Evi Kholin

De La Coppermind
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Evi Kholin
House Kholin
Cónyuge Dalinar
Hijos Adolin, Renarin
Hermanos Toh
Nacionalidad de Rira
Mundo natal Roshar
¡Esta página o sección contiene spoilers de Juramentada!
Esta información destripa elementos de la trama.  Ándese con ojo si no ha leido este libro.

Evi Kholin was Dalinar Kholin's late wife. She was tall, blonde, and has a small chest[1].

Dalinar cannot hear or remember her name, possibly because of Old Magic. He has no memories of her, but knows he was married to her for years before her death. When her name is mentioned, Dalinar hears a rushing of wind instead of her name. Searching for some recollection of her, Dalinar asks Navani Kholin about her, who says that she was a nice woman, but didn't match Dalinar in intellect.[2]

She has been erased from Dalinar's memory so thoroughly that sometimes he has trouble even remembering that he had ever been married in the first place.[3] Dalinar is able to remember memories which include her but will see a blank spot where she should be in the memory, even if all other details are incredibly crisp. Dalinar thinks of these as strange gaps and foggy areas of his mind.[4]

When looking at her son Adolin, Kaladin thinks to himself that his mother was likely from Rira due to the large amount of blonde in his hair.[5]

Adolin inherited his Plate from his mother's side of the family. [6] Shallan says that Adolin's mother is responsible for there being sketches of Adolin's Plate in the royal record.[7]


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