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Hesina portrait.png
Cónyuge Lirin
Hijos Kaladin, Tien, Oroden
Nacido en 1133[1]
Residencia Piedralar
Nacionalidad de Alezkar
Mundo natal Roshar

Hesina is a female darkeyes Alethi of the second nahn[2] on Roshar. She lives in Hearthstone with her husband, Lirin and her youngest son, Oroden.[1] She is also the mother of Kaladin and Tien.[3]

Appearance and Personality


Hesina is a pretty darkeyed woman, with full lips, a narrow face and a bold chin.[3] She is tall and stands several fingers above her husband.[4] She has dark hair that is usually in a tail and wrapped in a kerchief.[5] Hesina often wears brown clothing, sometimes with a hint of color.[5][6] During the colder months, she wears a knitted hat over her kerchief and a long brown coat to keep warm.[5] Like many darkeyed women,[Falta cita] she covers her safe hand with a glove as it is more practical.[7]


Hesina is quick witted and sharp tongued.[5] During his youth, Hesina would often banter with her son, Kaladin, who had inherited her tendency towards clever word play.[5] She is open minded[8] and wishes for her children to have a choice over their future Callings.[8]

Unlike the other mothers in the Hearthstone, Hesina rarely chastises her sons for odd behaviour and sometimes joins them.[8] She enjoys working around the town, and finds it a useful way to clear her head.[5]


Spren appear when something changes—when fear appears, or when it begins to rain. They are the heart of change, and therefore the heart of all things.


Hesina follows the Vorin religion and is more religious that her husband.[Falta cita] She has faith in the power glyphwards, often burning them for her family or giving them to her sons.[9] She has a preference for simple glyphs.[10]

Hesina believes that all things, with the exception of people, have a spren living within them.[6] When objects such as food are consumed, the spren within them are freed to return to their home.[6] People, by contrast, have souls instead of spren, however, Hesina believes that small spren can reside in parts of the body.[6] This thought is echoed by Syl, when she informs Kaladin that at least half of the spears he has used have been female.[1]

Attributes and Abilities

While not a surgeon like her husband, Hesina will occasionally assist Lirin with his surgeries. Her role in her husbands work diminishes as Lirin takes on apprentices, first Kaladin, then Mara, however, Hesina occasionally assists if multiple helpers are required.[11][4]

Hesina is able to both read and write in the Alethi Women's script. She is the only women in Hearthstone who is able to read, though this skill isn’t uncommon amongst higher ranking darkeyed women.[12]


Hesina’s exact birthplace and early life are unknown. After meeting Lirin, Hesina moved away from her family to live in Hearthstone[12], and began a family. Two years after the birth of her first son, Kaladin, Hesina is blessed with the birth of her second child, Tien.[2] There is a large age gap of 18 years between Tien and her third child, Oroden.[2][1]

During his childhood, Hesina and Lirin often encouraged him to play with and befriend, Laral the daughter of Lord Wistow, in the hopes that one day they would marry.

Shortly before his death, Brightlord Wistow was believed to have bequeathed a significant amount of wealth to Hesina and her husband, which they wished to use to further their son Kaladin’s education. Rumors around the acquisition of the sphere’s began to circulate shortly after Wistow’s death, and many of the towns occupants doubted the legitimacy of the donation. The arrival of Brightlord Roshone, furthered the rumors and brought hardship on the family as he worked to turn the townsfolk against the high ranking darkeyed family.


Hesina’s Parents

One of Hesina’s parents are lighteyes[13] and of a higher social standing than their daughter.[14] Hesina’s parents are rarely mentioned, particularly around her children, however, Hesina is still in contact with them. When the family falls on tough times after the arrival of Roshone, Hesina’s parents offer to help financially with the situation.


Hesina and her husband had hoped that one day their son Kaladin would be able to marry Laral, the daughter of the Brightlord Wistow. During his earlier years, his parents had often encouraged both Kaladin and his brother to play with Laral to help strengthen the bonds between the two families.

As a child, Kaladin remembers his parents being at odds with each other over the importance of his commitment to study. While his father wished for him to focus on his future and the chance to study and learn in Kharbranth, his mother wished for him to be able to enjoy his childhood.


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