Alto Príncipe de la Guerra

De La Coppermind
Revisión del 09:55 11 abr 2022 de Sira (discusión | contribs.) (Texto reemplazado: «{{cat tag|Alethi culture}}» por «{{cat tag|Cultura de Alezkar}}»)
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Alto Príncipe de la Guerra
Relacionado con Alethkar, Cultura de Alezkar, Highprince
Tipo Título
Mundo de origen Roshar
Universo de origen Cosmere
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The Highprince of War is a title bestowed by the Alethi king to one of the highprinces. The Highprince of War has authority over all war-related activities.

Dalinar Kholin requested the title be given to him so he could unite the Alethi highprinces. King Elhokar replied that he would do this if Dalinar could provide him with proof that the other highprinces would be willing to work together. Dalinar proceeded to approach each highprince individually and was turned down each time for various reasons until he successfully managed to convince Highprince Torol Sadeas to attempt bridge runs with him.[1]

Only after Dalinar survived Sadeas's betrayal at the Battle of the Tower did he force Elhokar to name him the Highprince of War.[2]

Dalinar used his new authority to change the distribution of gemhearts on the Shattered Plains so that the war would no longer consist of the highprinces competing for the gemhearts. Instead, he assigned pairs of highprinces to go on each run, which he hoped would help teach them to work together, and claimed the gemhearts as property of the king, to be distributed back to the highprinces as rewards for their obedience and effectiveness in battle. Along with this change in how the highprinces would be acquiring gemhearts, Dalinar also used his position to encourage the other highprinces to follow the Alethi Codes of War, though he stopped short of seizing their assets for failure to do so.[3]

Following the creation of the Everstorm and their arrival at Urithiru, Dalinar is forced to take full control of the individual armies of all highprinces, in an effort to fully unify all of the Alethi, and in order to continue training and squash additional squabbles.[4]


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