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Recipiente Sazed
Lascas Leras, Rashek, Kelsier, Vin
Astillas Ninguna[1]
Estado Entera, fusionada con Ruina
Perpendicularidad Pozo de la Ascensión
Magia Alomancia, Feruquimia
Residencia Scadrial
Universo Cosmere

La infinidad de una nota sostenida a la perfección, sin titubeos. Era la majestad de un cuadro, congelado e inmóvil, que capturaba un fragmento de la vida de una época pasada. Era el poder de muchos, muchos momentos comprimidos de algún modo en uno solo.

Conservación es una Esquirla de Adonalsium, una de las dos alojadas en Scadrial. Su Recipiente original fue Leras, aunque Kelsier y Vin también fueron Recipientes antes de que Sazed cogiera el poder y lo fusionase con Ruina, convirtiéndose en Armonía.[3] En las religiones de Terris, Conservación es conocida como Terr o "Para conservar". Al sur de Scadrial se le conoce como Frue y se creía que era femenina.[4][5] La Investidura de Conservación normalmente está asociada con el color blanco.[6]


Si él se saliera con la suya, estaríais todos congelados en el tiempo, incapaces de actuar por miedo a dañaros unos a otros.

Ati a Conservación[7]

Conservación busca la estabilidad y conservar el mundo y sus habitantes en su estado actual. Valora el status quo sin importarle si la gente que vive en él es feliz, y apoya a aquellos que buscan mantenerlo.[8] Tiene una clara dificultad para actuar de una manera destructiva; al Recipiente le causa dolor físico tanto si hiere como si mata, incluso si el motivo de hacerlo es más para conservar que para destruir.[9]

Conservación es el opuesto y complementario perfecto de la Esquirla Ruina. Esto es bastante único en el Cosmere, ya que la mayoría de las Esquirlas no se pueden emparejar.[10]

Magias Asociadas

por Gaga Turmanishvili
Un alomántico usando sus poderes


Conservación alimenta la alomancia, una de las tres Artes metálicas de Scadrial. A diferencia de la mayoría de las magias en el Cosmere, el poder se hereda más que se obtiene; Un alomántico puede ser un brumoso, capaz de usar solo una habilidad alomántica, o un nacido de la bruma, capaz de utilizarlas todas.[11] El poder se gana consumiendo el metal y luego "quemándolo", aunque el metal por sí mismo no es la fuente del poder. En vez de eso, actúa como una llave, desbloqueando el acceso al poder de Conservación que puede utilizarse de diferentes maneras dependiendo del metal que ha sido quemado.[12]

Hay dieciséis metales "básicos" que pueden usarse en la alomancia, divididos en cuatro categorías: metales físicos, que modifican a la persona o su entorno, metales mentales, que interactúan con las emociones y los sentidos sobrenaturales, metales temporales, que cambian la percepción y el paso del tiempo, y los metales superiores, que cambian el funcionamiento de otras habilidades alománticas.[13] Además, existen un número de metales derivados directamente de las Esquirlas, entre ellos el atium, lerasium y trellium. Aunque la mayoría no son de Conservación, algunos alománticos pueden quemarlos junto con sus aleaciones.[14]


La feruquimia es un Arte Metálico creado por Ruina y Conservación.[15] Como la alomancia, es heredable y una persona puede ser un ferrin, con acceso a una sola habilidad o un feruquimista, capaz de usarlas todas.[16] Tanto el ferrin como el feruquimista, almacenan una porción de sí mismos, como su fuerza o velocidad en una pieza de metal, llamada mente de metal, en la que el metal utilizado determinará el atributo que se almacena. Cuando este se almacena, ese atributo se drena de uno mismo, por ejemplo, almacenar fuerza te hará más débil pero más tarde, la persona podrá retirar el poder de una mente de metal utilizándolo para incrementar ese mismo atributo en sí mismo.[17]

La feruquimia también utiliza los dieciséis metales básicos igual que la alomancia, no obstante los efectos son ligeramente diferentes. Los metales en la feruquimia están divididos en metales físicos, que almacenan atributos físicos de la persona, metales cognitivos que almacenan atributos mentales, metales espirituales que almacenan los atributos del alma, y los metales híbridos, que almacenan atributos fisiológicos como la salud o la energía.[18] Los metales esquirlados también se pueden utilizar para almacenar otros atributos.


Lerasium is the God Metal of Preservation, or the metallic form of its body. Preservation's Vessel can create them deliberately; it's unknown whether it'll form on its own.[19] Unlike most metals, Lerasium can be burned by any person who ingests it. Doing so transforms a person into a Mistborn of power exceeding that of a natural-born Allomancer; if a Mistborn burned it, it would enhance their pre-existing powers.[20] It can also be alloyed with any of the base sixteen metals to make someone a Misting of the alloyed metal.[13]


Vin floating in Preservation's mists

The mist of Scadrial is the gaseous form of Preservation's Investiture. Unlike Stormlight and similarly to Breath, the mist can be programmed to automatically perform specific tasks, albeit the only one capable of doing so is Preservation itself. Under Leras' command, the mists would go out at night and seek out potential Allomancers, then Snap them to awaken their power; this process continued even after Preservation has been killed, up until Sazed took on the power.[21] Under Sazed, the Mists only come out at specific nights, and turned from a continent-wide pattern into localized phenomena.[22] They are no longer used for Snapping, but some believe that Harmony can use them to observe the world.[23][24]

The mists can be used by Preservation to manifest as a so-called mist spirit. The spirit has limited power to influence the world around it, curtailed further by Preservation's natural disinclination towards acting in general; however, under right circumstances it is able to interact with physical objects.[9] Both Preservation and later Harmony can also use the mists to fuel the Allomancy of people they chose to empower, circumventing the need for metals.[25]

Intervención directa

They say that You come to all people when they die.

Having directly created Scadrial along with Ruin, Preservation has vast amount of control over the planet. A person holding the Shard's power can rearrange continents, recreate extinct forms of life, and even move the planet within the solar system, permanently changing its orbit. Additionally, Preservation is Invested in every Scadrian, and can alter the way their bodies function.[27][28] Direct killing is, however, directly against its Intent and thus extremely difficult bordering on impossible.[9]

Preservation is able to hear the voice of any living Scadrian, but cannot speak to them; full two-way communication is only possible through the use of both it and Ruin.[29] It can manifest a body in Scadrial's Cognitive Realm, which both Leras and Sazed use to speak with the recently-deceased before they pass on through to the Beyond.[8][26]


Ruin and Preservation

El trato con Ruina

I was able to trick Ruin before, lock him away, by fooling him with our agreement.

Following the death of Adonalsium, Leras and Ati picked up the Shards Preservation and Ruin. They departed Yolen together, before eventually finding their way to a star system empty of inhabitable planets.[31] The two Shards found themselves at a stalemate; both knew they could only create something together, yet with one wishing to preserve, and the other to destroy, they could not easily cooperate.[32] Eventually, Preservation offered a deal -- the two would create a world together, and Ruin would eventually be able to destroy it. Preservation Invested more of his power into humans, thus guaranteeing for Ruin that he would one day be able to overcome and destroy it.[33] Thus, Scadrial was formed.

However, Preservation exploited a loophole in the pact and trapped Ruin's mind in Preservation's own perpendicularity, the Well of Ascension, and a portion of its power -- in the metal atium.[34] This made the two powers all but equal, but at the cost of Preservation's mind.[35] Leras was, for all intents and purposes, dead; it was only a matter of time before his consciousness would dissipate, leaving the Shard free to be taken or fall apart.[2]

However, before his mind began to truly die, Preservation made a series of preparations to orchestrate Ruin's downfall. Over time, Ruin changed many of them, but the core of the plan did remain.[9][36] The mists of Scadrial were part of this plan, designed to awaken Allomancy. Though they maintained this role, Ruin twisted the mists into the dangerous Deepness.[21]


As the power in the Well of Ascension continued to build, it had to be taken up and used roughly once per millennium.[37] However, to give the power up altogether would release Ruin; as such, Ati twisted the prophecies to suggest that that was what had to be done.[38]

In one such cycle, Alendi travelled to the Well of Ascension, with the intent of releasing the power. Preservation attempted to stop him, and its mist spirit murdered one of Alendi's travelling companions. Afterward, Rashek took up the power in the Well to prevent the release of Ruin, and used it to reshape the world of Scadrial in an attempt to get rid of the mists. This was only partially successful, as he ended up moving the planet too close to the sun, and had to make further changes to compensate.[39]

Eventually, Rashek used the power of the Well to make himself a Mistborn in addition to being a Feruchemist. He also empowered a cadre of allies and friends who would become the foundation of the nobility, leading to the creation of The Final Empire.[40]

Preservation's mist spirit

La liberación de Ruina

A thousand years later, after Kelsier was killed by Rashek -- now known as the Lord Ruler -- he found himself in the Cognitive Realm and face to face with an apparition of Leras. After promptly punching it in the face, Kelsier tricked Preservation into revealing how to become a Cognitive Shadow, and was subsequently trapped in the Well of Ascension as it began to fill once more.[8]

Both Preservation and Ruin picked Vin as one of its unwitting agents many centuries prior, though Ruin attempted to stifle Preservation's influence by piercing child Vin with a Hemalurgic spike at birth. The first sign of Vin's connection to Preservation was when she attempted to fight the Lord Ruler and drew on the mist to fuel her Allomancy.[41] A year later, she began to hear the beat of the Well as it called for someone to once more take up the power. At the time, Preservation's mist spirit began to appear to her on multiple occasions as Leras was looking for a way to stop her from releasing the power.[42]

Ultimately, Vin and Elend found themselves at the Well of Ascension, where, unseen to them, Kelsier's spirit had just learned of the danger in releasing the power. In a last bid to stop Vin from freeing Ruin, Kelsier grabbed Leras by the arm and forced him to slash Elend, dealing him a deadly stomach wound. However, this was for naught, as Vin elected to release the power anyway out of a sense of duty. To prevent Elend's death, Leras led Vin to the last remaining bead of lerasium, making him a Mistborn.[38]

The death of Leras

La muerte de Leras

Odd. After all these years appearing for others as they died, I never expected . . . that my own passing would be so cold and lonely. . . .

Following Ruin's release, Kelsier was once more able to move freely about Scadrial's Cognitive Realm. Resigned, Preservation led him to Khriss and Nazh, a pair of worldhoppers with knowledge of the greater cosmere mechanics. Though Khriss insisted that they could not help, Nazh pointed Kelsier towards the Ire, an Elantrian organization aiming to take the power of Preservation for themselves.[30][44] In their fortress, Kelsier managed to acquire the Ire's orb, a sphere filled with a substance that could grant Connection to Preservation.[45]

At the same time, Leras was rapidly dying. As the mist spirit, he appeared one last time to Elend as the latter was almost ready to give up when escorting a large group of captured koloss back to Fadrex City. By this time, Preservation was too weak to perform any significant actions and could only vaguely communicate with Elend, attempting to convince him not to besiege Fadrex.[46] Shortly after Elend departed, Leras died, and his body fell back into the Physical Realm.[47]


Do you know why I always won at card tricks, Ruin? It's because I could always. Force. People to choose. The card I wanted them to.

Aware of Leras' death, Kelsier broke the orb and used its power to ascend to Preservation himself before the power could be Splintered by Ruin. However, the power did not obey him fully, as he was not one of the people intended to use it.[49] Kelsier resigned himself to affecting the world around him in minor ways, and eventually formed a plan to get the power to Vin, who was held back by the Hemalurgic spike in her ear.[43] He finally managed to contact Spook, who sent a message informing Vin about the spike.[50]

The message was not, however, meant for Vin -- rather, it was meant for Marsh, who was hunting Vin. When Marsh saw the letter, Kelsier put the whole of his power against Ruin to distract Ati. This allowed Marsh the freedom to understand what the letter meant and rip the earring out of Vin. Kelsier then gave Preservation over to her.[48]

Vin empowering Elend


You created the thing that can kill you, Ruin.

Initially, Vin was using Preservation's power with little skill, much like Rashek had, and at every turn, her actions were countered by Ruin.[25][52] At the same time, Elend realized that the people being snapped by the out-of-control mists were in one-sixteenth atium Mistings, who Leras planned on to burn atium, denying Ruin its own power.[51]

At the Battle of Hathsin, as Marsh and Elend fought, Vin fuelled Elend's Allomancy to allow him to keep up. During the fight, he burned atium with duralumin, which allowed him to perceive all of Preservation's plan. Now aware of what had to be done, Elend let Marsh kill him. Vin, now with her last reason to live gone, likewise realized why she held the power. As someone new to it, she was able to use it in destructive ways, as it has not yet warped her mind to its intent. She rammed into Ruin with the whole of her power, killing them both.[51]


I am, unfortunately, the Hero of Ages .

As Sazed observed the battle drawing to a close, he ran out to find Vin, unaware that she was no longer alive. He eventually managed to find her and Ati's corpses. Distraught, he called out to Preservation, raging that despite Ruin's death, the world was still ending. It was then that the two bodies began leaking the powers of Preservation and Ruin. Though initially doubtful that he could hold them, Sazed eventually realized that he was, in fact, the prophesied Hero of Ages, bound to take up both powers and restore the world. Thus, he grabbed both powers and used them to restore Scadrial, merging the two Shards together into Harmony.[27]


When something grows, or dies, the Jaggenmire make that happen. There is Herr, and his sister Frue, who is also his wife. And she makes things stop, and he makes things go.

Allik on Ruin and Preservation[5]

Preservation is worshipped as a god by many Scadrian cultures. The Terris have perhaps honored it the longest; they were worshipping it before The Lord Ruler as Terr, and have kept it up even centuries after the Final Ascension, when the Preservation was already merged into Harmony.[54][55] In the Southern Scadrial, Preservation is worshipped as part of a pair of gods with Ruin; the two are known together as a single entity, the Jaggenmire, with Preservation's part of it being called Frue. Frue is considered to be female, and the Jaggenmire are believed to be both siblings and spouses.[5]

The kandra have some knowledge of Preservation -- or, as they call it, the power of Ascension -- and its bearers. For an unknown reason, they're only aware of its last four Scadrian holders: Rashek, Kelsier, Vin and Sazed.[56] They might be unaware of Leras, or see him as something different.

Preservation is the author of the Terris Prophecies, a set of legends that foretold the coming of the Hero of Ages. Leras created them as part of his plan to ultimately defeat Ruin, and although Ati twisted the prophecies over time to serve his ends instead, they were successful in this regard and have led to the creation of Harmony.[57] On a smaller scale, Leras, with aid of Kelsier, was responsible for stabbing Elend at the Well of Ascension, leading to him becoming a Mistborn, and the mist spirit snapped Allomancers for many centuries.[9][58]


  • The Southern name for Preservation, Frue, is the Danish word meaning "lady" or "Mrs", and is close to German Frau ("Miss"), matching the name for Ruin, Herr (German for "Mister").
  • In Magic:The Gathering colors, Preservation would be white.[59]


  1. Steelheart Chicago signing
    Arcanum - 2013-10-05#
  2. a b Nacidos de la bruma: Historia Secreta parte 2 capítulo 1#
  3. /r/fantasy AMA 2013
    Arcanum - 2013-04-23#
  4. El Héroe de las Eras capítulo 75#
  5. a b c Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 22#
  6. Steelheart Chicago signing
    Arcanum - 2013-10-01#
  7. Nacidos de la bruma: Historia Secreta parte 4 capítulo 4#
  8. a b c Nacidos de la bruma: Historia Secreta parte 1 capítulo 1#
  9. a b c d e Nacidos de la bruma: Historia Secreta parte 2 capítulo 4#
  10. Ancient 17S Q&A
    Arcanum - 2010-05-01#
  11. El Imperio Final (libro) capítulo 4#
  12. Hero of Ages Q&A - Time Waster's Guide
    Arcanum - 2008-10-15#
  13. a b Table of Allomantic Metals
  14. El Héroe de las Eras capítulo 74#
  15. Hero of Ages Q&A - Time Waster's Guide
    Arcanum - 2008-10-15#
  16. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 3#
  17. Aleación de ley Ars Arcanum#
  18. Table of Feruchemical Metals
  19. Words of Radiance Seattle signing
    Arcanum - 2014-03-08#
  20. 17th Shard Interview
    Arcanum - 2010-10-03#
  21. a b El Héroe de las Eras capítulo 81 Epígrafe#
  22. Hero of Ages Q&A - Time Waster's Guide
    Arcanum - 2008-10-15#
  23. Tor Twitter Chat
    Arcanum - 2011-11-14#
  24. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 14#
  25. a b El Héroe de las Eras capítulo 73#
  26. a b Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 28#
  27. a b El Héroe de las Eras capítulo 82#
  28. The Hero of Ages Annotations
    Arcanum - 2010-03-30#
  29. El Héroe de las Eras capítulo 10#
  30. a b Nacidos de la bruma: Historia Secreta parte 3 capítulo 1#
  31. Arcanum Ilimitado - Sistema de Scadrial#
  32. El Héroe de las Eras capítulo 53 Epígrafe#
  33. El Héroe de las Eras capítulo 54 Epígrafe#
  34. El Héroe de las Eras capítulo 46 Epígrafe#
  35. El Héroe de las Eras capítulo 55 Epígrafe#
  36. Nacidos de la bruma: Historia Secreta parte 1 capítulo 2#
  37. El Héroe de las Eras capítulo 63#
  38. a b Nacidos de la bruma: Historia Secreta parte 2 capítulo 3#
  39. El Héroe de las Eras capítulo 4 Epígrafe#
  40. El Héroe de las Eras capítulo 62 Epígrafe#
  41. El Imperio Final (libro) capítulo 38#
  42. El Pozo de la Ascensión (libro) capítulo 47#
  43. a b Nacidos de la bruma: Historia Secreta parte 6 capítulo 4#
  44. Nacidos de la bruma: Historia Secreta parte 3 capítulo 2#
  45. Nacidos de la bruma: Historia Secreta parte 5 capítulo 2#
  46. El Héroe de las Eras capítulo 55#
  47. El Héroe de las Eras capítulo 56 Epígrafe#
  48. a b Nacidos de la bruma: Historia Secreta parte 6 capítulo 7#
  49. Nacidos de la bruma: Historia Secreta parte 6 capítulo 3#
  50. Nacidos de la bruma: Historia Secreta parte 6 capítulo 6#
  51. a b c El Héroe de las Eras capítulo 81#
  52. El Héroe de las Eras capítulo 76#
  53. El Héroe de las Eras capítulo 1#
  54. El Héroe de las Eras capítulo 64#
  55. Brazales de Duelo (libro) prólogo#
  56. General Reddit 2015
    Arcanum - 2015-12-23#
  57. The Hero of Ages Annotations
    Arcanum - 2010-06-01#
  58. El Héroe de las Eras capítulo 72 Epígrafe#
  59. Skyward Pre-Release AMA
    Arcanum - 2018-10-05#
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