
De La Coppermind
Revisión del 22:31 2 sep 2020 de Truthwatch3r (discusión | contribs.) (Grammar, citations, added some detail)
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Cónyuge Kalami
Fallecido Ishishach 1173[1]
Capacidades Portador de esquirlada
Oficio Officer in Ejército de Kholin
Grupo Dalinar's elites (former)[2], Ejército de Kholin
Nacionalidad de Alezkar[Falta cita]
Mundo natal Roshar
Universo Cosmere
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Teleb is a lighteyed officer and Shardbearer in Dalinar's warcamp on Roshar.[3]

Appearance and Personality

Teleb is straight-backed and has light-green eyes. He has long hair and a blue tattoo on his cheek, marking him as an Oldblood. He is married to Kalami[3] and is described as being as literal as rocks.[4]

Attributes and Abilities

Teleb is a highly skilled archer, able to consistently hit targets from 400 yards. His archery was enough to impress Dalinar Kholin to the extent that Teleb was granted a place among Dalinar's elites, despite being on the side of the enemy.[2]

Teleb also owns both Blade and Plate while serving Dalinar at the Shattered Plains and is presumably competent when it comes to utilizing them. In addition, he also holds a position of command in the Kholin army and is thus most likely a competent leader as well.


Dalinar recruited Teleb as one of his elites when he attacked Teleb's home. Teleb was assigned by his brightlord Yezriar to assassinate Dalinar and shot him with an arrow from 400 yards away. Dalinar was impressed by this feat and promptly gave Teleb the choice of joining his army, which he agreed to in exchange for sparing his town from pillaging.[2] Teleb and Dalinar grew close, so much so that he was given use of Adolin's Plate, the Shards that Evi had brought with her, until Adolin was old enough to use it himself.[5] He proved his worth by shooting the soldiers in Rathalas that tried to drop Dalinar in the Rift.[6] The next time the army was attacking the Rift, Dalinar went to investigate Tanalan's report of one of the highprinces just leaving Rathalas in a caravan and left Teleb in charge of the army.[7] Teleb tried to talk Dalinar out of burning the city, but not very strongly, and he was disregarded.[8]

In the warcamps during the time of the Vengeance Pact, he was Dalinar's highofficer on duty when a chasmfiend was detected crawling up on a plateau only two hours away. When Dalinar decided to march, he had Teleb send for Adolin.[3]

Teleb suggested to Dalinar to think about using man-carried bridges to reach a contested plateau faster, but not using them for the assault itself. Though Dalinar hesitated about this idea, he told Teleb he may train one bridge crew for this purpose.[3] Because chull-drawn bridges would be needed for the assault, Teleb tried to design a new kind of bridge. His first attempt failed because the bridge didn't stand the weight of the chulls.[4]

When Dalinar returned after the Battle of the Tower he sent a message to Teleb that he should bring the entire camp to alert, preparing for anything though Dalinar hoped that it wouldn't be needed.[9]

He was killed during the Battle of Narak,[1] and his blade was recovered by Captain Khal.[10]


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