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Mundo Roshar
Universo Cosmere

El Origen de las Tormentas, a menudo denominado simplemente el Origen, es una zona de Roshar donde se cree que se forman las altas tormentas. Aunque nunca se ha documentado de forma fiable, se cree que existe muy al este de la masa terrestre principal del planeta, posiblemente en el Océano de los Orígenes o a través de él.[1]


As the presumptive source of highstorms, the Origin is hugely important to Rosharans. The nature of the flora and fauna on Roshar is heavily influenced by local climates that are dominated by the storms, which are strongest in the east where they make landfall.[2] Many buildings, particularly those in eastern Roshar, have features such as doors, balconies, patios, and gardens facing away from the Origin, so as to protect them from storm winds and debris.[3] This arrangement is so common that people may feel uneasy in spaces that face the Origin.[4] However, some humans and singers, notably Dalinar[1][5] and Eshonai,[6][7] often gaze towards the Origin in contemplation.

In contrast to most buildings on Roshar, the tower city of Urithiru has a tall column of windows directly facing the Origin, possible only because it's located above the storms.[8][9] The windows allow the residents to look towards the Origin from many rooms in the tower, including the massive atrium.[10][11]

Several of Roshar's major spren seem to have a connection to the Origin. When not in a highstorm, Dalinar feels the Stormfather's presence in that direction.[12][13] Cusicesh forms a face and looks towards the Origin every day at seven forty-six in the morning.[14]


There is some disagreement on Roshar as to the Origin's true nature. While ancient myths state that every highstorm begins there, modern stormwardens believe that a single highstorm continuously circles the planet.[15] However, the term "Origin of Storms" is used by both humans and listeners, and the belief that the storms originate there is still widely held.[4][6] According to Lirin, there have been a few attempts to sail east to the Origin, but of all the ships to set out for it, none have ever returned.[16]

A Natan named Puuli and his grandfather believe that there are people living on a hidden island at the Origin. Per their story, those people, once sailors who were lost while sailing the Ocean of Origins, are to return with "Light in their pockets" and restore the fallen kingdom of Natanatan.[17]

Additionally, some stories suggest that there may be an "origin" that can be reached by sailing west from the Rosharan continent. One such myth is Derethil and the Wandersail. In the story, King Derethil, sailing far to the west in hopes of finding the source of the Voidbringers, finds a whirlpool where the ocean drains, likely known as the "Great Abyss". The whirlpool was ringed by islands populated by the Uvara people. Derethil is said to have escaped the islands with an Uvara named Nafti, but nothing more is known of their story.[18]

Although the historicity of these stories and legends are unclear, it is geographically feasible that the same place could be reached by sailing in either direction from the main continent, as Roshar has no other large landmasses.[19]


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Big Smooth (talk) 00:08, 26 May 2022 (UTC)

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