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Dalinar and the Chasmfiend by Ryan M-W.jpg
Tipo Greatshell
Nativo de The Shattered Plains
Mundo de origen Roshar
Universo Cosmere

The beast filled the chasm. Long and narrow, it wasn't bulbous or bulky, like some small cremlings. It was sinuous, sleek, with that arrowlike face and sharp mandibles.

Kaladin seeing a chasmfiend[1]

Chasmfiends are enormous greatshells native to the chasms of the Shattered Plains on Roshar.

Appearance and Biology

by: Ben McSweeney
Shallan's sketch of a chasmfiend

Chasmfiends are the largest known land animals on Roshar: at least twenty feet wide, six times the height of an adult man at their peak, and over twice as long.[2][3] They are long and narrow, with a flattened, split tail reminescent of that of a crayfish.[3] Like most of Rosharan fauna, they're crustaceans, with a carapace exoskeleton covering their entire body. The carapace is dark violet (though it's possible that other colors can also occur), and extremely durable, being able to withstand even a hail of arrows.[4] It covers the beast's back in a series of interlocking, upside-down-V-shaped plates with horn-like protrusions growing on the edges.[3]

Below the armor, a chasmfiend has eighteen legs. Four foreclaws are set into broad shoulders, with two clawed toes on each of them. They serve as the primary means of attack, both smashing and slicing the chasmfiend's prey.[4] Behind them, fourteen smaller limbs provide locomotion. A chasmfiend can move extremely fast when it so desires, and has the agility to turn around in the narrow corridors of the chasms.[5]

A chasmfiend's head is triangular, narrowing down to a point like an arrowhead.[1] Inside the long jaw, its mouth is circular, surrounded by several rings of sharp teeth. Flanking it is a pair of smaller mandibles, which the chasmfiend can use to manipulate objects and pick up food.[3] The mouth allows the chasmfiend to vocalize; it makes roars that sounds like four bellowing trumpets playing at the same time. The chasmfiend's eyes, set above the jaw, are glassy and green.[1]

Gemheart and spren bonds

Bavamar did the calculations on Reshi greatshells, and found they should be crushed by their own weight.

Like every greatshell, chasmfiends have a gemheart growing inside of them. The chasmfiend gemhearts seem to always be emeralds, and are noted as particularly enormous.[7][8] Those gemhearts are likely what allows the chasmfiends to bond with mandras; a type of spren connected to gravity.[6] The bond is the crucial factor in allowing the chasmfiend to grow to its enormous size.[9] It reduces the chasmfiend's weight, keeping it from crushing itself; as such, from a mathematical standpoint, a chasmfiend flies, or at least floats.[6] Any creature attempting to mimic a chasmfiend, such as a kandra, would require a way to mimic or substitute that bond to survive.[10]

The mandras leave the chamsfiend's body in the hours immediately after its death. They look somewhat unlike themselves as they return to Shadesmar, beint often mistaken for tongues of smoke.[4]


by Ellie L.
A chasmfiend hunting a human

Life cycle

They must have an interesting life cycle. They haunt these chasms, but I doubt they actually live here.

Very little is known about the early stages of chasmfiend's life. It's highly likely that they don't live on the Shattered Plains for most of their life, but rather migrate there when the time comes for them to breed. Once there, they eventually climb up to one of the plateaus and pupate, forming an immobile, rock-colored chrysalis around themselves. The pupation typically happens during the night, with the chrysalis already formed come daytime. From then, the chrysalis awaits a highstorm; what happens once that occurs in unclear, as it is then that people typically harvest them.[11]

Feeding habits

I heard that once an entire bridge crew got eaten by a chasmfiend, one at a time, after it backed them into a dead end. It just sat there, picking them off as they tried to run past.

Within the natural ecosystem of the Plains, chasmfiends are the apex predators.[11] Their segmented, narrow body makes it easy for them to move through the chasms; even still, they fill all avaiable space, and their passing is often marked by long scratches and scraped flora as the carapace drags across the chasm wall.[5] Their massive bulk could also be a form of protection from the highstorm flooding, as it can lock the chasmfiend in place, stopping the flood water from carrying it off.[13]

Chasmfiends are carnivorous; within their original habitat, they likely hunt wild chulls, using their massive foreclaws to crush their prey's shells and feed on the meat within.[1] As they travel to the Shattered Plains, however, they turn to carrion-eating, eating corpses of creatures that fall or are washed down into the chasms from the pleateaus above.[14]


The gemhearts are the primary reason they are hunted, although meat and carapace are also harvested.[4]


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