Debarra/Sons of Honour
Mundo de origen Roshar
Universo Cosmere
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Lives will be lost. It has ever been our burden as the Sons of Honor. To return the Heralds, to return the dominance of the Church, we had to put the world into a crisis.

Amaram's letter to Restares[1]

The Sons of Honor are a secretive group on Roshar. Their goal is to return the dominance of the Vorin church. They seem to be under the leadership of Restares, and are refered to as his cronies by the Ghostbloods.[2]


Like the Envisagers,[3] the Sons of Honor believe that by returning the Voidbringers they will cause the Heralds to return as well. They believe this will usher in a new era of Vorin dominance.[1] The Sons of Honor appear ruthless and have little regard for the loss of innocent life in the pursuit of their goals.[4][1] Despite their organization being based around Vorinism, they do not appear to strictly follow the gender norms dictated by the church. Amaram uses the stormwarden script to get around the prohibitions on writing.[5] Restares likely knows it as well, given Amaram's letter was written in the script.[1]

Of the organizations that are aware of the Voidbringers and the Desolations, the Sons of Honor are the most incorrect in their beliefs and actions regarding that knowledge.[6]


At some stage the Envisagers formed as a splinter group of the Sons of Honour.[7]

The Sons of Honor existed before Gavilar Kholin joined their organization, but he helped to greatly expand their numbers and influence. Notably, he was the one who recruited Amaram to join them.[8] Restares responded favourably to Gavilars plans worked to help him.[9] The night of Gavilar's death, he thought Restares might have been responsible, though previously he had never thought that Restares would assassinate him.[10] In truth, the Sons of Honor's plans to return the Fused and start a Desolation led to the listeners having him killed.[11]

Although he was reluctant at first, Restares convinced Amaram to take the shards Kaladin won and kill any witnesses, though he enslaved Kaladin as a sign of his thanks instead.[10] Amaram's trip to the Shattered Plains had to do with investigating the listeners and their connection to the Voidbringers.[5] After the Battle of Narak, Amaram sent word to Restares that the Sons of Honor were successful, though in truth they had no part in starting the True Desolation. Amaram recognized that Taln was not a madman and removed him from his cell in Dalinar's temple.[1]

Odium used Amaram's beliefs and the truth about the Heralds to convince him to join Odium's forces.[12] After the battle of Thaylen Field the remaining members of the Sons of Homour command were assassinated.[13] Iyalti spent the year trying to make contact with Restares again.[14]


The Sons of Honor have an antagonistic relationship with both the Ghostbloods and the Skybreakers. Mraize sends Shallan to spy on Amaram in order to discover what secrets the Sons of Honor know.[15] After receiving Shallan's intelligence, they unsuccessfully try to assassinate him.[1] After the battle of Thaylan Field the Ghostbloods spent the next year successfully assassinating the leadership of the Sons of Honour.[13] The Ghostbloods also greatly hate and despise Restares for assisting Gavilar.[9] Despite this however Mraize acts dismissive towards the Sons of Honor, referring to them simply as Restares's cronies.[2] The Skybreakers also tried to have Amaram killed as a strike against the Sons of Honor when they send Helaran Davar to his army with Shardblade and Shardplate to kill him.[8] This plan, however, resulted in the Sons of Honor gaining control of another set of shards.[10] The leader of the Skybreakers, Nale also assisted the Parshendi in assassinating Gavilar Kholin.[16]

The Diagram likely knows about the Sons of Honor, as Taravangian was a member of Gavilar's trusted inner circle.[17] It is not clear if the Sons of Honor are aware of the formation and actions of the Diagram. The two organizations have similar origins in their awareness of the True Desolation but different philosophies on what should be done about it.[18][6]



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