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Tipo Horse
Mundo de origen Roshar

The Ryshadium was a type or breed of horse on Roshar.[1]

Ryshadium were known for being larger, faster, and possessing greater stamina than other breeds of horse.[1] They were also generally considered to be more intelligent than other horses with their owners at least occasionally assuming that they were sentient.[2] Furthermore, they were known for choosing, and only obeying, a particular rider.[1] There were only a dozen men throughout the warcamps that were chosen by Ryshadiums. They are more common in the west, but they have been seen as far east as Alethkar.

Ryshadium obtain their special abilities through a spren bond. The specifics of this bond are as yet unknown.[3] It appears that they bond with musicspren, as they appear around Ryshadium even though there are no songs being played.[4]

Dalinar and Adolin were among these with their Ryshadium stallions Gallant and Sureblood.[1]

Highprince Hatham had a Ryshadium[5], as did Highlord Kalanor.[4]

Though Ryshadiums were stronger and more intelligent than normal horses, Shardbearers sometimes fight unmounted because they didn't want to endanger them in close attacks.[6]

Gallant showed his special closeness to Dalinar in the Battle of the Tower when he charged through the lines towards Dalinar when he was attacked by the Parshendi Shardbearer.[6]



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