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Uso Library
Ciudad Kharbranth
Mundo Roshar
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The Palanaeum is the largest known library on Roshar, holding over seven hundred thousand texts on various subjects.[1]

It is located in the Kharbranthian Conclave, and access to it is carefully controlled. Entering the Palanaeum requires a chit of admittance, obtainable from Taravangian's servants for a fee of one thousand sapphire broams. This fee is used to fund Kharbranth's many hospitals.

Jasnah used the Palanaeum for her research on the Voidbringers, yet found many of the texts tampered with from the Hierocracy.[2] It is possible that the original Palaneum had been subject to a fire at one point, with texts such as the autobiography of Terxim being mostly lost.[3]


The Veil

The Veil is a room in Kharbranth that leads to the Palanaeum, the largest known library on Roshar.

The Veil lies behind a pair of steel doors intricately carved in a geometric pattern with circles. lines, and glyphs that compose a chart. The sides of the expansive room are smooth and incredibly tall, pocked with small private balconies where people can read. The room is dark, with only small pockets of light from spheres that people use in the alcoves.

The balconies are turret-like, round with a railing at waist height.

To get to the countless levels of The Veil's balconies, there is a lift operated by Parshman porters.[4]

The Veil pre-exists the city of Kharbranth, and it along with the Palanaem are believed to have been cut by the Dawnsingers. [1]

The Library



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