenía heridas importantes en una de sus manos. La intervención, que Lirin aprovecha y usa como lección, termina con padre e hijo salvando cuatro de los cinco dedos de la niña. Después, Kaladin ayudó a su padre a limpiar la sala de operaciones y le comentó porqué había llegado tarde. Lirin muestra su desacuerdo con la gente con la que se junta Kaladin (chicos mayores que él, como Jam), y terminan discutiendo sobre quienes son más necesarios: los soldados o los cirujanos. Para cambiar de tema, Lirin pone a prueba a Kaladin sobre varias efermedades y medicinas. Lirin cree que su hijo tiene mucho potencial y le dice que quiere que vaya a Kharbranth a estudiar medicina cuando cumpla 16 años.[2]

Varios años después, Kaladin intenta, sin éxito, salvar la vida de Miasal, que había caído desde una altura considerable. Alim va a buscar a Lirin, pero este llega después de que la chica muriera. Lirin procede a examinar el cuerpo y, a pesar de que no haya podido salvarla, le sorprende gratamente el trabajo de su hijo. Después va a buscar a Kaladin, y se lo encuentra llorando en las escaleras de al lado del quirófano, donde se sientan juntos ante la puesta de sol mientras Kaladin sigue procesando lo ocurrido.[15]

El brillante señor Wistiow y la copa de esferas

Lirin y el brillante señor Wistiow eran buenos amigos a pesar de la diferencia de estatus social. En 1165, el brillante señor enferma. A pesar de los esfuerzos de Lirin, el cirujano no pudo salvar la vida del consistor. El día de la muerte de Wistiow, Lirin va a su mansión para hablar con él, y redacta uno documento con el nombre del brillante señor, en el que consta una cesión de varios broams de diamante a la familia. Las escribanas leen el documento a Wistiow, y este las ordena que se retiren, dejando a Lirin como único testigo de la firma del acuerdo. Más tarde, Kaladin se encuentra a su padre en el quirófano, donde se entrera de la muerte del brillante señor y del contrato de cesión de las esferas, que el cirujano planea usar para pagar los estudios del chico en Kharbranth cuando llegue a la edad requerida.[3][10][5]

Wistiow ya no estaba en su sano juicio en sus últimos días, y por lo tanto tampoco tenía voluntad para autorizar la transferencia del dinero. Lirin y Hesina idean el robo de los bienes de su amigo, ya que sabían que su muerte significaba perder el compromiso de matrimonio entre los hijos de ambas familias. Al poco de la muerte del brillante señor surgen rumores sobre la legitimidad del acuerdo, aunque nunca se presentaron pruebas concretas que demostraran que las esferas habían sido robadas.[10][5]

En un arrebato de sinceridad Lirin, algo borracho, le dice a su hijo que no vuelva a Piedralar al acabar sus estudios. Esa noche, un grupo de vecinos enmascarados intentan entrar en la casa de la familia para llevarse las esferas de Wistiow. Lirin sabe que son otros residentes de Piedralar y no bandidos, como Kaladin pensaba, y no se deja intimidar por ellos. En vez de amedrentarse, el cirujano destapa la copa descubriendo la luz de las esferas, que expone la identidad de los asaltantes. Cuando Lirin demuestra que está dispuesto a enfrentarse a ellos, se marchan sin decir palabra, probablemente avergonzados de lo que habían hecho.[7]

The Butcher

When the new citylord, Roshone, arrived in Hearthstone without prior warning, Lirin and his family gathered in the town square to greet him. Though Lirin attempted to welcome the new citylord into the town, Roshone immediately sneered at him and rebuffed his efforts, blaming him for Wistiow's death and the need for a new citylord in Hearthstone. After Roshone departed for his manor, Lirin compared his arrival with that of throwing a butcher in the game breakneck-- what comes next depended entirely on the other player.[10]

Life for Lirin went downhill quickly after Roshone's appointment as citylord. Roshone suspected that Lirin stole Wistiow's spheres, though Lirin claimed they were given to him, and attempted to coerce Lirin into giving the spheres to him with his economic and political clout. At Roshone's suggestion, the townspeople ceased their donations and inflated the price of their goods, as they felt intimidated by Roshone and wished to avoid his anger. However, they continued to donate in secret, leaving food around the town for Hesina to find while she worked.[5][4]

If we lack for something to eat, we can feast upon the attention you lavish upon us, Brightlord.

—Lirin to Roshone[5]

After the family lost access to all sources of income, Roshone invited Lirin to dine with him, so he could further break the surgeon. Despite his mother's attempts to distract him, Kaladin joined his father for the meeting. On their way to the manor, Lirin discussed the possibility of the family moving away, but admitted he struggled with the thought.[5]

Tensions were high when Lirin and Kaladin joined Roshone in the manor's dining room. Initially, Roshone tried to seat the surgeon at a separate table; an insult against Lirin, who was entitled to a seat at the brightlord's table by his invitation and rank. Despite being offered food, Lirin did not eat, instead choosing to skip directly to the reason for his invitation. Roshone wished for the return of Wistiow's spheres, which Lirin had continuously refused. The citylord could not regain the spheres using legal means, as he was unlikely to win an inquest against the surgeon. Unable to get past Lirin's stubborn refusal to return all of the spheres, Roshone turned to negotiation. After an outburst from Kaladin, Lirin sent his son away to the kitchens and continued the discussion with Roshone in private. During the conversation, he argued back and forth with the citylord over the amount he was willing to return, but he grew frustrated and left before an agreement was reached.[5]

Lirin later revealed to Kaladin on their trip home that he never intended to give up the spheres. He had gone to the meeting to give the appearance of bending but had known that Roshone would never have agreed to only a partial transfer. Roshone was a petty man, who targeted and lashed out at Lirin as a surrogate for those he blamed for his exile from Kholinar. He would never be happy until he had taken away all power from Lirin and had been beaten down completely. Lirin, aware of the brightlord's plans, used the opportunity to gain his family a reprieve from the oppressive citylord. It was during this same discussion that Kaladin learned the truth about Wistiow's spheres and his parents' role in their theft.[5]

Children Lost


After a catastrophic whitespine hunt, Roshone's son, Rillir, died whilst in Lirin's care. The young man was brought back, along with his father, ahead of the rest of the hunting party in the hopes he could be saved. Two others were injuries in the attack, however Alds and Milp had been left to be retrieved by the other townsfolk. They likely died of their wounds. Rillir's wounds were extensive, and after an assessment, Lirin determined he could not save the boy. Roshone, lying on a separate table screamed at the surgeon to help his son, however, Lirin instead opted to tend to Roshone, whose wounds weren't as severe. He administered dazewater to the brightlord to calm him, as well as to Rillir to ease his suffering. When he removed the whitespine tusk from Roshone's leg, Lirin was presented with the opportunity to end the citylord's life. Unable to kill those in his charge, he instead chose to save the brightlord's life. After the operation, Roshone was returned to his manor to rest and his son's body sent to the crypt. Once again sitting on the steps outside of their home, Kaladin questioned his father over whether he would have let Roshone die if he had not also been in the room. Lirin responded in the negative; he could not have let another in his care die, though Kaladin's presence had helped to strengthen his resolve.[1]

After Rillir's death, Lirin began to spend brightlord Wistiow's spheres. He did not need to do this; the family could survive as they were and had been offered assistance by Hesina's parents if required. However, by spending the spheres Lirin presented the illusion that Roshone had won and he had finally broken. He planned to continue in this fashion until Kaladin had reached the age of sixteen, and the spheres could be sent with him to Kharbranth. Regardless, Lirin did not enjoy having to spend the spheres.[4]

Tien and Kaladin

Six months later, during the Weeping, the townsfolk of Hearthstone gathered once more in the square to await the arrival of a lighteyes. The last time they had gathered, Roshone had become their city lord, this time they were greeted by Highmarshal Amaram, cousin to Roshone and leader of the princedom's army, in the absence of Highprince Sadeas. Roshone, who had become reclusive following his son's death, also made an appearance. When Laral appeared, and it became obvious she was now betrothed to Roshone, Lirin sternly warned Kaladin against making a scene. Amaram, who had been in the region to visit his cousin, used the opportunity to recruit new members to fight on the princedom's border. Lirin worried that Kaladin would volunteer, however his son did not step forward. After only six men volunteered, Amaram read through a list of townsfolk who would be pressed into the army to increase their numbers. Among the names chosen, was Tien, Lirin's second son.

The conscription of Tien had not been random. Roshone, vindictive and angry that Lirin had been unable to save Rillir, conspired to take away the surgeon's son. While Lirin and Kaladin could not be forced into the army due to their professions of surgeon and surgeon's assistant, Tien as the carpenter's third apprentice could be targeted. Lirin attempted to prevent his son being taken, but was interceded by the highmarshal. Roshone insisted that Lirin's second son be impressed, and gloated at the victory he believed to have won over the surgeon. In an attempt to calm the situation, Amaram promised to make the boy a messenger to keep him away from combat. Kaladin, unwilling to let the matter lie, offered to volunteer in his brother's place. When denied, he chose to enlist alongside his brother to protect him from harm. Kaladin promised his devastated parents that he would take care of Tien and bring him home after their four-year tour.[4]

Tien died, not four months after their departure. Lirin and Hesina received correspondence from Kaladin after his brother's death to inform them of his failure as well as his decision to not return to Hearthstone. They did not reply. Several years later, they received notice that Kaladin had also been killed.[16][6]

Reunited with Kaladin

Child Found

A year before the Everstorm, Lirin's third son, Oroden was born.[12]

We're surgeons. Let others rend and break; we must not harm others.

—Lirin to Kaladin[12]

When Kaladin returned to Hearthstone following the Everstorm, he found his father tending to the wounded. The parlor of Roshone's manor had been converted into a triage room for Lirin, his wife, and his apprentice, Mara, to use to see to the wounded. Although he did not initially recognize his son, Lirin quickly came to identify the newcomer and both he and Hesina shared a heartfelt reunion with Kaladin. While his wife saw to feeding and tending their son, Lirin argued with Roshone's guards who had been put on edge by Kaladin's brands. Lirin refused to let his son be sent away again, and vowed to buy Kaladin's writ of slavery if needed. After growing frustrated, he looked to compromise with Roshone's guard, and by extension the brightlord himself, by writing to highprince's administrators for an explanation, buying the family time.[6]

While Kaladin discussed the town's situation in private with Roshone, Lirin continued to treat those wounded by the Everstorm. When he returned to the parlor, Kaladin slipped back into his old role as assistant, and helped his father administer first aid. Lirin disapproved of Kaladin's path towards violence; while he believed war was inevitable, he wished that his son did not have to be involved.[12]

Although Kaladin expressed the desire to relocate his family to Urithiru, Lirin refused, telling his son that he was needed in Hearthstone.[12]

The Fourth Bridge

Because of this, Kaladin arranged to evacuate the entire population of Hearthstone via the Fourth Bridge. After Lirin learned that some of the Radiants can heal others, he grew withdrawn, as he felt that his talents as a surgeon had been rendered obsolete. After Kaladin explained that only two orders of Radiants can use the Surge of Progression and the limits of its power, Lirin became excited to work in Urithiru's medical clinic and to begin exploring the new medical equipment from Kharbranth that Kaladin got for him. Then, after Kaladin told Lirin about how he would be leaving the army, Lirin was overjoyed.[17]

The Occupation of Urithiru

After Kaladin and Lirin learned that all of the Radiants were falling unconscious, Lirin convinced Kaladin not to go out and fight.[18] A Regal came to collect the fallen Radiants Lirin was taking care of in the clinic, and he tried unsuccessfully to keep the Radiants with him. When Kaladin attempted to intervene, Lirin tried to stop him from fighting, but Kaladin blocked him and killed the Regal, after which Lirin got mad at him and sent him away.[19] Lirin and Hesina were later brought in to take care of the comatose Radiants, as the singers could not.[20] While they were working, Venli and Rlain came with a crate of maps Rlain stole, and they discussed what to do with them; Lirin emphasised that he did not want to fight the occupation. Lirin saw that several of the water bearers had shash glyphs on their foreheads, and he explained to Venli how he thought they were a foolish idea.[21] Later, Rlain came to him while in the infirmary, and Lirin told Rlain that the stormform guards of the Radiants had seen him, and questioned whether they could trust Leshwi and Venli. Rlain admitted that he did not know. Lirin left for a moment and recognized Dabbid, who told him and Rlain that Kaladin was dying.[22] Lirin got into an argument with Rlain because he would not promise not to give Kaladin up to the Fused after he heals him. Hesina volunteered to go, but Lirin told her she won't be able to heal Kaladin by herself. Venli suggested freeing Lift and getting her to heal Kaladin instead.[23] While talking with Hesina, she brought up Kaladin and he immediately made a point that he is right in his attitude to Kaladin, and tried to leave. Hesina stopped him and told him that Kaladin is the best person to be a soldier. When he called the helpers wearing shash glyphs fools, she led him to Noril, who said that he wears the shash glyph because Kaladin, unlike the ardents, helped with his depression. Hesina then asked him to go to the people wearing shash glyphs and ask why they wear them.[24] When Teft entered the infirmary, he noticed Lirin, Hesina, and Oroden bound and gagged in the back.[25] After Kaladin became insensate upon Teft's death, Moash took Lirin and gave him to the Pursuer with instructions to kill him if Kaladin regains his senses.[26] The Pursuer gave him to Leshwi, who cut Lirin's hands free before giving him to another Heavenly One so she could try to stop the Pursuer. Kaladin defeated the Pursuer and went for Lirin, but the Heavenly One panicked and shot off, and Kaladin followed.[27][expandir]


por Gal Or
with Hesina and Oroden


Lirin does not get along well with Hesina's parents and as such they are not often spoken of around Kaladin or his brother.[10] Lirin's introduction to his wife's parents went quite poorly.[10] Marrying Lirin greatly impacted Hesina's social standing and Lirin occasionally regrets the sacrifices she made to move with him to Hearthstone.[7] They do not always see eye to eye,[3] and Lirin finds Hesina's religious beliefs frustrating.[13] Regardless, he loves his wife and they are happy together.

Hesina occasionally helps her husband during his surgeries if multiple assistants are needed or if Lirin's apprentice isn't available.[2][6]


Lirin had hoped he would be able to take Tien on as a second apprentice, who could take over from his brother when Kaladin left for Kharbranth. Unfortunately, Tien's phobia of blood prevented him from following in his fathers footstep and Lirin reluctantly let him apprentice to the carpenter, Ral.[7] Lirin is protective of his son and enjoys his excitable nature.[10] He is devastated when Tien is forced into the army by Roshone and it is only Amaram interceding that stopped him from causing a scene on the day Tien was recruited.[4]

He disapproves of both of his son's hanging around the older children in the town, particularly those who encouraged fighting and the revere the Calling of soldier.[2]

With the rest of his family


There are two kinds of people in this world, son. Those who save lives. And those who take lives.

—Lirin to Kaladin[2]

Kaladin was trained by Lirin as a surgeon's assistant and showed a great aptitude in the field of medicine.[2][15] He is proud of his son's work as a surgeon and believes with training and dedication, Kaladin can surpass him in skill.[2] During his childhood, Kaladin's parents were at odds over how much time he should spend studying versus having a traditional childhood.[3] Whether due to, or despite these disagreements, Kaladin is granted two hours a day by his father where he is not required to study.[3]

You have to learn when to care, son. ... And when to let go. You'll see. I had similar problems when I was younger. You'll grow calluses.

—Lirin to Kaladin[15]

Lirin hoped to send Kaladin to study in Kharbranth, where he could further his training under medical scholars. After the arrival of Roshone, Lirin and his wife request for Kaladin to take the entry tests early, however their request is denied.[7] Despite warning Kaladin (during one of his gloomier moments), against becoming stuck in Hearthstone, Lirin has always hoped his son would return home after completing further study.[7]

Throughout his training, Kaladin often struggles with the emotional burden of losing patients.[15] While Lirin sympathises with his son's need to care, he also is resolute in his teachings that there is such a thing as caring too much.[2] Nevertheless, he is proud of his son's abilities.[15]

Kaladin admires his father's bravery and his ability to stand up to those who outrank him.[5] He is proud to be his father's son, though he questions the morality of some of Lirin's choices.[5] Lirin doubts Kaladin's ability to cause harm to others[1] and is deeply disappointed when confronted with the fact that his son owns a Shardblade and has become a killer.[12]


The lighteyes don't care about life ... So I must. ... We have to be better than they are.

—Lirin to Kaladin[1]

There is a great deal of animosity between Lirin and the citylord of Hearthstone, Brightlord Roshone. Roshone's resentment of Lirin, while initially stemming from his relocation to the farming town, is further fueled by Lirin's stubbornness as well as the death of Roshone's son.[4] In turn, Lirin dislikes Roshone's pettiness and condescending attitude and find him to be greedy and a bully.[5] Roshone wishes to break Lirin's will instead of simply drive him away and would not make it easy for the family to move away from Hearthstone.[7][5]

Lirin does not allow his distaste of Roshone to interfere with his duties as a surgeon, despite the burden it would ease for his family.[1] The relationship between Roshone and Lirin, while remaining hostile, settles down after the depature of Tien and Kaladin, likely due to Roshone's guilt.[6]


  1. a b c d e f g h i El camino de los reyes capítulo 41#
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa El camino de los reyes capítulo 10#
  3. a b c d e f g h i j k El camino de los reyes capítulo 16#
  4. a b c d e f g El camino de los reyes capítulo 44#
  5. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t El camino de los reyes capítulo 37#
  6. a b c d e f Juramentada capítulo 6#
  7. a b c d e f g h El camino de los reyes capítulo 31#
  8. El camino de los reyes capítulo 4#
  9. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 46#
  10. a b c d e f g h i j El camino de los reyes capítulo 25#
  11. El camino de los reyes capítulo 26#
  12. a b c d e f g Juramentada capítulo 7#
  13. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 17#
  14. Firefight signing Seattle UBooks
    Arcanum - 2015-01-06#
  15. a b c d e El camino de los reyes capítulo 20#
  16. El camino de los reyes capítulo 47#
  17. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 18#
  18. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 39#
  19. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 43#
  20. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 56#
  21. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 74#
  22. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 79#
  23. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 83#
  24. El ritmo de la guerra interludio I-10#
  25. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 104#
  26. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 105#
  27. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 106#
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