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Diferencia entre revisiones de «Canto del alba»

De La Coppermind
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== Historia ==
== Historia ==
El saber popular moderno proclama que el canto del alba era el lenguaje hablado por los [[Heraldo]]s, pero su origen real en los cantores del alba probablemente indica que los humanos lo adoptaron, al menos en su forma escrita, después de su éxodo desde [[Ashyn]] y su llegada a [[Roshar]]. En algun punto de la historia el canto del alba se convirtió en el lenguaje escrito compartido por toda la humanidad en Roshar, incluso cuando se separaron y desarrollaron sus propios idiomas. Durante el periodo en que las [[Desolación|Desolaciones]] azotaban la civilización humana, las diferentes culturas humanas adoptaron la escritura del canto del alba original para que se adecuara a sus propios idiomas y desarrollaron su propia escritura. Este proceso empezó con cambiar simples pronunciaciones fonéticas, en las cuales los humanos usaban la escritura del canto del alba para transcribir sus propios idiomas, pero eventualmente llevó al surgimiento de los proto-thaylen-vorin radicales, de los cuales provienen los glífos modernos de los vorin y los thayleños.{{book ref|sa3|i|2}}
El saber popular moderno proclama que el canto del alba era el lenguaje hablado por los [[Heraldo]]s, pero su origen real en los cantores del alba probablemente indica que los humanos lo adoptaron, al menos en su forma escrita, después de su éxodo desde [[Ashyn]] y su llegada a [[Roshar]]. En algun punto de la historia el canto del alba se convirtió en el lenguaje escrito compartido por toda la humanidad en Roshar, incluso cuando se separaron y desarrollaron sus propios idiomas. Durante el periodo en que las [[Desolación|Desolaciones]] azotaban la civilización humana, las diferentes culturas humanas adoptaron la escritura del canto del alba original para que se adecuara a sus propios idiomas y desarrollaron su propia escritura. Este proceso empezó con cambiar simples pronunciaciones fonéticas, en las cuales los humanos usaban la escritura del canto del alba para transcribir sus propios idiomas, pero eventualmente llevó al surgimiento de las raices de los glifos proto-thayleño-vorin, de los cuales provienen los glifos modernos de los vorin y los thayleños.{{book ref|sa3|i|2}}

Untranslatable for thousands of years, the Dawnchant was finally cracked by [[Navani Kholin]] during the [[War of Reckoning]]. When listening to [[Dalinar]]'s words from one of his visions, she recognizes a phrase recorded in Corvana's Analectics - a phrase that originates with the songs of the [[Vanrial]], an ardent order that has kept a record of ancient songs believed to have been written in the Dawnchant. This discovery leads to a large number of Dawnchant texts being translated by scholars around the world.
Untranslatable for thousands of years, the Dawnchant was finally cracked by [[Navani Kholin]] during the [[War of Reckoning]]. When listening to [[Dalinar]]'s words from one of his visions, she recognizes a phrase recorded in Corvana's Analectics - a phrase that originates with the songs of the [[Vanrial]], an ardent order that has kept a record of ancient songs believed to have been written in the Dawnchant. This discovery leads to a large number of Dawnchant texts being translated by scholars around the world.

Revisión del 17:45 20 ene 2023

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Canto del alba
Relacionado con Cantores del alba
Mundo de origen Roshar
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Anak malah kaf, del makian habin yah.

—The phrase 'To be human is to want that which we cannot have' in the Dawnchant[1]

El canto del alba era el idioma de los habitantes originarios de Roshar, los cantores del alba - antiguos antepasados de los cantores modernos. Este lenguaje es la raíz de la familia lingüística alborea, consistiendo de los idiomas shin, parshendi, y unkalaki. Mientras que el vocabulario de estos idiomas varía mucho, comparten una gramática parecida.[2]


El saber popular moderno proclama que el canto del alba era el lenguaje hablado por los Heraldos, pero su origen real en los cantores del alba probablemente indica que los humanos lo adoptaron, al menos en su forma escrita, después de su éxodo desde Ashyn y su llegada a Roshar. En algun punto de la historia el canto del alba se convirtió en el lenguaje escrito compartido por toda la humanidad en Roshar, incluso cuando se separaron y desarrollaron sus propios idiomas. Durante el periodo en que las Desolaciones azotaban la civilización humana, las diferentes culturas humanas adoptaron la escritura del canto del alba original para que se adecuara a sus propios idiomas y desarrollaron su propia escritura. Este proceso empezó con cambiar simples pronunciaciones fonéticas, en las cuales los humanos usaban la escritura del canto del alba para transcribir sus propios idiomas, pero eventualmente llevó al surgimiento de las raices de los glifos proto-thayleño-vorin, de los cuales provienen los glifos modernos de los vorin y los thayleños.[3]

Untranslatable for thousands of years, the Dawnchant was finally cracked by Navani Kholin during the War of Reckoning. When listening to Dalinar's words from one of his visions, she recognizes a phrase recorded in Corvana's Analectics - a phrase that originates with the songs of the Vanrial, an ardent order that has kept a record of ancient songs believed to have been written in the Dawnchant. This discovery leads to a large number of Dawnchant texts being translated by scholars around the world.

Known Texts

Texts written in the Dawnchant or one of its derivative dialects have survived the millennia of Rosharan history and have been subject to scholarly research throughout the ages. Some are recorded as mere phrases and excerpts inside other bodies of work, while others survive in their original form. The following is a comprehensive list of both.

The Vanrial Songs

The Vanrial are an order of artists who live on the slopes of the Silent Mount in Jah Keved. Corvana's Analectics, a volume Navani owns a copy of, include a number of songs sung by the Vanrial, written in an ancient script Navani identifies as the Dawnchant using the visions Dalinar experiences towards the end of the War of Reckoning. A line in one of the Vanrial chants reads "Anak malah kaf, del makian habin yah" - a Dawnchant phrase Navani deduces must mean "To be human is to want that which we cannot have."[1]

Silver Kingdoms Maps

During the events leading up to the re-discovery of the Shattered Plains Oathgate Shallan examines several maps of the Silver Kingdoms. Some of them include writing in the what Jasnah had suspected was the Dawnchant, some of which Pattern is able to read; others include writing in other languages, which Pattern recognizes as derived from one another, or perhaps from the Dawnchant itself.[4]

Oathgate Chamber Inscriptions

The chamber around the Oathgate on the Shattered Plains includes inscriptions on the walls Inadara recognizes as the Dawnchant.[5] The Urithiru Oathgate platform connected to Thaylen City has patterns on the floor that form glyphs in the Dawnchant.[6]

Palanaeum Books

Kharbranth's Palanaeum contains many texts, some of which are written in, or include excerpts of the Dawnchant.[7]

The Urithiru Gem Archive

It is noteworthy that the language the gem archives were recorded in was not the Dawnchant, but a derived language Navani's scholars could translate.[8]

Bendthel's Collection

Bendthel's collection of Dawnchant transcriptions includes three codices Ellista and Urv work on translating in the Jokasha Monastery. The collection leads Ellista to conclude that the same version of the written Dawnchant was once used all across Roshar, with specific references to Makabakam, Sela Tales, and Alethela. The collection includes further proof that the original Dawnchant script evolved into multiple languages as different peoples started using it to phonetically transcribe their own languages. Urv mentions another text, the Covad Fragment, but deduces that it must have been written in one of the derived languages, and not the Dawnchant.[3]

The Eila Stele

One of the oldest documents in written history, the Eila Stele was written by the Dawnsingers in the version of the Dawnchant they spoke. The full text of the stele reads this:

They came from another world. Using powers that we have been forbidden to touch. Dangerous powers, of spren and Surges. They destroyed their lands and have come to us begging. We took them in, as commanded by our gods. What else could we do? They were a people forlorn, without home. Our pity destroyed us. For their betrayal extended even to our gods: to spren, stone, and wind. Beware the otherworlders. The traitors. Those with tongues of sweetness, but with minds that lust for blood. Do not take them in. Do not give them succor. Well were they named Voidbringers, for they brought the void. The empty pit that sucks in emotion. A new god. Their god. These Voidbringers know no songs. They cannot hear Roshar, and where they go, they bring silence. They look soft, with no shell, but they are hard. They have but one heart, and it cannot ever live.

—Eila Stele[9]


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