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Pináculo (Roshar)
The Pinnacle.jpg
Propietario Elhokar Kholin
Uso Palacio
Ciudad Campamentos de guerra alezi
Región Llanuras Quebradas
Mundo Roshar
Universo Cosmere

The palace was both finer and more mundane than she might have expected.

El Pináculo es el palacio del rey Elhokar Kholin en las Llanuras Quebradas.[2]


Vista cenital del complejo de palacio

El Pináculo se alza sobre una colina por encima de todos los demás campamentos de guerra, a unas horas de marcha del campamento de guerra de los Kholin.[3][4] Está rodeado por un acantilado de aproximadamente 30 metros de altura.[5] Hay una carretera que conduce a la entrada principal, mientras que una ruta lateral más pequeña desciende hacia los establos situados al pie de la colina.[6] Del mismo modo, la cuenca de los festejos se sitúa bajo el palacio, separada de las puertas del Pináculo por una corta subida.[7] El Mercado Exterior también está cerca.[8]

The palace is made of sculpted, Soulcast stone.[1] A broad gateway leads inside, though there is also a back entrance atop a flight of steps.[4][5] Within, the Pinnacle has several floors containing vast, cavernous halls, and numerous rooms serving a variety of purposes. A large part of it is dug straight into the hill, with windows cut out facing leeward.[9][4] There are shutters on the windows to keep them closed during bad weather, though they tend to rattle and leak.[6]

Los campamentos de guerra alezi, con el Pináculo visible en la parte superior derecha.

Habitaciones destacadas

La Galería de los Mapas
The Gallery of Maps, as its name implies, houses numerous maps of both the world and the local area, as well as the list of highprinces and the number of gemhearts they have won. The long room is covered by a stretched dome, with large skylights which shine down upon formations of shalebark.[10][11]
La sala de conferencias
The king's conference chamber is located on one of the Pinnacle's topmost floors. The king and his family spend highstorms in there, while Dalinar is tied up for the duration of his visions.[9] During working hours, the strategy and politics meetings between the king and his highprinces take place within the room.[1]
Las cocinas
The kitchens, where food is prepared, are located near the bottom of the palace, perhaps on the ground floor. The back entrance to the Pinnacle leads there.[9]
Los aposentos del rey
The set of rooms where Elhokar lives. There is a small balcony there facing towards the Origin, allowing the king to observe the Shattered Plains. It is Elhokar's favorite location in the palace, a fact which is well-known.[12]


The palace was constructed by the royal moldeador de almas during the Guerra de la Venganza.[10] Elhokar eventually dubbed it the Pinnacle, and the name stuck.[4]

During its existence, the place served as Elhokar's home, as well as the place where strategy and planning meetings were conducted, making it effectively the centre of Alethi government.[13][1] In addition, the Pinnacle saw several failed attempts to assassinate the king - once by the Diagram, through a sliced railing in the royal quarters, once by the Assassin in White, and once directly by Moash and Graves.[12][9][14] Following that last attempt, Kaladin temporarily relocated Elhokar to Little Herdaz.[15]

After the Battle of Narak, most Alethi relocated to Urithiru. As with the other structures on the Shattered Plains, the Pinnacle was all but abandoned.[16]


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