Orden de los Corredores del Viento

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Orden de los Corredores del Viento
Jeseh glyph.svg
Heraldo Jezrien
Spren Honorspren
Potencias Adhesion y Gravitation
Spren de armadura Desconocido
Mundo de origen Roshar
Universo Cosmere
Aparece en El archivo de las tormentas

The Order of Windrunners was an order of the Knights Radiant on Roshar.

The Windrunners were Surgebinders who used the two Surges of Adhesion and Gravitation, and they absorbed Stormlight from gems by inhalation.

They formed a Nahel Bond with honorspren.

The combination of Adhesion and Gravitation resulted in the three Lashings. Szeth was able to use the three Lashings by way of an Honorblade, assumed to have belonged to Jezrien, the order's patron. The glow of the Windrunners' Shardplate was blue.


In the time before the Recreance the Windrunners were an Order with over a hundred members,[1] and a considerable number of squires.[2] They also reportedly had some issues with the order of the Skybreakers[2] At the beginning of the Recreance a large number of Windrunners along with many Stonewards abandoned their Shardblades and Shardplates before the fortress known as "Feverstone Keep".[1]

Known Windrunners

Ideals of the Windrunners

The Ideals of the Knights Radiant, also known as the Immortal Words, are a set of rules by which the Radiants lived. The First Ideal, identical for all orders of the Radiants, is used as their motto. The following four Ideals were unique to the Windrunners. By the end of Words of Radiance, three Ideals are known (including the First Ideal).

The First Ideal

Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination.

—The First Ideal of the Knights Radiant[3]

The Second Ideal

I will protect those who cannot protect themselves.

—The Second Ideal of the Windrunners[4]

The Third Ideal

I will protect even those I hate, so long as it is right.

— The Third Ideal of the Windrunners[5]


The Windrunners use the Surges of Adhesion and Gravitation. The combination of these two Surges resulted in the three Lashings.[6][7] Someone wearing Shardplate is immune to Lashings, but any objects that they are touching can be affected.[8]


Full Lashing

Using the Full Lashing, a Surgebinder can pool Stormlight into an area. All objects that subsequently touch this area will be bonded to the object, sticking them there and hindering their movement. The bond ends when the Stormlight runs out.


Basic Lashing

The Basic Lashing allows a Surgebinder to bind people or objects to different surfaces or in different directions, effectively changing the direction that gravity pulls them.

Reverse Lashing

By using the Reverse Lashing, a Surgebinder can increase the gravitational pull of an object, allowing them to subtly pull nearby objects toward it. The Surgebinder must maintain contact with the object to Reverse Lash it.

Other abilities


Kaladin displayed the ability to ride the Highstorms, though it is unknown if this was an ability of all of the Knights Radiant, just the Windrunners, or if this was an unrelated ability specific to Kaladin.


Stormlight grants three passive abilities. It heals him, it strengthens him, and it breaks his fall when he hits the ground.

(unnamed ability related to followers)

At the end of Words of Radiance, many of the bridgemen who worked under Kaladin were suddenly able to breathe stormlight and heal.[9] Teft commented on this, saying that the visions that Dalinar published seem to indicate "that the orders of the Knights Radiant were made up of more than just the knights themselves." This occurred after Kaladin made the third oath and may explain the reference to them having squires. This is also similar to what is seen in Dalinar's vision, when a Knight Radiant and his squad are hunting the Purelake for an Unmade before a voidpsren protector forms a thunderclast from the bedrock of the lake.[10]


Now, as the Windrunners were thus engaged, arose the event which has hitherto been referenced: namely, that discovery of some wicked thing of eminence, though whether it be some rogueries among the Radiants' adherents or of some external origin, Avena would not suggest.

There came also sixteen of the order of Windrunners, and with them a considerable number of squires, and finding in that place the Skybreakers dividing the innocent from the guilty, there ensued a great debate.


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