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Nueva Natanan
Región Frostlands
Mundo Roshar
Universo Cosmere

New Natanan is a city-state on Roshar, which claims few other settlements as its protectorates.[1] The people of Natanan are called the Natan.[2]

Location and Geography

New Natanan is the easternmost city of the Rosharan continent. In lies on the shores of the Ocean of Origins, or a large peninsula jutting out of the Frostlands, a sparsely-populated and mostly lawless region in the south-east.[3] New Natanan's position makes it the first settlement to be hit by an arriving highstorm as it comes on land. The news of a stormwall are sent out to other kingdoms from there via spanreeds.[4]

There have been several attempts in the past to find a river passage between Alethkar and New Natanan, one of which resulted in the discovery of the Parshendi by Alethi explorers.[5] However, so far it appears that the only way to access the country is either by a caravan or by sea.


The region New Natanan now lies in was once part of the Silver Kingdom of Natanatan, with its capital in Stormseat.[6] Following the catastrophe that created the Shattered Plains, the country slowly fell apart, until it was reduced to a single settlement -- New Natanan.[7]

By the War of Reckoning, New Natanan had become a valuable trade hub as the biggest city on the eastern coast. They had an ambassador, Au-nak, in the Alethi warcamps, and when Jasnah and Shallan's ship was sunk, it was on its way to the city, as it was from there that caravans travelled to the Shattered Plains.[8][9] When the Everstorm first appeared, New Natanan was the first major city to be struck by it, although Dalinar and Navani tried to warn its people of the new storm.[10] Though its uncertain whether they believed the message, the Natan confirmed the existence of the Everstorm to the Thaylen after it had passed over them.[11]

Politics and Culture

The Natan people have pale blue skin and white hair.[Falta cita]

Notable citizens


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