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Tipo Spren
Capacidades Nahel bond, Edgedancer magic, Astillas of Cultivation
Mundo de origen Roshar
Universo Cosmere
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Cultivationspren are a subset of spren and are associated with the Order of Edgedancers.



In Shadesmar the spren appear to be composed entirely of vines with hands made of crystal.[1] They are also described as having bodies of vine and crystal.[1] Their faces look as though they are composed of green string and they all wear clothing. One female cultivationspren was spotted wearing a vorin havah.[2]

Physical Realm

They take the form of a vine that grows rapidly. This vine appeares to be speckled with smooth flecks of quartz, but it does not glow with Stormlight. They can form the appearance of face by curling vines around one another. After a time, the vine trail they leave behind solidifies, becoming like crystal before crumbling into dust.[3]


A deadeye cultivationspren has an appearance similar to one who is alive.[1] It has features that seem to be composed of ashen brown cords the thickness of hair,[4] giving the appearance of rough cloth[5], string[6] or brown vines[7]. It also have long nails.[7]


Out of all spren cultivationspren are the best at manifesting souls.[8]

Nahel Bond

Via the Nahel Bond cultivationspren are able to grant a human the Surgebinding abilities of Abrasion and Progression.[9]

Wyndle pointed out that the cultivationspren have begun bonding with humans because the Cryptics and the Honorspren and others have begun to make moves.[9] He told Lift that none of them remember how things are supposed to work because everyone who once did is dead.[9] Bonding to Lift has brought back more and more of Wyndle's memory.[9]


Unlike other sapient spren, they do not have cities in the Cognitive Realm.[9] They are ruled by a council known as the Ring[10] and call the Nightwatcher "mother"[3].

The cultivationspren Shallan and Adolin interact with in Celebrant was quite pleased to learn that the honor of men and the Knights Radiant have returned. He helped stall the Fused looking for them so they could escape.[1]

Notable Cultivationspren


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