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Región Frostlands
Mundo Roshar

Kharbranth, City of Bells, is an independent city-state on Roshar, ruled by the King Taravangian.[1]

It is located in a natural harbor on the the Tarat Sea, in the western most regions of the Frostlands, in an area that was formerly under the control of Thalath, one of the Silver Kingdoms.[2]

Kharbranth is culturally diverse, with people from all over Roshar both visiting and residing there.[1] the city is home to the Palanaeum, the largest library on Roshar.[3] Kharbranth is also known for the quality of its hospitals, and people come from all over the world to train in medicine.

Jasnah used the Palanaeum in her research of the Voidbringers.[1]

Lirin desired to send his son Kaladin to Kharbranth to train as a surgeon at the Great Concourse of Kharbranth.[4][5]


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