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The Pursuer by rspixart.png
Fallecido 1175, asesinado por El[1]
Capacidades Fusionado (Nex-im)
Títulos El Perseguidor
Especie Cantor
Mundo natal Roshar
Universo Cosmere

Siempre que lo matan, Lezian olvida todo lo demás hasta reclamar la vida de quien lo eliminara. En siete mil años, no ha fracasado nunca.

Leshwi explicando la tradición de Lezian[2]

Lezian, el Perseguidor, es uno de los nex-im, una marca rara de Fusionado en Roshar, con acceso a la Potencia de Transportación.[2]

Apariencia y personalidad


Se describe a Lezian como una figura de más de dos metros de altura. Tiene el pelo del color de la sangre seca, y parece fundirse con su ropa, que está tejida con su pelo. Su piel es de un negro casi puro, con líneas de veta roja bajo sus ojos, que emiten un suave brillo rojo. También tiene una coraza natural dentada, de aspecto retorcido, con un extraño par de aletas de caparazón, o cuernos, sobre las orejas.[3] Kaladin lo describe como una inmensa montaña de quitina y tela marrón oscura, con ojos que brillan en un profundo tono rojo.[4]

Se desconoce cuáles de estas características (más allá del color y el patrón de su piel) son exclusivamente suyas, o si son compartidas con otros nex-im.


Lezian considera de suma importancia que su tradición (de matar a aquel que lo mate) continúe, sin importar si golpea y mata a su presa en un combate justo, o si la asesina cuando está indefensa e inconsciente.[5] Venli destaca que en esto, es más como un spren, con su tradición tomando el control por encima de la razón. Ella también señala que en esta cuestión, Lezian presenta cierta locura, como muchos otros Fusionados, incluso si la forma en que lo afecta es más sutil.[2] Incluso Lezian se refiere a sí mismo como el spren de la venganza, alguien que nunca dejará de perseguir a su presa, sin respiro. El hecho de que la tormenta eterna permita a los Fusionados continuar con su ciclo de renacimientos sin tener que ir a Braize, hace que aún esté más seguro de ello, y Rabeniel lo corrobora.[4]

Lezian, como muchos de los Fusionados, prefiere no hablar alezi (ni cualquier otro idioma humano moderno) aunque es lo suficientemente competente como para entenderlo y hablarlo si lo quiere o necesita.[3] Según Leshwi, Lezian está orgulloso de aparecer en las historias de los humanos, y se las apaña para conseguirlo en cada regreso.[6] También señala que, si bien es respetado por su determinación, también es imprudente, habiendo puesto en peligro planes y arruinado muchas misiones.[2]

Características y habilidades


Como uno de los nex-im, Lezian tiene acceso a la Potencia de Transportación. Esto le permite dejar su cuerpo atrás y salir disparado como una cinta de luz, de color violeta rojizo, similar a la de un spren, que luego puede expandir para volver a formar su cuerpo en otro lugar. El cuerpo que deja atrás se desploma como si fuera un cadáver, y se desintegra en cenizas en cuestión de minutos.[7] Esto le permite a Lezian teletransportarse, usando la cinta de luz para desplazarse entre distintos sitios. Lezian puede realizar cuatro de estos «saltos» antes de quedarse sin luz del vacío, y normalmente utiliza tres de ellos durante la batalla y el cuarto lo utiliza para retirarse y reabastecerse.[7]

Cuando Lezian deja un cuerpo, el «cadáver» que deja atrás empieza a volverse seco y frágil, y los colores se desvanecen. La carne se transforma en piedra ligera y porosa, y todo el cuerpo (incluido el caparazón) se desintegra en cenizas poco después.[7]


Lezian utiliza un estilo de combate basado en formas de agarre, y es muy hábil luchando contra potenciadores. Puede romper los afilados y dentados espolones de su caparazón para utilizarlos como dagas improvisadas.[7] También es muy hábil utilizando las singularidades de sus poderes a su favor, como cuando rompe las líneas de batalla del señor de batallón Teofil atacando desde distintas direcciones y usando sus cascarones como señuelos para sembrar el caos.[8]


Según Venli, las tropas de Lezian son conocidos por su temible reputación. Estaban entre las tropas más fuertes y soberbias de los cantores, y eran conocidas por la dureza con la que habían tratado a los humanos de Kholinar.[9] Durante la ocupación, están resentidos por el hecho de que tuvieran prohibido matar durante la incursión original a Urithiru, y tanto Leshwi como Venli los ven como violentos y despiadados.[10] Después de que Kaladin deje con vida a un cantor en forma de guerra y huya, las tropas de Lezian lo consideran un cobarde y lo asignan a gestión de residuos. Además, después de que Kaladin mate a un Regio, anhelan derramar la sangre de su familia.[10]

Lezian es también extremadamente hábil usando las fuerzas que tiene a su disposición para ayudarlo en sus cacerías. Durante la ocupación incial, tiene a sus fuerzas peinando el sexto piso en busca de Radiantes caídos, y es cuando encuentran por primera vez a Kaladin. Lezian es capaz, de forma inmediata, de utilizar toda esta fuerza y redirigirla para dar caza a Kaladin.[11] Más adelante, Venli señala que Lezian ha estado usando a sus exploradores para peinar a conciencia la decimocuarta planta, y señala que ya han registrado el séptimo piso.[12] De ello, puede deducirse que Lezian había estado registrando todas las plantas, de abajo hacia arriba.


Desolaciones anteriores

Lezian fue el primer Fusionado asesinado por un humano. Para eludir la vergüenza que ello le provocaba, llegó a la batalla en busca del humano que lo había matado, ignorando todas las órdenes y olvidándose de la racionalidad, hasta que consiguió matarlo. Esto fue el inicio de su tradición: cada vez que alguien conseguía matarlo, Lezian los perseguía sin descanso y reclamaba sus vidas.[13] Nunca falló en su cometido, al siempre encontrar y matar a los humanos que lo habían superado antes de cada Aislamiento. Cuando empezaba un Aislamiento, se suicidaba para no tener que regresar de forma permanente a Braize tras haber muerto a manos humanas.[2] Cuando no perseguía de forma activa a su último asesino, Lezian buscaba enfrentarse a los enemigos Radiantes más fuertes, lo que creaba un ciclo que consistía en perseguir y matar a los enemigos más fuertes, o ser asesinado por ellos, para luego perseguirlos hasta matarlos, y luego volver a buscar Radiantes fuertes, y así sucesivamente.[2] Lezian era lo suficientemente bueno como para que ningún humano o cantor lo hubiera derrotado y matado dos veces.[4]

Era tan competente con su tradición que el resto de Fusionados lo alentaban, dándole vía libre para actuar y perseguir a sus presas saltándose las estructuras de mando habituales, pero también fue lo suficientemente imprudente como para poner en peligro los planes de otros, arruinar misiones y socavar estrategias.

Kaladin luchando contra Lezian

La Auténtica Desolación

La evacuación de Piedralar

Lezian hace su primera aparición en Piedralar, en 1175, justo antes de que los Caballeros Radiantes y las fuerzas de la coalición aterricen el Cuarto Puente en la localidad en un intento de evacuar el pueblo.[3] Se había visto a Kaladin y al Cuarto Puente volando hacia Piedralar, y Lezian, junto con un grupo de shanay-im bajo el mando de Leshwi, fueron enviados por los Nueve para recabar información sobre el Cuarto Puente, y para probar un nuevo fabrial supresor, diseñado para evitar que los Radiantes utilizaran sus poderes.[2]

Búscame con el rabillo del ojo, Corredor del Viento. Volveremos a encontrarnos pronto.


Lezian leads a small squad of warforms, and is able to successfully find and identify Kaladin from his description, who takes to the skies.[3] Lezian engages him immediately, and his novel powerset and his brutal and expert fighting style give Kaladin a hard time. When Kaladin eventually starts predicting and reacting to Lezian's jumps, Lezian leaves him, warning Kaladin to watch for him from the corner of his eye.[7] He shows up again later, when Kaladin and his windrunners are engaged with Leshwi and the rest of the shanay-im, but Kaladin sees him coming, and Lezian retreats without engaging.[14] He then gathers a squad of warform singers, and starts accosting a group of civilians, as well as Godeke the Edgedancer, to lure Kaladin to him.[15][16] When Kaladin lands and challenges him, Lezian takes Godeke, and retreats into the manor with the remaining squad of Parshmen, saying he will fight him inside. Once Kaladin follows, they trigger the suppressor fabrial powered by Voidlight to stop Kaladin from summoning Syl or using his powers. Lezian assumes that Kaladin would not be used to fighting without his powers and mocks him, but Kaladin quickly overpowers four of the warform Singers, and then proceeds to kill Lezian by successfully predicting where he would teleport to.[16]

Lezian is then reborn again, soon after, and is summoned by the Nine to provide a report on what happened at Hearthstone. He refuses to take blame for losing the device, and immediately claims his right to Pursue Kaladin by his tradition. He is angered, and lashes out when Leshwi challenges his sanity and his right to Pursue Kaladin, which undermines his claim, and leads to the Nine allowing Leshwi - or someone else if the situation demands it - prior claim on Kaladin's life. Lezian storms out of the meeting, and is later seen conferring with Raboniel soon after the invasion on Urithiru is decided upon.[2]

Occupation of the Tower

Lezian loans his troops to Raboniel for the invasion.[9]

You, who were once banished for recklessly endangering our kind in your attempts to exterminate humankind? You, Lady of Wishes, ask for restraint?


During the invasion, he approaches Raboniel, and gets permission to continue his hunt for Kaladin from her, as he is confident that if Kaladin was not already at the tower, then he would return to try and liberate it. He also advises Raboniel that the captured Radiants were dangerous, and should be beheaded.[5] Lezian is later instrumental in breaking apart Battalionlord Teofil's final stand, as he is able to teleport across their entire line faster than they can reorient and readjust themselves.[8]

Lezian is next seen tracking Kaladin, after the latter kills one of the Singers that came to Lirin's clinic to collect any Radiants that might be getting cared for there. He repurposes the entire force sent to go through the homes on the sixth floor looking for unconscious Radiants to instead hunt for Kaladin.[11] While Kaladin manages to avoid him once, and is able to distract him further with Syl's help, he doesn't manage to permanently lose him, and Lezian always catches on after a while. Kaladin ultimately manages to escape the Purser and his forces with the Sibling's help.[11]

Lezian continues to sweep the upper tiers for Kaladin, sending Raboniel reports periodically.[17] He manages to capture Kaladin's family and intends to exact revenge for the Regal he killed, once he's done interrogating them.[10] Venli learns of this, and asks Leshwi to intervene, who promptly takes Kaladin's family into her custody, protecting them from the Pursuer and his troops.[10]

During the occupation, Lezian instructs all Singers to watch out for signs of Radiants.[18]

Hunting the Shield Nodes

The Pursuer isn’t lying, he will hunt you forever. To the abandonment of all reason and duty.

Raboniel about Lezian[4]

When Raboniel finds a node powering the Sibling's defenses exposed to Stormlight, the Sibling asks for Kaladin's help, who finds Lezian and Raboniel waiting for him there.[18][4] Lezian immediately engages him in a duel, dropping his first body as a husk and teleporting to get close. This time, he makes it much difficult for Kaladin to predict where he would materialize, but Kaladin still manages to use his powers and spear to immobilize both of Lezian's hands. In response to this, Lezian just drops his second body and teleports away, using its husk to trap Kaladin's spear and keep it away from him. he is able to capitalize on his close quarters fighting style, alongside Kaladin's relative inexperience with fighting an opponent like him, to pin him with a chokehold, and explains that even if Kaladin manages to beat him a second time, he would never stop coming for him, as the presense of the Everstorm means that the Fused are no longer bound to Braize.[4] However, Syl distracts him by acting as a voidspren, which allows Kaladin enough leeway to break free, leaving Lezian stuck to the floor with Adhesion, who promptly drops a third body and teleports away to reinfuse and resupply.[4] When Lezian returns to continue the duel, Kaladin quickly makes him drop two bodies by using full lashings to stick him to the floor, and then rolling away out of reach. However, Lezian notices that Kaladin is running low on stormlight, and - using the husk of his second body as an impromptu floor - stops Kaladin from retrieving his stormlight from his full lashings.[4] Kaladin realizes that in this kind of one-on-one brawl, Lezian will always have the advantage, and simply turns around and starts running away. Lezian uses the respite to resupply from some of the voidlight that Raboniel is carrying with her, and gives chase. This time again, Kaladin is able to bait him into materializing and dropping several bodies quickly, and then, with the Sibling's help, is able to use Lezian's tendency to materialize behind him to trap his fourth and final body in a closed room.[4]

When you die, I will find the next Radiant your spren bonds and kill them too. As payment for the trouble you have given me.


The Pursuer next shows up when the second-last node powering the Sibling's shield is found, inside the well in the market. He is waiting for Kaladin, and ambushes him as soon as he shows up. He manifests his first body to announce his presence, and - falsely assuming that Kaladin was using Gravitation to move about - is curious how Kaladin recovered his access to it.[19] Kaladin, who was actually using the modified fabrial glove to quickly traverse the Tower, uses it to shoot away. Lezian immediately drops his first husk and gives pursuit, manifesting his second body to grapple with Kaladin. He is thrown off by the presence of the glove, as it affects the close quarters, grappling focused fighting style he prefers, and soon drops another husk to disengage. This time, instead of immediately and aggressively attacking Kaladin again, he keeps to his red ribbon-like spren form, staying around and distracting him, keeping him away from the node.[19] Kaladin, however, guns straight for the node, forcing Lezian to materialize his third body to engage with him. Lezian successfully grapples Kaladin into a chokehold (again), who uses a previously hidden scalpel to cut at Lezian's arms repeatedly. This forces him to spend precious voidlight healing those cuts and wounds, consequently making him drop his third body before he loses the voidlight to do so.[19] As usual, after dropping his third husk, Lezian retreats to resupply. By the time he returns, Kaladin has already engaged with Leshwi in single combat, and he has to respect her right to fight Kaladin over his own.[19]

After Syl locates the node, and Kaladin disengages with Leshwi to deal with it, Lezian is again free to interfere. He is prepared for this eventuality, of Kaladin having to dive into the well, and smiles as he seals Kaladin inside by putting a wooden lid on top. He then directs people to stand on it to account for Kaladin's potential use of lashings to lift the lid.[19] While he waits outside for Kaladin to suffocate, Kaladin is able to escape by finding a different way out.

It isn’t the hiding that protects you, it is Lady Leshwi’s favor. Without it, the Pursuer would kill you, no matter what you did to prove yourself. He’d kill other Fused, if he thought it would let him fulfill his tradition. And the others would applaud him.

—Venli to Lirin and Hesina[20]

After this event, Lezian is left with more free reign in leading the occupation efforts, as Raboniel is focused more on her research. His troops dominated the Tower, and reports of singer violence against the humans grew.[20] As rumors of the confrontation in the market spread, the Fused try to counter Kaladin's growing reputation by spinning the narrative, and Venli thinks that Lezian is behind their messaging, as she feels that Raboniel would have taken a subtler approach.[20] Later, when people start marking themselves with the shash glyph as a sign of defiance against the Fused, and support for Kaladin, Lezian orders his men to beat those that do so. Raboniel, however, revokes this order the next day.[21] Though Raboniel tries to rein him and his men in, he keeps pushing for more brutality in the Tower. Raboniel's occasional orders to maintain peace in the Tower barely restrain him and his men, and humans tended to avoid the area where they were housed.[22] He posts several Regals on rotation in the infirmary where Lirin and Hesina have been hiding, and Lirin suspects that this is specifically because Lezian knows they are there, even if he cannot do anything while Leshwi's influence protects them.[21] Leshwi, on the otherhand, thinks that Lezian is not so subtle, and that this was more Raboniel's hand showing.[22]

I’ve heard what people say about you. Your life isn’t the blood in your veins, but the legend you live. Each death kills that legend a little more.

—Kaladin to Lezian[23]

When the final node is found, and Kaladin and company make preparations, Kaladin and Teft realize that like the last two times, the Pursuer would be waiting for him with a trap ready.[24] Meanwhile, Raboniel, who has sent the Pursuer to break the node, suspects he is deliberately stalling to lure Kaladin, and sends Vyre out to do the task.[25] As Kaladin approaches what he expects to be a trap, he sees the Pursuer sitting in the center of the atrium waiting for him, and engages.[25] Their contest quickly takes centerstage, and even the Heavenly Ones descend to watch.[23] Like before, Lezian immediately drops his body as his first husk, streaking forward in ribbon form to grapple with his opponent. Kaladin expects this and drops his spear, catching Lezian's wrists as he manifests a body, willingly entering the grapple. Lezian manages to hook Kaladin's foot and shove him to the ground, but Kaladin is able to pull him down with him. As before, Lezian taunts him, but this time, Kaladin correctly surmises that the most important thing to Lezian is his legend, and that each time he loses to Kaladin, that legend dies a little bit more.[23] He then uses Navani's fabrial, which he has shifted around from a glove to a belt, to break the wrestle.[23]

The Sibling's Restoration

You’re no soldier. That’s what I realized about you, Defeated One. You’ve never faced death.

—Kaladin to Lezian[26]

As Kaladin and Lezian wrestled, the Singers cleared the atrium of civilians. The Shanay-im floating and watching from the air, and the crowds watching from the upper balconies, the atrium is effectively turned into an improptu arena between Kaladin and Lezian.[26] Lezian begins this second round of their fight by lunging for Kaladin, who immediately engages his fabrial to pull back and stay out of range. Lezian, who begins to understand the stakes of this contest, wants to end it quickly, and drops his second body, shooting towards Kaladin as a ribbon. They wrestle again as Lezian materializes his third body, and Kaladin tries to use a knife to wound Lezian, as before hoping to force Lezian to spend his precious voidlight healing. Lezian, who is taking this contest extremely seriously, manages to make Kaladin drop his knife. But Kaladin continues to goad him, declaring that Lezian is no soldier, not having faced death as frequently as Kaladin as has. As he takes the upper hand, he further taunts him by saying that thousands of years of life have not prepared Lezian to face someone like Kaladin, who doesn't fear him. And as Kaladin pulls out a second knife from his boot, Lezian, thrown off his game, drops his third body, streaking out as a ribbon and manifesting his fourth and final one, in which he is vulnerable. Kaladin declares him "the Defeated One."[26]

Lezian realizes just how visible this contest is, and how many people are watching. He sees his own legend, his own lore and reputation begin to crumble, and hums to an increasingly panicked Rhythm. As Kaladin begins walking forward, Lezian stumbles back into his own soldiers holding the perimeter. Kaladin unhooks Navani's fabrial from his belt, and goads Lezian, who charges him.[27] Kaladin simply presses Navani's fabrial device to Lezian's chest, and locks it on with a lashing, launching him backwards. He hits the glass window of the atrium and cracks his carapace, but is unable to heal himself as he lacks the voidlight to do so. As Kaladin stalks forward, repeatedly and powerfully commanding him to flee, Lezian, dripping blood from his wounds, loses his resolve and runs away.[27] Kaladin notes that everyone present and watching understood that while Lezian had retreated from battles before, it meant something more, something different this time. In running from Kaladin, Lezian's title was broken, and he was no longer the Pursuer.[27]

After Moash has broken Kaladin's resolve by showing him a dead Teft, he grabs a gagged and bound Lirin, and waits for Lezian, who arrives as a shameful ribbon. As he materialized a body, Moash hands him Lirin, and commands him to kill him if Kaladin regains his senses. Lezian doesn't quite want to accept it, as he wants to go kill Kaladin immediately, but folds for the time being, as Moash explains to him what will happen should he interfere with Kaladin grieving.[27]

My legacy is untouched! And this is complete madness! I will prove myself and continue my tradition!


Lezian is restless regardless. He hands Lirin over to Leshwi, and as she cuts away his bonds, berates her for trying to turn the Nine against him, saying she wants to destroy his legacy. Leshwi argues that his legacy is already dead, and that it died the moment he ran from Kaladin. This enrages Lezian, and he loudly declares that his legacy is untouched, and that he can prove it, as he drops his first body as a husk and streaks as a ribbon towards Kaladin.[28] He materializes his second body just above him, and breaks off a spur off his elbow to stab him. However, the moment he touches Kaladin's shoulder to lift him up and stab him, he howls with pain, then grabs Lezian's arm and turns and twists, ending up behind him. Kaladin pulls out a knife and stabs Lezian through the throat, which he barely manages to avoid by ejecting from his own body, barely in time. He quickly reforms into his third body and tries to wrestle with Kaladin again, but is completely outclassed at this point, getting stabbed first through the arm, and then almost getting stabbed in the face. Lezian has to eject again, dropping his third body.[28]

He materializes into his final body right next to his soldiers, and commands them to kill Kaladin, and then the other radiants. He then charges Kaladin, and his soldiers seemingly follow, but shy away from Kaladin and his glowing yellow-red eyes, leaving Lezian to fight him alone. Lezian, who at this point has to engage Kaladin or lose any chance at salvaging any of his reputation, meets Kaladin in front of the massive window of the Urithiru atrium. As he tries to grapple Kaladin, the latter simply turns and folds into it, and then slams them both against the window. He then manages to bind Lezian (who is in his final, fourth body, and is thus unable to drop it) to the window with a full lashing, leaving him stuck there. Kaladin then reverse lashes Lezian's head to the floor, making it pull towards the ground. Between these two opposing forces, Lezian is literally ripped apart, as Kaladin turns and walks away from him.[28]

Aftermath of the Occupation

When Lezian returns after this death, El annihilates him with a dagger charged with anti-Voidlight in order to test whether the inverse Light functions as Raboniel theorized. It does, and Lezian permanently dies.[1]


  1. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 116#
  2. a b c d e f g h El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 14#
  3. a b c d El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 1#
  4. a b c d e f g h i El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 59#
  5. a b c El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 41#
  6. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 11#
  7. a b c d e f El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 2#
  8. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 42#
  9. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 31#
  10. a b c d El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 53#
  11. a b c El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 44#
  12. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 67#
  13. Rhythm of War Preview Q&As
    Arcanum - 2020-10-06#
  14. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 5#
  15. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 6#
  16. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 7#
  17. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 51#
  18. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 58#
  19. a b c d e f El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 70#
  20. a b c El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 74#
  21. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 79#
  22. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 83#
  23. a b c d El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 103#
  24. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 100#
  25. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 102#
  26. a b c El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 104#
  27. a b c d El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 105#
  28. a b c d El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 106#
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