Guardia de la Muralla de Kholinar

Revisión del 17:22 18 mar 2020 de Big Smooth (discusión | contribs.) (copyedit/tense)

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Guardia de la Muralla de Kholinar
Líder Highmarshal Azure
Tipo Kholin army force
Mundo de origen Roshar
Universo Cosmere

This Wall Guard, this is redemption. If you fight here, nobody will care what you did before. Because they know if we fall, this city and this nation will be no more.

— Azure[1]

The Kholinar Wall Guard is one of three military forces stationed in the Alethi capital of Kholinar, alongside the Queen's Guard and Palace Guard. They are responsible for patrolling the city wall and standing watch over its gates.[2] It is composed entirely of lighteyes of lower dahn, organized into four battalions, and commanded by a Highmarshal.[3]


Some members of the Wall Guard were present when Taln arrived at Kholinar to bring news of the True Desolation.[4]

At the start of the Siege of Kholinar, the Guard's commander died when trying to quell the riots, while their highborn patron went to speak with Queen Aesudan in the Kholinar palace, never to be seen again. When the Cult of Moments attempted to storm one of the gates, Azure stepped up and took charge. Afterwards, she became the Wall Guard's new Highmarshal, although her men pretended that she was a man to circumvent their Vorin sensibilities.[1]

Azure rallied the Wall Guard and led them to seize the city's emerald reserves, as well as to attack one of the city's monasteries to acquire a Soulcaster.[5][3] She cut out a chamber underneath the city and lined it with aluminum to prevent the voidspren from detecting the work done there, then placed Ithi and her sister there to Soulcast rock into grain.[6] By the time Kaladin and his team arrived in Kholinar, the sisters were Kholinar's only remaining food source.[3]

At that time, the Wall Guard was actively recruiting any lighteyes who could wield a weapon, regardless of whether they were deserters, or even criminals, using free meals as an incentive to join.[7] When they attempted to recruit Kaladin, he agreed, hoping to learn where the city's food was coming from.[5] He eventually revealed himself to them as a Shardbearer and informed them about king Elhokar's presence in the city, then rallied them to join his group in an assault on the Kholinar Palace.[8][9]

During the fighting, the Wall Guard suffered tremendous losses, especially when they began to clash with the listeners as they assaulted the city.[10] After their attack failed, Azure was dumped into Shadesmar along with Kaladin, Shallan and Adolin, while the surviving Guard members were captured and imprisoned by the Fused.[11][12]



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