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por ERROR: Shared File page 'File:Roshar - Alethkar.jpg ' does not exist
Capital Kholinar
Gobernador King Elhokar
Era [[Era of Solitude]]{{era/Era of Solitude|}}
Mundo Roshar

Alethkar was the largest and most prominent of the five Vorin nations on Roshar. It was split into ten princedoms, each with its own highprince. People from Alethkar were known as Alethi. Alethkar is currently engaged in the War of Reckoning against the Parshendi. In the present day, Alethkar possesses many Shardblades, like Jah Keved.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido


Located in eastern Roshar, Alethkar was more exposed to the highstorms than many lands further west. Important geographical features included the Sunmaker Mountains, the Sea of Spears, and the Windrunner and Deathbend Rivers.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido


Alethkar was founded as Alethela in the Silver Kingdoms Epoch. It survived the Desolations, but at an unknown point was fractured into the Princedoms.

Under this system, the ten highprinces acted as kings of their own lands, with no unifying government. The Sunmaker united the highprincesError en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido and stopped the Hierocracy, but eventually the government split again. Later, in approximately 1158, Gavilar Kholin--inspired by the Sunmaker--sought to conquer and unite the highprinces, which he achieved by about 1163. He was then crowned king and his brother Dalinar Kholin became highprince to the Kholin Princedom.

When Gavilar was assassinatedError en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido by the Parshendi in 1167, his son Elhokar Kholin became king and declared war on the Parshendi. Each of the highprinces joined the Vengeance Pact, and they went to the Shattered Plains to besiege the Parshendi in the War of Reckoning. The siege took much longer than was expected, and was still active by 1173.


The Alethi culture was divided into two major castes, the lighteyes and darkeyes. The distinction between the two was the coloring of the person's eyes, the lighteyes standing as the upper class, and darkeyes as the working/lower class, each of these classes were further divided in rank according to their dahn (in the case of lighteyes) or their nahn (in the case of darkeyes). There were many ways in which you could improve your ranking and it was hereditary. Many darkeyes volunteered to become soldiers due for the chance to increase their rank and that of their children.

Children of pure light/dark-eyed parents always bred true, whereas the children of mixed descent had the chance to be either.

The Alethi system of government revolved around class. The lighteyes composed the ruling upper caste, which also had a ranking system (dahn). The highest ranked lighteyes was King Elhokar, who ruled over all of the highprinces. Next in line in terms of prestige and power were any lighteyes who were also Shardbearers, with significant overlap into the princedom (i.e. many highprinces are generally Shardbearers as well).

The darkeyes made up the working class. The majority of darkeyes were either farmers or soldiers, both of which were considered to be high Callings in Vorinism, and admirable professions. Many darkeyed soldiers who went to war hoped to defeat a Shardbearer in combat to gain ownership over their Shardblade as it was believed that this would change the color of their eyes and they would become a lighteyes themselves.

War and honor were considered a way of life to the Alethi.

The word Mathana was a formal term for an older sister,Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido and for "aunt" it was Mashala.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido


Most of the Alethi were Vorin, followers of the Almighty. The priests of Vorinism were called ardents and were divided into Devotaries. Vorinism had a large impact on the culture of Alethkar. Alethi each chose a profession and an attribute of the Almighty to emulate: a Calling and a Glory. These could be changed during life but it was generally frowned upon culturally. Soulcasting was considered sacred to the Alethi and so only the ardents were permitted to use Soulcasting fabrials.


Alethkar Princedoms

Each Princedom is synonymous with the highprince who rules it.

In the east of Alethkar
In the north-west of Alethkar
In the north of Alethkar
In the north-east of Alethkar
In the north-west of Alethkar
In the west of Alethkar
In the centre of Alethkar
In the west of Alethkar
In the south-west of Alethkar
In the south of Alethkar

Notable Alethi



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