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Títulos Alto príncipe de Alethkar (principado)
Nacionalidad de Alezkar
Mundo natal Roshar
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Aladar is a Highprince of Alethkar on Roshar.

Appearance and Personality

Aladar is slender, dark skinned, and bald; with the exception of a thin mustache and a tuft of hair below the lip. He was also a skilled duelist. He owns a full set of Shards, but they are normally lent to Highlord Mintez for battles and duels.[1] He is also said to be a good politician.


Aladar was, like the other Highprinces of Alethkar, present on the Shattered Plains, and fought in the war against the Parshendi. The Aladar warcamp lay between Sadeas warcamp and Kholin warcamp. Around the time that Kaladin arrived on the Shattered Plains Highprince Aladar began talking of taking a short vacation back to Alethkar.

After the new rules concerning the war on the Shattered Plains, Aladar went on plateau runs as commanded, and followed the tactical advice given to him by Dalinar Kholin. Despite this, Aladar allied with Torol Sadeas, and later went on Plateau Runs despite not being allowed to. He was present during the meeting of the Highprinces after the assassination attempt on Dalinar.

When Dalinar set out to defeat the Parshendi once and for all, Aladar surprisingly joined him as an ally. During the Battle of Narak, Aladar managed to defeat the Parshendi on a plateau. He survived the battle, and took refuge in Urithiru together with the other survivors.


His Princedom was one of the northernmost in Alethkar.[2]

See also


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