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Parientes Rine Hatham
Ancestros Sadees[1]
Títulos Alto príncipe de Alethkar, Highprince of Works
Residencia Urithiru
Nacionalidad de Alezkar
Mundo natal Roshar
Universo Cosmere

Hatham is a highprince of Alethkar on Roshar. His colors are red and gold and his princedom is on Alethkar's western border.[2]

Appearance and Personality

He is a long necked, slender man who speaks in an overly polite manner.[3]

He involves ardents in his political maneuvers, an act which was both illegal and a violation of custom ever since the Hierocracy, however the tactic has become increasingly popular and is used by many lighteyes.[4]


During the War of Reckoning, he fell behind on his payments to King Elhokar, one of the many acts of the highprinces which undermined Elhokar's rule.[5]

He is the only highprince to comment publicly on Dalinar's first announcement as Highprince of War.[6] Torol Sadeas beat him and Roion to a gem-heart, but gave it to Hatham dismissively. Sadeas was jealous of Hatham's Ryshadium.[7] He stayed reasonably quiet during the meeting which Shallan introduced herself to the court on the Shattered Plains.[3]

Following the Battle of Narak and the advent of the Everstorm, most of the highprinces, including Hatham, relocated to Urithiru. Hatham was named Highprince of Works, the highprince responsible for managing the kingdom's infrastructure, including both physical aspects of systems like sewage disposal and the civil service that carries out the necessary labor.[8]


  • At least one of Hatham's ardents is a worldhopper.[9]


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