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Grupo Bridge Four
Residencia Urithiru
Mundo natal Roshar

Hobber is a member of Bridge Four.

He is one of the first men that Kaladin rescued during a bridge run. Hobber expresses his thanks by being one of the first to believe in Kaladin, giving him his full devotion.[1] Upon healing, he assists Lopen with bringing water on the runs.[2] Once completely healed, he serves on the King’s Guard, protecting King Elhokar. During an assassination attempt on Dalinar’s life, Hobber is injured, losing use of his legs.[3] After the injury, Hobber serves as assistant chef to Rock until he was finally able to breathe in Stormlight, which restores the use of his legs.[4]

Appearance and Personality

Hobber is round-faced and lean. He has a gap between his teeth and short black hair.[5] He has a tattoo on his forehead to cover up his slave’s brand.[6] Hobber is frequently one of the more positive men in Bridge Four, always supporting Kaladin and the rest of the men. He likes to joke with the others and help wherever he can, even when he is severely injured.


Hobber was assigned to the bridge crews after getting into a drunken brawl along with his squad. While he was probably just going along with that the others were doing, a man ended up dead, and he was punished accordingly.[7]

Rescued by Kaladin

During Kaladin’s first run as bridgeleader, he found an injured Hobber laying beside the bridge. He had taken an arrow through the thigh and was moaning in pain. Kaladin grabbed him under the arms and pulled him to safety. Determining that the arrow hadn’t hit any major arteries, Kaladin returned to the battlefield to retrieve more injured bridgemen. After tending to the more severe injuries, Kaladin returned to Hobber and cleaned, stitched, and bound his wound. Kaladin ordered the men to tie Hobber and Dabbid to the top of the bridge so they could transport them back.[1]

When Kaladin checked on the wounded, Hobber was smiling opening. He thanked Kaladin for saving him. Kaladin told him he wouldn’t be able to walk for a few weeks, but that he would bring him food from the mess hall. Hobber just thanked him again, taking his hand, almost tearing up. Kaladin moved on to Dabbid and Hobber told Kaladin that he’d been sitting like that all night. Hobber thought he’d been hit in the head, but Kaladin disagreed, calling it battle shock and that it would wear off. Hobber just hoped he was right.[5]


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