Vínculo Nahel

De La Coppermind
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The Nahel bond is the name of a form of magical connection made by humans on Roshar. These humans are known as Surgebinders and historically Knights Radiant.

Alakavish was a Surgebinder and yet the Nahel bond gave him no more wisdom than a regular man

Nohadon on the bond[1]

The responsibility of what we've been given — whether it be the crown or the Nahel bond — needs to make us better

Nohadon on the bond[1]

The Nahel bond forms between a Spren and a Human. This bond allows them to draw in Stormlight and grants access to 2 Surges of power. The type of spren drawn to a human determines the type of Surgebinder they will become. Their are ten known types of Surgebinders. Each type of Surgebinders is believed to be tied to a different Spren, For example, bonding an honorspren would give you the powers of a Windrunner, while bonding a Cryptic would give you the powers of a Lightweaver. See Surgebinding and Knights Radiant for more information.

Formation of the Bond

Spren will seek out people who follow a similar life style to their own Cognitive template for example Honorspren seek out people who act with honor and protect others.

Limitations of the Bond

The Nahel Bond has certain limitations. The Nahel Bond is about personal enlightenment.[Se necesita aclaración] Spren find people that to some extent follow a similar path as the Spren's own Concept. As the Bond progresses the holder of the Bond will move along a path bringing the holder's thinking more in line with the Spren they are bonded to. If the holder of the Bond does not progress their level of control and ability to use Stormlight not increase. There are 3 levels of Progression after the initial bonding each one has an Oath associated with it. Lightweavers are an exception to this using truths instead of Ideals.

Powers granted By the Bond

The Nahel Bond grants access to two Different Surges providing a range of powers some overlapping with other Surgebinders. In addition to the Surges the Bond creates a mental connection to the members of the Bond. This mental connection provides telepathy and recognition between the Bond members. Other enhancments are granted to some holders of the Bond for example Lightweavers are known for their mnemonic abilities.

Severing the Bond

The only known way to sever a Nahel Bond is for a Bonded Person to act in a manner contrary to the limitations of the Bond. This breaks the Spren in some fashion and revival is possible but difficult more so if the original holder of the bond is no longer around. It is uncertain if a Spren is able to sever the bond and return to the cognitive realm.

Notable Surgebinders and Spren

Surgebinder Order Spren type Spren
Kaladin Windrunner Honorspren Syl
Shallan Lightweaver Cryptic Pattern
Jasnah Elsecallers unknown Ivory
Renarin Truthwatchers unknown Glys
Dalinar Bondsmiths unknown Stormfather
Lift Edgedancers unknown Wyndle


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