
De La Coppermind
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Cónyuge Matal
Nacionalidad de Alezkar
Mundo natal Roshar

Hashal is a brighteyed lady in Sadeas warcamp on the Shattered Plains.

She is married to Brightlord Matal and has dark hair, pale blue eyes, and a Kholinar accent.[1]

She buys Kaladin and the rest of Tvlakv's slaves from him, taking them to Lamaril and Gaz and saying that "the tall one is to be given special treatment".[2] Later, after the execution of Lamaril, her husband Matal becomes command of the Sadeas bridgecrews.[1]

She attempts to put stress on Bridge Four by assigning them to daily chasm duty[1], and eventually increases the quota when this does not work quickly enough in order to add more stress[3] as well as eventually making them take part in every bridge run.[4] She even makes them run and scavenge on the same day.[5] Even though she knows that Bridge Four is severely undermanned, she only assigns them one new member; the parshman Shen,[6] who she hoped would lead to the death of the entire of Bridge Four.

The men of Bridge Four believe that she has been ordered to treat them so harshly by Torol Sadeas so that he may rid himself of Kaladin, who attracts a large amount of attention for surviving outside in a Highstorm.[7]

After Gaz deserts his post she personally takes up the role of giving Kaladin and the other bridgeleaders their schedule in the morning.[8][9] Hashal also pointedly ignores any questions concerning where the sergeant had gone to.[9]

Hashal later takes credit for Kaladins tactic and drops Bridge Fours quota for chasm duty in order to give them a chance to get more carapace.She ignored any questions as to where she had gotten Parshendi carapace in the first place, but Kaladin believes she is worried about what he will do next, as well as his growing reputation.[10]


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